Dave's Two Songs Of The Day Game!

Guys, I am going to join this thread if it is ok with you?

Natural my friend! On my behalf, it's good to have you join the party, although you should ask Dave, since this is his thread! ;)

February 28th, 2011

Have we really done this for one month Dave? Time's flown by. This has been a rewarding thread in that Ive added over 200 songs to my Ipod, and have been exposed to genres I haven't generally been a fan of, or was aware of altogether. Kudos for making this happen!

So I considered skipping today, because Im literally running on no sleep. due to all fault of my own, I was up all night until it was time to wake for work due to the Sports Debate League, and put in a full day on top of it. I somehow made it through my workout, and reallly was going to avoid WZ tonight, but there still was business to attend to in the debate league, and I wanted to find new music as well. Im completely stressed beyond belief due to work and a lack of sleep, so it hit me what I wanted to find. Something relaxing. Nothing quite along the lines of Enya, who would put me to sleep, but someone I could relax to nonetheless. Imogen Heap came to mind, but I was completely turned off by one of her songs and said screw it. I finally found a singer who I was completely familar with one of his songs, but it had never found my Ipod. I found another song I was more then happy to add, so the artist of the day is Gary Jules!

Gary Jules: Mad World

You knew I had to add this one, right? i went with the version with lyrics rather then the music video for full effect. For those not familar, Im a huge Tears for Fears fan. But their version of this song, the original version, never sat right with me. The lyrics are haunting and beautiful, and need to be sung as such. The TFF version is far too poppy and upbeat for my taste, but Jules freaking NAILED it on his cover compilation(with Michael Andrews). I may be overstating here, but this is the freaking best cover song ever done. From the Donnie Darko soundtrack(which if you havent seen the movie, you've missed a classic), Jules brings a fittingly haunting sound. The chorus especially displays this, with I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, the dreams in which Im dying are the best Ive ever had. You'ld have to see the movie to truly appreciate how brilliant Jules is here. In fact, you don't have to see the movie to appreciate the brilliance, but it certainly puts it into perspective. The song is relaxing, depressing, and thought provoking at the same time, , as this song is brilliant in its own dark way, and my favorite cover song of all time.

Gary Jules: Something Else


There were a couple of songs I found that I really enjoyed, but I kept coming back to this one. Every note here is perfectly hit, from the guitar to the female background singer ive yet to identify. I remember hearing the song at the end of a Scrubs episode somewhere, but Ive yet to figure out where. As much as I love the show, Im not going to drag out all 6 seasons we have and try to find it! It's completely different in that its not hauntingly sung like Mad World, but has the same depressive feeling, yet relaxing at the same time. And for the love of God, Im not going to even try and figure out what this one is about, as Im just going to enjoy the song for once! Rep if you can tell me what the song is about, or who the female in the background is! Anyway, if you liked these, Id also recommend:

Broke Window
No Poetry
Gone Daddy
Something Else
Falling Awake

The artist of the day is Gary Jules!
Guys, I am going to join this thread if it is ok with you?

You go right ahead, my friend. The more the merrier, I say.

You dove right in at the deep end though and I love the band that you chose for your most recent entry. Embrace are a band that I was quite of fond of for a while during the mid-2000's and then they just seemed to fade away into obscurity again. “Ashes” is likely my favourite song of their but “Nature's Law” is another incredible tune that gets me motivated with every single time that I listen to it!

Good choice and welcome aboard!

28th of February 2011

You know, sometimes, I really cannot try any less to find a new band or act to be considered for entry into this game and sometimes it becomes a freaking chore to find that act. However, today was one of those simple ones. In work today, I decided that I would waste a CD to get people into the party mood. I set up a beautiful surround sound system and hooked it up to the most gorgeous of TV's that we had in stock and began playing a few songs from the CD. Then I realised that I hadn't exactly picked a PG, work-friendly CD and had to change it from Urban Hits 2010 to The Brit Awards 2011 CD package. Needless to say, I was a little annoyed at myself for doing such a stupid thing. Who cares, no one noticed except me anyway...

Nevertheless, I decided that I would listen to some of the songs that were playing and I was blown away by how much music basically sucked in 2010, especially in the mainstream; which is where the music from this CD was extracted from. I suffered through one shit tune to another and whilst a lot of people seemed to enjoy the songs that were playing, I was sure that if something good didn't come on in the near future, I was going to throw the surround system off of the second floor! It really was terrible stuff until one song came on that not only lifted my day, it lifted the expectations of the CD to a whole new level. Right after his début in my graces, the CD picked up and featured Imogen Heap and Katie Melua... It was all right, you know!

Anyway, this artist is not one that I have ever heard of in my life before. Some of the time, I realise that I have forgotten a band that I like and add them into this. That was the case with Hard-Fi but it is far from the case here. This artist is not someone who, I suspect, anyone here will recognise. He is so obscure that even Wikipedia has not heard of him... It is that crazy! That being said, I am giving him this time and I am sure that you guys will love his funky, up-beat vocal style in the couple of songs I will post right now...

Today's artist of the day is Joe Worricker! Ever heard of him? Nope!

The first song I have posted is the song that got me curious about Joe Worricker. It was hidden away at the end of the CD and I was over the moon when his song was played to all of the people who were shopping around in my department. It is so upbeat and catchy that it is hard for me not to love it! Really, I suspect that it is his best song but given that I can only find 3 or 4 on Youtube, that is not really saying much. However, it is definitely the dsong that drew me into his style and gave me the impetus to go looking for more of his work. Don't you love it just as much as I do?

The second song is one of his latest offerings and it seems a little more polished to me. It also seems a little more professional too. I have no idea if he is signed to any record label or not but I suspect that he is attacked to someone or something that is producing his stuff. I mean, the second song has a pretty good music video to go along with it and I doubt that he could knock it up by himself if he wasn't signed to a label and getting some sort of help financially. What I really like about this song is his voice. It seems really full of soul and experience that takes me by surprise every time I hear it. It really has a unique sound to it that I haven't heard before in any form. It was the reason that I became a fan of his and the reason I will stick around.

A great find, if I do say so myself. Today's act of the day is Joe Worricker!
1st March 2011

Guys, after watching the magnificent film "24 Hour Party People" again last night, I felt compelled to choose a band featuring prominently during that film, one of the most important bands of the "Madchester" era and regular performers at the iconic Hacienda nightclub in Manchester, who went on to be one of the biggest bands of that era.


Now, for the people unaware of this band, you may recognise their most famous track "Step On" with its famous line "You're twistin' my melon man!" so I am not going to bother posting that one, and I have decided to show you my 2 favourite tracks by the band.


The ultimate "baggy" anthem, with its dancefloor feel, jangly guitaring that became synonomous with the band, and Shaun Ryder's instantly recognisable drugged up vocals drawling over the top. There are many remixes of this track, including the one by Paul Oakenfold with the song title altered to "W.F.L", but I much prefer the original. The Oakenfold one is played more regularly, but to me it cannot compare to this one.


One of THE Hacienda classics, "Hallelujah" is my favourite Happy Mondays track. Much more acid house than indie, this track still fills dancefloors today. I had the opportunity to see the Mondays live a couple of years ago, but was a bit wary as I had heard they were shambolic now, with Shaun Ryder reading his lyrics off an autocue. I needn't have worried, as they were fantastic and the arena was rocking to this track. It always makes me want to move, I love the beat when it kicks in properly after a minute or so, and it shows how varied the Mondays could be when you compare the differing styles in the songs I have posted today.

For those of you who only really know Shaun Ryder from his winning appearance on "I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here!" on UK tv this year, I beg you please check out some of his work in The Happy Mondays.

Other tracks you may want to listen to are:

Step On
Loose Fit
God's Cop
Bob's Yer Uncle
Mad Cyril
24 Hour Party People
Kinky Afro


Pump it up Hacienda! Pump it up Hacienda!
March 1st 2011

I need to get to bed, I really do. I truly defined facedesking last night when I fell asleep with my head directly on my computer screen at 6am yesterday, only for my alarm to go off an hour later. Im in charge of music at night, with the specific instructions that it has to be soft and peaceful. I don't quit understand this, becaue if that's what she really wants played, why not play it herself? Maybe she fears me and my horrrible temper if she picks something I don't like. :rolleyes: But I need to relax myself, and Id really like to sleep in my bed tonight, rather then in my office huddled in blankets. Ive made the(likely smart) decision to not go into work tomorrow, as I don't to tell some hurting soul who tells me their pomdering suicide that "Yeah, that sounds good", as I often do when I'm tired.(well, not the suicide part, but you get my idea) Im avoidng the Enya route, because she's already on my Ipod. I decided to go this route if I was feeling it when I read Dave's entry yesterday that mentioned her, after I had mentioned herself in my post! Freaking eery as usual dude! So I decided playing some Hide and Seek would be a good idea, and that it was time to say Goodnight and Go, to bed. For those who are getting my terrible play on words, Im referring to the artist of the day, 33 year old British artist Imogen Heap!

