Daniel Bryan? I don't get it...

Optimist Prime

Arise Optimist Prime...
Can somebody please tell me what's so special about Daniel Bryan or Brian Daniels or whatever the hell he's called these days?

Just when I thought I've seen a mass amount of boring wrestlers work their way into the business...Daniel Bryan comes in. Not that he's more boring than the others...but I just don't understand how some of you fans rate these guys...it's mind boggling.

I mean the guy has a boring name, he wears boring wrestling attire, his moves are mediocre, and he comes out to the theme song from Bonanza??

THIS is what wrestling fans enjoy these days?? The WWE expelled this guy for breaking one of their rules but rushed him back for THIS??

I'm sorry...but I was a huge wrestling fan in the 80's and 90's and early 2000's and I continuously try to get back into it recently but then I come across things like this.

When cruiserweights like Rey Mysterio Jr. are winning the world championship title and "Daniel Bryan" is one of the most popular stars in wrestling...I think it's time to retire from watching it and it's time to stop giving it another chance.

But either way...I still have no idea what's so great about this guy. And I don't think I ever will...
You really just sound angry that you aren't getting what you want. I'm not sure what that is, but given your disapproval of Reys winning of the title, I would hazard a guess that you just want a bunch of roided meat bags beating each other up in the ring every week.

Bryan Danielson is a legend in the indie circuits. He puts his body on the line to put on a good show for the fans. He's consistent, he's funny (when he's allowed to be), and he's an amazing technical wrestler. He's an internet fan favourite because of his work in the indie circuits, and he's fairly over with the audience thanks to his feud with Miz (which has been great, by the way). Simply, I see Bryan walking down to the ring and I get excited. Why? Because I want to see what he can do. I want to see the amazing things this guy can do in the ring. And if all that weren't enough, he is (as Miz put it), the anti-superstar. He has that Average Joe type appeal, like Husky Harris or Dusty Rhodes. And people can identify with that. More than one person has called him the best wrestler in the world, and with good reason.
You and me both, Prime — you and me both.

I have no idea what people see in Danielson, and I never have. I've seen him wrestle a number of matches in ROH, and while he's entertaining in that he can "work" well, he has the personality of a dial tone and is one of the most generic looking guys I've ever seen in the ring.

I remember years back making fun of him because he had such an oddball body type and wore tights that made him look like an over-sized infant in a maroon diaper.

We'll get torn apart for this and plenty will look at us and scoff at our dismissal of guys like Danielson because we support "washed up" vets like Nash, but like you I'd rather watch a 95-year old Kevin Nash wrestle a mediocre match that has a fantastic story than watch one match with Danielson wrestling some other generic vanilla midget over a title no one gives a fuck about.

As far as I'm concerned, the "talent" today couldn't hold a fuckin' candle to the legends that preceded them. Guys like Savage, Hogan, Piper, Nash, Hall, etc. revolutionized this industry and lived through it's absolute pinnacle years. Same can't be said for guys like Danielson & co.
Can somebody please tell me what's so special about Daniel Bryan or Brian Daniels or whatever the hell he's called these days?

His name is Daniel Bryan, it's evident that you already knew that. He's a brilliant athlete and is a wrestling veteran. You can't judge him upon his month of being a WWE Superstar. Give the guy a chance?

Just when I thought I've seen a mass amount of boring wrestlers work their way into the business...Daniel Bryan comes in. Not that he's more boring than the others...but I just don't understand how some of you fans rate these guys...it's mind boggling.

Like I said before, he's a brilliant athlete and you're judging him saying that he's boring upon his first month of activity in the WWE. If you didn't already realise, he's been in a heated rivalry with The Miz since he debuted on NXT1. He's already the United States Champion and performs excellently in the ring. Again, if you didn't already know; he beat both The Miz and John Morrison to retain his United States Championship at Night of Champions. He impressed the hell out of me.

I mean the guy has a boring name, he wears boring wrestling attire, his moves are mediocre, and he comes out to the theme song from Bonanza??


THIS is what wrestling fans enjoy these days?? The WWE expelled this guy for breaking one of their rules but rushed him back for THIS??

What's the problem? Did you say anything when Darren Young came back? Probably not. It's almost certain that you have beef with Daniel Bryan.

