Does anybody want TNA to suceed?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Earlier this year during the suppose it "New Monday Night War" Between TNA & WWE. Both company's in the backstage areas of the arena's would watch each other's show's on moniters to view the competition. During that time many WWE superstars were very vocal about wanting TNA to suceed as far as competition, and plus many WWE wrestlers have friends who work in TNA. But eventully the so-called NEW Monday Night wars was a slaughter for the WWE with TNA going back to Thursday nights.

I remember back in 1997, when WWF/E chairman Vince McMahon endorsed (his words not mine) "the original" ECW when he brought the EXTREMIST to the WWF/E for one night on Monday night RAW when RAW was broadcast from the hammerstein ballroom in New York City. And the relationship between the WWE and ECW blossomed from there ever since!

So even though it's competition so to speak. Would it be a bad thing if somebody threw TNA a bone to help them out? Not saying that it should be the WWE who helps out TNA, but anybody else. So with that saying, does anybody want TNA wrestling to be sucessful?
Of course we want them to succeed – that's like asking if anyone wants free money, man.

The problem here is that the original Monday Night Wars advertently or inadvertently created what eventually became what's known as brand favoritism. Fans are so indoctrinated by what X company defines as pro-wrestling, that competition isn't seen as an industry requirement for creativity to prosper – instead, it's seen as a combatant to their way of life, and as such is treated like the enemy. It's spit on and prayed to die over, because the last thing said fans want is the potential for something to disrupt their spoon feeding time.
I definitely want Tna to succeed to me it does not make sense as to why anyone would want any company to fail. Even as a Tna fan I don't want to see the Wwe fail because the more wrestling their is it benefits the fans. If Tna were more successful it could push competition and ultimately if two companies are competing against each other they will want to improve their product. So yes I do want them to succeed because hopefully competition will improve both companies products
It doesn't matter if I want them to succeed because they won't. All they do is recycle old angles. Hogan/Flair, Wolfpack/TheBand, Horsemen/Fortune, ECW/EV2 you name it. Instead of trying to create a fresh wrestling product with new story lines and faces. They use mostly guys who are older than I am and I'm 41.

I know the WWE's product isn't great these days but I give them credit for at least trying to push new faces/talent with the Nexus angle.
I would imagine every single person who posts in these forums wants to see TNA succeed. I am a consistent critic of TNA and frequently post in a less than flattering manner about them, and hell, even I want them to succeed. If you are a wrestling fan, as I imagine people posting on a wrestling forum must be, yhe more success the better. I would like to see RAW, SD!, NXT, TNA all succeed, why not.

People who post positively about TNA, such as the infamous iMPACT players, obviously are passionate about the product and want them to be successful. Those of us who are critical are this way because we are so disappointed that they are not more successful than they are, especially when they have such potential to put so much of a better product out there.

But either way, a successful TNA product benefits everyone, especially the fans.
I doubt there's anyone who would say that they don't want TNA to succeed. At least not with a bit of logic in their mind.

As IDR said, brand favoritism does hurt in some degree, but I don't think it's too severe. Not only that, but it works both ways since there are some TNA fans who refuse to acknowledge anything that the WWE does well and is quick to point out the worst of the worst like Hornswaggle and Florence Henderson.

I think it's more an issue of gaining the proper exposure. TNA just needs to find a way to get their name out there more to catch the attention of the average WWE fan, but it seems near impossible at the moment due to the amount of advertising it would take to gain a significant increase in their viewership.
Every single wrestling fan in the world should want TNA to succeed. Then, and only then, will Vince McMahon have to release his monopoly of a strangle hold on the industry...and begin to improve his mediocre worn out product. He doesn't have to do that right now. He can continue putting out the same John Cena Vs. ________ (fill in - Orton/Bautista/Sheamus/etc.) over and over again as his main event and WWE drones won't bother to notice or care.

