Details On Sting's WWE Deal


YOU WILL RESPECT MY AUTHORITAH!!!! is stating that a few details of Sting's deal with WWE have been revealed. The site states that, according to sources, the deal that Sting has signed with WWE is a "Performer's Contract." The report states that the contract is said to cover six appearances, including Survivor Series last month and WrestleMania XXXI, with four other appearances happening sometime in-between.

So, if this is legit, then it's all but written in stone that Sting will be wrestling in a match at WrestleMania XXXI. If I had to guess, it'll more than likely be against Triple H. The latest thing I'd read about Taker vs. Sting is that there's virtually no chance of it going down and that Taker's in-ring career is done.
I wonder out of those 4 appearances how many will end up just on RAW promoting his Wrestlemania match, Would be great seeing him stick around longer and wrestling more often or maybe one last full time run taking him through to Summerslam.
I'm sorry but this guy needs to be doing matches. Who cares if he comes every few months. The Scorpion death drop put HHH out for like 10 minutes without any other moves...I mean come on really? He doesn't talk and isn't there...and does his 1 move that is supposed to put somebody out??? I really have no interest in Sting vs HHH.
2 has beens with no story line...yes 2 legends...but why do I care if one beats the other? The writers are sucking latelty....
Darn it if the Deadman's career in the ring is truly over. That's a part of my childhood gone there if it does turn out that way.

Happy to see Sting in the WWE, but the fact that there aren't many viable opponents for him is a real pity,lMO.
That said; I'm sure HHH can get a good enough match out of him, and hopefully, there is still a chance that him and Taker can fight it out at Mania 32 in Texas in a last bow for both Legends on the biggest stage of them all.
How can The Undertaker be done? A 30 year vet just walking away from the industry he loves with a mouse fart? Makes no sense.

Only the Undertaker will suffice for Sting. I never saw Triple H as an organic legend, just a guy rammed into that spot and bolstered by WWE propaganda about how great he was. Not at all a suitable opponent for the Icon.
I figured more along the lines of Triple H vs Sting at the Rumble, but I also feel like WWE wouldn't waste that there.

It would make sense for Undertaker to take a year off and revisit a match with Sting at Wrestlemania the following year.
It does seem like HHH vs Sting at WM. It's only fitting, especially with Taker's in ring career seemingly over. There's no point of having Sting work with a new and up coming talent because it does nothing for either one involved. A lot will depend on how they build HHH vs Sting. Also, with reportedly 5 appearances to go, it seems Sting will have only one match and he'd probably be going over and retire.
Maybe this is a question for KB, but a 6 appearance contract? Is that the smallest amount of appearances for a contract? Hopefully he doesn't fight many matches. He's in his mid to late 50's and in all honesty if he didn't wrestle, that wouldn't hurt his image in my head for me.
These 6 appearances are just perfect in my opinion. This will create suspense all the way up until Wrestlemania. I like Vince using the word 'special attraction' for Lesnar and it looks like Sting will also be a 'special attraction'.

I think it is a smart move. Less is more sometimes - we know how ungrateful a lot of the IWC can be. I think after Wrestlemania 31 we will probably see another deal struck and Sting may have a few more matches, culminating in his retirement at Wrestlemania 32. I am pleased to read this.

As for Taker, we always hear rumours this time of year that he is 'banged up' and 'not ready' for Wrestlemania. The way I see it, yes he lost at Mania 31 and it would have being fitting to see him retire, but his match wasn't on last and he didnt get the whole fanfare like HBK did, which he truly deserves and some.
I don't mind it because it's a DREAM match of the greatest babyface in WCW history vs the greatest heel in WWE history. I fully expect HHH to put Sting over and than Sting retires. A little underwhelming just having one match but I agree with the decision because the man is 55 years old. I don't really think it's going to do anything for HHH's career though. That's my only issue here.

All it does is stroke Sting's ego by letting him end his career at WrestleMania with a win over WWE's most established heel ever. Are fans really going to pay to see Sting? If so let him PUT OVER somebody like Bray Wyatt and than retire. I would much rather see Sting face a young and up and comer like Dean Ambrose or preferably Bray Wyatt. A Sting and Bray feud could be the greatest feud of all time with the promos alone. If you're not going to give Sting Undertaker, if you're not going to give Bray Undertaker...LET THEM HAVE EACH OTHER!!
I feel like the whole sting debut was handled shockingly. Why have we not seen or heard anything from the guy who just altered the path of the whole company? This is the biggest legend to never step in a wwe ring and when he does it goes by without a wimper :banghead: . I mean come on u could have built a new star in that match and have sting inserted into a feud with triple h around Royal Rumble time but now it just feels rushed and a debut for the sake of a shock.
Instead of Sting vs. HHH (because I just don't have a desire to watch a match where someone is down on the mat for 80% of the match), I would much rather see the WWE fork out the money and do everything they can to bring Rock in for one match.