I'm sorry...but I was a huge wrestling fan in the 80's and 90's and early 2000's and I continuously try to get back into it recently but then I come across things like this.

So what you're saying is that you don't like WWE because of Daniel Bryan...right? The guy that isn't very active, but when he is he performs excellently and is already a Champion after about a months worth of activity? Opinion after opinion. I call shenanigans.

When cruiserweights like Rey Mysterio Jr. are winning the world championship title and "Daniel Bryan" is one of the most popular stars in wrestling...I think it's time to retire from watching it and it's time to stop giving it another chance.

Why should they retire? Rey Mysterio is in a rivalry and he performs well. Granted, his character has fizzled out abit during the last few years, but if WWE thought there was a problem with him, would he still be working there? No. Daniel Bryan again has only just started in the WWE, why should he leave and stop giving it another chance?

But either way...I still have no idea what's so great about this guy. And I don't think I ever will...

So, I think we've summed up that this entire thread was just a big opinionated rampage upon Daniel Bryan.
In terms of character type, Daniel Bryan isn't really anything new to wrestling. The wrestling character that comes across as an "average" or "ordinary" guy has long been a babyface mainstay in wrestling. I've generally been impressed with what I've seen of Daniel Bryan. I've got no problem with a wrestler that works hard and is able to get over with fans getting a push. The WWE is a company that's often been accused of pushing "big guys" or "guys that they've made" almost all the time, but guys like Daniel Bryan & Rey Mysterio don't fit the mold. But, despite that, the WWE gets criticized still for pushing these wrestlers because they don't fit into the standard wrestling superstar formula. If you look in wrestling right now, a lot of the top guys don't fit the formula for what a star should be. Guys like CM Punk, Jeff Hardy & AJ Styles are generally cut from the same cloth. In terms of physical stature, they're not really above Daniel Bryan and these are wrestlers that would have never been considered for major pushes in wrestling 10 years ago.

I don't find Bryan's moves mediocre at all. He's agile, he's athletic, he actually has mat wrestling ability & experience. He looks smooth inside the ring and has had very good matches as far as I'm concerned. I've got no problem whatsoever if a wrestler doesn't flip around all over the place or jump into one high spot after another. I'll take a very solid all around wrestler over spot monkeys any day.

In order to make it as a major star these days in wrestling, you have to be able to stand out. It's quite common for wrestlers to use flashy entrances, colorful wrestling attire, lots of pyro, tattoos all over the place and all this stuff. Bryan coming across as "average" is a way for him to stand out. When flashy typically becomes the norm, ironically, it kind of ceases being flashy in my opinion.
Jack-Hammer said it well; he's an "everyman." many male fans can relate to his character because he's just like us; ordinary looking guy who isn't roided up and not flashy. i don't mind the character. i think a lot of fans appreciate it.

considering that there is so much "flash" nowadays, his character is actually out of the norm.
While it's easy for Daniel Bryan supporters to simply claim that this is just merely my opinion...it's also just simply common sense.

Just because the guy won a title already doesn't mean that I have to like him. As I've explained, Rey Mysterio Jr. was given the World Title and my head was spinning in circles for quite some time.

Do I want "big roided meat bags" wrestling each other? Not necessarily. I'd rather have somebody with a good personality and charisma. Now Bret Hart I could understand. His personality wasn't the greatest...but he was a good technical wrestler with great ring attire, great theme song, cool shades, etc. So at least there were elements of why he became popular and successful. Daniel Bryan coming down to the theme song of Bonanza is basically a slap in the face to wrestling as a whole. Anything and everything that used to represent the glory days of wrestling and entertainment has been thrown out the window in favor of mediocrity and comedy relief.

I've always said...if you ONLY like flip flopping around the ring and ONLY the wrestling moves...go to a circus and watch the trapeze artists flip flop around...or go to your local high school gym and watch a wrestling meet. You guys would probably LOVE it.

