Destination X- The Motor City Machine Guns vs Generation Me - Ultimate X match

Who do you think will win this Ultimate X match?

  • The Motor City Machine Guns

  • Generation Me

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Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner





In what could very well be the match of the evening, The Motor City Machine Guns will be facing off once again against the youngest and hottest Tag Team in the wrestling business today, Generation Me.

Generation Me has been on a roll since arriving on the scene with TNA. They have faced off with The Motor City Machine Guns a few times on Impact, however this time, the Game changes, as the contest will be an Ultimate X match. What that means is that the fans are going to be treated to One HELL of a match given the abilities of these 4 competitors.

Care to predict a winner in this one? Be sure to let us know what you think about the return of Ultimate X, as well, with respect to these 4 individuals.
Ultimate X in a 4-sided ring? I'm not convinced it'll have the same feel BUT I agree, Lord Sid. This will be one hell of a matchup.... I'd love for MCMG to get the win but Gen.Me gets the nod seeing as they have adapted quicker than just about any tag team I can think of (besides Hardyz/ E&C). Not only that, but the Guns likely won't get the respect from the bookers that they deserve
Ultimate X in a 4-sided ring? I'm not convinced it'll have the same feel BUT I agree, Lord Sid. This will be one hell of a matchup.... I'd love for MCMG to get the win but Gen.Me gets the nod seeing as they have adapted quicker than just about any tag team I can think of (besides Hardyz/ E&C). Not only that, but the Guns likely won't get the respect from the bookers that they deserve

actually the first two ultimate x matches were back when tna had the four sided ring origionaly, it does have a little different feel but the change isnt big enough to ruin the match.

besides that i completely agree. mcmg does deserve the win and to receive a legitamite push. despite that booking does seem to be higher on gen me so they will likely win. i am not at all trying to downsize the talent of gen me though. both these teams have worked great together in their past matches. with the athletic abilities included with possibilities of excellent technical wrestling if given time this could be one of the best ultimate x matches to date
Generation Me have gotten a great push by TNA, a push that many feel that their opponents should be getting. Now I have only watched TNA off and on, these past few months, but I must say, seeing these four men in Ultimate X will be a great match, especially if they are just allowed to go out there for 25 minutes and have the match. I think that Generation Me will win, because it has been in their cards of late, and MCMG will put them over.
This will be an awesome match up. I really hope the Machine Guns win this one because there really isn't too many opportunities left for them. Generation Me has beaten MCMG already and I'm sure they will be apart of many tag matches in the future. It would just be awesome to see Motor City be tag champs for once. I think whoever wins will face Beer Money at Lockdown. Probably we will see more then one team in the cage though. I would like to see MCMG but I think Generation Me will win this one.
I'm a big supporter of both teams. The Guns, a push for them has been long overdue. But Generation Me/The Young Bucks, I haven't seen one bad match with them in it. Every match I saw them in when they were in Ring of Honor, were incredible. And I saw them go against the best that ROH had to offer including the Briscoes. I even seen them overcome teams I thought would slaughter them in The Dark City Fight Club. An Ultimate X match between Generation Me and The Motor City Machine Guns will be nothing short of epic. I cannot wait for this match and I think it will not only be great, but it could very well steal the show itself and be the match of the night. This will hopefully lead to TNA capitalizing on this and rebuilding the tag division that it once had when they had teams like Team Canada, Triple X, The Naturals and of course America's Most Wanted. Re-vitalizing the tag division and x-division will only elevate TNA even higher. I can't pick a winner but I can say it comes down to who has more to prove. Generation Me winning and proving it wasn't a fluke, or the Guns proving that it was a fluke and the boys who are Made in Detroit, are still a force in TNA.
Ho-ho-ho-holy fuck. Normally, I'd make fun of the Ultimate X for being "Xtreme" and "Xtraordinary" and, uh, "supercalafrajalisticXpialadoshus". However, this match is going to make one hell of a highlight really. I mean, it'll be an entertaining spotfest but, just like Triple X vs. LAX from Bound For Glory and couple years back, it's going to need some Xtreme editing to retain any sort of logic.

Generation Me wouldn't be hurt by a loss and the Guns really need a win - so my prediction is that Generation Me will win with some crazy stunt. After lots of other crazy stunts. Obviously. Somebody may die.
This is going to be a hell of a match. GMe and the MCMG are going to kill this PPV. I'm dam sure that this is going to be the best match at Destination X. Honestly I really think that GMe will win this match, when they first debuted there first match was against MCMG and they put on a hell of a show. And at last they end up beating them(correct me if im wrong). This match will be very equal, But it's time for a new team to step up and shine in the Tag team division. So GMe will get that X and get there title shot.

I'm really happy to see the return of the X division, This will be a good PPV with alot of good matches in the card. But im a bit disappointed, I was thinking that this PPV was going to be a all X-division PPV. But im sure that the X-division will shine in Destination-X.
Judging by the other times these guys have been in the ring together, this should be freaking awesome. There won't be a single moment of rest in the entire match. Sure, it won't be anything more than a spotfest, but so what? Sometimes it's just fun to see an awesome match without having to worry about the story behind it.

I have no idea who the fuck the winner will be and it doesn't really matter as they'll lose their title match anyway. I suppose Generation Me should get a shot, considering the MCMG have already failed a million times.
This is gonna be the showstealer of the night. I am hoping the Guns win but I wouldn't be upset with Gen Me getting the victory. I think I will be more happy about having the Ultimate X in the four sided ring as when it was int eh 6 sided, some of the camera angles sucked and you couldn't see all the in ring stuff and it made the ring look incredibly tiny when they went to the hard side camera.
I'm ordering this PPV pretty much for just this match and Angle/Anderson. This match should, by all accounts, be epic. Two young, very athletic going at it in a match type designed for their style of wrestling, this has to be Epic or TNA is just giving up on the X-division.