Sting vs. Rock would be far more interesting than Sting vs. HHH, and not just because of the difference between HHH and Rock. is stating that a few details of Sting's deal with WWE have been revealed. The site states that, according to sources, the deal that Sting has signed with WWE is a "Performer's Contract." The report states that the contract is said to cover six appearances, including Survivor Series last month and WrestleMania XXXI, with four other appearances happening sometime in-between.

So, if this is legit, then it's all but written in stone that Sting will be wrestling in a match at WrestleMania XXXI. If I had to guess, it'll more than likely be against Triple H. The latest thing I'd read about Taker vs. Sting is that there's virtually no chance of it going down and that Taker's in-ring career is done.

That makes perfect sense, and I'd be down with a Sting/Triple H match. I think a lot of people have had rose colored glasses on regarding The Undertaker. I don't think that's going to stop anytime soon though. If Undertaker misses WM31, people will say he's resting up for a match at WM32. The problem is that Sting is even older than Taker, and there's only so much time left for either man. I think people underestimate the damage Taker's match with Lesnar did to him. If we get Sting Vs. Trips and/or Sting Vs. Cena during Sting's time with the WWE, I think we've have gotten plenty.
And WWE wonders why people hate the direction they are in, yes Vince we get "special attraction" but this is wrestling, not boxing. I think more along the lines of 10-15 shows would be better suited over a year. So he has how many more times to show up between now and WM? Maybe 2 or 3? And what about another match? Best feuds ever played out leading into WM were done by having each on Raw every week leading up to the match. Sure we don't need Sting every week, but only 1 time between RR and WM is a long damn time to no build a match. smh

And the sad thing, I bet Sting is one of the top 10 highest paid in WWE, this is all WCW all over again with guys like Bret Hart, yet now because Vince says "special attraction" but WCW is the worst company ever run because they didn't use Bret Hart. Just fans getting dumb. And WWE wasting money, they will never make back the money on part timers, because people will watch WM regardless no matter if Sting is there or not.

Book Sting in a wrestling match on Raw, and put Raw in a football or baseball stadium, like they did at Skydome once, and you could sell out the Skydome for a Sting match on Raw, that makes sense. They wonder why they going broke.
Sting = big ratings but they are so affraid of the fans getting bored to quick. But it's like AUSTIN said him and rock were doing it every week and at every PPV if you have it you will deliver. No need for these part time contracts for sting and Lesnar just get them on TV and run a program GIVE THE FANS WHAT THEY WANT
I've said it before, and I'll say it again if Sting doesn't face The Undertaker then WWE has dropped the ball with Sting. Also, The Undertaker is going to retire with absolutely no send off whatsoever? That doesn't make much sense to me. Every year we hear he's "too banged up" and "done." But every year he manages to compete, hopefully this year will be no different. This is a match fans have wanted to see for years, and it's the match Sting has begged for The Undertaker deserves to go out in a much better way WWE needs to make this happen. I wish Stone Cold would have asked Vince point blank what Undertaker's status is.
These 6 appearances are just perfect in my opinion. This will create suspense all the way up until Wrestlemania. I like Vince using the word 'special attraction' for Lesnar and it looks like Sting will also be a 'special attraction'.

I think it is a smart move. Less is more sometimes - we know how ungrateful a lot of the IWC can be. I think after Wrestlemania 31 we will probably see another deal struck and Sting may have a few more matches, culminating in his retirement at Wrestlemania 32. I am pleased to read this.

As for Taker, we always hear rumours this time of year that he is 'banged up' and 'not ready' for Wrestlemania. The way I see it, yes he lost at Mania 31 and it would have being fitting to see him retire, but his match wasn't on last and he didnt get the whole fanfare like HBK did, which he truly deserves and some.

Yeah I can see Sting being a special attraction. HHH vs. Sting is a money feud. I definitely can see Sting being put over and disappear and return for a feud with Taker.

Taker sitting out this year can be a blessing in disguise. It wouldn't make sense to have Sting to debut and have his first and only match be with Taker at WrestleMania and lose.

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