If TNA starts to get some momentum I can see another investor coming in and helping out...but at this time, until they start getting everything in order, I don't see that happening anytime soon. TNA seems to be heading in the right direction though.
I want them to be successful because anyone who watched wrestling during the Monday Night Wars knows how how exciting it was to go to work or school on Tuesday morning and talk about what happened the night before. I miss that. TNA succeeding is currently the only realistic chance for this happening again, in my opinion. Probably the most exciting thing about it in my opinion was the suprise debuts. People would jump ship back and forth and I would absolutely mark out.
Of course I want TNA to succeed why wouldn't I. Any business that is a monopoly isn't good for anyone because you become complacent with whatever the monopoly gives you (good or bad) or you leave, simple as that. There are a lot of fans out there that don't watch wrestling today that could be because all they had was WWE, they didn't like WWE and what they were doing, so they just left.

At this time nobody is going to throw them a bone, they've been thrown quite a few over the years (ROH has thrown them bones, SpikeTV threw them a bone), but when you do get thrown a bone, make it count and don't waste it.

I am really hard on TNA these days, but it certainly isn't because I want them to fail, I just want them to reach their full potential (because they have alot of it) and ultimately succeed. Nothing would make me happier than if TNA could do the business WWE does, it would give the wrestling fans more viable options and in turn could also start a few more promotions with similar ambitions as TNA. If TNA can succeed, 10 other wrestling companies will start up and try to follow suit (everyone tries to copy what is successful), who knows, maybe wrestling will be as good as it was in the 80's and late 90's. If TNA gets their shit together and starts succeeding, I will be one happy fucker, and this is coming from a guy most IWC posters would consider a WWE mark.
I wish TNA would improve their product and succeed, because that would be more wrestling for me to watch. But over the course of the year, I feel TNA has built their coffin and slowly putting in the nails that will seal their fate. I used to love TNA, I watched it with WWE. But after the crap that they pulled, I find it hard to watch without changing the channel. Especially when they pulled the crap with Orlando Jordan and that outrageous segments when they first brought him in. I am all for gay rights, but that was unnecessary.

WWE is doing very well right now in terms of pushing the new guys and giving us good storylines. We have Nexus, Kane as World Champion and getting revenge for Undertaker, Orton vs. Sheamus, and with the Miz nipping at the heals of the WWE Champion. WWE may have some dull segments, but I am overall happy with the product.

TNA on the other hand, doesn't make me happy. Instead of pushing the younger talent like Mr. Anderson, Jay Lethal, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, they are giving the spotlight to ECW, a WWE product. I think the only reason Vince McMahon isn't pressing charges is because he wants to show that TNA will still make terrible sales, despite using an old favorite wrestling promotion. ECW died years ago. It was given its One Night Stand 5 years ago. They don't need to be remembered again because they just had their light not so long ago.

I would like TNA to survive, but I don't see it lasting for two more years. But hey, they might strike gold that will get them up by then. But they better do it quick, because that hammer is pounding those nails into that coffin.
The problem TNA has is that they're attempting their gradual success in a time where everybody wants results immediately.

Hogan and Bischoff came in January of this year.

- "It's already been about 7 months! Why isn't TNA just as big as WWE?!?!"

The other problem people have is that they are always trying to place irrational blame on people or things they know nothing about.

- "TNA isn't skyrocketing to the top right away - it must be Hulk Hogan's fault!!" or

- "TNA isn't doing's all these older wrestler's fault...they are preventing all these younger guys from getting a push because that's what I heard about these guys...I heard through a 3rd party...that he read somewhere that Perry Saturn was upset he wasn't getting a push and blamed it on Hogan and his NWO buddies...and now they're here and they're doing it again!!"
- "But actually, the younger guys are the ones carrying the titles and getting the most television barely ever see the old guys at all anymore."
- "Yeah? Well they still need to go! If I don't have a reason to hate them or dislike them anymore...I'm going to make one up!!"
- "Whatever you say...:disappointed:"