Imogen Heap: Speeding Cars

Ah, the joys of growing pains! Whether it be a lost job, lost love, or life really sucks right now, this song is quite reaffirming of one person's love for another, despite the circumstances. The reassurance of heaing It was a long time ago seems almost as a metaphor that the situation will soon past, and be in our rear view mirrors quite soon. Imogen's voice has always been soothing to me after hearing the stalkerish Goodnight and Goodbye years ago on my friend Jeannine's MySpace page, and I even attempted to buy the album at Best Buy to be informed that they only had the single's, for $2.99 each. Screw that, as Im not paying 3 bucks for a song when I can downloaad it for a buck! Anyway, while the aforementioned Goodnight song is the one that got me into Imogen Heap, Speeding Cars has been and is to this day my favorite song by her. Her sooting way of singing really gives the reassuring feeling that everything will be ok, no matter the situation. I think I like that idea, and always have! Just a truly beautiful song by a wonderful artist that doesn't get near enough love.

Imogen Heap: Wait it Out

If you haven't noticed yet, Imogen is light on music, and heavy on vocals. Normally that would make for a louder, more boisterous sound, but she is quite the opposite. She could sing me to sleep any night, and Id be quite content, so I found exactly what I was looking for! The song itself is about a couple in limbo, with one having committed an egregious error in the relationship, but not enough that the other has called it quits. Rather, they're playing the keep away game, as in withholdng any progression in the relationship. The song asks the questions of what it will take to move forward, or if the task is just impossible, and they have to wait it out for time to heal everything. It's not an enjoyable feeling, as Ive been there in the past. actually with my wife when we were dating. I can't remember what I said or did, but I somehow broke her trust, and she felt quite unsure about the relationship. While I was used to seeing her three times a week or so and talking everday, the silence and the absence of her presence was killing me. There were times when I just wanted to say "screw it" and not give her the satisfaction of controlling my feelings, but I eventually found a middle ground where I set an unmentioned(we weren't talking) personal deadline of which I would stop waiting it out. Fortunately, she beat the deadline by 3 days, missing me, and mostly forgetting what I said or did. I didn't know either, so I sure as hell don't remember. That's the meaning I got from the song. So first Gary Jules, and now Imogen Heap. I'd say Im going soft, but I love em both! Both hd escaped my Ipod until yesterday and today, but that's rightly been fixed. If you like these two you may like these as well:

Hide and Seek
Goodnight and Goodbye
What you Say(the song Jason Derulo sampled)
Just For Now
First Train Home
Between Sheets
Half Life

Imogen Heap does one thing, but she does it very well. Her speak/sing style is very soothing and unique at the same time, especially when she introduces soft intsruments in the background. Shes certainly not for everyone, but I like her quite a bit, and 10 new songs have now found a way to my Ipod. Ive gone soft the last two days, so Ill likely change that tomorrow unless something really appeals to me. The artist of the day is Imogen Heap!
March 1st 2011

Yeah, boy! Today's post marks a month of entries into this thread and into my music library. I really do thank everyone who has taken part in this because I wouldn't have kept going if it wasn't for you guys. But enough of all this hippy, free-love bullshit! Let's get on with the posting of some music, baby!

Today, I knew what I wanted to cover since I heard the very first song. Funnily enough, it came by one of my friends posting the lyrics to one of her songs on her Facebook wall. I sometimes like to see what people are talking about and this time was no different. I lifted the lyrics and pasted them into a Google search. After a moment, I found the song I was looking for and was extremely grateful that Google managed to translate the lyrics form the usual drivel that people around my parts usually speak. I mean, is it so hard to speak with some composure? Is it that hard to speak with proper spelling and grammar? Not for me it isn't and I am not trying...

Either way, praise be to Google for helping me find this song and I guess that praise ought to go to the person in question who posted the lyrics. I had heard this song but my stream was lagging on the STV Player and I decided to skip it in favour of looking at who got the awards. The ceremony in question was the Brit Awards and I only wish now that I had stayed tuned to see what was going on with all of the performances. One performance blew me away and I assure you that it will do the same to you.

Today's act is someone who has a very powerful voice and is now finding her way into the hearts and homes of the British people with her massive talent. Perhaps I should have been saying this after her first offering but she seems to have come on an absolute mile since we last heard of her and she is now getting the appreciation that she perhaps should have been getting a couple of years earlier. Her performance at the Brit Awards has managed to propel her into a whole new level of fame and her album is flying off of the shelves. But enough talking by me, let's get onto looking at what I am talking about...

Today's act of the day is Adele!

The British people on the board are probably more familiar with Adele than the Yanks and that is not say that she does not have the appeal to “break” America. What I am saying is that she has only, now, started to find her feet with her song-writing and making it appeal to the masses. I fully suspect that she will be crossing over to the States in the near future and after listening to those vocal performances, you have to think that she will be successful in that endeavour. The first song is the song that opened me up to her world. It is the performance at the Brit Awards and the song that has put her on top of the UK Singles Chart. I think that is the second week she has been on top and you need to understand that people are going wild for this performance. When she gets to the chorus, there is just so much power and emotion in the words that she is singing. This song is lifted from her album entitled “21” and is the last track to be played on that record. I will certainly be downloading the full thing tonight and seeing what the continual fuss is all about. This album has been at the number one spot in the UK for a couple of weeks now and with songs like this involved, it is not hard to see why everyone is going wild for it.

The second song, is from her first album “19”. I like another one of her songs a little better but I wanted to show what she has done in both of her albums and not just the one. This album “19” is currently listed as the number two album in the UK despite being released years ago. That should tell you how much she has taken the country by storm lately. She is the first artists since The Beatles to hold TWO top 5 songs and TWO top 5 albums in the charts simultaneously since The Beatles... Let that sink in for a moment. Anyway, this song is actually amazing. The verses are nice and slow to enhance the vocal talent of the singer and then the chorus will just blow you away continually. I think that Adele won the Grammy award for best female vocal performance for this song, if memory doesn't fail me. Either way, it is utterly amazing and she deserves all of the celebration she is getting right now. Her soulful voice has inspired me.

You should also check out, “Rolling In The Deep” and “Make You Feel My Love” if you enjoyed these two song, which you damn well should!

Today's act of the day is Adele!
March 2nd 2011

Yes, sir! We plough further into month two of this endeavour and we are all still going strong. In fact, did you know that this thread is the 4th most participated in, unstuck thread in the Music forum? I bet you didn't... Either way, I am very happy with that accomplishment. Let's see how far up the table we can go.

Today, I knew what I wanted!

I went into my brother's room this morning to get him up for work, as I normally do, and he was listening to some of the music that I had left on my old machine. He normally listens to music when he goes to sleep but I had never heard him listen to anything that I had left on the machine. Not only that but he had set up a playlist. That may not seem odd to anyone else but to me, it shook me to the core. My big brother has perhaps the worst taste in music I have ever seen. He listens to Miley Cyrus, Shania Twain and Bette Midler. Don't get me wrong, put some alcohol down my throat and I will sing The Rose better than anyone you know but he listens to his stuff whilst sober.

Still, when I went into his room this morning, I was taken aback by what he was listening to. The band that I am going to cover today (and yes, it is a band once again), is one that really excited me a few years ago but when I changed over my computer, I must have forgotten to include them. Do you ever get the feeling that you may have exhausted a band's music by listening to it far too much? This band fell victim to that on my old machine and my iPod. Not only did I think they were amazing, I thought they were the best thing to come out of Liverpool since The Beatles.

I don't regret saying that because I still think that they are a terrific band that not a lot of people would have heard of. They found some fame in Japan before really finding their feet in the UK and I am pretty sure that no one will have a clue who I am talking about, if you are from the States. But fear not, Dave will introduce you to a band who lit up his musical world for a long time before really falling away into obscurity once again as he introduces his band of the day...

The Wombats!

The first song I have posted is my absolute favourite Wombats song and should be your favourite too. It is too bad that not a lot of people know about this song because it makes for a perfect party song when you are out in the club. I remember being in Glasgow one weekend and this song came on. I almost died and couldn't stop telling people how much I loved it. Given, I was absolutely smashed, it made it all the better! This is a party anthem and really gets people on their feet. It is taken from the “A Guide to Love Loss & Desperation”, which is a great album that features multiple amazing songs! You, honestly, need to get a grip of it somehow and give it a full listen. It defined my 2009 and some of the songs on there still make me get excited when I hear them, despite them being played to their unfortunate end.

Still, their upcoming album is due to hit the shelves in April and the second song I have posted from them is lifted from that production. They have released two songs from this album before it has been released and I question the logic of that. I like to have the album in front of me so that I can decide on it as a whole. This song is fantastic and I really enjoy it. It is always being played in my gym and that is where I know it from. However, the other song from the album that has been released hasn't quite won me over just yet. I did only listen to it half an our ago but I think it has time to grow on me for sure. Nevertheless, this song is a good number and a sign of what is to come from this band in “This Modern Glitch”.