But when you start taking away the element of the "build up" of the match and rely solely on just the match itself...it becomes infinitely more boring. Personal opinion? Not really...because it's common sense. It's as if movies in the theater just showed the ending to all of the movies. I'm sure there would be some people who loved the idea...but it just takes away a lot of the whole element of it all. The people who liked the idea could simply say "well you guys liking to watch the whole movie thinking it's much better is just your opinion" Is it? Or is it just common sense?
I have to say I hated bryan coming into the WWE. I now like him somewhat. He reminds me of a Steve Blackman or Ken Shamrock character. Someone dangerous and gifted in a field of wrestling but they just dont have the personality. I think he will be a mid carder the few years he is in the WWE I just dont see anything big. Bryan to me is Blackman 2.0.
I have to say I hated bryan coming into the WWE. I now like him somewhat. He reminds me of a Steve Blackman or Ken Shamrock character. Someone dangerous and gifted in a field of wrestling but they just dont have the personality. I think he will be a mid carder the few years he is in the WWE I just dont see anything big. Bryan to me is Blackman 2.0.

And if you notice, those 2 guys never made it anywhere. Shamrock had a title match once...but it was quite obvious that he wasn't going to win.

Great Personality and Mediocre Ability >>>>>> No Personality and Great In-Ring Ability

After all, it's entertainment...it's not your little brother's high school wrestling meet.
Okay I just have to address this since you have said it twice now, when exactly did Ride of the Valkyries become the theme song from Bonanza. They sound nothing alike, I really have no clue what that is about.

As for Daniel Bryan, I would have to say what is special about him is that he is great in the ring, and though you wouldn't know it from WWE they guy has a ton of personality and is great on the mic when given a chance. I have to say based on your opinion of Rey Mysterio and your sig, it seems you may be suffering from a bit of bias towards size over skill.
Brian Danialson is great because of how well he can work in the ring. He knows how to have a great match, he's possibly the best technical wrestler in the U.S. right now, possessing a skill many in the wwe need to learn. He has great match psychology and can walk out to the ring with absolutely nothing planned and work with his opponent to put on a memorable match that makes the viewer feel like both men gave it their all when in the WWE I wouldn't be surprised if half the roster would be completely lost with out a script. If your a fan of 80s wrestling than I can see why he'd be boring, he's not Roided out with muscles on top of his muscles and he doesnt dress or act overly flamboyant like macho man or the ultimate warrior because he doesn't need to. Brian Danialson is the man for those who loved to watch Chris Benoit or Taz or even Kurt Angle come to the ring because they knew that they guy could out wrestle the best and give you something in a match that you didn't see from every body else. He doesn't need all the bells and whistles guys like Jeff Hardy do(with the warrior face paint and ring attire that makes him look like he's going to a Nu Metal concert)

Also can you at least look up what the theme to Bonanza was because the theme to Bonanza sounds nothing like his music
Okay I just have to address this since you have said it twice now, when exactly did Ride of the Valkyries become the theme song from Bonanza. They sound nothing alike, I really have no clue what that is about.

As for Daniel Bryan, I would have to say what is special about him is that he is great in the ring, and though you wouldn't know it from WWE they guy has a ton of personality and is great on the mic when given a chance. I have to say based on your opinion of Rey Mysterio and your sig, it seems you may be suffering from a bit of bias towards size over skill.

No bias. I personally think Shawn Michaels was the greatest all around performer of all time and he wasn't that big at all. He had the total package though in every which way.

No bias towards size what so ever. I'm just a big fan of the entire element of wrestling and not just the match itself. I would trade a great build-up to a match for a match filled with flip flopping any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
I can pretty much see it from two perspectives here Optimist. From one perspective, that being yours. Sure he's hardly a big deal. He's a decent wrestler, but there's better to be found out there in terms of the overall package of being a great wrestler. although Bryan Danielson has the ability to technically wrestle. And that is what excites people. A technical wrestler, because we haven't truly seen a great technical wrestler (At least in WWE) since Chris Benoit died.

Bryan has the potential to put on some great matches. And he has already shown that, at places like Summerslam, Night of Champions and Hell in a Cell. 3 Pay Per Views in a row where he has wrestled some of the better matches of the night. And it says a lot about him. He might be a liiittle dry on the microphone. But that can be worked with, considering the fact that he has showcased potential even there with Michael Cole. He has the ability to get intense, and he has the ability to wrestle with anybody and tear the house down. However, he still remains nothing of a BIG deal. Because he's smaller, and he's hardly a guy you would ever sell legitimate against a guy like John Cena if the situation is put together. Bryan is more or less a bigger Rey Mysterio. Over with the crowd, great wrestler, but over all some people don't see the excitement in him. I don't see the excitement in Rey. But I do see something in Bryan.