People just don't give things a chance. They listen to nonsense and let it manipulate their own opinions on things and ends up hurting their ability to think rationally and put things into perspective before blowing nonsense out of proportion like people usually do these days.
I started watching TNA when they came to Spike. I watched it because it was different. I liked the 6 sided ring idea. I really liked the X division and the innovative matches they were having. Then they started to bring in all of the ex WWE employees, and rehashing old story lines again and again. I want this current version of TNA to fail miserably. I want them to go back to what got them on Spike in the first place. Everyone on these forums complains that TNA is now just WWE revisited, what happened to being the alternative and being different and having the new younger guys step up and have fantastic matches. I want TNA but not the current product we have today.
I started watching TNA when they came to Spike. I watched it because it was different. I liked the 6 sided ring idea. I really liked the X division and the innovative matches they were having. Then they started to bring in all of the ex WWE employees, and rehashing old story lines again and again. I want this current version of TNA to fail miserably. I want them to go back to what got them on Spike in the first place. Everyone on these forums complains that TNA is now just WWE revisited, what happened to being the alternative and being different and having the new younger guys step up and have fantastic matches. I want TNA but not the current product we have today.

The grass is always greener on the other side, vtmikeee.

A company already put out a niche market wrestling product. It was called ECW and it had a handful of people like you who appreciated it...but failed to capture the mainstream audience that allows them to make money. So they failed.

It's easy to look back and say "they were they're the same." But you can still be different without eliminating millions of potential customers from your audience and profit margin.

You want a 6-sided ring and the X Division? You got it. They make a pay-per-view specifically with those 2 things in it. Bam! You don't get rid of it. You remain different than the alternative...and you don't eliminate a much larger demographic of potential customers.
I could not agree more with you OP....What i really want to complain about is the fact that what got TNA to where it was before say Kurt Angle joined is the reason everyone was watching in the first place. They have taken those talents, those stories, those matches and pushed them to the rear of the bus. I do not mind the older WWE guys coming in to give some credibility to the product. I do mind that they have dominated the scene for the last couple of years. I would be fine with special appearances by the 6 sided ring or 6 sides of steel. I would be happy with an X division Impact or PPV from time to time but that is clearly not the direction they are going in...They are simply trying to clone WWE at the moment with some different talent but mostly with ex WWE talent.
The problem TNA has is that they're attempting their gradual success in a time where everybody wants results immediately.

Hogan and Bischoff came in January of this year.

- "It's already been about 7 months! Why isn't TNA just as big as WWE?!?!"

The other problem people have is that they are always trying to place irrational blame on people or things they know nothing about.

- "TNA isn't skyrocketing to the top right away - it must be Hulk Hogan's fault!!" or

- "TNA isn't doing's all these older wrestler's fault...they are preventing all these younger guys from getting a push because that's what I heard about these guys...I heard through a 3rd party...that he read somewhere that Perry Saturn was upset he wasn't getting a push and blamed it on Hogan and his NWO buddies...and now they're here and they're doing it again!!"
- "But actually, the younger guys are the ones carrying the titles and getting the most television barely ever see the old guys at all anymore."
- "Yeah? Well they still need to go! If I don't have a reason to hate them or dislike them anymore...I'm going to make one up!!"
- "Whatever you say...:disappointed:"

People just don't give things a chance. They listen to nonsense and let it manipulate their own opinions on things and ends up hurting their ability to think rationally and put things into perspective before blowing nonsense out of proportion like people usually do these days.
This might be true for some people, (which is unfortunate for them,) but could you agree that some of this is TNA's fault?

They were the ones that promised that Hogan would change the wrestling world forever. They were the ones who moved to Monday nights talking like they were ready to compete with the WWE. They were the ones who advertised themselves as an alternative to WWE WHILE pushing Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson, the Nasties and The Band.

Realistically, of course they weren't going to be on top in a month's time, but TNA didn't want anyone to know that. They basically made promises that they didn't deliver on. I understand why people who gave it a chance would be frustrated. I used to recommend TNA to everyone I knew when I first started watching about five years ago, but would've been embarassed to do so during this time, when they were at their marketing peak. Like it or not, most of the new fans TNA is trying to attract will also watch WWE, and it's their burden as a newer company to find ways to bring them over, which they're not succeeding at right now.