The Wombats are a relatively unknown band from Liverpool that, I think, are one of the best bands around that are not in the mainstream. I picked up on them really early on and it was a rewarding experience. I think that if you gave them the chance, you would get the same reward as I did.

Today's band of the day is The Wombats!
March 2nd 2011

Yes, sir! We plough further into month two of this endeavour and we are all still going strong. In fact, did you know that this thread is the 4th most participated in, unstuck thread in the Music forum? I bet you didn't... Either way, I am very happy with that accomplishment. Let's see how far up the table we can go.

And to think that for the most part, it was just the two of this keeping this little diddy alive. If Natural continues to join us, perhaps we can catch SSC's thread! Ok, wishful thinking, but I'm all in for month two since you are!

March 2nd, 2011

I found my task to be more difficult then I thought today, but at least I was able to use process of elimination as to what I didn'twant. With no disrespect to Gary Jules or Imogen Heap, they're only of the artists-type I can listen to at certain times. if Im tired or want to relax, music like theirs can certainly do the trick. But much of my day is geared toward quite the opposite, and as such, I need something different. Something to push me through that last hour at work, or the last quarter mile on the treadmill, and even the last rep on the bench.

I was first introduced to the band many years ago by a girlfriend who, despite my friendship with her and her husband, and i do not look back at our time together fondly. Perhaps that's the reason they've avoided my Ipod until now. No matter where we went, or what we did, she either played them in her car, or brought them along with us in mine. I grew so sick of not being able to ever talk over them that if I hadn't been such a nice guy, I would have tossed the CD out the window, never to be heard from again. I contemplated it on more then occasion.

Nevertheless, that was truly my only exposure to the band until now, so I never gave them a chance. Some of their newer stuff impressed me, especially in the way they encorporate a raw and slick sound together. So Alysha, all is forgiven. Because as much as I avoided this band because of you, they've now found their way into my Ipod, likely because of you as well. The band of the day is Atreyu!

Atreyu: Storm to Pass


I love the calm quiet with which this song starts out, but things heat up quickly. It's a neat intro and almost a metaphor for the discussion of "storms" that are to come. It's an incredible intro, really. I pointed out the anthem-like nature of the band, and no song emphasizes that then this. The idea of past problems coming back into our life and the fear that they will overtake us is very real for some people, and the band highlights that quite well in this. There's nothing memorable about the lyrics here, as on the contrary, they're quite simplistic. But they accomplish the purpose of the idea of using one's inner strength, wherever it may come from, to show the age-old notion of "This too shall pass." I really like that, and the song is capped off by some memorable screaming at the end that Atreyu pulls off well.

Atreyu: Becoming the Bull

Again, there's nothing groundbreaking here, but it's certainly a kick-ass song. It has the same anthem like nature of the first song, and I almost skipped using it, but it's the song that first got me into Atreyu. The song is similar in some regards to the first song, discussing life's struggles and how one handles them. Note the piano at 3:00, which is a nice refrain during this hard song. It almost serves as a reflection point as to what the band is getting at here. The overall concept of the song is displayed nicely, and the band takes you there at a frenetic pace. There are two ways of going through life, and one is to seize opportunities. The other is to sit back and wait for them to come our way. I like when bands discuss optionsrather then focusing on life just being hard, or it being a bed of roses. For that, I like Atreyu, and like this song even more. They're certainly a radical departure from the past two day's entries, and one that I can certainly tune to while at the gym. They also show the ability to slow it down at points when necessary. Not a band that will set the world on fire with deep, insightful lyrics, but sometime all you need is a strong, purpose-driven sound, and the band delivers exactly that. They do a decent jobn of being both raw and slick with their sound at the same time, a difficult feat to pull off.

If you were a fan of these two songs, you may also like:

Falling Down
So Wrong
Congregation of the Damned
Lead Sails(And a Paper Anchor)
Slow Burn
Ex's and Oh's

The band of the day is Atreyu!
3rd of March 2011

Today, I am delving back into my old collection music that was left on my old machine when I gave it to my big brother. After going into his room and taking all of the songs that I wanted from his machine, I ended up having another 70 or so songs being put into my iTunes library today. I am so glad that he played a couple of songs yesterday and reminded of a time when I was more diverse in my music choices than I am now. The 70 songs I lifted from his machine are from everywhere. I lifted songs by artists ranging from Bob Marley to Spider Bait. From Papa Roach to T.I. Personally, it showed me just so casual I had been with music lately and that I needed to try and get back into it. It is with that in mind, that I decided to look up a long-forgotten band that brought me some joy when I was a little younger.

This band were never really that big. I assume that they had one song that people may have heard of but their fame was definitely a fleeting occurrence. Although I have no way of making sure, I am pretty confident that they have now broken up after two studio albums were released. The first of which was probably their best but we shall get into that in a minute. This band really don;t have a lot to their name and I cannot help but feel that they were completely underrated. I mean, I was never a huge fan of them when I was younger but I have listened to enough of their work today that makes me think that they deserved a better crack of the whip.

They really have a lot of talent and were very classically trained in music. A lot of their songs have a very classic theme to them and it could be perhaps because they were very heavy in piano. Still, I think that they should have had more success than they did. The lost their recording deal and released their second album as an independent record. Personally, I think the songs that were released from it were awesome and it pains me to say that they seem to faded into musical obscurity again.

Nevertheless, their plight is heard today! Today's band of the day is Elliot Minor!

The first song I have posted from Elliot Minor is, undoubtedly, my favourite song by the band of the day. Not only does it feature a really good string dimension that I feel could be better utilized by a lot of bands these days, it also features lyrics written about Jessica Alba! I mean, come on! Isn't that just the most awesome thing to ever exist? Seriously now... Personally, I love the sound of this song and it is only complemented by the vocal performance. I am not usually into the whiny feel that a lot of bands, categorically classed as “emo”, employs but this song Is different. It was the song that got me into Elliot Minor and the reason why I decided to go out and find some more offerings from the Devon band. If you don't like this song, then turn back now because it is easily their best anthem. I would say it is also their most successful song, having reached number one in the UK Indie singles chart and number 19 in the proper chart. Still, it has such a great rock feel to it whilst being accompanied by such a classical dimension. Wonderful!

The second song I have posted is taken from their second album and their final offering to the world of music. Elliot Minor themselves said that the second album was more complete and that it varied from the first album, in regards to it being more of a story. I think they hit the nail on the head when they said that the first album was a collection of singles and not an album. I definitely think that the second song I have posted, “Electric High”, is a more polished song from the band and that definitely reflects the entire album. I have listened to a few more songs from the second album and I can tell you that it is just a much better effort than the first. It really was too bad that they didn't get a shot to release it with their initial record label because I really think this could have been the album that took them places. Nevertheless, this song is amazing too. Just like the first song, this features a great vocal performance and a great rock feel because of the prevalent electric guitar right after the chorus. It definitely shows the classical training of Elliot Minor and I love it to bits!

Today's band of the day is Elliot Minor!
March 3rd 2011

So it was supposed to be a lazy process by which I chose a band today. I simpy went to Genius on Itunes, and cross referenced several bands. But despite small moments of promise, AlexIsOnFire, Gob, Screaming Trees, and the Shout Out Louds didn't feature enough quality that I felt I would listen to them more then once or twice before they fell to the back of the playlist. So my search took me to cross referencing 32 Leaves, which is a band I added earlier in the week. Much to my surprise, I found a band who, despite a limited sample, I may like even more!

The reason for the limited sample from said band is that they weren't around very long. And unlike most of the bands Ive featured here, I'd never heard of them. Not a band Id heard at the end of a TV show. Not a band I saw live hitting leading for the featured act any given summer. Not a band I liked alot, or a band I'd egregiously left off my playlist. Just a band that upon first experience, I liked alot! And that band is Burn Season!

Burn Season: Closer

Note the piano and the distortion throughout the first verse of the song. This was my favorite song from the band, and that's partly why. It's something that truly sets them apart from "Generic Rock Band #3" for me. And despite my personal aversion to swearing just for the sake, the line of "F*ck with Me" is palpable and very relevant here right before the chorus. The meaning here is simple, as the person is lamenting the end of a relationship. Instead of focusing on the "I hate you b*tch!" or "My life is over" trap many a band falls into when exploring this area of life, the band attempts to cling to hope. They express their hope to stay in that person's life no matter the way, even if it's not in a relationship, or it means being "F*cked with". Yet despite their longings, they realize that the person can live without them, despite their willingness to do whatever it takes. The selflessness is refreshing and a huge win for me, especially in the face of a painful process. Both the way the song is laid out musically and the self-awareness make this a great song.

