DiBiase vs HHH at Summerslam? Possible wrestlemania match with the phenom.


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With Dibiase screwing HHH out fo the title picture, i'd guess that it all but confirms that this match has a real possibility of happening. The only other match i can see is if it becomes a handicap match with HHH vs legacy. I personally want a one on one with Dibiase because to me, hes the better man over Rhodes.
A feud with HHH would cement him as at the very least, a top mid carder/low main eventer should it happen. Over the last few weeks, I've seen Dibiase get a personality and i think he would be a fresh addition to a new feud, rather than HHH running over old ground time and time again. Even if he loses the feud, a good showing in it would help give him a huge push and show he can compete with the big boys.
To me, he's being groomed for the future. When his father was GM on raw a feww weeks back, he had him fight Orton and although Orton came out on top, Dibiase was tougher than he expected. I can see him working his way up the roster, leaving Legacy and then challenging the Undertaker with his fathers help in say two years time. It was rumoured in the past that they had thought bout Dibiase challenging him at mania in the future with his father. similiar to the randy orton/bob orton storyline perhaps, but a lot of people dared to think that orton could do it, so why not go with that?
any thoughts?

Let me say first of all that Ted DiBiase bs The Underataker will not happen at a Wrestlemania. The Undertaker is so far out Ted Dibiase's league at the minute that he can't even see him. All the Undertaker is concerned with now is cementing his legacy, almost like DiBiase. The problem being that no one gives a damn about Ted Dibiase. The Undertaker will be wrestling established stars at the next couple of Wrestlemanias. Jericho will likely be the next opponent for him and then probably round it off with Triple H and Cena. That is probably the most likely people to face Taker at Wrestlemania.

More so than that, DiBiase doesn't deserve it. People like Orton, Triple H, Jericho and Cena have done so much more for the WWE than Ted DiBiase has and their is no way that this match will happen at a Wrestlemania anyway.
With Dibiase screwing HHH out fo the title picture, i'd guess that it all but confirms that this match has a real possibility of happening. The only other match i can see is if it becomes a handicap match with HHH vs legacy.

Uhhhh...there is a *likely to strong* possibility that Shawn Michaels will return next week, making it Legacy vs. DX at Summer Slam.

Dibiase because to me, hes the better man over Rhodes.

That's kind of a Peggy Hill-ism. I think at this point, everyone expects DiBiase to me more successful than Rhodes.

Even if he loses the feud, a good showing in it would help give him a huge push and show he can compete with the big boys.

I think there is a list about a mile long that deserve a main event push before DiBiase-including Jack Swagger, Mark Henry, MVP, and i would argue Kofi Kingston.

It's not that i disagree with you about DiBiase's future-far from it. I just see no reason to rush it. He's *probably* going to have a long and fruitful career, and as i said, there are a handful of guys i'd like to see be pushed first.

Ideally, i'd like to see him make a push to the U.S. title division, allowing Kofi to move up. However, this would give Rhodes nothing to do but interfere in Ted and Randy's matches. And that's not fair to him-he is talented.

So for now, even though they are booked as lackeys, I think that Legacy on the whole is doing just fine.
It's not out of the realm of possibility that a future DiBiase/Undertaker feud could culminate at Wrestlemania in a couple of years time. It could hinge heavily on how long Undertaker stays in the WWE. If he is around for the next three Wrestlemanias, then I can see a Undertaker/DiBiase matchup at WM 27. By then, Legacy would have probably been disbanded and it would be a decent matchup. The feud between Undertaker and Randy Orton/Cowboy Bob was great and I don't see why this one can't be either. Ted will have to stay heel though and with his new movie coming out, he might turn face. That's the only real problem I see with it.
If HBK doesn't come running out to the aid of HHH next week on Raw during the handicap match, and thus seeing us end up with DX vs Legacy, I'll be shocked.

Then again, that's the obvious thing, and we know how Vince doesn't like obvious.
it would be nice to see a dx legacy feud dx winning and dibiase telling orton and rodes shove it, and going on his own.
I agree with earlier postings about a Legacy/DX match at SummerSlam. HBK is due back by SummerSlam according to Jim Ross. Hell, he's even on the PPV poster for the event. I anticipate a beat-down on HHH by Legacy post-match next week prompting HBK to race out and help his long-time friend. If he doesn't, I'll be shocked. The question is, though, will this be a DX thing or HHH and HBK as their own characters. DX would make more sense but you never know. Also, it wouldn't surprise me when all is said and done after SummerSlam that HHH will thank HBK for the help and then proceed to ask him where the hell he's been this whole time and that could start some friction between the two. It's no secret that HHH wants to go heel again and this could be the right time to do it.

As far as Dibiase/Undertaker, I just don't see this happening unless Dibiase improves A LOT over the next several months and even then, Undertaker may not want to work with him. I'm pretty sure that Taker is at a point in his career where he can pretty much tell Vince who he does and does not want to work with and I just don't think that Dibiase is high on his list. If it does happen, though, the storyline potentially can be just Dibiase making a name for himself and telling Taker to get out of the way and make room for the next big star or it could be that Dibiase tells Taker that his dad brought Taker in, but the son will take him out.
I find it funny how people here say "I see this" and "I can see this happenning" like if they had a crystal ball in their hands LOL

Dibiase Jr vs Taker is not impossible folks.

Everyone and their mother knows Dibiase jr is not in Takers league. We cant possibly compare Taker's 20 years in the business to Dibiase's 20 months.

Im not saying flat out that Taker has or should put Dibiase over right away, no no.

But Taker would be perfect to school him.

A nice piece of storyline I would like to see is Dibiase Sr turn a bit heelish, and bring up the story of "I was the one who brought you in the WWE" and be like "my son is the one thats going to do what I couldnt, take you out!"

It may not be for a Wrestlemania, but definitely for any other good pay per view.
I agree with those who see a Dx vs Legacy match at Summerslam.

But can someone explain why HHH couldn't punch Dibiasie when he was on the apron? When did punching someone not in the match get dq?
I know, I noticed that too, he could have at least shoved him away, but perhaps by punching him Dibiase may have been too stunned, and as we saw HHH's true intention was to shove Rhodes into him.
I actually have liked Debiasi since his debut on Raw. I thought he looked like a future star before they turned him into a Jobber for Orton and I still think he could be a big star in the business. I would love to see a Trips/Debiasi feud. I think that would be great for Debiasi as long as Vince doesn't job him out and would be good for the business if Trips put him over.

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