Daniel Bryan is Overrated

In an era where wrestling has fallen victim to today's political correctness, and blatantly obvious product placement to the point it's sickening (Jerry Lawler's Sonic soft drink bit while on commentary is a painfully obvious example), Daniel Bryan (I prefer Bryan Danielson but I've accepted that we have to stick with the former) is a bright spot amongst such nonsense. Bryan always had what it took to have in-ring success, and I feel that he is carrying out the entertainment aspect of being in WWE without compromising his athleticism. He happens to be someone who can entertain along with being able to work a match with moves that could legitimately defeat someone in a real life situation.

I'm a fan of anyone that can tell me a good story in the ring, whether it be through over the top theatrics, or a more grounded style, which Bryan typically shows with his technical prowess. I given Bryan even more credit, the guy supplements his proven wrestling pedigree with the WWE required showmanship. All the power to him. Anyone that detracts this guy blindly is not being fair. I look forward to seeing more of what he can offer in the future, his SummerSlam match with John Cena I hope leads to a WWE Title victory. Cena can afford the loss because we know he won't be gone from the picture. Time will tell what will happen, but I've a good feeling you won't be seeing Bryan leave the title picture anytime soon. I think this is the next step towards him being a permanent fixture in the upper echelon of WWE.

Much like the push to the top they gave Bret Hart, I see Daniel Bryan being in the same unique position, and I think things will pay off very well in the long run, I hope WWE sticks with this guy. To me, as I've stated already he's a bright spot for a fan of the yesteryear like myself.
what a dick head, he is not too small. Take names like HBK, CM Punk, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, they weren't the most muscular guys in the business but they made it. Just because people have opinions doesn't mean theyre not ''loyal'', thats dumb.
Saying Bryan is overrated is like saying CM Punk isn't good on the microphone, it just isn't true.

CM Punk sucks on the mic. His promos are monotoned and boring. Repeating the same thing (Best in the World etc) again and again isn't considered "good mic skills".

Everybody who doesn't agree with you isn't a troll, jackass.

And whoever compares Wrestlers with MMA fighters is an idiot, wrestling is scripted predetermined performance whereas MMA is real competition.

When HBK was the top guy the WWF was at its lowest business-wise.

CM Punk? Whose segments and matches have been some of the lowest rated on the show during his reign as WWE Champion?
Finally someone who has their head right on this overrated punk Daniel Bryan. He's a terrible wrestler, not to mention the fact that in his personal life he's manipulated the Bellas into incestuous intimate encounters. He's a skeevy incest troll who's 5 ft 3 and he can't wrestle.
He's rating at a 14A, 35R, 56H, 03B. For a combined 5642.8FP. How is that overrated? Who is more properly rated? What rating should he have?

The numbers don't lie, it's clear as day. He is very accurately rated and if you can't see that you obviously are either awful at math, blind, or trolling. If he came out anywhere near a 68GR25 I'd say you may have a case but come on this is just absurd. You're trying to ruin a guy's career at the same time his girlfriend is just hoping he can just make enough money to move out of his parents house. That's cold.
He's too Small

In so many ways, past and present performers capable of scaling great heights were held in check by the McMahons and their creative team not coming up with anything for the person to do. Others were given plenty to do but couldn't get a reaction from the crowd to save their lives.

The beauty in what Daniel has accomplished is based on his "smallness" in a form of entertainment that glorifies "largeness." True, all the credit for how far he's taken his gimmick doesn't go to him; as stated above, Creative took the talents he possesses and channeled them in exactly the right direction.

And look at the direction!......keep it simple. They found a one-word chant for Daniel to engage the crowd ("Yes!" and "No!"), repeated it over and over, got the whole arena chanting it.....and watched the career of Daniel Bryan take off from there. It was the chant and a stupid beard .....that's what he had that he didn't possess before. That and a mild inferiority complex ("You think I'm the weak link!") that help boost him to becoming a person the crowd could call one of their own. Joe Every-man.

His wrestling ability was always superb. Not only is he small of body, but his physique is as unimpressive as any I've seen.

