The Motor City Machine Guns

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Super Crazy

The Motor City Machine Guns are a great team. They are two of the greatest X division wrestlers I have seen. When they paired these two up I had high hopes for them, I really did. At first, they seemed to be doing great. They were wrestling quite a bit, having great matches left , right, and center.

Someone tell me what the hell happened??!?!?!?! It seems creative has no direction what-so-ever for these guys now and I hate it. They are my favorite tag team in TNA just below Beer Money Inc. It pains me to see them getting little to no tv time. I mean what's with this? First, they come out with Daniels, do shit all and just read magazines and game guides and stuff. Then once a fight breaks out, suddenly they are a huge part of it, so much so that they are just about the only ones left in the ring. Then next week, they air some B/S fake ad complaining about their tv time and saying they will kayfabe ' do anything you want, and hang out with you all for the low price of $2000 an hour '.

What''s happening to this team? Will they get back on tv like they used to? Hopefully they get going in some feud or something soon, I don't want them to dwindle off into obscurity or anything.:suspic:
They've been together too long. They should have either been a short term thing or they should have won the tag titles numerous times by now.

As it is, Chris Sabin is just dead weight. I actually quite like Sabin as well, but he's not in the same league as Shelley. He has a future helping to prop up the X Division though so it ain't all bad.

Even if they won the tag titles now, it'd be pretty underwhelming. Not least because they haven't managed to get anywhere near them even while they're being thrown around like hot potatoes.
Sam, I think you may be right, thinking about it, they have been together for quite some time now, just over 2 years actually. They have not even accomplished very much, if anything, I just wish they could have amounted to more. Even one tag title run would have pleased me.
Well they got the push first of all because the fans popped huge for them from all their impressive tag team moves and high flying antics. They sold more merchandise than everyone else combined pretty much and you have to listen to your fans so they got to be a big deal.

Then Shelley refused to bleed in that match against Team 3D because he (rightfully so) thinks that you dont NEED to to have a great match. That's why they ended up jobbing to everyone going (Prince Justice F'N Brotherhood anyone).

Finally they were allowed to do something when the Frontline thing game along. I know they weren't getting many matches, but they featured prominantly with the key guys and I hoped it would lead to them getting another push. When Shelley and Foley had their ongoing feud I hoped it would go somewhere.

Then Shelley got the belt, his first, which was deserving, so I was happy for them. Then Suicide's push was considered too important so they got paired up with Lethal Consequences in the hunt for Suicide's identity. In the meantime they've stolen the show in Ultimate X, 6-Sides of Steel, King of the Mountain and now the Steel Asylum.

They still have no problem putting on a great match, they do it whenever they put them out there, that's never been their problem. Their problem is maintaining a meaningful presence on TV. This is what shocks me because Shelley has proven every time he goes out there that he can talk with the best of them. He's held his own with Foley, Joe and many others.

Maybe the simple problem is TNA has been run so far by guys who are stuck in the 70's and the Guns go out of their way to come out and say "we're young and hip and different", maybe it just rubs management the wrong way. Maybe Shelley is a cocky punk in the lockeroom. Whatever the reason is I hope this current storyline is their way of realising they don't use them enough and they'll give them something.

I thought that when they finally got involved in the brawl it would be a new lease of life for them, but they're back to the same old stuff....

I definitely don't support the breaking them up idea. They are tooo damn good together to be split up, how many other teams in the world have chemistry like them? Beer Money work well, but don't have chemistry like the Guns, Team 3D have it, but they're both so broken down now they can't really take advantage of it.

