Dolph Ziggler: NXT Champion?


Quote the Raven, nevermore.
Hear me out. WWE hasn't been using him properly since his last run as US champion. I don't know if it's just his backstage attitude or if WWE just doesn't like him, but for some reason, he is going no where.

He's accomplished the following so far:
2X World Heavyweight Champion
1X Intercontinental Champion
1X United States Champion
MITB 2012 Winner
1X World Tag Team Champion
(If you count Spirit Squad)
(If you do count the Spirit Squad, he's also the 22nd Triple Crown Champion.)

So, the main reason I'm starting this thread is because I just read an article on the front page where Dolph talks about wanting to work with Adrian Neville once he comes up to the main roster? But what if instead, Dolph went down to NXT as a heel to kind of "re-invent" himself? He could feud with Neville and eventually take the title off him once Neville is ready to move up. Dolph could have a good run with the NXT title while at the same time rebuilding himself as a true main eventer. Have him re-debut the same way that Johnny Nitro did on ECW when he announced his name change to John Morrison.

Just an idea but let me know what you think.
Dolph being sent down to NXT would have to be viewed as something of a slap in the face considering how long he's been on the main roster, the big matches he's had and the title runs he's had. I see no way of looking at it other than a big demotion for Ziggler. Generally speaking, at least as far as various reports are concerned, NXT is about preparing "the future" of WWE. Dolph Ziggler's almost 34 years old, so being sent to NXT, at least in my eyes, sends a clear message to Ziggler that his best days in the company are most certainly behind him and that he's being moved from the main roster to make room for someone else.
Ziggler has been on the main roster, on and off, for nearly 9 years. Send him down to NXT and as far as I'm concerned his career is finished. That's a demotion nobody with that much WWE experience can recover from.
No that is a bad idea. NXT is about the future stars of the company. If a midcard jobber needs to restart his career under a new gimmick then that is one thing, but Dolph is a former World Heavyweight Champion. Going down to NXT to feud with its champion seemed like a big demotion for Brodus and Tyson, so how much more of a demotion would it come off as for someone like Ziggler? I don't think anything like that should ever happen. It would be better for Adrian to feud with Dolph upon making it to the main roster. That way Dolph doesn't get a huge demotion and Adrian gets to work with someone who he can steal the show with, on the main roster.
Is this a serious thread? Legit question.

1 - Dolph Ziggler doesn't need to "re-invent" himself.
2 - Adrian Neville will be called up to the main roster shortly. Just feud with him then.
3 - Why would a former World Champion go to the developmental brand?

Nothing about this post makes any sense.
:worship: RVD, CM Punk, and Chris Jericho.
I think it'd be great, so long as he stays on the main roster. Mid-Card jobbin' on the main show while stealing the show and slowly re-inventing his character on NXT. Maybe they could even dye his hair brown...
I'm a huge Ziggler mark and even I say hell no to that, I mean really as you pointed out he's a TWO time World Champion(okay one of them was just given to him by Vickie but still) has held the US and IC Title, won MITB, and Tag Titles(even if it's not really mentioned) going down to hold the NXT Title would be dumber than Cena holding the IC Title for the first time, or the US Title again. What needs to be done is WWE start pushing Ziggler back up the card, start with another mid-card title reign and build him up with great feuds. Right now with being one main title Ziggler's going to have to wait for a few people to retire before he can even move up the card and building him now is how it starts.
Maybe it'll change in time, but every time we've seen a main roster guy/gal wrestle for an NXT title, they've lost. They're simply there to elevate the young talent and get them over before they move to the main roster themselves. I wouldn't have been too surprised if Tyson Kidd had actually become NXT Champion at NXT Takeover, as he's in a position where he needs something to kickstart his career again. Even then, a loss to Neville didn't harm him. But then you look at the NXT Women's title match Takeover, there was no reason to put the belt on Natalya as she's already a well established diva. She was simply there to put on a show, and get Charlotte over. I don't see any reason whatsoever to put Ziggler down to NXT period, whether you put the title on him or not.

The disconnect between NXT and WWE is changing all the time, and maybe in time we'll see main roster talent going for NXT titles on a regular basis, and even winning sometimes. But right now, however you look at it, it's a demotion. If he needs a title to elevate himself, why can't he go for the US title, or IC title? Not that I believe he needs a title right now, just a good feud he can really sink his teeth into.

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