Yet, the fans love to see him come out to the ring. Not only does his size not stop his momentum; it helps it.

That's what you call "getting over." Don't think the rest of the talent isn't sitting in the back, taking notes.
Daniel Bryan is very, very overrated. Here are the reasons why.

1. His Matches Aren't That Good- Bryan's matches are getting to the point of being boring. He has the same 5 Moves of Doom that Cena does, except it looks more complicated. He's a spot monkey at best.

2. He Is God Awful on the Mic- Bryan just comes out and screams, shouts Yes, and that's every one of his promos. I skip them.

3. He's too Small- I can't take somebody I'm bigger and taller than being a World Champion. Bryan should be in the mid card picture at best just based on his size. If you then take into consideration his lack of talent, he should be a jobber.

My point is, Daniel Bryan is just some Indie spot monkey that the WWE has gotten too high on. In my opinion, he should be jobbing to Yoshi Tatsu on NXT.


Daniel Bryan is the best thing in WWE today. He has plenty of moves, but as someone said earlier almost all wrestlers use the same moves in matches. so what if he was small. according to your logic that means Eddie Gurerro, Shawn Michaels, Ray Mysterio ect are/were terrible wrestlers. he can talk pretty good, and everyone gets into that yes chant. I bet you do too. so stop trolling and get a life.
As much as I disagree with the OP, the Daniel Bryan Fanboys are in full force in here.

He's not over-rated, he's very good in between the ropes, not the best ever or the best right now, but probably the best WWE has.

Yes he does scream Yes but that's his catchphrase, and something which he has used to a tee to get over, something that few wrestlers have ever done,

The too small bit is subjective, I'm not bothered personally, as long as someone like Hornswoggle or Sin Cara don't become champion I'm not going to complain.
The too small bit is subjective, I'm not bothered personally, as long as someone like Hornswoggle or Sin Cara don't become champion I'm not going to complain.

While this is on size it is a bit off topic from Daniel Bryan, Sin Cara isn't hampered by size. He is hampered by the fact he is more likely to break his neck while in Jack Swagger's Patriot Lock.
As for Bryan I agree about his size for example, he is shorter than I am but then I don't think WOW did someone order pancakes because he is a short stack.
I will agree that he's maybe slightly overrated on the mic and he looks like a complete fool with that beard. Other than that, I can't agree. He's not overrated, if anything, one could argue is still slightly underrated.
Ok first off...this is obviously a troll thread but I would like to address the size problem

People...wrestlers heights and weights are made up. I have met many many wrestlers and even been backstage at a couple of event and I can tell you that most of the locker room is small guys.

I am 5'6...yes I know im short..but Ive stood next to DB and we are pretty much the same height, there is no way in hell he is 5'8 or 5'10... Rey Mysterio is billed as 5'6 and when I stood next to him I was atleast 2 or 3 inches taller. Not sure how tall Jericho is billed but he was only maybe 2 inches taller than me..my point is all of these guys are small...Punk isnt a big guy either, Ive never stood directly next to him but I have been in the same room and I would say he is probably 5'9 or 5'10 because my stepdad was with me and he is 5'11 220 lbs and is taller and bigger than Punk...and Ziggler is very small as well

If we could measure the wrestlers ourselves you would be able to see that these guys are all small guys so size shouldnt really matter....BTW I wrestle and I am billed as 5'8 185 and im really 5'6 and around 165 just to give you an idea of how this can be misleading
Do you even know what a spot monkey is? Jeff Hardy, Mick Foley, and Sabu are spot monkeys. Daniel Bryan has a high risk move set that's very unique to this business and more than makes up for his lack of size. Bryan is no spot monkey.

You know who else screams 'Yes'? The FANS! All of them. In unison. Sounds like he's doing something right. Also, he's great on the stick, but he doesn't have to be Shakespeare. He just has to get the crowd into what he's doing.

Wow. You think you could kick his ass? I mean it's not like he was trained to wrestle/fight by Judo Gene Lebell or anything. You're really just mad that someone who doesn't fit your mold as a main eventer is getting over. Cena fan are we?