Here's hoping to a spark in creative team!
I don't really think it's that big of a deal. I think it's actually funny that we're talking about the Gunz not being used but yet TNA is running an angle where the Gunz are talking about not being used. They'll definitely get their time but the roster is just way too packed. The Gunz have pretty much established themselves and right now the TNA tag division has guys like British Invasion within the tag division trying to establish themselves, so it's okay to me. I don't think MMG are the type of team that constantly need their face out there. All they need is 1 match and they'll instantly get over as time has proven. I think it's much more important for TNA to get their other teams as over as the Gunz. With TNA continuing to develop their tag division and making it stronger, it's only better for the Gunz because when they actually start to be used more in the tag division, they'll have lots of opponents and lots of potential feuds.
I am a huge MMG fan. It does make me upset that I think of them when I think of wrestling and they are just not being used well. They are great face or heals.

I think that TNA is falling down the same road WCW did. They have and has created some of the greatest talent in the business but keep thinking buying names is the way to go.

Sabin is lacking Mic skills but the crowd still loves them. It just shows there are some true wrestling fans not just soap opera story line loving fans.

Sabin comes into my work from time to time and genuine nice guy and next to a handful I would put him in the top talented ever.


I do like how TNA will take a true life senirio and turn it to story line.
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They definetly should be getting more TV time, but there just isn't that much room. The are an exciting team that has the crowd behind them, even if there matches are just spotfests. Sabin and Shelley are athletes, but they are interesting on the mic as well. For being one of the "best" teams ever in TNA, they have never even won the tag team titles.

I don't know if someone backstage isn't behind them, or what, but it seems as if they should've won the titles by now. Maybe they should become singles competitors, but thye could still have some sort of alliance together. The should be used in some way though.
I don't really think they're being misused at the moment. Sure, I'd like to see them in the ring a bit more, but mic time is really the best way to get over. I was a bit disappointed however, when they actually got involved in the "riot" a few weeks ago and it didn't amount to shit. It could work out pretty well if they were to have a program with Bashir and.... Whoever that other dude is. Keyoshi or some shit? I don't know. I think the Gunz are an extremely gifted team, and they have all the tools necissary to excell.
right now TNA is establishing other teams like british invasion, or other world elite members, not everyone can get a push at the same time, there time will come, i promise you that, i love their current angle and they always have good spots in ppv, great talents cant all be pushed at the same time, just be patient, and dont forget their run with the IWGP Belts that they won at Wrestle Kingdom, thats actually pretty huge
Here's the problem, not only in TNA but also in the WWE. Creative pushes X-Division/Cruiserweights to the side and pushes all the heavyweights. Look at Scott Steiner and Booker T with Kevin Nash. Those 3 in my opinion are the worst wrestlers in TNA right now, not talking about Cody Deaner or anything. Those 3 are almost a joke. Kurt Angle is the only reason why the MEM is up. If Angle were to leave, MEM is done just like that. But MEM aside, I blame Vince Russo for this. Not sure if he's the creatives behind this, but he seems to be behind every stupid thing that happens in TNA. MCMG were like Kendrick & London in WWE. They got pushed to the side and so are MCMG. God knows why Suicide gets more TV time.
I don’t usually go around complaining about people not getting pushed or anything like that, but there are few wrestlers who I do think are deserving of a push and the MCMG are in that list. I really don’t understand why TNA hasn’t done more with them. I think that they are great tag teams that are over with the fans. Yet they haven’t gotten a push with the tag belts or anything. Now, I will admit that I am happy that they are still getting featured on TV but I still think that they could be used a lot better.

Unfortunately though, I think it may be too late to give them a big push in the tag team division. I do want to see them getting a bigger push but like Sam mentioned, they have kept them together for way too long and haven’t done anything with them. This just reminds me of when Samoa Joe finally won the title; they pulled the trigger too late. I think it’s going to be the same thing for the MCMG. Once they pull the trigger on them it isn’t going to be the same if they had done it a long time ago.

It all may sound like a biased opinion since they are my favorite tag team in TNA but I just think they’ve been misused for a long time now. They could be doing a lot more with them and featuring them in matches more often, yet they don’t do that. Instead of giving them a bigger push, they are wasting TV time on useless wrestlers like Cody Deaner. I just understand why they are like that, but I guess it is what it is.
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