Burn Season: Carry On

If you've followed along with me at all throughout this thread, one of the things you know I look for is diversity in a band. Burn Season is an exception, as what they do, they do quite well. Ill use a wrestling example. If you can't tell by my sig, Im a huge John Cena mark. When I see Cena, I want to see a good promo, followed by a solid match where Cena takes a beatdown, escapes, mounts a comeback, and wins the match. I don't want to see Cena diversify, I want to see him cut intense promos, and win in a way only he does. I don't want to see him fire off drop kicks or shoot off hurricanranas, I just want him to be the John Cena that brought my passion for wrestling back 6 years ago. And it's the same thing with this band. Most of their songs sound the same, and are about similar things. They're about broken relationships anad the realization of having to cope with them. The musical sound makes them hard to identify one song from another at times, and that's finbe with me. Their sound is stong enough that I really like the way they come across, diversified or not. As for the song, the realization of the need to "carry on" isn't as easy as it's portrayed, and the band knows this, noting "I drink myself to sleep 500 times." Perhaps it's because a painful breakup 6 years ago puts me there, and I probably did drink myself to sleep approaching that number! ;)

Typically, bands like this don't have a long shelf life, and their example numero uno of that. Despite that fact, they developed a good niche and an apparent cult following in the Florida area. I can see why. While at times I get annoyed by even my favorite bands when they pump out song after song and album after album that sounds alike(Im looking at you, Breaking Benjamin!), I didnt find myself feeling that vibe with these guys. Again, maybe it was because of their small sample size, or that I really liked said sound. Either way, if you liked these two, you may also like:

My Fault
Walk Away

The band of the day is Burn Season!
It also features lyrics written about Jessica Alba!

I loved Elliot Minor and always wondered where they disapeared to. This fact may truly make them your finest find thusfar!

Personally, it showed me just so casual I had been with music lately and that I needed to try and get back into it.

I understand the feeling. It reminded me back to your "Musical rite of passage" thread(not sure how I remembered that!) and what music got me out of the rut of the grunge-era rock i grew up listening to exclusively! I'll try to rectify the similar trap Ive fallen into myself lately.

March 4th, 2011

So Ive never been big into the rap or hip/hop genre. I don't know why, but Ive felt put-off by many aspects of arrests and bragadocious lifestyles that Ive stereotyped some very good artists and have failed to give them a try. One can just go through this thread to see that this genre has gotten no love from me whatsoever! I was determined to rectify that today!

Blue Scholars: No Rest for the Weary

The beat to this song reminds me something Id sit on my porch during the end of spring/beginning of summer and just relax with a drink and my wife to. There's never a transition specifically from verse to chorus as the song essentially runs at one pace the entire time. The idea behind the song, is, ironically, just the opposite. It discusses the struggles of a busy life and the challenges associated with no rest in some of the most common areas, such as after becoming a parent, working long hours, or starting a marriage. All, while rewarding, can also be quite taxing, and I think that idea is reflected well within this song. It's nothing groundbreaking, but the socially conscious duo from Seattle seems to have their heads on straight.

Blue Scholars: Baack Home

The smooth nature of this song underlies the serious plea the duo is making for our soldiers to return from Iraq before any more casualties ensue. The line So next time you see recruiters in your school or your crib, tell them thank you for the offer but you'd rather you lived, We got more than just our bodies to offer, so fuck a coffin wrapped in red white and blue, withdraw offer past due. really emphasizes what this song is about. No matter what stance one has in regards to our troops, there's no arguing the truth in the lyrics. Both men, DJ Sabzi and MC Geologic are quite intelligent, having graduated with honors from state school Washington in Seattle. They've released 9 albums or EP's over their 7 year career together, so there was plenty of music to choose from here. I enjoyed what I sampled, and this was my favorite of the lot. I can't say they're a group I'll listen to alot, but they certainly won't fall into obscurity on my Ipod, which made them worthy of download.

If you liked these two, you may also like:

Joe Metro
North by Northwest
Still Got Love
Life and Debt
Solstice Reintroduction
The Ave

The artist of the day are the Blue Scholars!
5th of March 2011

Hey, you guys!

Today, I was actually swamped with work and I will be the same over the next few days. I am heading out to a very luxury apartment tomorrow night, I believe, to go through more rigorous training for my work During Monday and Tuesday, I will be rubbing shoulders with some of the biggest names in technology and getting to look at the very latest developments for the future. Don't let me make it sound awesome though... It will be utter shit!

So, I really wasn't too motivated to post anything in here today but I didn't want to leave it for more than couple of days without me posting in it. I will be gone until Wednesday probably and I really wanted to add a couple of new songs to my iPod for the long journey there and then for the boring parts of the conferences that I need to sit through for 10 hours a day. Yep... It is pretty hardcore stuff. So, with that in mind, I tried to aim for the best and most gloriously happy music in the world. Positivity will be more than thin on the ground on Monday and Tuesday and I am worried that I wont be able to get through it without some good music playing directly into my brain to drown out the complete monotone of the keynote speaker...

Nevertheless, I decided that I would go ahead and try and get the most positive music that I could and nothing sprung to mind more than a capella. The only problem that remained was trying to find a decent a capella band that fit the criteria. After some searching, I really just gave up and decided to watch some TV. Now, this scared the shit out of me! When I turned on a bit of Scrubs, Ted's band were singing a blast of Charles In Charge and my luck was in! How crazy was it that I was looking for an a capella band and they eventually found me? Anyway, The Blanks are the band of the day!

The first song I have posted, you may very well already know. The Blanks covered this song, I guess as some sort of tribute to Laszlo Bane who initially sang the tune. I honestly have no idea why I didn't add The Blanks to my music library sooner but I am glad that I stumbled upon them today. This song is brilliant from start to finish. I love the original and this cover is just a wonderful use of that song. A capella really fits the lyrics of this song and I think that it is probably their best song, despite not being their own work completely. It really annoys me that these guys have not made it big yet but I am sure that they get enough work to keep them going. I also assume that this song is a favourite of the live crowds and I would love to be a part of the audience the next time they roll into my neck of the woods, especially if they perform this one.

The second song is just wonderful. I remember watching the episode of Scrubs that this song was featured in and absolutely adored it then. In that time, nothing has changed and just like the first song I have posted, this song really seems to fit the bill for an a capella anthem. Despite it being rap and a little faster paced than the first song I posted, I think that it stands as a legacy to The Blanks that they managed to pull this off without being too comedic and making people laugh at them, rather than with them when they perform it. The guitar, along with the vocal performances from all of these extremely talented guys just manages to make my day every time I listen to it. It's been on repeat for 20 minutes now and I have been singing along as I write this entry.

Bout time! The Blanks are the act of the day!
Good morning fellow Music Gurus!

I have been away from my laptop most of this weekend, and although I have been able to check WZ quickly, I have not had the chance to really post since last Friday. However, now I am back and able to join in the musical sharing extravaganza once again!

So, today I am going to provide you with 2 songs from a man you are all familiar with, but you may not have heard this particular band. A true guitar legend, and a man who has made the top hat nearly as iconic as Abraham Lincoln, that man is Slash.

Obviously, Slash's most famous work came as the axe-man for Guns N Roses, where has was responsible for some of the most memorable solos and riffs in history and more recently in Velvet Revolver and his successful solo album. However, I am going to choose to focus on the band he was a member of during the G 'N' R hiatus in between Appetite For Destruction and Use Your Illusions 1 & 2, and again afterwards.

That band was his side project, where he again played guitar but had alot more influence on the style of music played. That band was Slash's Snakepit.

They released 2 albums, both with a different vocalist. The original line up featured Mike Inez (Alice In Chains) on bass, fellow Guns N Roses members Matt Sorum (Drums) and Gilby Clarke (guitar) with ex-Jellyfish lead singer Eric Dover on vocals. Their debut album "It's 5 o'clock Somewhere" came out in 1995, with my first track coming from that album.


This was the 1st track I really liked from the Snakepit. A Slash-obsessed friend of mine lent me both their albums, and I put this one on first. Dover's vocals are fantastic on this track, with Slash displaying all the axe-wielding genius we have come to expect. A brilliant, sleazy sounding track and one all Guns fans will love.

After returning to Guns, and breaking up the Snakepit, Slash reformed the group with an updated line up after the demise of Guns N Roses in 1998 with Rod Jackson on vocals, who I think has an even better voice than Eric Dover. They released the album "Ain't Life Grand" in 2000 and it is from that album that my 2nd Snakepit selection comes from.


"Landslide" is a magnificent rock n' roll song. Great guitars (as always), great vocals and incredibly catchy. I love driving down a clear road at high speeds with this blasting out of the speaker, sunglasses on without a care in the world. Slash has been a part of so many phenomenal tracks, I would have to say he is my favourite guitarist in music.

I recommend these 2 albums to anyone, particularly "Ain't Life Grand" and another track from that album I suggest you listen to is "Life's Sweet Drug". I would say that is a better track that "What Do You Want To Be", but I wanted to do 1 pick from each album.

Anyway, friends....enjoy Slash's Snakepit! Rock on!
Sorry for high-tailing and leaving this thread without any real warning, as bad is sounds I sort of.......... forgot? But to make amends I'm gonna have to reach deep, plus hope nobody else is yet to have put this band in the thread yet.