You're the type of fan that wrestling can do without. You don't appreciate good wrestling and seem to be in favor of roided out wrestlers like Batista, Ryback, and other gassed out gorillas that can't talk their way out of thin air, but look like a bodybuilder.

Find a jar of the plague, poke a hole in it and suck the air out of the jar until you pass out.

While I agree with several of your points, Mick Foley and Sabu aren't spot monkeys. A spot monkey is a wrestler who knows how to do spots and almost nothing else. They have a very limited understanding of wrestling psychology. Sabu is a borderline garbage wrestler, but he is not a spot monkey. Foley on the hand, is arguably neither a spot monkey nor a garbage wrestler because he can actually wrestle. He understands wrestling psychology. He can put on a good match that isn't "hit him with a foreign object fifty times" A better example would have been about eighty percent of Wrestling Society X.
Wow, I haven't seen such a blatant attempt to troll the boards since the that last dipshit that was so hung up on clean wins & losses, & wanted bash Cena at every chance.

Bottom line, Daniel Bryan is one of the best, & most over all around talents WWE has right now.
Well thank you for your philosophical input, but every single point you made has various holes in which people will dig at, just as they are doing now, and rightly so.

First off, Daniel Bryan is an amazing performer. Anyone who denies that really is in denial. At first, when you first see him come down to the ring without prior knowledge of this guy, I can sort of understand the lack of confidence, but once he gets going, you can't deny this guys athleticism, experience and wanting to put on a show. His matches with CM Punk in 2012 were great, he has worked many great matches elsewhere, and when I heard of his 70 something minute match, that was the point you realized the work horse that is Daniel Bryan. He is far from a spot monkey. He is great technically, so he may not be the flashiest guy in the ring, but is the most accurate and entertaining. In fact, I think he may be the furthest thing away from a spot monkey.

In terms of his "Five Moves of Doom", every God damn superstar has one. Stone Cold had one, The Rock had one, John Cena has one, CM Punk has one, Triple H has one, Jeff Hardy has one, Chris Jericho has one, Hulk Hogan still has one, the list is everlasting. Nothing new here. His mic skills are perfectly acceptable. One word has catapulted him into something else. And really, too small? In that case, CM Punk is too small, Rey Mysterio is too small, Dean Ambrose is too small, Verne Troyer is too small, and, really, you are also saying Shawn Michaels was too small. Michaels was, at most 5ft 10 and 220 pounds. Bryan is a little smaller, and he is too small. Genius.