And to be honest, there is no TV show in any medium that people would give more than 7 months to in order to make them interested. The XFL only got one season, does that mean people didn't give it enough of a chance? Regular TV shows have gotten cancelled the day after their first airing. If I was TNA, I would be thankful if someone didn't like my product and still watched for 7 months.

It's true that WWE marks can be blinded by hate for the opposition. But that doesn't mean that some TNA fans can't look at their perferred product in an objective light either.
Yes,I want them to succeed. From the first time I started watching it in 08 I wanted them to. There was even a time last year when i'd rather watch iMPACT then RAW....but those days are long behind me. I don't know if it's how much they've changed,or them failing at going to monday nights that has turned me off...but for the past few weeks I just kinda half way watch the shows,like I really don't care about them anymore. I don't anyone who doesn't want them to succeed,because that means better WWE product too....but at this point,unless they change,I don't see it happening. :shrug:
Most people want TNA to succeed even if they don't watch. Common sense is competition is good. The problem is TNA is 10 years behind what they are promoting. Loading up on big name talent, at times taking shots at the WWE and now some hardcore PPV crap. Anything and everything they can think of they are trying and while that's good news that they aren't giving up, it's really showing how desperate they have become as a company.

I read that someone here said that TNA is like the WWE revisited. Personally I feel that TNA is a poor mans WCW. A step below that. It feels like WCW, they have a ton of big name talent and they take shots at the WWE.

If the company is trying to be different. Mission accomplished...unfortunately it's different in a bad way. It's become a huge joke.
Okay first thing! I am a huge wwe fan! I don't watch tna on a regular basis! However I hope they do become as big as the old wcw did! I have been watching since before the first wrestlemania! I watched raw when it was called primetime wrestling! WWE always had the show! By that I mean the angles. The entertainment value was top notch! The nwa or later wcw! They had the best wrestling matches! Everyone who doesn't watch wrestling knows who hogan is! The same with flair to an extint! I hated flair as a youngster! He always had help! He never won fairly! Looking back on his matches with ricky steamboat, sting, dusty rhodes, and ronnie garvin! Those always carried a 5 star match! I miss those days! I feel like they are gone forever! I hope I am wrong! Sorry about the back in my day story! Ok fast forward to tna! Scooping up old wwe wrestlers is a good thing for tna! Most of them at one point held world championships! People follow who they like most of the time! That was one of the best parts of the war! You never knew who was going to show up! Well unless you spoiled it for yourself by looking it up on the internet! That is also a factor! Everyone knows about the tapings! They read the show but don't watch it! Also my problem with the old wcw and tna is this! How many times do they talk about wwe? Shouldn't they be pushing there own show? It just is a lose lose situation! It would have been interesting to see if eric would have given away raw results had raw been taped when tna was on mondays! bottomline I hope tna does do well! Competition is a great thing! Tna is the first product that comes to mind that can remove the pg from wwe! After that it will just be time! Things can't and won't stay the same! They never do! So goodluck dixie, terry, and eric! I hope those ratings come up! For wrestling fans all over!
This might be true for some people, (which is unfortunate for them,) but could you agree that some of this is TNA's fault?

Why? Of course some of this is TNA's fault...just like most is WWE's fault for their reasons their product sucks though.

They were the ones that promised that Hogan would change the wrestling world forever.

When did they promise this? I remember them saying that they were going to...I don't remember them sitting everybody down and promising them things though. WWE does the same thing all the time. Any business does. It's called "positive outlook". Did you want them to come out and say "Alright everyone...we're going to be mediocre for a little while but hopefully we're going to build it up to above average after a few might not want to watch us or wait for that but I wanted to be honest with you all because that's what everybody appreciates the most."

They were the ones who moved to Monday nights talking like they were ready to compete with the WWE.

