Does MEM Need It's Arch Enemy

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Everyone talks about how MEM dominate the show and bury young wrestlers.I think MEM is the best way to create a new ME for TNA.Do people remember Sting vs nWo angle from 96/97.I think this kind of storyline would work great in TNA.They tried Joe with his Nation of Violence gimmick and it failed.I think morgan fits well to that kind of role.Just think about MEM betrays Morgan and say they used him for their favors.Morgan must be out for few months and when he returned as babyface he should destroy the whole MEM.He should look as strong as Sting used to be in nWo.After his return he must be the last hope of TNA and at that time whenever Mafia tries to beat down someone he should come out for save and this feud should continue until Bound For Glory.Angle vs Morgan WH title would be a great main event idea for BFG.After Morgan winning the title Angle's ego start to big and MEM's big break up after that.I think Morgan can be very over and seemed dominant by feuding with MEM.What do you think about this kind of angle and if TNA does start this kind of angle who do you think fits best to that kind of role.I still think Morgan can pull it off because of his size he always seemed a big threat to TNA wrestlers.What do you think about this kind of angle.Can it work?If it can't why.
Just to put it out there, this seems to be the role that they're bringing Lashley in for, the last hope of TNA against the MEM. Aside from that, I dont think it would be wise to put Morgan in the role as he is doing fine as a heel,the reason it worked so well with Sting back in the wCw vs nWo days was, he was over as a face even when he was a heel. At the moment, aside from Lashley I dont know who could fill this roll, Joe looked like the guy that could have easily done it, but with the heel turn which imo has turned out better for him that leaves nobody who gives the look except possibly Abyss, but they've been making sure that he doesnt get involved with the MEM angle. The only other guy besides those two could be the returning Hernandez, but with that comes the question of whats happening between him and Homicide? If a fued comes from from those two, then you really dont have anyone who fits the "look" of someone who could do it.
uhg no....get rid of Nash...they waste so much money on him, and he isnt worth shit anymore...I don't think he ever really was....its not like he can really do anything in the ring...get rid of steiner..seriously, he needs to go away and never return, give Booker his own singles run without sharmell...although I think no matter what, he's going to have Sharmell wherever he goes...Kurt Angle should have his own little stable, or, idk the whole thing is all fucked up....I just steiner and nash were gone...sting really doesn't do to much for me anymore either, i loved him in, TNA has SOOO MUCH POTENTIALLLL!!! uhg, and they burry guys to keep who? NASH? err
The best way to do this , is like the Sting angle of 96/97 . What WCW did was take a guy who was a big part / the face of the company, took him away , reinvented him, and brought him back . There was a familiar aspect to Sting, but he was different. And it put him up there as a top guy in the company.

So who is someone who ;
- can hang with the ME guys.
- Can use a new look or Image.
- Has been the " Face " of TNA.
- Could be seen as a legitimate " last hope " underdog like Sting was.

- - - - Answer - A J Styles.

nuff said

What I would like to see is the M.E.M. go back to just four members & Sharmell as I fear this thing getting NWO like with too many members. As for a rival, they need one as the Frontline failed & the Nation of Violence is a cool name but is as stupid as the One Warrior Nation.

I saw put AJ against them & have him fight on his own as the lone TNA guy. Daniels can be his Lex Luger who can help out from time to time.
Apparently most of the people who've posted in this thread, don't actually watch the product. The Mafia have had an Arch Enemy more or less since they've been a group. Its call The Frontline. In the opening promo for the 200th episode of iMPACT! they even have a graphic that depicted the Mafia and the Frontline as two units within the Company.

If you don't count them, then look closer - Sting, who was recently kicked out of the group, also has an issue with them. Mick Foley and Jeff Jarrett, have also been fighting them. So, clearly several individuals have problems with the Mafia, and each are big enough names to hold their own as a so-called Arch Enemy.

And if none of that work well enough for you, Bobby Lashley is just the latest name to have been brought in, thats big enough - popular enough - and capable enough, to be a one man wrecking crew against the Mafia.

However, all in all in my opinion.. when I think of who's going to be the end to the Mafia, I don't look at who's on the outside, but instead who's on the inside..

Samoa Joe..

I can't stand the fat piece of crap, but I doubt they put him in the Mafia to be a side-piece, or a lackie which is more or less the role he's taking up right now. Taz as his mentor is likely going to reveal to the world that Joe and Taz joined the Mafia, to learn what their true weaknesses were - then strike from the inside, destroying the enemy.
Apparently most of the people who've posted in this thread, don't actually watch the product. The Mafia have had an Arch Enemy more or less since they've been a group. Its call The Frontline. In the opening promo for the 200th episode of iMPACT! they even have a graphic that depicted the Mafia and the Frontline as two units within the Company.

The Frontline is defunct. One of it's original leaders has joined MEM, another member has formed a foreign faction that is working WITH MEM. Jarrett is off banging the MEMs godfather's wife. The closest thing you have to the frontline is Styles, Foley, Daniels, and Beer Money. Some are saying Styles isn't the answer and I don't think he is. You need someone who the fans would be willing to believe could take on the entire MEM. The closest one to fit that bill is the newest member Lashley.
The Frontline is defunct. One of it's original leaders has joined MEM, another member has formed a foreign faction that is working WITH MEM. Jarrett is off banging the MEMs godfather's wife. The closest thing you have to the frontline is Styles, Foley, Daniels, and Beer Money. Some are saying Styles isn't the answer and I don't think he is. You need someone who the fans would be willing to believe could take on the entire MEM. The closest one to fit that bill is the newest member Lashley.

Or, you know, the guy who has a history with destroying whole factions.. that being, Sting. :shrug: (I finally got to use the icon, I feel so proud)

Sting is getting up their in age though, and to have him be the guy, or Lashley for that matter, who takes down the Mafia would be a mistake. T.N.A needs to realize what (I believe) the purpose of this storyline was originally created for..

To help their original talent, the likes of Christopher Daniels, A.J. Styles, Beer Money, etc. to gain some recognition of being able to go toe-to-toe with the Main Event guys who've headlined in other Companies.

If they let Bobby Lashley and Sting become the two main forces who take down the Mafia, it'll be a huge failure not just for storyline purposes but for the Company as a whole. What would that say? It'd say that not even their original top Main Event guys from years gone by could stand up to the rejected older talent from better Companies.

So, in the end.. I'd rather see an A.J. Styles, Robert Roode, James Storm or Christopher Daniels take down the Mafia.. a lot more so, than to see a guy like Lashley come in off the street more or less, destroy them all in a one-on-everyone type fashion, and recover T.N.A from "evil".
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