So me and my brother haven't spoken for I'd say over a year now. I started the mutual silence. Of course I'd blame him, my reasoning being that he would always make a point of insulting me about my weight, and not in a jokey way, deadly serious. See he also used to be overweight until he started doing martial arts and getting gradually in shape, so obviously you'd expect he would be more empathetic towards my situation. That wasn't the only thing, he was just in general a dick and still is. So I decided one day that family or not I don't need someone in my life who just berates me like that. Btw I'm a master at holding the grudge hence how I haven't given in yet. Thankfully we always had a very similar sense of humour and we have this habit of making jokes in each other's company and laughing without ever making conversation, in fact our relationship now is better than it ever was.

Now if I can tie this all back to the point of the thread. He wasn't much of a music fan (some of his favourite was American civil war songs) but the first real band he ever got into just happened to be a fairly famous one. Now I shared a room with him for part of our speaking armistice (you can imagine how difficult that was) and he played their music often. But as sometimes happens you'll hear a song 20 times and think nothing of it, then one time you may just have your barrier low and it enters in. It took one song and I was hooked and have been ever since. Which is strange because it's not a genre I would normally expect myself to like and yet despite that they are one of my favourite bands of any genre.

I can't exactly sum up what it was that made me feel this song, it just felt really loose and free to me and, well, whatever the case I had a special spot for it. That was the first domino that fell and knocked over the rest. With no further ado, my band today is Alice in Chains. And the song is Heaven beside you.


Now ym second song by them I tell you I have not been able to get it out of my head for any period of time recently. It wasn't previously on of my most liked songs by them but now I can barely go a day without giving it a listen. One of their more grungier records and it just has a quality that I don't really feel I've heard in any other artists of bands work before.

For my next "Two Songs Of The Day" I am going to follow on from Horace and choose a band featuring Layne Staley....his side project MAD SEASON

This band only ever released one album to to other commitments and then Layne's tragic death, but what an album. "Above" contains some hidden classics that most fans of Alice In Chains will never have heard. The group contained Staley and members of other Seattle Grunge bands Pearl Jam and Screaming Trees.

I first discovered this band through the wonders of Amazon, as it came up while ordering an Alice In Chains CD, and loving Layne's voice I though "what the hell" and ordered it. I was extremely impressed with some of the tracks, but I have selected my favourite two.


"River Of Deceit" is the most famous Mad Season track, which I believe did very well in the US charts. It is reminicent of the Alice In Chains tracks from the "Jar Of Flies" acoustic EP, and is a magnificent piece of music. Layne's vocals are emotional and beautiful and the song is a favourite of mine when I am relaxing.


The most "Alice" sounding track on the album, a great grungey riff with the recognisable Staley vocals over the top. I loved this song from the moment it began, it is exactly what I like in grunge music. Sliverchair blatantly stole the riff for their track "Slave"- which I heard before I found the original.

Great song, and I really recommend any fans of Alice In Chains or grunge in general to try Mad Season- "Above"- it really is a good album.

RIP Layne
My sincerest apologies, fellas. I was away at a work conference for the last couple of days and couldn't get any sort of internet access. For that reason, I wasn't actually able to listen to any new music at all. However, I am bouncing back strong tonight in the hope that I can keep it going.

March 8th 2011

I actually changed my mind about who I wanted to cover in this entry but I guess that the other bands time will come. I was watching “House Bunny” starring Anna Farris and Emma Stone with a girl that I am seeing and despite being one of the most predictable movies in the history of film, it had a great soundtrack. The band that I was going to cover were included but when I listened to them, I just couldn't find another song that really deserved to go in. If I get some more time, maybe I will try and find another song of theirs so that I can induct them into this thread but more importantly, they gave me the idea to look up a band that I had heard on the radio a few times but had never really taken notice of in the past.

I looked them up and definitely liked what I heard. This band, from the United Kingdom, might not be very well known because I really didn't know that much abut them. Maybe I am wrong though and some of the British guys that post in this thread will be able to shed a little bit of light onto the situation with this band but I am coming into this as a rookie. Really, apart from the songs I had heard on the radio whilst not taking any notice, I would not have even thought of looking for this band and I hope that you guys enjoy the naivety of that discovery almost as much as I did, if not surpass it.

With that being said, I guess I should go ahead and introduce you to some of the facts that accompany this act. They are from the United Kingdom and although they have not really found a lot of fame in the country, I suspect that there is a lot more to come from them. Their sound is very fresh and really reminds me of Blink 182 when they were in their prime. In fact, I am sure that I read on Wikipedia that they have cited Blink 182 as one of their influences and that clearly shows in the band's works. They have released two albums (I think) and both of them have been relatively successful for a band that has really not managed to break into the mainstream market yet. Nevertheless, let's get on with some song posting...

Today's band of the day is You Me At Six!

Firstly, I must say that I have fallen in love with this band today. Who knows how long it will last but for the moment, I just cannot seem to get enough of them. I have downloaded the album that both of these songs come from and I am absolutely loving listening to it. It includes a huge variation of tracks and styles that I think people would really enjoy if they listened to it enough. The album got to number 5 in the UK singles chart and that is no easy feat, I would say. The first song is the song that got me into You Me At Six and I still love it as much as I did when I heard it the first time in full. It is worth noting that I reckon this was the song that I constantly heard on the radio a couple of months ago that I could not get out of my head. The chorus on this song is absolutely incredible and when you couple that with the simplistic beginning, I think you have a recipe for a great song. This song won the Kerrang award for best song too, which is pretty good for a song that I suspect you have never heard before...

The second song is a song that I absolutely love. I started off with the intention of just adding two songs from this band to my library but the more I listened to the band, the more I started to really enjoy their stuff. Yes, they may fall into my trap of being and Alternative punk rock group but it is just the music that I seem to enjoy the most and this song is no different. I just actually adore the chorus and the vocal range of the lead singer. I think this is one of the most well-balanced You Me At Six songs and to me, it seems as though nothing is really out of place. I suspect it should be one their best songs but I haven't really listened to them enough to really make a judgement on that one. Although, what I will say is that if you don't like this song, then you definitely wont like the rest of their work and that is your loss completely.

Today's band of the say is You Me At Six!
March 11th 2011

Ive missed about a week just due to health and life and that kind of stuff, but I wanted to be sure to get back with this before I fell away from this. I can never get me enough new music! Ive been on a softer music kick, and that hasn't changed today, although You Me At Six was a great choice Dave, and I downloaded both songs myself! :) Stay with Me, especially, is a kickass song!

One of the things I love most about what I do for a living is that I get to talk to people. Whether it be about sports, their favorite TV shows, or a band, on of the biggest things that I use a common denominator to build a relationship with people is their interests. And while there are plenty of days that suck and make me question why I chose to work with people in the first place, there is many a day that's quite rewarding. Some of the time, I think I should feel guilty because I believe Im getting more out of "talk therapy" then the client is! One of the biggest reasons for this is unquestionably music. Not only am I able to share some of my favorite bands or artists with clients based on their tastes that may help them relax, but they do the same for me! It truly is a win-win situation in that regard!

I knew what I was looking for today, although I wasn't necessarily sure I'd find two songs by the band that I'd like and find to be worthy of putting on the Ipod. After a kickass session with a really chill client, I thought Id give a band he suggested a try. He's given many of my suggestions a try, and they've been very helpful for him. I figured I owed him as much to return the favor and check out someone I'd never heard of. One song was an immediate hit with me, while the other took a few samplings, but I found my two songs! Im never opposed to listening through some music to find what I want, and although this took longer then I'd hoped, the band of the day is Athlete! Ever heard of them? Yeah, me neither!

Athlete: Wires

This is easily the winner from what I gathered from the Indie Rock band from London. Apparently it hit #1 in the UK back in 2006 when it was first released, alhough it never received much airplay here in the States. From what I read about the band, one of their biggest frustration had everything to do with the fact that they didn't receieve consistent airplay everywhere, and while this may seem a bit pretentious, they have a legitimate beef here. From what Ive gathered, this song is about the lead singers son who when born, was not very well and was hospitalilzed shortly after being born, and touches on the feelings of fear he experienced at the time. The song ends on a hopeful note with the re-assurance that his son was ok, and the trauma seemed like a distant memory. Of course, Im going to adapt this in any way I see fit, as I always do, and this certainly can relate to any situation, and coming out on the other side. I cant say enough how much I freaking love this song! Ive listened to it about 6 times already today, and don't plan on turning repeat off for a little while here! Great song, and you really owe it to yourself to check it out!

Athlete: Black Swan Song

I think I mentioned at the beginning that I struggled for a bit in finding a second song that I liked from this band. I had no such struggle here, as I liked this song the first time I heard it. Apparently the lead singer is singing about his grandfather, and his readiness and peace he's made with dying. I don't care what one believes regarding heaven or heel, or how they believe one gets there, I take nothing away from the belief that the band believes a certain way, as in Heaven, and the comfort they find from it. I feel the same kind of comfort with regards to my grandparents, two of which I know died peacefully despite long struggles with health because they were, as the band put it, Ready to rest in your arms,a reference o God in some way. While I may or may not believe the same way, I wont take anything away from someone who does, and find this song to be comforting in knowing that this is a healthy belief that brings closure to many people's lives. Another beautiful song, and you would be hardpressed to find two songs that are more beautiful in nature.

