Daniel Bryan Updates His Status


Daniel Bryan's been making the interview circuit lately plugging WWE and plugging his autobiography. In one of his interviews, he reveals some interesting information.

In regards to his recent injury issues, he confirms that his neck is fine and that he has been dealing with concussion issues.

Well, it's actually not a neck issue, my neck is completely fine. It's more of a concussion issue. And Brie was very hesitant about this whole thing and that's why WWE is very protective over me too. Everyone is more aware of concussions and that's why, with WWE, I don't see what they're doing, as far as making me go through all these hurdles, I don't see that as a negative. They're protecting me and especially in this era of concussion awareness. Brie at first was like, 'Hmm, I'm not sure, given your history.' But when we met with the neurologist in Phoenix and we went through all the testing and he said: 'Ok, all of my testing is not just coming back good, it's coming back excellent.' As far as my brain right now, it's at a level above most people who have never had a concussion my age. When you are looking at scores of like: Bad, poor, fair, good, great, excellent -- it's at those great-excellent levels. So all of that to say, she had gone from being very skeptical about it to being very supportive of me being able to wrestle again. And she is someone who will flat out say, 'I'm not just interested in what happens to him 2 years from now or five years from now' and she doesn't care about the money or anything like that, she is interested of where I'm at 20 years from now. The deal with my arm, they told me this because I waited so long to get the surgery, my right arm might never get back to full strength of my left arm. So right now, it's about 85 percent and it hasn't improved much in a while. But because the nerve had been cut off for so long, there is a very good chance that that will never come back. But, it's not like I'm feeble with my right arm. My left hand, and we're going mostly by grip strength because my triceps strength and all that kind of stuff is equal on both sides. My grip strength on my left hand is about 150 pounds of pressure and my grip strength in my right hand is about 130 pounds of pressure. The average male my age is about 100 pounds of pressure. So it's not like I'm 'arrrggghhhhh poor me!'"

Bryan also said something that might get him into some hot water; essentially, he's saying that if WWE doesn't clear him to wrestle, he'll go somewhere else. In regards to WWE being reluctant to clear him:

Yes, there is that chance. But I told them, regardless of them, if they won't clear me ... we're independent contractors, in theory ... and I WILL wrestle again. I am cleared by the neurologist in Phoenix that I've been going to see. It's not like he's a quack doctor. He was the neurologist for the Super Bowl ... who has no problems in clearing me with no limitations. But you also have to understand that WWE is not only looking out for my best interest, but they have to look out for their company as well, and I understand all of that too. There is nothing vindictive or anything there's just a lot of hurdles to go through at this point with getting cleared by WWE. I had a sit-down with Vince and Hunter about this and said, "Hey, this is my passion. I understand why you guys wouldn't clear me but we only get, as far as we know, one life. And you're not going to let me do my passion?"

Vince isn't someone that generally responds well to threats, no matter how politely they're put. However, it's obvious that Daniel Bryan's passion lies in wrestling and that he fully intends to indulge his passion for as long as he's physically able.
I say have the WWE make him sign waivers excluding them from fault if he further injures himself and let him wrestle. Its not like there's not money to be made off of him, so if he physically able and willing, bring him back.

The show could use a boost from the likes of D-Bry in my opinion.
Glad to hear ANY news concerning one of WWE's top draws, it seemed very strange to Me that the WWE was blatantly being so secretive about not only the nature if His injury but His overall status in general. He seems to be very confident about being able to not only wrestle again but perform at a high level with NO restrictions. Surprised to hear Him say He will wrestle again regardless of the WWE's standing on the issue... I am interested to see how they will react to His comments as it is severally frowned upon see say ANYTHING out of place about the almighty WWE higher brass.

Anyway I am personally looking forward to His inevitable return to the ring no matter where He ends up, but I must admit I hope He works through whatever problems is going on in the WWE behind the scenes because I feel like He has a lot of unfinished business to take care of. I truly believe that the WWE is intelligent and wise enough to realize what they have in Bryan. He has become a Huge recognizable bankable Star that The People are invested in and much like the Kurt Angle situation was when He decided to "Jump" to TNA. Bryan could potentially become a catalyst to give either ROH, TNA, GFW or even Lucha Underground a huge short term ratings boost and/or general interest or buzz so to speak. We all know that the WWE doesn't want to give any of their so called competition even the smallest sliver of a chance to gain ANYTHING (Fans, Ratings, Talent, ECT...) so I fully expect them to come to some sort of compromise and/or understanding with Mr. Danielson.
Well, you know if he does come back ...which he most likely will ....WWE won't be rushing to put any titles around his waist. So it kind of ruins any match he'll have if they try to convince the fans a title is on the line. Will it be the SAME Daniel Bryan though or a heavily modified version of Bryan due to having to wrestle safe to prevent any more injuries ? The guys style gravitates around risk taking. One thing for sure is though....he's going to get a massive pop when his music hits.
Great news, it's always really sad to hear someone's career end prematurely because of injury and I was really afraid DB would end up as one of those cases. I am hoping he doesn't come back until he's 100%, it felt like he was rushed back last time and it obviously costed him big time. Oh if it could happen after the RR that couldn't hurt either. ;)