I don't remember this either. I think the fans wanted them to move to Monday Nights more than anything and they listened to what the fans wanted...which was a mistake. Because as I have witnessed on this site (for the most part...not everyone) but a lot of people don't know jack diddly squat about the business world...but they certainly think that they do.

The last thing I would ever do is listen to everything they say. Some things? Certainly. They're your customers. But certainly not even close to everything.

They were the ones who advertised themselves as an alternative to WWE WHILE pushing Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson, the Nasties and The Band.

So? They were and still are an alternative to the WWE. That wasn't a lie. They are in the same industry of business...and they are alternatives to one another.

Realistically, of course they weren't going to be on top in a month's time, but TNA didn't want anyone to know that. They basically made promises that they didn't deliver on. I understand why people who gave it a chance would be frustrated. I used to recommend TNA to everyone I knew when I first started watching about five years ago, but would've been embarassed to do so during this time, when they were at their marketing peak. Like it or not, most of the new fans TNA is trying to attract will also watch WWE, and it's their burden as a newer company to find ways to bring them over, which they're not succeeding at right now.

I've answered everything here in previous posts well as in this very post. They didn't promise anything. They spoke very confidently about being able to bring something to the table...but nobody can predict who's going to watch it. People jumped to conclusions...felt immediately that the "old guard" was taking over and holding the younger generation's heads they made up their minds and all hell broke loose instead of giving it a shot.

And to be honest, there is no TV show in any medium that people would give more than 7 months to in order to make them interested. The XFL only got one season, does that mean people didn't give it enough of a chance? Regular TV shows have gotten cancelled the day after their first airing if they get cancelled. If I was TNA, I would be thankful if someone didn't like my product and still watched for 7 months.

When you're the main invester in something - like McMahon was witht he XFL - you can choose to do whatever you want with your product. He cut his losses immediately and moved on to something else. TNA isn't at the point the XFL is and neither are their investors. The XFL was something brand new and extremely different than the NFL. They tested it and it failed. TNA isn't something entirely different and brand new to the market.

It's true that WWE marks can be blinded by hate for the opposition. But that doesn't mean that some TNA fans can't look at their perferred product in an objective light either.

Like I said, I don't hate WWE at all. I just never could understand how it's alright for them to put out a shitty product...having all the resources in the world...while TNA, with significantly LESS resources, are supposed to put out a product that's significantly better? I just can't seem to understand it...can somebody please tell me why this is???
To me its not so much that I don't want them to succeed as much as I wouldn't give a fuck if they went bankrupt and folded tomorrow. I've loosely followed TNA for about the past 4 years catching the occasional show, reading TNA news, reading the results, and when I'm extremely bored reading up on the live updates for their ppvs. Throughout the past 4 years I just haven't been very impressed by anything I've seen, heard, or read and as time goes on I find myself caring even less and less for the product that they're putting on. Sure its always good for people to have another option to watch for people who don't like to be "spoonfed", as It's Damn Real will say seemingly dozens of times a day, but I guess I'm one of those affected by the brand favoritism. I grew up on WWE and I feel that I'll watch it til I die. I'll give this to TNA though, I've followed TNA a lot more than I ever did WCW
I think anybody who is a real fan of the sport want nothing more than to see TNA be a legit rival to WWE.
Its just that TNA is clearly nowhere near the level that WCW was on.
(and thats the WCW that had david arquette win the title, not the one that was at one point the most watched on the monday night wars.)
I just never could understand how it's alright for them to put out a shitty product...having all the resources in the world...while TNA, with significantly LESS resources, are supposed to put out a product that's significantly better? I just can't seem to understand it...can somebody please tell me why this is???

Sure I can help you out with that, it's called that is your fucking opinion. You run around here acting like everyone must think like you. They don't. In fact, based on the ratings and buy rates of both TNA and WWE shows, very few people think like you.