If the guy can work, which he can very well, if the guy can get the crowd, which is certainly can, then where is the issue. He may be popular on the internet, but he is also with the non-internet wrestling fans as well. All matters.
clearly this guy is either 1) not a fan of wrestling.......2) not really smart or 3) likes boring wrestling with big strong guys like The Great Khali, but i will play along here.
Daniel Bryan is very, very overrated. Here are the reasons why..
i disagree, i think he was underrated. he helped the tag team division and had some great tag and single matches.
1. His Matches Aren't That Good- Bryan's matches are getting to the point of being boring. He has the same 5 Moves of Doom that Cena does, except it looks more complicated. He's a spot monkey at best.
this first point just made me laugh....firstly his matches are NOT boring. want proof, put in the match vs. CM Punk...re-watch his match with Antonio Cesaro. listen to all the fans who chant "this is awesome" at him and it's not just because he's a fan favorite. even as a heel, he was loved by fans due to his in ring skills. and does he have 5 moves of doom, sure, but so does every wrestler in WWE, they have 5 moves that they use that are (in Cole's words) vintage, but unlike some, his moves are very good. his kicks sound like they hurt in real life, his submissions are great to see and he's not a spot monkey. a spot monkey is someone like Hardy who has flashy moves and takes insane bumps.
2. He Is God Awful on the Mic- Bryan just comes out and screams, shouts Yes, and that's every one of his promos. I skip them.
he's not God awful on the mic, is he a CM Punk or Chris Jericho or Rock or Steve Austin, no, but i have heard WAY WAY WAY worse. want proof, listen to Khali's promos. When Cena's being funny, Bryan's better at promos. Bryan's not the best mic worker, but he can cut one and he gets the crowd fired up with his Yes chant, so he's doing something right.
3. He's too Small- I can't take somebody I'm bigger and taller than being a World Champion. Bryan should be in the mid card picture at best just based on his size. If you then take into consideration his lack of talent, he should be a jobber.
now THAT line is where i also laughed. too small huh. well, then i guess Rey Mysterio was WAY too small and shouldnt ever be in wrestling. CM Punk he cant go because he's too small, Shawn Michaels, nope, AJ Styles, forget him. Austin Aries, get out, sorry to Bret Hart too, he's also too small. instead bring us Cena, Hulk Hogan, the Great Khali, the Big Show, Ryback, Goldberg and Kevin Nash. that's why i really dont like that argument of too small. most of those big guys in wrestling have dull matches.
My point is, Daniel Bryan is just some Indie spot monkey that the WWE has gotten too high on. In my opinion, he should be jobbing to Yoshi Tatsu on NXT.
he's not a spot monkey, he's a pure in ring wrestler who's in the mold of a Chris Benoit (in ring style). he's not one who will do all kinds of high flying moves like Hardy did so he's not a spot monkey. he's an in ring technician and the WWE is now high on him, but it took years for that to occur. Bryan's great in the ring and far from overrated.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, however I feel this thread was created with ill intentions. The OP is so laughable. Overrated? No f-ing way! Boring? Afraid not! Every wrestler has a set of signature moves that are used over and over, so I'm not sure what the OP's point is. You don't want to ride the DB band wagon then don't. The fact is that he is one of the hottest things in professional wrestling right now. I think the OP is just mad that Bobby Roode or some other pathetic excuse for an entertainer isn't the "man" right now or has ever been!
My fiancee hasn't watched wrestling since high school (97-00), back when *everyone* was watching. Long story short, I finally got her to watch Raw with me a few weeks back, and the only time she looked engaged was during the Wyatt promos and Daniel Bryan's match (if memory serves, it was Bryan vs. Ryback). She was literally on the edge of her seat during his match. The next week, she asks if we can watch Raw again because she wants to see "that daniel 'yes' guy with the beard".

Hey, I know it's only one anecdote, but as an admitted smark who's been a fan of DB since 2004, it was amazing to see how far his charisma come along in so much as he can make an instant fan out of even a casual female observe.
CM Punk sucks on the mic. His promos are monotoned and boring. Repeating the same thing (Best in the World etc) again and again isn't considered "good mic skills".

Jesus H. Christ. Just because he doesn't have go-to-catchphrases like Rock and Austin doesn't mean he's not good on the mic. Just because he's monotone doesn't mean he's inferior to guys like Rock and Jericho. He tells a damn good story on the mic and he ain't annoying.
I'm guessing that the mods are not closing this thread just for laughs, but here it goes:
OP, do you know the Fry meme? Well, if you don't, look it up. You're the perfect example for "Not sure if trolling or just stupid".
I don't usually like to resort to the argument that "So many people can't be wrong", but he is, with casual fans and smart fans, as over as SCSA was. And it's certainly not because he is overrated. It's because he is ENTERTAINING.
His catchword ( if it's not a word, it should be ) is simple, yet effective. He has tremendous in-ring skills, he makes every dumb thing creative hands him get over. Even though he is not as good on the mic as CM Punk, he can hold his own against some pretty good talkers.
Bottomline is, if you don't like him, it doesn't mean he's overrated.
While I agree with several of your points, Mick Foley and Sabu aren't spot monkeys. A spot monkey is a wrestler who knows how to do spots and almost nothing else. They have a very limited understanding of wrestling psychology. Sabu is a borderline garbage wrestler, but he is not a spot monkey. Foley on the hand, is arguably neither a spot monkey nor a garbage wrestler because he can actually wrestle. He understands wrestling psychology. He can put on a good match that isn't "hit him with a foreign object fifty times" A better example would have been about eighty percent of Wrestling Society X.

