Does Nexus need a new member to shine alongside Punk?


SORRY! About you damn luck!

In the past 10 years we have had great stables in World Wrestling Entertainment, my favorite is Evolution with two young wrestlers and two very well established superstars, I'm talking about Batista, Orton, Triple H and Ric Flair, of course.

More recently we have had Legacy which didn't work quite well, only making Randy Orton shine and Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes just a little more famous, but nothing that the three guys couldn't have accomplished by themselves.

In June 2010, there was the formation of Nexus, a bunch of NXT Season 1 rookies that tried to make a name for themselves and get a contract to the World Wrestling Entertainment, Wade Barrett was the clear leader with six other guys backing him up. Wade Barrett left the group and CM Punk became the leader.

Now The Nexus is seen not as big as threat as they were a year ago, but that's just the way it is, Evolution didn't look as good in the final months as they looked in the beginning. But that's not my point, Evolution didn't have a clear leader, you can say it was Triple H but it was also Ric Flair, not Flair as a wrestler but more as consultant (yes, he was tag team champion with Batista, but it was a small run).

I believe that stables with more than one leader work better, look at the nWo and DeGeneration-X for example, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, Triple H and Shawn Michaels, all of these 4 guys benefited a lot from their run with their stables. I believe that CM Punk needs someone to shine with him, this whole leader crap isn't working, it helps Punk but not very much, he is not looking as a threat because everybody knows (kayfabe) that he can only beat guys thanks to Nexus. When you have two superstars leading a faction they usually get a different kind of push and it benefit both guys in the end.

What do you think? Does Nexus need a new member that gets alongside with Punk and become "the second/first man" for the stable? Do you believe that at Wrestlemania this whole stipulation of no Nexus interference will eventually lead to another member attacking Orton during the match just like they did at Survivor Series (?) when Wade Barrett won against Cena?
Id like to see chris Jericho return to side with punk imagine the promos they could cut just arguing about whos the leader or who does what OR imagine them working together to take on someones mic skills like cena or orton or even if put in the right fued the rock (highly unlikely I know)

Just my two sense
I honestly don't think the New Nexus need any new members. Why? Because I don't think it'll last past Wrestlemania. Punk will probably keep Ryan as a bodyguard, if not then I can't see any Nexus members staying on the main roster after WM.
Losing Daniel Bryan, Michael Tarver and Skip Sheffield hurt this group. Why? Those three guys had a chance to make it on their own, after the inevitable break-up of Nexus. Same cannot be said for the guys who followed.

Just Gabriel can do a flip..and that's about it. Heath Slater isn't good enough in the ring to make up for his terrible look and even worse mic skills. They won the tag belts because they were in the group, and it made sense. Without Nexus, neither of those guys would have gotten the belts. Otunga is downright awful, at everything. Harris and Perfect Jr. weren't ready, bottom line. Same with Mason Ryan. Apply anything and everything I just said to Darren Young, he fits the bill in all aspects.

Wade Barrett was the only long-term stand out. Punk is already established, so this wasn't going to hurt him, no matter what happened.

It's time for this group to just go away, same with The Corre. Barrett, and obviously CM Punk, will have no problem going at it alone. If done properly, Punk could bring together a new S.E.S., one that actually means something. Barrett doesn't need a stable, his look and mic skills can carry him through a solid career.

The other guys just weren't that good, end of story. I think Sheffield and Tarver could bring new life to The Nexus, but it's probably too late. However, those two have a future, I believe. The Nexus, however, does not.
No, I want the SESII to end. They have made a mockery of what it was when it was started. I would have rather seen them try to take over smackdown as well and become one giant faction on both shows.
i could see both the corre and nexus coming togther for the greater good trying to get rid of cena !! right now there trying to be like nwo red and white witch is a mistake on the wwe for trying to push some nwo gimick with only one name cm punk they should have nash join the corre and maybe xpac then have cena back in nexus if he loses at summer slam or as a heel vs the rock !! then have randy orton mez rock and big show run as faces to try to break the hold the nexus has on the wwe have punk be champ ryan us champ and dave and husky be tag champs !! that would be a intresting watch for the next year or so !! this would allow big stars to carry the new guys till they can on there own !!
To be honest, I think the Nexus angle is over. I think Orton punting them was just a way to write them off. If it's not already over, I think it will end a week or two after Wrestlemania. They'll all "return from injury" and Punk will say how they are weak and not worthy of his presence. And I doubt we'll see them again after that. But in all honesty, I doubt they'll even do that. I think after Wrestlemania, there will be no more mention of Nexus ever again.
A big part of why alot of the newer stables (SES, Nexus old and new, Corre) fail is cause there is usually only focus on one member. Outside of Wade Barrett, not one member of the old Nexus was made to be a stand-out member and everyone was considered henchmen. Now compare that to Evolution in which all 4 members were thought to be threats, starting at HHH at the top, down to the then-rookies in Orton and Batista. They dont need another leader, just make it that everyone has their place and is more than a warm body and a name.
As a couple of people mentioned, I think the Nexus is done. This week when Punk mentioned all the members of the Nexus that Orton punted he didn't even mention Harris, and that tells me he at least is done with Nexus. But I honestly can't see them doing anything more, they feuded with Cena and Orton, two of the biggest stars in the WWE. What's left for them.