In any case happy to hear that he's OK and looking forward to seeing him again in the future. :)
The WWE is probably quiet over it because they are in litigation over concussions like the NFL and NHL are right now. If he wants to wrestle and will sign off that he knows the danger of returning and that the WWE is not responsible for past concussions and any occurring in the future because of his style then they would put him back in the ring.

I think he probably gets paid pretty well just being around and easily more than he would on the indie circuit but if he wants to risk being a basket case as he gets older then let him go. I guess his wife will be happy when she becomes his babysitter.
One solution to the "Daniel Bryan title matches will have no drama and be a foregone conclusion due to WWE not trusting him with a title again any time soon" argument is... just give him transitional title reigns. Say he beats Seth Rollins for the WWE WHC at a PPV, the next night, have Sheamus cash in a MITB on him and take the title off him.

That way Bryan can still win titles, but WWE doesn't have to trust him with long reigns (not that they ever wanted/planned to anyway) and he can continue doing what he's best at--being the underdog chasing the title who's constantly screwed but always has the people on his side cheering him on. He had his moment in the sun and nothing he ever does again will ever top WMXXX so just have him rack up a bunch of transitional title reigns to add to his resume and continue wrestle until he wants and is able to.

I'd like for posters who are probably smarter than me and more "in the know" type of thing to explain to me why the WWE won't clear Daniel Bryan.

I understand liability of concussions, etc. What i can't understand is how they have "legends" who are way past their prime and out of shape participate in matches. No way those guys would get cleared to compete. It's the same WWE that wanted Arn Anderson to come out of retirement in 2007 to be sort of a poor man's Fit Finley. Keep in mind Arn had severe neck damage and permanent strength / motion loss in his left hand. They let Scott Hall "fight" at Wrestlemania this year and he even took a back body drop onto the floor despite having a pacemaker, and artificial hips.

I just can't understand why they won't clear Bryan. Do you think they are just waiting until his contract runs out so they won't re-sign him and he wil go somewhere else?
Hopefully if he does come back, we won't get another "OMG he has to win a title, and win one now or we'll revolt" sort of message from his fans. I think they've grown up a little, and now know their hero isn't infallible. Even though he's medically cleared, he has suffered a possible career ending injury, and one false move could cause trouble for him.

If he does come back I quite honestly have no idea what feud or opponent they would put him with. Certainly not with that mountain of a man that just debuted with the Wyatts. Good God he nearly pulled off Roman Reigns head the other night, and would throw Daniel Bryan around like a small child. It would be nice to see him back though.
That's good news regarding Bryan's results from tests relating to his concussion, and again positive news regarding the strength in his arms. However, even if he is cleared to wrestle again I don't expect we'll see him in a WWE ring again. I just don't think they'll be willing to take the chance with him.

Bryan probably has a job for life with WWE due to his immense popularity and wrestling knowledge. I'd fully expect to see him as some of trainer in the Performance Centre if he decided to call it a day in the near future. If I was him, I wouldn't want to take any future risks with my physical and mental health, especially not with an in-ring style like his, but as Bryan stated...wrestlers are independent contractors and he can go elsewhere if he HAS to wrestle again.

Considering he is at the biggest wrestling company in the planet with secure employment and is very valuable to the company even as a non-wrestling talent, I think he'd be stupid to throw that away just to wrestle a few matches on the indie circuit- unless he agrees a temporary release from WWE with the definite return date set for when he's satisfied his desire for a few more matches elsewhere.
I guarantee he will be back around the Royal Rumble or actually at the rumble. If he changed his style back to the way it was in 2010-2011, he should have no problem getting back in the ring.
I say have the WWE make him sign waivers excluding them from fault if he further injures himself and let him wrestle.

That's a reasonable measure in terms of not having to pay damages to Mr. & Mrs. Danielson in the event of an injury, but in a public relations sense, if the WWE doctors clear him and he injures himself permanently, pro wrestling would suddenly once again become notorious in mainstream media as they scream bloody murder at the callousness of the Vince McMahon & company for allowing this poor guy to wrestle. The media won't let the facts get in the way; they'd blast WWE to the Moon.