If you're known for the spots you do in the ring and nothing else, then you're a spot monkey. Foley's biggest highlights are him nearly dying on television. Sabu's big claims to fame are balancing on things and jumping through tables or using chairs as an assistant for a leg drop or 'South Arabian facebuster'.

I digress. The point here is the OP is so incredibly wrong about Bryan that he has to be trolling, because no one is that stupid.
clearly this guy is either 1) not a fan of wrestling.......2) not really smart or 3) likes boring wrestling with big strong guys like The Great Khali, but i will play along here.

i disagree, i think he was underrated. he helped the tag team division and had some great tag and single matches.

Got to stop you there,

He and KANE did nothing for the tag division, absolutely nothing, want proof?

The tag division is more or less in the identical position it was this time last year, through no fault of either KANE or BRYAN, but creative.

Their inability to create meaningful teams and stories for TEAMS OUTSIDE OF THE TAG TITLES.

I miss the days where the Dudleys and the Hardys were feuding in ladder matches and tables matches, the titles weren't even involved.
I also have to disagree with the notion of Bryan being a "spot monkey". Various wrestlers use any number of high risk and/or flashy moves during matches but that in & of itself doesn't make you a spot monkey. What does make you a spot monkey is if you're a wrestler who chooses not to or is unable to tell a story during his matches, chooses not to or is unable to use in-ring psychology as during his matches and if what you're most famous for are flashy and/or dangerous spots.

Frankly, Daniel Bryan doesn't remotely fit into that mold. He certainly has all around technical abilities that can match up with anyone else in wrestling, we haven't even remotely seen his limits on national television yet, he certainly knows how to tell a story and bring psychology into his matches. On top of that, he can do the flashy flips or flops if he chooses to.

As for the whole "5 Moves of Doom" garbage, pretty much every major & relevant pro wrestler I can think of off the top of my head has a set base of signature moves that they frequently use as part of their matches. Whether it be Cena, Rock, Austin, Taker, Savage, Steamboat, Flair, Sting, Angle or Punk; they all have them. Bryan's frequent use of kicks, while simple, is able to give the audience a real sense of impact. After all, whenever you hear Bryan's foot & thigh smack up loudly against the flesh of another person; it gives it a certain degree of realism that a lot of moves don't have. He has the ability to deliver moves that can look genuine but without causing any real harm to his opponent.

As far as the "Yes!" bit is concerned, I've got no problem with it at all. For some strange reason, some get it into their heads that if they're not on the same level on the microphone as the likes of The Rock and/or if they don't fill their promos with one cliché` catchphrase after another, then they're not good on the mic. It's a ludicrous notion. As I said in an earlier post, no single wrestler is going to appeal to everyone. That means that, surprise surprise, that even The Rock himself doesn't appeal to everyone. You don't have to be as good as The Rock or employ the same style during promos in order to be good on the mic yourself. Is Daniel Bryan ultimately capable of more? I'm all but certain that he is and if his rise through the ranks ultimately continues, I believe we'll get to see and hear it.

In regards to Bryan's size, it's something that doesn't really hold water. I believe someone in a post mentioned Mike Tyson's size as an example of someone that's not exactly mountainous in physical stature but was extremely dangerous physically. For a more recent example, look at someone like Anderson Silva, former UFC Middleweight Champion. His recent loss a month ago is his first since January 2006 and he's generally thought of as the most dominant champion in UFC history. He weighs all of about 180 pounds but if a fight ever broke out between him and someone along the lines of Brock Lesnar, I wouldn't be backing Lesnar. Bryan's not a huge guy but he is someone that's had genuine martial arts training and I'm sure he could put a hurtin' on most of, if not anyone, on the WWE roster if necessary.