So as someone mentioned, I think Punk disabands Nexus, but keeps is one true follower in Mason Ryan as a bodyguard.

The only thing I could see maybe happening is the original Nexus regroups to feud with the Undertaker (if they explain why they took him out originally)
CM punk doesn't need Nexus and vice versa - so they should go there seperate ways - wade barrett doesn't need the Core but smackdown could do with the original Nexus - now may be in a couple of months time the original nexus might loose a couple of members and the WWE needs a decent stable or 2
A new member in Nexus? You mean like nWo when they added everyone and their cousin and the local jobbers?

No. What Nexus needs is relevance, not more of the same. These people wrote the The Rock/Cena/Miz feud. WWE Creative may have previously been the nutbags pushing on the door labelled "Pull" but now that TNA Creative has taken that spot, it shouldn't take too much to give Nexus some relevance.

Hey, here's a brilliant idea that took all of 2.2 seconds thought---Wade Barrett was forcibly removed from Nexus. Now he and his followers are posing as the "corre" of the true Nexus, and they're doing nothing of importance. Why not have the Corre feud with Nexus for this very reason? Durr?

Nexus: You are pretenders, posing as the "heart" of the "real" Nexus, but you are nothing but rebel scum nothings who weren't good enough to be a part of the NEW Nexus.

Corre: You are fools, lead by a sleazy, scummy trickster, who turned against us and the real roots of Nexus. Now your so-called leader is feeding you to the viper to quench his own personal vendetta.
Does Nexus need a new member? In my opinion no - a 5 man stable is more than enough people - We don't want another NWO wolfpac on our hands!

Does Nexus need better members? DEFINITELY

If Nexus gets another member of Punk's'll make the current Nexus members look even weaker (not like they don't already seeing as how there'll all getting 'punted' off by creative and placed back in FCW)

More members won't help them. What creative needs to do is improve their characters. I see a lot of potential in Harris and McGuilicutty! Otunga not so much and Ryan just looks like a meathead till he can prove himself to me (then again he's only had one against the botch-master himself - R-Truth) btw the Orton match doesnt was more of a quick reversal RKO and a punt. A match has to be a mutual confrontation.
So yeah develop them more. Give them more opportunities to shine and then maybe promote one or two of them to have a good singles career. That's how great factions work such as Evolution. Adding more cooks in the kitchen will only serve to take opportunities and attention away from the current Nexus members who, let's face it, are the one's who are supposed to benefit from the faction. CM Punk has already established himself as a bonafide main-event heel!
A new member in Nexus? You mean like nWo when they added everyone and their cousin and the local jobbers?

No. What Nexus needs is relevance, not more of the same. These people wrote the The Rock/Cena/Miz feud. WWE Creative may have previously been the nutbags pushing on the door labelled "Pull" but now that TNA Creative has taken that spot, it shouldn't take too much to give Nexus some relevance.

Hey, here's a brilliant idea that took all of 2.2 seconds thought---Wade Barrett was forcibly removed from Nexus. Now he and his followers are posing as the "corre" of the true Nexus, and they're doing nothing of importance. Why not have the Corre feud with Nexus for this very reason? Durr?

Nexus: You are pretenders, posing as the "heart" of the "real" Nexus, but you are nothing but rebel scum nothings who weren't good enough to be a part of the NEW Nexus.

Corre: You are fools, lead by a sleazy, scummy trickster, who turned against us and the real roots of Nexus. Now your so-called leader is feeding you to the viper to quench his own personal vendetta.

Problem. They are both heel groups. The fans woudent know who to cheer for...and then we get a dead crowd. I can't really see either of them as a potential face stable either...
Id like to see chris Jericho return to side with punk imagine the promos they could cut just arguing about whos the leader or who does what OR imagine them working together to take on someones mic skills like cena or orton or even if put in the right fued the rock (highly unlikely I know)

Just my two sense

This is a good call; I like the idea of Jericho alongside Punk - I think the best factions work when all the members have an appearance and personality of being intellectually superior than all the other competitors a la The Four Horseman.

I think Awesome Kong would work also; Nexus desperately needs some attention and momentum going forward - it is very much a one man deal at the moment; C.M. Punk doesn't need the Nexus but they certainly need him.
I'm ready for Nexus, and the Corre, to die. I've been sick of watching two shows and every PPV hoping and praying they won't eat up five to ten minutes of programming with a group beatdown on whomever the fuck they feel like targeting that night. I'm done with these guys "making statements", and have been for a few months. The problem with "New Nexus" is that the guys making up that group aren't ready for the spotlight and made it look like Punk was left with the dregs of the pack, essentially killing the group before it took off. Mason Ryan didn't breathe much life back into it. You could go further to say that only a few of the former Nexus were ready for anything, and even argue that that was limited to Barrett and DBD.