Plus, despite all Daniel's talk about his arm and concussions, I can't help think the whole problem is still his damn neck, and despite all Bryan's protestations to the contrary, he's talking about the other body parts so we won't think about a broken neck.
It's good news regarding his health, the problem from the WWE's angle is they have put two championships on him and he's had to forfeit both due to injury - puts them in a very tight spot, they really couldn't give him a title run at this point or in the near future but he's a big draw / star so he needs to be in a major angle.

As far as I know waivers aren't that simple and it still looks bad for the company if they put a worker in that position, I personally wouldn't want to take any moral or legal responsibility for someone's health. It would be very bad for the company if a worker was left a quadriplegic or worse in 2015
Like just about EVERYONE else, I'm extremely happy to hear Bryan say that his brain is healthy (even if nothing else ever heals back 100%, god forbid). I don't know how close this story broke before his last appearance on Raw (just before Summerslam), but I think I read this story less than a week before (possibly even the very day before).

Anyway, I couldn't have been the only one hoping that the WWE and/or Bryan was trying to swerve us...especially because he was promoted to be on "MizTV", I was kinda thinking that he could have been inserted into the IC Title match at Summerslam - making it a Fatal Four Way. Obviously, that wasn't the case. It was probably just my own wishful thinking.

Regardless of all that, my first instinct after reading that Bryan was cleared to wrestle by his non-WWE "non-quack" Doctor (however it was worded) was that this was all some sort of work...especially since Bryan specifically said he would wrestle for another company, if WWE wouldn't let him compete anymore. For a guy who is still on a lot of WWE programming (Total Divas, Tough Enough), it just seems fishy.

It seems like Bryan was making a legitimate threat to Vince and Company; possibly even an ultimatum. Bryan's now a best-selling author too, so he might have been legitimately testing the proverbial water to see how the WWE would react (thinking he may have bought himself some more "stroke" backstage)...or maybe Bryan was thinking a comment like that might make the WWE (especially Vince) take Bryan's situation a little more seriously. Considering that the WWE lost CM Punk semi-recently, and considering that Bryan would potentially be one of the top babyfaces upon his return, a comment like "I'll go wrestle somewhere else" might bend a few more ears. Speaking of Punk, wasn't it something extremely similar that ignited "The Summer of Punk"? Obviously this is waaaay more low-key, but this could be heading in that direction if it picks up steam over time.

Obviously I don't know Bryan personally, so I shouldn't even really be saying this - but I'll say it anyway! lol... It seemed out of "character" for Bryan to say "let me wrestle for you, OR ELSE.". Another way to put it would be that maybe it was out of character for Bryan Danielson to say, but maybe not for "Daniel Bryan: WWE Superstar". Does that sort of make sense? Danielson doesn't seem like the type to be politicking (if you could/would call it that). Then again, I don't really have a leg to stand on with that argument because I don't know the guy personally.

If Bryan does come back full-time, I think the most likely scenario would be in 2016; around Wrestlemania time. I doubt they bring him back before the Royal Rumble, because they'd be worried that the "universe" would shit all over the winner again (just because Bryan didn't win AGAIN). Whether or not the fans would actually do that is beside the point, that's a big thing for the WWE to consider (since it happened in 2014 & 2015). If all the planets align, the perfect time to bring him back to active competition would be for a match at Wrestlemania 2016, or possibly right after (when most storylines are being rebooted anyway). If that is the case, then a "Bryan vs. WWE Doctors" feud (for lack of a better term) is a good way to get him sympathy - and maybe keep him relevant - at least with the IWC. Bryan threatening to wrestle for another company is a good way to do that as well...I'm just saying.

Another good option would be for HHH & Steph to say that Bryan "isn't cut out for the majors anymore", or something along those lines...then stick him down in NXT for a while. Bryan has always been more of a "HHH guy" (as opposed to a "Vince guy") anyway, so it would make sense in the non-kayfabe sense as well. He could still be exposed on that brand, and bring back some more of that "underdog" steam he had. If nothing else, I just want to see him work Joe again! Haha.

Don't get me wrong, I'm leaning more toward all of this being legitimate...but there's the selfish part of me that's hoping this is just the first piece of another "reality era" storyline that HHH seems to be in favor of. Like I already said, "The Summer of Punk" started in a similar way (rumblings like this on the internet, if I'm not mistaken) - and this seems like a no-brainer. Obviously all of this hinges on whether or not Bryan is actually allowed to come back at all. Fingers crossed.
Obviously I don't know Bryan personally, so I shouldn't even really be saying this - but I'll say it anyway! lol... It seemed out of "character" for Bryan to say "let me wrestle for you, OR ELSE.". Another way to put it would be that maybe it was out of character for Bryan Danielson to say, but maybe not for "Daniel Bryan: WWE Superstar". Does that sort of make sense? Danielson doesn't seem like the type to be politicking (if you could/would call it that). Then again, I don't really have a leg to stand on with that argument because I don't know the guy personally.