It's amazing to see TNA marks living in a world full of kids with ADD actually bitch about seeing John Cena vs. Sheamus, Batista, Orton, Jericho yeah, those are the best wrestlers in the world. And when they fight each other people pay to see it. Until WWE gets 8,000 buys for a PPV or draws a .5 rating, try to wake up from your pill and weed coma long enough to realize you have an opinion - as shitty and misguided as it is - and that's it.
Why? Of course some of this is TNA's fault...just like most is WWE's fault for their reasons their product sucks though.

Sure, we can agree that the problems with WWE and TNA's products are internal. It goes without saying though...

When did they promise this? I remember them saying that they were going to...I don't remember them sitting everybody down and promising them things though. WWE does the same thing all the time. Any business does. It's called "positive outlook". Did you want them to come out and say "Alright everyone...we're going to be mediocre for a little while but hopefully we're going to build it up to above average after a few might not want to watch us or wait for that but I wanted to be honest with you all because that's what everybody appreciates the most."

They constantly said or implied through their marketing that this was the case. Just because they didn't literally say word for word to everyone in the Impact Zone individually doesn't mean that it wasn't what was promised. Since you brought up WWE doing the same thing... when was the last time you heard someone from WWE tweet about how every signing or change they make will change the company forever, only for it to disappoint? I know that WWE and any company will overexagurate their announcements, but if they don't deliver, why don't they deserve to be criticized?

I don't remember this either. I think the fans wanted them to move to Monday Nights more than anything and they listened to what the fans wanted...which was a mistake. Because as I have witnessed on this site (for the most part...not everyone) but a lot of people don't know jack diddly squat about the business world...but they certainly think that they do.

A big part of the reason they moved to Mondays was because they got a big one night ratings boost from Hogan and thought they could keep it up, but ratings showed that viewers didn't think so, or at least not enough to turn off Raw. I highly doubt that the few thousand fans who bother posting on Twitter, Facebook or the TNA website were that much of a factor. If that was a top reason for the move, whoever signed off for that should be fired.

And I agree about people acting like they know more than what they do know...

So? They were and still are an alternative to the WWE. That wasn't a lie. They are in the same industry of business...and they are alternatives to one another.

But once again, you know what was implied. Hell, it's implied on this site almost every day from the TNA fans. That TNA is an alternative to the boring WWE product. By alternative I instantly think something completely different within the same medium. Now, you and I know about the wrestling world a bit more than the average fan, but how would a new TNA viewer feel about switching to TNA expecting something different, only to see guys like Anderson and Hardy on the screen who were just in the WWE 6 months to a year prior? Does that mean that WWE from January was an alternative to WWE in August because Edge was gone until then? No, of course not, and that's how a new viewer would see it.
Putting Hogan on screen was needed, because name recognition is important, but make people like Styles the highlight of the show, not Hogan, (like he was at the time.)

I've answered everything here in previous posts well as in this very post. They didn't promise anything. They spoke very confidently about being able to bring something to the table...but nobody can predict who's going to watch it. People jumped to conclusions...felt immediately that the "old guard" was taking over and holding the younger generation's heads they made up their minds and all hell broke loose instead of giving it a shot.

Of course they didn't promise. Once again, it was just heavily pushed and implied. It's just spin so they can backpedal if it doesn't go their way. But if it did go their way, most companies would tout it and brag about how they always deliver, and I'm sure TNA would've been no different.

They say first impressions are the most important. I still watch TNA every now and then so I don't fall into this category, but if someone is watching a program expecting something new, only for the show to highlight older talent, why would they keep wanting to watch? They gave it a chance by tuning in. They're not obligated to force themselves to watch something they don't like.

When you're the main invester in something - like McMahon was witht he XFL - you can choose to do whatever you want with your product. He cut his losses immediately and moved on to something else. TNA isn't at the point the XFL is and neither are their investors. The XFL was something brand new and extremely different than the NFL. They tested it and it failed. TNA isn't something entirely different and brand new to the market.

We're not talking about investors though. We're talking about viewership. You say TNA has only implemented it's changes for 7 months and that people aren't giving it enough time. XFL had a season to implement changes to the NFL formula and it failed in less time regardless as to who pulled the plug. What about TV shows? Should shows go 2 seasons before getting cancelled so they can get a fair chance?