Besides, it's too early to completely judge Bryan in WWE. He has showed some decent stuff thus far. But so did Rey Mysterio. And eventually I'm sure he'll also hit a brick wall when it comes to going further. But for now, let's just realize that the guy is on a roll.
I lurk a lot, and never post, but I had to reply to this.

When you talk about how Bryan coming out to Ride of the Valkyries (which is an epic piece of classical music, NOT the theme from Bonanza by the way) as something that reflects a slap in the face towards the glory days of wrestling, you couldn't be more wrong.

If anything, his theme represents a flashback to the REAL glory days of wrestling, before every other roided up meathead had a whiny, angsty soft metal identikit theme - the days before wrestling was such a huge industry and had to use generally non-copyrighted music (due to costs) or none at all!

Look at Georgeous George, the first wrestler generally acknowledged to use a theme - he used Pomp and Circumstance - a classical track - and subsequently became the highest paid athelete in the world at the time. The only thing I can imagine you're talking about here is classing the Attitude Era as "the glory days" of wrestling, which is incredibly blinkered.

His gimmick is to "not have a gimmick". He's supposed to be a throwback to the classic era of everyman working heroes who fought in tents while working up the ranks as a counterpart to people like the Miz, who came up through reality TV and represents the current generation of wrestlers to a tee.

Also, regarding comedy in wrestling, again, this is an essential part, and always has been. Like it or not, wrestling started out as a carnival attraction that mixed comedy with drama in the best theatrical tradition, and the televised version has always incorporated this too as that's what a wide audience demands.
I think the OP is just trolling. Are we really having this conversation about Daniel Bryan/Bryan Danielson? It seems to me that you just want something to argue about. And to think you would have the nerve to call Bryan boring when you have a signature of Diesel. If you are going to make an argument for the sake of making an argument, the least you can do is bring some valid facts and points instead of your invalid opinion.
I cannot and will not speak for anyone else, but I was excited for Daniel Bryan for his POST NXT comments. The show where he came out in non ring attire ripping on management and pros and most of all Michael Cole. I believe his Cole rant and beatdown of the Colester may have boosted his fan favor.

I like Bryan he may not be well gifted in the pizzaz department however, I do believe its a case of the writers or Mcmahon dumbing down his personality or maybe even Bryan himself. He was a lot different for that NXT episode if you can youtube it.

He is truly gifted wrestling and athletics wise but his character right now does lack that classic wrestling feel you speak of. Give him some time he may grow on you he may not. If he does enjoy! If he doesnt flip that channel mate! Have a good one!
You know you talk about the glory days of wrestling, and complain about Daniel Bryan's entrance music. Lol, that is hilarious! In the glory days of wrestling there was now entrance music! All the guys were generic looking. You have every right to not like the guy. I don't think anyone will argue with you there. You are entitled to your opinion, however you have to respect this guy. You never really heard JBL chants, but he was good right? With everything he has accomplished he is an indy legend for sure. He is in for sure. WWE knew they messed up when they let him go, and they proved it by rushing him bask ASAP. He is old school, and great at what he does that is the hype!
I have to admit that when I started hearing about Bryan Danielson, I was totally expecting someone else. I thought "This little guy is the 'Best in the World'?"...until I actually saw him perform. I thought he had a more classic wrestler look than anything modern. I'm not the biggest Indy wrestling fan but I do admire and acknowledge the guys who tore up the Indy scene like Bryan, CM Punk, Kaval, etc.
As far as I'm concerned, the "talent" today couldn't hold a fuckin' candle to the legends that preceded them. Guys like Savage, Hogan, Piper, Nash, Hall, etc. revolutionized this industry and lived through it's absolute pinnacle years. Same can't be said for guys like Danielson & co.

This "talent" you speak of consists of power houses and not workers. I'm sorry, but everyone you listed doesn't come close to people like Flair, Race, Steamboat or Sting. Piper was a good worker and good story teller. Savage had to practice his matches throughout the course of the week!

The "talent" that "can't hold a candle" includes guys like Chri Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, Kurt Angle, AJ Style, Doug Williams & CM Punk. Tell me any of those guys can't hold a candle to the legends that preceeded them.

