Descension of the Ascension?

Mustang Sally

Sells seashells by the seashore
Ironically, this 'descension' statement comes right after they finally won a match.....beating the Lucha Dragons on Smackdown (9/10). Could this be the beginning of a push for these guys?

If so, I wonder what WWE Creative could possibly have in mind for them ....i.e., what makes the brass believe Konnor and Viktor have the potential for success when all they've done so far is suck? :disappointed:

And man, they do suck. They had a couple of major botches Thursday night, the most glaring being one of the Dragons standing still in the ring, looking back at Viktor, who was perched on the ring apron. Plainly, there was something Viktor was supposed to do in that interval, and he missed it. Is it possible the Dragon is the one that missed the spot? Yes, I suppose, but watch the didn't look that way. (See it at the :45 second mark below)

Then, there was this gaffe:

[YOUTUBE]/watch?v=SU779H40GUE[/YOUTUBE] the :16 second mark, Viktor misses a clothesline, stumbles across the ring and falls through the ropes to the outside without being touched. If that wasn't trying to patch a missed spot, I don't know what else it could have been. It looked horseshit.

In addition to all this, these guys have a terrible look; one is big and flabby, the other small and flabby. If they want to emulate the Road Warriors, they have to toughen up their appearance. Plus, their movements in the ring and sloppy and ineffective looking....and their timing stinks.

Okay, all they did on Smackdown was win one match, but if this is the start of a push......and they perform as badly as they did on Thursday.....I don't think it's gonna work.

Admittedly, I never saw these guys in NXT. Were they more effective than they are on the main roster? How so?

Is anyone else seeing something I'm not seeing?
To be honest, I look at these guys the same way I look at Adam Rose, Bo Dallas and Emma. They work way better on the NXT stage than the main roster (Not that it's entirely their respective faults). Admittedly, the Ascension is the least skilled out of the aforementioned and part of the reason they went over so well in NXT is because a vast majority of their matches were simple squashes, but I still feel like they didn't screw up quite as much down there. Still, they went from holding the NXT tag titles and being viewed as this big deal to literally jobbing to the Lucha Dragons every week for a month straight plus on Superstars.

They did a return match to NXT recently for the Dusty Rhodes tournament, and they seemed a lot more confident and fluid, so maybe they just can't get over the jitters of the big stage.

Also in NXT they didn't have the dumb face paint thing going, and they rarely spoke.
Ok. Should this thread's title be "Ascension of the Descension"? They should be better named The Descension. And we are going to see them ascend.

I haven't seen their work down there in NXT. I kinda started watching NXT in Late December (couldn't remember accurately). Actually, it was when they were feuding against the team of Hideo Itami and Finn Balor. Considering the talent going into Takeover (people did refer to Ascension as a good team), I had anticipated that match. But alas, it didn't stand up to my expectations. I didn't like Ascension vs. Itami/Balor. They jobbed to Balor/Itami a few times. And BOOM... The Ascension is on the main roster. The tag team division will be blooming once again. Sadly, it did not.

All the Ascension did post their debut was squash some jobber teams/local talents. It was good until our "legendary" old shool teams buried them alive.

There is no built in potential in any talent. They need some time. The Ascension could be a good act if executed properly. Who thought The New Day would become one of the prime reasons to watch WWE? Who thought Roman Reigns would wrestle a good match with The Big Show (sigh)?
Yea for some reason their act worked in NXT. Like someone said, they didn't have the horrible face paint and didn't say anything. All their matches were squash matches, and seemed to follow the same routine each time.

It didn't help when they came up to the main roster, and the commentators Booker and JBL immediately started making fun of them. The Ascension are supposed to be bad ass villains, and they were made to look like kids out trick or treating on Halloween.

Afraid that pretty much did them in right from the start and they've never gotten back to were they should have been. It also didn't help that probably Vince changed their gimmick to a rip off of the LOD. Should have been left as they were.

I rarely seen them on TV anymore, so maybe not getting ring time is doing them in as well. You need to actually get in the ring on a constant basis, or things like timing, botches and just general symmetry will go by the wayside.

I really wanted to see them do well, but they've not accomplished anything since they were called up. Sending them back to NXT might be the best thing for them right now. At least there the commentary team appreciates what the wrestlers do, as so do the fans.
Well actually they were intimidating and powerful in the NXT. They were one of the few reasons why NXT tag division become more formidable. I don't know why they've botched so much in SD though. Perhaps it might be coz they haven't been in ring for so long? That shouldn't be an excuse.

Let's put that aside. In my verdict, I assume the Cosmic Wasteland is getting some serious push as WWE are trying to bring back the relevancy to the tag division. If you had noticed, they had some spots in the lumberjack match later that night and their apparent leader Stardust hit Cross Rhodes on Ryback. I can't gamble on that but I do fancy the idea of pushing the Ascension. Hope they'll use the opportunity provided.

The Ascencion was sent down the roster because they belong there. They look goofy. They act goofy. And they even talk goofy. When they first debuted I thought it was a joke.