A lot of people like Bryan because he doesn't fit the mold of what's come to be expected of a typical star. He doesn't have Orton's bad boy/movie star looks, doesn't have Cena's near freakish strength, doesn't have the smooth baby face of an All American boy next door. Generally speaking, Bryan looks like a "normal" person and people do flock to that. How else could you explain how someone with little athletic ability, a generally non-athletic look & body, a mouthful of missing teeth and very little technical prowess like Mick Foley became a beloved fan favorite, 3 time WWE Champion and WWE Hall of Fame member? Foley's "normalcy" made him stand out and standing out is one thing you have to do if you want to make an impression.

"'He and KANE did nothing for the tag division, absolutely nothing, want proof?"

Not true. They did one very, very important thing that's absolutely ESSENTIAL to any aspect of pro wrestling: they made fans care about & interested in what they were doing. People wanted to see Bryan & Kane do their thing FAR more so than any other tag team WWE has produced in many years. At the end of the day, as long as the fans are interested, that's what matters the most. Whatever shortcomings the tag team division may have had all in all is due to whatever choices were made by the WWE brass.
CM Punk sucks on the mic. His promos are monotoned and boring. Repeating the same thing (Best in the World etc) again and again isn't considered "good mic skills".

Everybody who doesn't agree with you isn't a troll, jackass.

And whoever compares Wrestlers with MMA fighters is an idiot, wrestling is scripted predetermined performance whereas MMA is real competition.

When HBK was the top guy the WWF was at its lowest business-wise.

CM Punk? Whose segments and matches have been some of the lowest rated on the show during his reign as WWE Champion?

Lol clearly you haven't watched a recent promo. He hasn't talked about bring best in the world at all.
Got to stop you there,

He and KANE did nothing for the tag division, absolutely nothing, want proof?

The tag division is more or less in the identical position it was this time last year, through no fault of either KANE or BRYAN, but creative.

Their inability to create meaningful teams and stories for TEAMS OUTSIDE OF THE TAG TITLES.

I miss the days where the Dudleys and the Hardys were feuding in ladder matches and tables matches, the titles weren't even involved.

While the tag division is not at a historical high right now, it is in better shape than pre-Team Hell No's reign (I can't even remember who they took the belts off of). This is due to The Shield. Kane and Bryan were as important as anyone in building up The Shield from a in-ring ability perspective.

And even if they didn't build up The Shield, they made the tag belts interesting for the first time in years (I think, seriously I can't remember who held the belts before them. The Colons?)
And even if they didn't build up The Shield, they made the tag belts interesting for the first time in years (I think, seriously I can't remember who held the belts before them. The Colons?)

R-Truth and Kofi. Primo and Epico were before that...

And yes, you are right, Tag Team is indeed in better shape now then before. I mean, everybody remember "Hell No" and "Shield" but nobody remembers who was champion years before that. That alone says a lot...

Its a troll theme but...

1. His Matches Aren't That Good- Bryan's matches are getting to the point of being boring. He has the same 5 Moves of Doom that Cena does, except it looks more complicated. He's a spot monkey at best.
So he does same moveset(which is btw what every other wrestle in the WWE have and doesnt really go far from it) but makes it look complex even to somebody who dislikes him. Wow, he must me good in terms of wrestling. :)

2. He Is God Awful on the Mic- Bryan just comes out and screams, shouts Yes, and that's every one of his promos. I skip them.
Thing about chants is that you need to make people to care for them to repeat them. Swagger and Cessaro along with Coulter do "Wee the people" but does anybody cares? So he must be good at promos too if he makes Arena full with people to care about what he says even if it is just "Yes, Yes, Yes"...

3. He's too Small- I can't take somebody I'm bigger and taller than being a World Champion. Bryan should be in the mid card picture at best just based on his size. If you then take into consideration his lack of talent, he should be a jobber.
Plausible excuse, but many other wrestlers before him dont fit in "the image" of what wrestler should look. And yet they did more then fine and still do. Not too mention that its a scripted sport but even if it isnt everybody whos been to some fight can tell you that what you look like has nothing to do if you would win or not in fights. Seen bodybuilders who "hug the floor" after some "Average Joe" punches them in the face. Because its not just about power its about how well can you fight and perform at current conditions...

There, troll theme but it is the stuff that some of the IWC smarks say non-stop because they dont like Bryan...

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