Plus they need to show off the fact that the Ultimate X match works better in a 4 sided ring for all those whiners that Are STILL bitching about it ruining TNA. This should shut up all twelve of them pretty well.
This match will be fucking awesome. Everytime these two have been in the ring they have been entertaining as hell and now it is in a Ultimate X match it will be 10 X better. This will be fast from the start up until the end and will have a ton of crazy spots that will showcase the division very well.

I'm not too sure of the winner as MCMG are always a threat and Generation Me have been on a roll since debuting so it could go either way. I doubt any of them will win the titles as Hernandez and Morgan could hold them for a while and I doubt TNA would let these teams beat them. I'm not bothered about who wins but I know we're in for a treat with this match.
Generation Me has been riding a pretty strong push for TNA, and they are a hot tag team right now. I would like to see Generation Me win this match, but they really don't need this win. The MCMG on the other hand, really need a win in this match to gain some sort of momentum. I like the Guns, but they've been fading into obscurity over the past couple of months. A win on a ppv could help them get back on track. Plus, this match has the abilty to steal the show because I'm sure we're going to see awesome performances from both teams.
This will easily be the match of the night. Even though there's relatively no build up for it and it'll be a 12-15 minute spotfest and will be all but forgotten when it's all said and done, it'll still be a very entertaining match on a card filled with mostly lackluster matches with little to no build up.

I expect Generation Me to walk out with the win in this match simply because they're a newer version of the MCMGs. The Guns have been used horribly by TNA for well over a year and have virtually no momentum whatsoever. I have a feeling that this will ultimately be a throwaway match as we still won't see either of these teams all that often on iMPACT! but it'll still be a really fun match to watch.
I think i mentioned in the general discussion this would be a good choice for ultimate x no.1 contendership with lethal consequences thrown in the mix, but i guess this is almost as good.
Ultimate X matches are usually great regardless of who's in them, but imagine the spots these guys'll do! Made In Detroit off the scaffolding anyone? :O
this is the match of the night, i wold love to see the MCMG win the ultimate X match, cant wait to see the match in a four sided ring. it is going to be tough who wins this, but most likely Generation Me. But this is my kind of match
Gen Me have been push toward this for a while and i think they will win.TNA doesn't seem to notice how good MCMG really are.Regardless of who wins they well lose their title match so it really doesn't matter but this match will be Amazing.Both teams are so fast it will be like a TNA style E&C V.S Hardy Boys.
As much as I want the Guns to win, I think it's worth bearing in mind that, as many have said before, Generation Me are getting a strong push and MCMG have not been around as much.

Now thinking about this from a 'new viewer' perspective, from watching Impact and seeing signs for the Guns even when they aren't there or on very briefly, the viewer probably recognises that this is a popular tag team. Along come Generation Me and build up some steam and are doing things we haven't seen before from a tag team. From thinking about things this way, I don't think it hurts MCMG too much if Generation Me and are able to solidify their standing in TNA because new and old fans of the Guns will still back them.

However, Generation Me are a young team, and it'd be great to see MCMG get that victory pop at a PPV which we haven't heard in a while. As Generation Me are still young there is no need to overly rush their push as they have time on their side and will only get better with all the tag team experience that TNA has. Plus Shelley and Sabin have a lot of experience in Ultimate X so I think it's going to be good to see how the spots are pulled off by both teams and it's hard to think of a better tag team to ease Generation Me into this kind of match than the Guns. Imagine if it was the Dudleys?
Alright I don't really get this. Why is the Ultimate X match for a number one contendership to the tag titles? Shouldn't the Ultimate X match be for, oh I dunno, a certain championship that has to do with the letter X? What was that thing called again, oh yeah, the X-Division Championship. Come on TNA, this is a really odd decision.

Oh well, with that rant out of the way....

This will probably be the match of the night. Generation Me have been impressive since their debut and I know how good of a match MCMG are capable of putting on.... I expect a lot of crazy high flying from all four guys in what should be a very exciting match. I think that MCMG will get the win because Generation Me are still too new to TNA to be feuding for the tag team belts, and the winner of this match becomes number one contenders.

The Motor City Machine Guns will defeat Generation Me.
Alright I don't really get this. Why is the Ultimate X match for a number one contendership to the tag titles? Shouldn't the Ultimate X match be for, oh I dunno, a certain championship that has to do with the letter X? What was that thing called again, oh yeah, the X-Division Championship. Come on TNA, this is a really odd decision.
Brain not understand. The tag titles have been defended in Ultimate X before. This isn't even the second tag team Ultimate X in history. And Super Mex has been in two UX matches. The structure being shaped like an X doesn't make it X-Division exclusive. That's like saying DX and CM Punk would belong in the X-Division if they were in TNA. It's just a letter, man!

I'm sure this match will be fun. Combination offense and flippy stuff makes my heart soar and these two teams bring plenty of it. Of course I doubt MCMG will get the win as that would make far too much sense. Also, I'm sure that this match will be a complete afterthought as none of these guys have worked for the WWE to the best of my knowledge. Still, it should be fun WHILE it's happening. And I guess that's the best we can hope for at this point when it comes to TNA and matches involving the Guns.

Yes. I'm bitter about their lack of TV time.
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