The XFL wasn't something entirely new either though. If anything, I'd say the XFL was more comparable to TNA 5 years ago. It took the elements of an established product and put it's own spin on it. That's gone from TNA which is why I'm not as much of a fan as I once was.

Like I said, I don't hate WWE at all. I just never could understand how it's alright for them to put out a shitty product...having all the resources in the world...while TNA, with significantly LESS resources, are supposed to put out a product that's significantly better? I just can't seem to understand it...can somebody please tell me why this is???
I honestly don't think you hate WWE for the sake of hating it. The thing is that your scenario about the WWE putting out a shitty product is objective to your opinion.

To try and answer your question, they may not have the financial resources, but they definately have the talent and national exposure. I think that if you showcase the talent properly,there should be some kind of ratings increase. Even though I like WWE more right now, I still think TNA has the better talent overall with guys like AJ and Joe, but if they're not used right then they essentailly don't matter. If you ask me, they CAN and DO have the resources to compete on a talent level, but they blow it every time.
Watch me break the mold:

I don't want TNA to succeed.

I often find myself in high agreement with what Mark Madden writes in his columns. And judging by the amount of negative press TNA gets, along with their stupid, punny name, and the way everyone here says "Yeah, I WANT TNA to succeed, BUT" or "DESPITE", and then mention all its negatives that need to be improved or get out of the way.

TNA Is a damaged brand name, like WCW. It's been bad for so long, the best viable option, given the limited brain capacities of their administration, would be to re-name it and give it a different look.

"The best TNA can ever hope for is a well-booked product that piques the interest of its hardcore loyalists [like ECW]. And with its current ownership and administration, TNA can’t even hope for that."

- Mark Madden

To be more optimistic than Madden, my solution would be:

- Close down the company, on a superficial level. Keep the money, the structure, the contracts, the TV deal, etcetera.

- Come up with a new company name, new logo, new arena-layout, new brand new and attitude.

- Eliminate cronyism and do not re-hire the writing and booking staff members just because they're friends or friends of friends or they know Hulk Hogan or they have money or they've been in the business for 30 years.

- Put someone with a good track record in creative control of the company. Paul Heyman is the popular choice out there; Bring him in and agree to all his demands, and hold him financially and creatively responsible. If he tries to run a Crucifixion angle again, hold him responsible for it, but do NOT use him as a scapegoat.
I think that most people that post in here, even me, do want TNA to succeed. Having two, three or even more major wrestling companies out there on the market makes things better for everyone concerned. The wrestlers themselves have more options open to them to make a decent living, it makes it more difficult for the creative teams to allow themselves to get lazy and it gives the fans themselves an opportunity to see what else might be out there. It's good for professional wrestling for competition to be out there.

When it comes to competition, there is the inevitable division of the fans towards one side or another. In team sports, of course it's perfectly normal and expected for a fan to like more than one team. However, there's always going to be one or two teams that they like more than the rest and want to see flourish a bit more than the rest. Professional wrestling is no different and both TNA fans and WWE fans have primarily been the ones to create that division rather than anything that TNA and WWE have done or said themselves.

If I preferred TNA, I wouldn't want to see WWE go under. Despite the low opinion some do have of the WWE, the WWE going under would be a huge blow to wrestling. I daresay it might even potentially be a crippling blow. Even though I do prefer WWE, I don't want to see TNA fail. I do want to see it grow and prosper because I love wrestling. I always have and I probably always will. Some of the earliest memories I have in my life are of watching wrestling. I didn't know what it was, but I knew that I liked it.

While I do want TNA to succeed, I see nothing wrong with criticizing TNA if they put something out that you don't like. Talking about what's going on in regards to what we like or don't like is half the reason these forums exist anyhow. Don't misunderstand my criticisms for a desire to see TNA fail. But, if what I see presented seems to me as if it's a rancid pile of manure, I'll say as much.

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