Excluding Cena and Otunga's 24 hour reign, Slater and Gabriel were the only members of "Old Nexus" to hold titles, and they go off to form The Corre with Barrett and do it again. Zeke seems like he was just randomly thrown in there for no apparent reason and had an obvious singles push completely derailed. Essentially, we've got Nexus minus a few of the original guys on the other show, plus a new member who doesn't really fit, and a new stable calling itself Nexus that has one original member who isn't even leading it, and is useless in every single way. The original premise of Punk taking over Nexus to use them against Cena went nowhere. They fought at one PPV, in the EC without Nexus being a factor in the match, and Punk won three matches on Raw amidst some piss poor Cena promos. This killed Punk's Nexus before it started, really.

Now we've got all four of his lackeys on the shelf (read: FCW) and Husky Harris just debuted a new gimmick. Hopefully Otunga takes a hint and goes on to a failed acting career. It's doubtful they'll be back (as Nexus, anyway), and Punk doesn't need them. He's better off without them, and I'd rather he didn't revert back to SES 2.0, either. His feud with Orton should have been one on one after Cena disposed of Nexus himself, if they even had to go there at all. They've turned the entire Nexus angle into a massive abortion and the only thing left to do is bury it.
Personally, no I don't think this will happen. The Nexus thing has run its course in my view. Nexus should've been used to propel all the members into main event status IMO or at least to upper midcard status. Instead after the original Nexus broke up and Punk became the leader of the New Nexus, you have the new stable merely become a pedestal for Punk as opposed to any of the New Nexus members really benefitting from his leadership. In my view, Punk's time with New Nexus actually slowed his growth and killed Nexus's credibility (especially now that they're all pretty much "on the shelf" after each getting punted).

That said, I don't think having another member partner up with Punk would really benefit anyone considering that Cena and then Orton pretty much beat Nexus into irrelevance. Punk should go at it on his own. In fact, I will be shocked if the Nexus storyline gets drawn out beyond Wrestlemania.
CM Punk is fine on his own. Nexus needs to be redone or taken out. And Yru reading this , ARE U KIDDING ME, HHH was the clear leader of Evolution, Flair was on his leg throughout it all. Did you watch wrestling back then? Nexus is a great angle but it needs some more thought and updating.
Nexus wasn't going to last forever and WWE seems to realise it's just not working right now (a bit like Corre... ¬.¬) which is why they seem to be burying Nexus and making Punk look good in the process. Don't rule out all the superstars in Nexus returning though, just not as Nexus.

I'd like it if Punk reformed his SES with more well known members like Daniel Bryan and possibly Jericho (imagine that as a wrestling group...:wtf:). Jericho could help put Punk and Bryan seriously over before going and I'd like it if Bryan turned heel for the group but if it means Punk has to turn face, so be it.
First post! I've been a long time lurker, but only after seeing this post did I decide to sign up.

I believe the Nexus is done, and therefore doesn't need any new members whatsoever. How many members does one stable need? Think about it - combined with the "old" Nexus, they've had:

Barrett, Otunga, Tarver, Sheffield, Young, Gabriel, Slater, Bryan, Ryan, Hennig/McGillicutty, Harris, Punk and don't forget Cena.

I think the way they've been systematically buried over the past month or so just indicates to me that the "new" members are just far too green and need more time to develop. Punk doesn't need a stable. He's arguably the best heel in the company right now, aside from possibly Del Rio. He should be strong enough to go it alone and take on Orton and Cena without the need for bodyguards having his back. The fans know he isn't a cowardly heel, they're not stupid.
I think it's funny everyone mentions evolution when this reminds me more of spirit squad...except SS didn't have a clear leader. They all got taken out by DX to have a few of them come back way later repackaged....which is exactly what i expect here....
I'd personally like to see a good stable with established superstars; some kind of super stable. Instead of the current fad of filling stables out with green wrestlers. If they were to add anyone to the New Nexus to "share the load" so to speak, it would end up like the majority of other factions that have gone this route. Two guys competing for who is the real leader, which eventually dissolves the group altogether.
One thing i could see happening to keep Nexus relevant is at Mania have Orton enter the ring first and have the announcers really play up the matches that lead up to Mania where Orton took out all the members of Nexus so Punk has no one at ringside. Then have Punk come out looking timid and apprehensive. About halfway down the ramp he locks eyes with Orton and gets that cocky smirk on his face. He turns towards the entryway and out comes Sheffield and Tarver. Technically still members of Nexus and neither lost matches to Orton with that stipulation!

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