These were the only two song I added, but there are several more Id give the thumbs up to. Among them are:

Superhuman Touch
Half Light
Street Map

Ive read them compared to a "poor mans" Coldplay, which doesn't seem to fit to me. They have their similarities, without a doubt, but have done a nice job of carcing out their own niche from what Ive heard. I guess there could be worse comparisons however. The band of the day is Athlete!
14th of March 2011

It's back!

I have been busy over the last week or so. Every now and then, I am expected to get really involved in my work and that includes going to tech conferences and meeting reps from companies that want to sell items in our store. For that reason, I have been quite absent in this thread especially. It annoys me because I really had a lot of fun doing this thread and hadn't missed an entry for a long time. Still, I am back for now and have come to you with a new act that has really gotten me excited.

This group is one that I had not listened to at all before this morning, when someone posted it on their Facebook wall. As I have stated on multiple occasions, I will always try and listen to what other people have found and it does give me some inspiration to post int his thread if I like them too. Mainly because it makes finding the new band all that much easier and takes out the mundane process that is finding a band that I like. Of course, you still need to find another song you like from the band but at least it gives you a base to start with. As was the case with another couple of bands in this thread, this act is completely obscure to me although I had heard their name mentioned in the past. Today was the first time that I have actually listened to any of their work whatsoever and I was suitably impressed by what they were trying to accomplish.

Their style of music is something that I really like at some points and then go off pretty quickly. However, I have been making more of a concerted effort to get into it and that all started by inducting MSTRKRFT into this thread. Since then, I have been trying to find more artists like that. However, LastFM was down today and I was extremely grateful that someone posted this band on their Facebook wall. Otherwise, I might not have been posting anything today and that would have made me a sad panda...

Nevertheless, today's act of the day is LMFAO!

You may have heard of them...?

Still, I hadn't and getting to know them today has been something which reminds me why I love the idea of this thread. I really hate listening to the same music over and over and that was one of the reasons that I wanted to really immerse myself into this thread and the idea that stands behind it. LMFAO are quite a big band and are perhaps more successful over here than they would be in the United States but I really could not comment on that with any great accuracy. The first song I have posted is the song that I heard on my friend's Facebook wall and I was completely blown away. The video, in a related note, will blow your mind. Staying on the subject of this song though, I absolutely adore it. The deep bass line is a great way to get me involved in any song and LMFAO really know how to make that work to their advantage. I also love the tune that accompanies it and it really is my style. Don't you just love it? Go check out the video too, it is definitely worth catching.

The second song, “Shots”, comes from their first album Party Rock. Upon closer inspection, I realise that I have heard one of their songs and that is “I'm in Miami, Bitch”... You may have heard of that one too. Still, I actually love Lil Jon and his style. His voice is so recognisable that it is hard to hate this song. In his usual repetitive style, he manages to draw me in to this song. It really reminds me of the Ying Yang Twins “Shake”, anyone else get that feeling? Still, I love the lyrics to this song and really is a party song that gets you in the mood for anything. I love the chorus feeling you get from it also and this is definitely one of the better songs on their album.

Their new album is promised to be released this year and if the first song I have posted is anything to go by, it will definitely be worth a listen. I didn't know of them that well before today but I will be making it my business to be more involved with them in the future and I hope that you will too.

Today's act of the day is LMFAO!
March 14th 2011

So Ive been MIA from the site here for about a week, and have missed both the tournament and this thread. Lets get back into both!

There were a couple of bands that I was bantering around in my head today when i was trying to decide who i wanted to use next. One of my least favorite things about Pittsburgh is that they play absolutely no new music on most stations. The contemporary stations are going to be your Jay'Z's Nickelbacks, and Daughtry's. Te rock stations play My Chemical Romance, Three Days Grace, and Rise Against. You get the picture. Id be more likely to find new music if I popped in a movie or a TV show I have in a box set to find music.

So that's what I did.

It's literally a footrace between Scrubs and Psych for my favorite shows of all time. I have the box sets of both and have heard alot of new stuff thats been played on there. Both shows are comic genius with soft characters at heart, and it's often reflected in the music that plays at times to end the show. But I was catching up on Season 4 of Psych this weekend and found a song that I missed my previous time seeing it when it aired. I do that often with both shows in that I get so thoroughly entangled in the plots of both shows that I miss so much that I didn' get upon first viewing, and some of that is some damn good music. And one of the bands that caught my ear in one of the Psych episodes, and it happened to bring me the band of the day, Unwritten Law!

Unwritten Law: Save Me

Went to the doctor, and I asked her, to make this stop. Got medication, a new addiction, fuckin thanks alot. That there truly sums up the gist of this song. From what I gathered from these rockers from California who've been releasing music unbeknowest to me since 1993, tend to gravitate from issue to issue in our lives. We may find help in one area, only for it to cause a problem in another area of our life. Taking the song at face value, medication may help, but it has side effects. We may end an unhealthy, but wind up lonely as a result. We need money to get by, so we take jobs that we hate and leave us stressed to no end and take it out on evryone around us. There are always problems that come with every choice we make in life and they often take us further and further from doing the things that make us happy, and change who were are. And whether that be a bad relationship, ways we cope, or the career choices we make, I believe the band is conveying hapiness doesn't tend to come until we're truly ourselves, and noone can truly get us there but ourselves. Simply enough concept, right?

Unwritten Law: She Says

I really like the guitar at the beginning of the song. It set the tone for the rest of the song. This is one of the newer songs by the group, and thye actually performed it on David Letterman a few years back! I know thats not saying much, because he's had a ton of sh*t groups on in his time, but these guys don't fall into that category. I think this was a good choice as it truly showed the phrenetic pace of which much of their music is sung at. Some of the lyrics truly made me laugh out loud, such as It was the last time Id ever see her, tried to thank her, with gonohrea. But that truly underlies the idea behind the bitterness and angst of a broken relationship and how it's globalized to show that many people believe that once a relationship is broken, another one will never come into their lives. The way they get the point across is raw, to say the least, and it's a band I stepped outside my typical comfort zone with. But they're not half bad, and their longevity is aa testament to their success. If you liked these two, you might also like:

Blurred(Part 2)
She Says
Rescue Me
Shoulda Known Better
Before I Go
Rest of My Life
Up All Night
The Celebration Song

The bnd of the day is Unwritten Law!
Right, I have another band to mention today!

I have been pretty busy over the last few days so have not been able to sit down and think of a band to post. But, I am back today and have come up with a couple of golden nuggets for you.

My pick for today is a local band, who have just finished recording their debut album. It has been a long time coming, and they have worked with several different producers including Owen Morris, who previously worked on the classic "Definitely Maybe" for Oasis and "Urban Hymns" for The Verve.

This band is fast based rock and roll, with a lead singer in Danile Lomax who oozes charisma and has a "Liam Gallagher" stage presence,. They have huge star potential and have already released several single across Europe, which led them at one point to be higher in the Dutch singles charts than bands such as U2, REM and Snoop Dogg. That band is EXILE PARADE

I am good friends with the drummer Gaz Mutch, and I am really hoping that these guys make it big, they are one of the best bands I have seen in a long time.

My first song I have chosen broke into the Mediabase Active Rock Top 100 in the US, so you may have heard it. If not, prepare for some fast-pased balls out Rock'n'Roll with some great drumming, powerful vocals and brilliant riff. That song is "Fire Walk With Me


For my 2nd pick, I am going to pick "Life Of Crime", another song which deserves to be a hit. I have yet to hear a bad track from this band. They are head and shoulders above most of the stuff that is getting airplay in England right now, and I cannot wait for their debut album. Gaz is getting me a signed copy which I will save, but I will also get my own so I can play the shit out of it.


G'wan Exile Parade. You guys deserve all the success you get!

Today's band of the day is EXILE PARADE

If you like these tracks, see if you can find these others

Get Your Gun Boy
Bicycle Thieves
Hello Blue
Heart Into Suicide

The band's MySpace page is http://www.myspace.com/exileparade
March 15th 2011

So as Dave knows and anyone who decides to keep posting in this thread will find out, I absolutely loathe the music they play on the local stations here in Pittsburgh. Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, Metallica, Nirvana, and Soundgarden. What do these bands have in common? A. They were among my favorite bands.... in the mid-90's... B. They seem to be played on a five band rotation on the NEW rock station here. Rarely do I get the exposure to anything truly new on the half hour drive to work, as my wife takes the vehicle that has Serius in it. So Im stuck either hauling my Ipod out and plugging it into the jack every morning, or listening to the five grunge bands of death. Don't get me wrong, I was and am a huge fan of all 5. But Id like some new music, you know, every couple of years or so?