I heard him say he was cleared but they wouldn't let him wrestle, I had no idea he had said he would wrestle for someone else though. That's seems very out of character for Daniel Bryan. But as you say, I don't know him either, but it does remind me of something I did hear.

I was listening to Vince Russo interview someone, and for the life of me can't remember who. This guy had concussion issues. Even though this particular wrestler hadn't been cleared to wrestle, the thing he said that struck me the most, was how badly he wanted to get back into the ring. He didn't care that any head shot might mean he would never wrestle again, it was the adrenaline rush of getting into the ring and hearing the crowd.

He equated being in the ring to a drug addict getting his fix, and I'm wondering if Daniel Bryan possibly feels the same way. I mean it's pretty clear he gets the loudest reaction from the crowd, and anywhere he went he would be known. I guess the only thing is how is his contract worded, and how will it affect his wife and in a way his sister in law. But like I said before, he seems to be a pretty straight up guy, and I can't see him making threats like that, but then again you never know.
Daniel Bryan he shouldn't be main event material and why I say that? Bryan he is injury prone and he has proven that if he is given the top spot sure he will succeed but his shelf life at the top never ever lasts very long because he always goes down with an injury so basically what Triple H and Stephanie everything they have ever said about him is true because he isn't A+ material he isn't main event calibre material because you give Bryan that main event spotlight yeah sure he will succeed for a while but then he will always screw it up because he is injury prone and the fans don't realize that or they are too ignorant to realize that
I really don't think that Vince will hold a grudge against Daniel Bryan for making appearances on the independent circuit. Maybe if he jumped over to TNA, but Vince knows that he'd be foolish to burn a bridge with Daniel Bryan.

According to Daniel Bryan's book; Vince didn't think that he was looking at a future world champion in his first encounter with Bryan Danielson, but he would eventally make a lot of last minute decisions on impulse when a sudden attack of Daniel Bryan fever made him want to give Daniel Bryan a push.

I imagine that Vince and HHH would see it as a positive if Daniel Bryan shook off his ring rust in the seldom seen independent scene. It would't be their fault if some unforeseen medical condition was exacerbated by the activity, and they would both know that if the moment seemed right for them that Daniel Bryan would return to the WWE to bring back his unique feel-good vibe.

I fully encourage Daniel Bryan, or Bryan Danielson as the case may be, to return to the ring asap.
I disagree with the notion that him coming back would ruin any future title matches he has. I mean aside from a few insanely short title reigns, HBK didn't win titles after he came back 2002, am I correct? He had the World Heavyweight championship for a little while and he won the tag belts twice but neither reign stands out in my mind. Yet his match with Cena at Mania and the Raw a couple weeks after, both matches were killer.

I do think Bryan shouldn't leave the company though. I get love for the business and all, but my goodness if something goes wrong he'd be in a pickle. As someone else posted he has a job for life with the WWE at this point, I mean think someone like Roddy Piper who continued showing up on Raws for years, hell decades after his retirement. Why go out of your way to try to take that away from yourself?

And as for possible dance partners; Shawn Michaels would be an epic match I think, Seth Rollins in a big time spot would be great, Ambrose would probably be pretty great too. There are options, especially with a bunch of NXT guys getting pulled up.

Personally, I think he should retire. Granted I'm probably a bit biased but the way his fans crap upon anything that's not him, it's so frustrating. I mean 2 Rumbles back to back practically ruined by his overness. And I'm not a super huge fan of his matches, I get that he can go but a lot of the time he has to play the "I'm a beat down babyface" character so it doesn't show that much...back to my point though.

Why should he risk his well being and future? He's a what, 4 time world champion now? I think he would be great for a manager role, I'm not sure who I'd pair him with though. But think a young NXT guy getting a huge rub from being managed by Daniel Bryan! It's just a thought though. Will I be mad if he returns, no not at all. I just hope his fans calm down, and he tones down some of the high spots. Why does he need to be a high flying super technician? Why can't he just be a great ring wrestler?
It's good to hear he is on the road to recovery. I don't blame WWE for taking their time to clear him, it's a prudent decision. Many times guys come back sooner than they need to. I'm sure WWE is looking at the long term picture on this issue. Right now he is money in the bank for them. Giving him a well needed break to heal up isn't going to hurt his popularity, it will help protect his health long term and when he does return to the ring he will get a huge pop. I understand his desire to get back in the ring and I'm sure Vince is glad to see he still has the passion and doesn't have fear of getting back in there. I don't think it will come to him leaving the WWE , it's not what's best for business.

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