Plus, you have a Jeff Hardy signature. I personally don't understand what ANYONE sees in him. I've seen better female wrestlers.

Now onto the OP: American Dragon was trained by arguably the greatest wrestler of all time, Shawn Michaels. If he saw something good in him, there must be.

I dare you to watch some ROH matches and see what a guy like Brian Danielson can do when he's given proper story time. He can work 30, 40, 70 minute matches that tell an amazing story! Do you think WWE will give him a 30 minute match anytime soon? Probably not, but if they did I guarantee it will be great.

People use to chant "Best in the World" because he is. He knows and can perform just about any hold/move in wrestling today. He studies legends. If there's anyone with an old school mentality it's him. I'm sorry that you don't find him entertaining, but it's people like him that are the future of this industry.

I'm so happy someone told him about Bonanza.
The "talent" that "can't hold a candle" includes guys like Chri Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, Kurt Angle, AJ Style, Doug Williams & CM Punk. Tell me any of those guys can't hold a candle to the legends that preceeded them.

I dare you to watch some ROH matches and see what a guy like Brian Danielson can do when he's given proper story time. He can work 30, 40, 70 minute matches that tell an amazing story! Do you think WWE will give him a 30 minute match anytime soon? Probably not, but if they did I guarantee it will be great.

First off I would like to point out that Mysterio and Jericho was during the era of people "can't hold a candle" Bryan is a great wrestler you can't deny that and I mean a classic wrestler not a superstar. He is great on the mat. Bryan reminds me of Benoit, Jericho, and Angle. Give him a two or three years and he will be a main eventer. He's ok on the mic not the worse but not the best. He can be, he has the potential to be good on the mic.
No trolling whatsoever. Why? Because I don't agree with your opinion it must be trolling?

I just simply and truly don't understand anything about the guy.

Mr. Perfect (Curt Hennig) was one of the best technical wrestlers ever and there wasn't much hooplah over him. He was popular and such but not to the extent that Daniel Bryan is...and Curt Hennig had a great gimmick!! His vignettes were awesome and extremely entertaining. He would do stupid things like spit and slap his gum in mid air and toss his towel around his back and catch it. As stupid as they were...it made the fans angry and it was great. Daniel Bryan is basically Chris Benoit without the rotting teeth.

As for the music, Gorgeous George, Randy Savage and Ric Flair coming down to something as iconic as Pomp & Circumstance and Also Sprach Zarsthustra actually fit in wresting. Daniel Bryan's cavelry theme song seems like a running gag or something. It certainly doesn't have even close to the same effect as the other two. So if a wrestler comes out to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata it automatically makes sense because other wrestlers came out to Pomp & Circumstance? LOL I don't see the correlation.

My point wasn't that Daniel Bryan shouldn't be in the WWE at all...my question was how I couldn't understand how he was so popular to the point where WWE would break it's own rules and regulations and bring him back. THAT is my problem. If he wants to run amidst the mid-carders, that's fine. I have no problem. But I just didn't understand the love and admiration for something so mediocre and boring.

Mr. Perfect was a mid-carder for his entire career and is in the Hall of Fame. I don't see anything wrong with it. I just couldn't justify Mr. Perfect being vastly better than Daniel Bryan in every way possible...but having Daniel Bryan being put on some pedestal and loved to the point where he'd inevitably get a push to become champion.

Chris Benoit was horrible by the way. I never understood the love and admiration for him either. Again, Mr. Perfect was infinitely better than him in every way but Chris Benoit gets the push because fans overvalue him because he can do a head butt from the top rope.

I just never understood it and, like I said, I guess I never will.
To me it is simple. Watch the few weeks in NXT with the bryan/cole feud. That to me proves that he has everything he needs to succeed in the entertainent department, although that worked spectacularly well because it appeared to be fuelled on both sides by genuine contempt, you never saw it coming and it was one of the most real and surreal moments well ever quite possibly.

Now everybody knows he can go in the ring as well after his triple threat match. Morrison is one of the most unique and sensational performers of our times and miz has improved greatly to be one of the better in ring performers in WWE. He has his own unique aggression and purveys it well because he has to on account of him being only like 5"8 and less than 200lbs. How else could you explain how they made his match with sheamus competitive when sheramus has ran right over guys the same size as bryan (bourne, jamie noble).