Well I didnt get that this morning, but I got the next best thing. I heard a band i hadn't heard in years, on the radio or otherwise. And I was stoked, because I immediately thought of this thread, and what a great addition they would make to it! More importantly, I made a point of stopping home before hitting the gym just to download some of their music, and two of them were actually the last songs I listened to that got me through my last mile of running! If you ask me what I like in a band, one of the things that certainly tops the list is that I can feel their energy, and feed off of it in whatever I'm doing. What band was able to do that for me? Glad you asked. The band of the day is Silverchair!

Silverchair: Ana's Song(Open Fire)
So you thought I was going to pick Tomorrow, didn't you? While it certainly made the Ipod, it wasn't the song that got me into the band back in the day. This one was. The fact that the led singer was freaking fifteen when he wrote this song amazes me even more, and Im digging this band in a major way. Usually I just post the lyrics but i went with the actual video this time because I really wanted you to get the idea the band is driving home here.

I remember reading an interview years ago when I was a young lad(Ok, I was like 20 :) ) with lead singer Daniel Johns, and he talked about the meaning behind the song. The video, especially the end, makes it pretty apparent, but Ill get into it briefly here. Although he wrote the song wen he was 15, they left it off their first album, Frogstomp. The song is about the obsessive-compulsive like disorder he developed as a result of the pressure placed on them in making Frogstomp perfect. As a result, he became obsessed with two things, not eating and writing music. Again, this is stuff Ive seen in clients on a weekly basis. They become obsessed with doing something(such making a great album), and they are compelled to act on the obsessive thinkin they develop. In Johns' case, he would write lyrics for 15 to 20 hours a day without even noticing time had passed. He said he began to hate music because of it, bt the only thing that would relieve his anxiety was music. It was a double edged sword, and when OCD goes untreated, it carries over into more and more areas of a persons life, and in Johns case, it was anorexia. Look no further then the video for proof of that, as he looks deathly skinny. The song itself refelects that nature, as at times his voice is soft and melodic, at others, gruff and angry. By the time they recorded this song, he understood the vicious cycle, and got help. Which makes this song all the more beautiful.

Silverchair: Pure Massacre

Sorry, I still didn't go with Tomorrow. All of you know that one, so what fun would that be? This is actually a Rare U.S. version of the song(which I know means nothing to anyone else who participates in this thread! ;) ), and it's a song the band no longer plays because the changes to John's voice over the years. It's hard to believe these guys have been around 15 years. I won't go on another rant about how my local stationdoesn't play any of their new music, but this was one of the songs they played in their "Three Rock Block" this morning, where they play three sonmgs baed on listener's requests regarding any given band each morning. I was pleasantly surprised to see it was SilverChair, and even more surprised to hear this was one of the three, as I had forgotten about it myself! Still a great song that utterly shock me that this kid was 15 when he wrote the lyrics for this song. So you can take your "Stay Together for the Kids" Blink-182(and I like the band somewhat!), and make a sh*tload of money over your sudden social awareness(Circa 2002) and Ill take a band that had that same awareness from day one.

So if you liked these songs, you might also like:

Israels Son
Miss You Love
Straight Lines
Suicidal Dreams

The band of the day is the post grunge Aussie rockers Silverchair!
March 15th 2011

So, today, I really didn't know what to head after. I am of the opinion that I have varied my sound up enough that I am no longer stuck in the alternative rock slump that I found myself entrenched in not so long ago. Bands like The Klaxons and Maximo Park, who I would harp on about constantly, have now taken somewhat of a back seat to some of the newer bands that are currently filing their way into my life and my music collection. For that reason, I decided that I wanted to go after something that fit the old mould of what I listened to. I mean, I wanted to get some new stuff into my collection and I have accomplished that. Going back and trying to find something would resonate with me the most. So, with all of that in mind, I headed to my favourite place on Earth to collect a new band for this occasion. Unfortunately, at the time of writing this, Last FM seems to be as useful as a punch to the crotch and seems to wont work... I'll report back in a little while.


Finally! Finally the service is available again and my music needs need not go unfulfilled any longer. Honestly, this game is much harder when Last FM is not working. Mainly because all you need to do is play a station of a band you like and you might find a couple of bands that can help you out in a pinch. Today, I decided to listen to a band's station that I had not really tried to listen to before and that is Boys Like Girls. After a couple of failed endeavours, I finally came across a band that I felt would fit the mould of what I was looking to accomplish today. This band is not one that I have heard for but a couple of their songs do seem oddly familiar, which seems to be an occurrence that is becoming more and more frequent these days.

Still, this band is familiar in one way. The provided the theme song to one of the events of the WWE calendar last year and right now that seems to have escaped my mind. I believe it was Extreme Rules but I wouldn't quote me on that if I were you. Still, now that I listen to the song, it does seem like that is where the familiarity of this band is rooted. Nevertheless, I am defintely excited about putting this band into this thread because I feel as though they are an act that can get people involved and one that I absolutely adore right now.

Anyway, today's band of the day is Sick Puppies!

The first song is one that I really struggled with. Sick Puppies are one of the first bands that I have come across when I have been doing this thread that have given me a headache when I am trying to decide which songs to put in. They are also one of the only bands that have two very distinct styles to choose from and that cannot be commended enough in my view. They are a very acoustic sounding band and that is because they do a lot of softer songs too. To me, there is nothing better than a band who knows how to do more than one thing and can break away from keeping themselves in the one genre of music. Sick Puppies are definitely one of those bands and I am really looking forward to downloading their last album and giving it a proper listen all the way through. The great thing about these sorts of bands is that their albums are always well balanced. When you look at bands like Disturbed (for example), you know that you are going to be listening to hard rock from start to finish and sometimes that can be quite tiring. This song though, is the one that I have selected over all other (aside from one) because you are rewarded for listening through the softer lyrics and the deeper meaning. I guess, for that reason, you are rewarded in two ways. All of that makes this track a great achievement and one of the best songs I have heard in a long time.

The second song is the best song on offer from Sick Puppies and the one I would recommend to anyone who is trying to get into the band. This time around, the band are not trying to hide the rock behind softer lyrics or a deeper message. No! In fact, this song is brilliantly paced when you think about the subject matter. I believe this was the song that the WWE used and I think it is even on SvR. This song is all about doing what needs to be done when it comes to our baser human instincts. I personally adore this song and it's frantic pace makes for a great aid when you are trying to type out a response to this thread before gently embracing the Sandman's melodic spell. Nevertheless, this song is off of the album Tri-Polar and I simply must recommend that album to you. Both of the songs I have listed are from that album and I am very much enjoying listening to it. If these songs float your boat, I say give it a whirl and see what happens.

Today's band of the day is Sick Puppies!
March 16th 2011

So, today, I spent most of my time listening to the Tri-Polar album that Sick Puppies released in 2009. I told you that I was going to get it downloaded immediately and start listening to it. I am happy to report that the album has come through my testing period with flying colours. Just like I stated yesterday, Sick Puppies really don't stick to the one sub-genre. To say that this album is good is an understatement and I definitely recommend it more than I did yesterday... If that is possible.

Still, I spent most of the time it would take me to find a new entry listening to that album and I really didn't know what I was going to go for in this entry because of that. I was really annoyed at myself for this reason but never being one to dwell on anything, I decided to go back and get another band that fits the bill. My reasoning for this entry was that I had a lot of fun listening to some alternative rock yesterday and that makes it clear to me, at least, that I should get back to my roots and milk it for all it is worth while I am enjoying it. It was for that reason that I decided to go back to Last FM and find a band that was pretty similar to Sick Puppies and any other band that Genius would recommend to me... And that is where I found today's band of the day.

The band is one that I really like, having listened to them for a good couple of hours now. They had appeared on my radar before but I really didn't take any notice of them at all. A great thing about this band is just how British they are. I know that may sound a little sketchy but I just cannot get over how refreshing they sound. Their sound could do with some polishing up but at the end of the day, I suspect that they are were very young band and for that reason, I cannot complain about them in any great effort.

Today's band of the day is Go: Audio!

So, upon closer inspection of their Wikipedia article, I can now confirm that the band is no longer active... which sucks!

Still, we should only appreciate their music now more than ever. The first song I have posted is the first song I listened to from this band and I think it is one of their finest efforts. That being said, I am a major fan of all the songs I have happened across today. The thing that draws me into this song is very simple indeed. The heavy guitar aspect of the song is almost too much but really brings this song to life with a couple of well-placed stutters and high-toned strokes. Really, I can see why people compared them to a mix between Busted (see earlier posts) and The Killers. This band were really good and this song is probably one of their finest works. The pace of the record is just absolutely supreme and when the final chorus kicks in, you cannot help but get involved in the song.

The second song I have posted is my absolute favourite song of theirs. I think that they probably have better songs but this song is just so perfect for what I was going through a couple of months ago. My girlfriend and I broke up and this song just transports me back to the feeling of helplessness and desperation that comes along with that. However, it doesn't make me sad to think about it. In fact, the sound of this song has the uncanny ability to remain positive despite dealing with subject matter that might bring another, more exhausting emotion to the listener. This song is just so fresh that it really takes a lot to dislike it. I guess that goes a long way to describing why I love it so much. Another reason is the lyrics. Not only are they pretty funny but they do encapsulate what it is like to go through that. A great song that can resonate with almost everyone here, I assume.