People who think they were "buried" by the older teams and the announcers might be right, but they fail to accept the fact that the majority of the audience would agree with my first paragraph. They were doing everyone a favor.
The truth is they're sloppy workers and they aren't capable of putting on a long match.

Get rid of the facepaint & cheap imitation LOD gear, give them a manager and then we might start taking them seriously.
The Ascension are complete jokes. The crowd in NXT makes people look much better than they are because they go CRAZY for anything that happens. Even a mediocre match gets an incredible reaction from the NXT crowd. The Ascension came up to the main roster, completely buried The New Age Outlaws, and were then quickly revealed as being nobodies. I'm just glad they didn't feed even MORE teams to them.
The Ascension is only getting a push now because Stardust is with them to help them along . What they should do is have Stardust/Cody help to train them in the ring. They are very sloppy in the ring and need a little more training. In NXT they were made to look invincible with all of those squash matches, they are just not quite ready for the big time and that is why Cody/Stardust is probably there to help them along.
People who think they were "buried" by the older teams and the announcers might be right, but they fail to accept the fact that the majority of the audience would agree with my first paragraph. They were doing everyone a favor.

Yes, I know they had become painful. All they could do was bitch the older teams and it made sense for them to be destructed by the older teams. But, THAT certainly was not the right cause. You have a new Tag Team ready to add some flavor to the division and then you have some old teams. They were outnumbered too. But, didn’t Brock Lesnar destroy 4 guys upon his debut. How couldn’t they beat 4 teams.

I accept that they had become boring and people had the urge to see them get beaten.
In NXT they were more The Eliminators and less Road Warriors parody. Except the goofy ass faces they made.

Also in NXT and FCW there was a different wrestler on the team. He became Bram in TNA.

I think if they didn't get so much hate because of their gimmick, their botches would be more overlooked.

They were super popular during their time in NXT and people thought they'd be great for the tag division when they got moved up.
I think we can all agree that they have been a flop so far on the main roster. But I think pairing them with Stardust might be a step in the right direction. I can see Stardust being the evil mastermind and The Ascension be his henchmen. It could be similar to how the Joker has his henchmen fight his battles and do his dirty work. I think they could also change there attire and face paint to look somewhat similar to Stardust.
The Ascension are complete jokes. The crowd in NXT makes people look much better than they are because they go CRAZY for anything that happens. Even a mediocre match gets an incredible reaction from the NXT crowd. The Ascension came up to the main roster, completely buried The New Age Outlaws, and were then quickly revealed as being nobodies. I'm just glad they didn't feed even MORE teams to them.

This isn't entirely true, as NXT crowds are often dead silent...or they're going crazy. But in the case of the Ascension, it's just a matter of booking. In NXT, they were booked as incredibly strong and their finisher was really cool. On the Main Roster, they were sent out by Edge/Christian to punish are they face? But then they destroy Mizdow instead...So I guess they're heel. Then they crush random jobbers and the announcers made them out to be a joke.

I've only seen two of their NXT matches, when they lost the belts to the Lucha Dragons- which was really good, but the Lucha Dragons shined more than them- and when they recently lost to Rhyno/Corbin...which was better than anything I've seen on the Main Roster.

I feel that part of the problem is that their style is not flashy enough and they usually aren't given a lot of time. Even when they win, they tend to be upstaged by Billy Gunn or the Lucha Dragons. As for the Smackdown match, it was really sloppy, but I've seen Rollins and other great workers deliver really terrible matches.

Either way, I think the Ascension is only being built up right now to ultimately lose. Stardust won't likely win the feud against Neville, so expect something along the lines of 'Stardust and Barrett'. They win irrelevant matches to seem credible, but the long term plans are for them to do the job.
Never was into these guys. Their work in NXT never impressed me one bit. I always thought they were just very bland and never offered anything different other than face paint.

Someone said they had a cool finisher? I didn't understand what made it so special either. Everything about them as been less than mediocre. It also did them no favors when they came up and basically mocked arguably the greatest tag team of all time. I personally wouldn't care if they went back to NXT and were totally repackaged. There is just nothing about them that is interesting. For me... there never was.

Pairing them with Stardust is also not going to do them any favors. I applaud Cody for not taking the easy way out after Dusty died to go back to Cody Rhodes and ride the name. But he's feuding with Neville. Neville. You can't get lower than that. I honestly can't decide who's dragging who down in that scenario. They're a less funny, more talented version of 3MB. Maybe they can prove me wrong.
In NXT they were more The Eliminators and less Road Warriors parody. Except the goofy ass faces they made.

Also in NXT and FCW there was a different wrestler on the team. He became Bram in TNA.

I think if they didn't get so much hate because of their gimmick, their botches would be more overlooked.

They were super popular during their time in NXT and people thought they'd be great for the tag division when they got moved up.

Thanks that someone pointed it out!!
They painted up like Road Warriors...
And pretty much copied Eliminators finisher of Total Elimination...
they were bound to fail....the gimmick just doesn't work!!

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