There you go, nothing left to say, he has potential to be the whole package and all they need to do is give him more mic time because he could be one of the most contraversial speakers around cue austin, anderson/kennedy or hotrod, I really do think he has unique potential in that area. Nobody can argue he doesn't deserve his spot in the WWE but you could say he become U.S. champ too fast, or at least I would anyway and he certainly did not deserve the squash match against sheamus last week which is why I'm very very very happy WWE were able to admit to a mistake and re-book that match to make it far more competitive. If sheamus was going to run over anyone it should have been henry continuing the trend of destroying big guys that started with khali. I was about to ask where khali was but I don't really care..
This "talent" you speak of consists of power houses and not workers. I'm sorry, but everyone you listed doesn't come close to people like Flair, Race, Steamboat or Sting. Piper was a good worker and good story teller. Savage had to practice his matches throughout the course of the week!

Savage "had to" practice his matches through the course of the week and that's a bad thing? Since when? He was part of the greatest match of all time...so automatically...whatever he does or did should be copied based on that alone. It's just common sense.

The "talent" that "can't hold a candle" includes guys like Chri Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, Kurt Angle, AJ Style, Doug Williams & CM Punk. Tell me any of those guys can't hold a candle to the legends that preceeded them.

I will say that Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, Doug Williams, and CM Punk couldn't hold a candle to the legends that proceeded them. Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, and AJ Styles probably could (although Styles much less than the other two).

Plus, you have a Jeff Hardy signature. I personally don't understand what ANYONE sees in him. I've seen better female wrestlers.

People keep saying this stuff. I don't understand what this has to do with anything. Logic and reasoning is thrown out the window because of the signature at the bottom of their message? I wish that one would work in a courtroom lol.

Now onto the OP: American Dragon was trained by arguably the greatest wrestler of all time, Shawn Michaels. If he saw something good in him, there must be.

Agreed. But Jose Latherio trained Shawn Michaels...and I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that Shawn Michaels is far better than Jose Lathario could ever have dreamed of becoming. Point being, it doesn't necessarily mean anything.

I dare you to watch some ROH matches and see what a guy like Brian Danielson can do when he's given proper story time. He can work 30, 40, 70 minute matches that tell an amazing story! Do you think WWE will give him a 30 minute match anytime soon? Probably not, but if they did I guarantee it will be great.

I'm not denying his in-ring ability. I'm just strictly saying that he's boring and I don't understand the overflow of love and admiration...compared to other guys.

People use to chant "Best in the World" because he is. He knows and can perform just about any hold/move in wrestling today. He studies legends. If there's anyone with an old school mentality it's him. I'm sorry that you don't find him entertaining, but it's people like him that are the future of this industry.

I'm so happy someone told him about Bonanza.

I'm also not saying that he COULDN'T be great or turn into a legend. I'm merely stating that right now, from what I've seen, I don't understand it.

It's the equivalent to Barack Obama being given the Nobel Peace Prize because they THINK he is going to do some great things while in office. It's just not right. You give people credit when they earned it...not before they earned it because you have a good feeling that they will. Again, common sense.
i guess you have to be a wrestler in order to really appreciate how good someone really is. i felt the same as many as you people do before i started training, but after i got my ass whopped by my trainers i appreciated how good someone like bryan danielson really is, i can now see the little things that he does that basically make him better than many of the other wrestlers out there
i guess you have to be a wrestler in order to really appreciate how good someone really is. i felt the same as many as you people do before i started training, but after i got my ass whopped by my trainers i appreciated how good someone like bryan danielson really is, i can now see the little things that he does that basically make him better than many of the other wrestlers out there

And that's understandable and again, I'm not saying he's not a good in-ring performer. But the WWE and anything on television isn't ROH. That's what people don't quite understand. There are build-ups to matches where personality is needed and necessary to entertain the fans as well. This is where he lacks...and this is where I don't understand it.

If I'm looking for an actor for my play...and one guy knows all the lines and knows exactly where to stand at any given time and has the placement down and everything...does that all flawlessly...but he studders in front of a crowd. Nobody would say that he's the best choice...let alone the best in the world. They just wouldn't.

Professional Wrestling isn't just maneuvers in the ring. There's quite a bit more to it...and that's where guys like Daniel Bryan, Chris Benoit, etc. fail miserably and always have.

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