Today's band of the day is Go:Audio!
The band of the day is Sick Puppies! The provided the theme song to one of the events of the WWE calendar last year and right now that seems to have escaped my mind. I believe it was Extreme Rules but I wouldn't quote me on that if I were you.

Good memory! You're Going Down was actually the song they played in plugging the Edge/Jeff Hardy main event ladder match! So consider yourself quoted! Its actually the last WWE PPV i bought after the fact. You hit the nail on the head with these guys, as they do both acoustic rock and hard rock equally well. If you havent downloaded them yet, be sure to get My World and All the Same. You'll like them, I guarantee it!

March 16th 2011

So I was pretty happy with my choice yesterday that I almost forgot about today! I went through a good bit of my old music and dug out some older SilveChair and was downloading it(it still works!) while I was (finally) getting into the WZ Tournament! The SDL was a blast and Im still on cloud nine having won but I had time for little else! Im not complaining, by any means, but this thread and the SDL were really the only ones I stayed active in! Anyway, on with the show!

So I mentioned a little while back that there was a band I had found via Genius that was a distant seond one day to another, and Id come back to them shortly. While, it's been about 2 weeks, and I did myself, you, and the band a great disservice by making a total liar out of myself because I didnt come back to them! I had given them a brief listen to them a few weeks ago. Part of me wonders why I didn't endorse them a few weeks ago, because I really have found myself digging this band as the day has gone on. Without futher ado, the band of the day is Alexisonfire(pronounced Alexis on Fire)!

Alexisonfire:Rough Hands

This song is a dichotomy of sorts in that the softer nature of the music is offset at times by the tradeark screaming of co-lead singer Dallas Green. Normally it would be a terrible fit, but it works perfectly here. The lyrics and meaning ehind the song is easily relatable, as the band contemplates the difference between compromise and changing the characteristics that makes one who they are to suit their partner. We've all been there right? A close frend of mine once said "Compromise is when you give up half your shit to someone to hopefully get back something in return. It sucks." She makes a good point, but somewhere long the line, I think she blurred the line between compromise and changing. Finding that fine line of compromise, which Im happy to say Ive mostly found in my marriage(at least I think I so!) is what the band is getting at, and the screaming simply accentuates the frustration that comes when compromise turns into feelingsof forced change. Certainly the first song that got me into the band, both for the music and lyrics alike.

Alexisonfire: This Could Be Anwhere In The World

Okay, so this one bears a scary resemblance to early Rise Against music. RA would often alternate verses with lead singer Tim McElrath singing in a more melodious tone while backup singer Zach Blair screamed the second verse. Which just so happens to be exactly what these guys do in most of their music, none more evidenced then in this track. The first time i heard this song, I thought it was early Rise Against I hadnt heard yet, thats how similar the song sounded to early stuff from the band. RA has since mostly toned down the screaming while AIOF has not. And that's fine with me, because they do it well. The song discusses feeling haunted by missed opportunities in life and how some chances we get in life we are fortunte to get second chances in while other people don't even get that first chance. Dark right? But it's certainly something to think about, and if we are among those that do get second chances, to be thanful for them and take advantage of them when they do come along.

If you liked these two little ditty's, you may also like:

Young Cardinals
To A Friend
Boiled Frogs
Pulmonary Anarchy
The World
We Are the End

The ban of the day is Alexisisonfire!
March 18th 2011

Today was a bit of a harder day as I wasn't really sure what I was looking for. At the office I have, I try to keep the music there on staation that sets a relaxing tone for the people that come through, but I let those that work there play whatever they wish in their office, within reason.

I stopped into one of the offices today of one of my therapists because I really liked what I was hearing. we sat there for some time and discussed music in general, and before I knew it, She and I had talked for over an hour simply about music. It always amazes me how lost I can get in a conversation about music. Its a subject that Im so passionate about and had we not had appointments coming in, I could have sat there much longer and simply talked music. Anyway, the band that she was playing piqued my interest quite a bit, and I couldn't find a single song in the end that I dislikedby the group when I was done sampling them. What band could have done this for me? Let me introduce you to the band, the artist of the day, We are the Fallen!

We Are the Fallen: Tear The World Down

I thought I was hearing Evanesecense when I first heard this song blaring from my friend/colleague's office. I hought they had put out a new album, nd was going to fire her because Ive banned Amy Lee from the office.(Not really. ;) ) But this took me back to their first album, Fallen, when they were actually, you know, good. But Im going to be bold and say these guys, at least what I listened to, has blown away Evansecense has ever done. The music is haunting as is the choir in the background. As for the song, its simply about trust. Can you trust said person with your everything, or are they going to let you down and let your world come crashing down around you? We do it every day, whether it be with business, or a relationship, and we could easily get screwed over as a result. That's where trust and faith, and the belief in the goodness of people comes in. I personally try to see the good in everyone, and its burnt me before, but ive been right more often then wrong. Ive simply fallen in love with this song and can't stop playing it over and over, and it's my favorite song today.

We Are the Fallen: Bury Me Alive
So imagine my surprise when I checed out their Wikipedia page and found out that the band was mde up with all the original members OF Evanescense, except for Amy Lee of course. Which is a good thing, becaue the woman couldnt write her way out of tenth grade English if you ask me. The principle songs for the early Evanescense music was written by Ben Moody, the guitar player for this band, and you can easily hear the parrallels both in the music and the lyrics. I could go on and on about what a great song this is, and I would be sincere in doing so. So it should come as no surprise that I was a huge fan of Evansesence in their early days, and there was a time where they were my favorite band after seeing them live. So it should come as no surprise that I have quite the affinity for this band, and it takes me back to the oriignal sound Moody and Co. created that I fell in love with in the first place. I felt it was best displayed in these two songs, which is why I picked them, but there's alot more here thats worth a listen. If you liked these two, you may also like:

Like a Prayer
Sleep Well My Angel
I Am Only One
Without You
St Johns
I will Stay

The band of the day is We Are the Fallen!
March 21st, 2011

I was looking for something today a little faster paced, as I was feeling completely unmotivated today by anything, so I wanted something that would be fun to listen to in my car, simple as that. I also have a heckuva workout to look forward to after work, and I wanted something for that. I tend to lean toward alternative rock when I work out, but I need music that gets me pumped rather then music that dwells on lost love and death and dying on the inside or out. So while I found that upbeat sound in the band Cavo(who perhaps Ill use another day), don't quite cut it for today, as most of their music is about lost love or drugs. Funny, I think my twin sister took my 9 year old neice to see them play once. I hope they didn't play Champagne at that show, or my sis is still probably answering questions on that one! ;)

Anyway, I found a band that I liked even better then Cavo, both in sound and lyrics, at least for today. Tomorrow I may be more in the mood for something like Cavo, as my musical preferences are changing daily, and I don't mind that whatsoever. But the band I found today is pure 100% go, which is what I was looking for. Catchy too, after a few listens, and Im happy with them, as Im sure they'll more then be enough to get me through my workout! The band of the day is Copper!

Copper: Make You Mine

From the thrashing guitars to the breakneck lyrics, this song kicks in quick and doesn't stop. I really like that. The Whoooaaaa in the chorus is aprapos there as well, and fitting for the song, as it's a smple song really. It reminds me of the feelings I felt when I first met my wife, which were nervousness, anxiety, but solid determination. Within my own life everything Ive put my mind to in life Ive given my all to, whether it be a workout, my career, or pursuing my wife. Despite 9 years of school, I dare say that the most difficult task was in pursuing my wife! But I was determined, just as the guys in the band are about pursuing the love of their life in this song. These are lyrics I identify with well! It's simple, but very effective here. I like the sound, and I like the lyrics here. The upbeat tempo ios perfect, as is the guitar in the refrain. It's not a song you would find yourself sitting on your hands during, and Ill probably be singing along later!

Copper: Take My Chances

Ok, so the similarities between the two songs are very similar, which Ill gladly note. Most new bands try to find a niche, and it's obvious they're not going for the stripped down versions of songs, or for complex refrains here. And for what Im looking for today, Im perfectly content! This is another hard hitting song from start to finish with roaring guitars and fast-paced lyrics. The song itself focuses on the hopeful notions I was speaking to earlier, and that's in noting both the good and the bad things in a relationship, but being willing to give their partner the benefit of the doubt and go out on a limb as a result in order to make the relationship work, despite the struggles of the past. All of this is done at such a pace that at times its hard to focus on the lyrics past the breakneck speed of the music. Copper does one thing only, but they does it well, and the product is fun music that starts fast and doesn't stop, which is exactly what I was looking for today. Success!

If you liked these two, you may also like:

Broken Sky
Tear Inside
Falling Apart
Call To Action

The band of the day is Copper!

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