Daniel Bryan And Zack Ryder Need To Be De-Pushed

Daniel Bryan and Zak Ryder are head and shoulders better than Ziggler and Rhodes. I am not even talking about their in ring ability either. As far as entertainment value Bryan and Ryder are way more entertaining than those two.
If WWE didn't listen to us in 2005, John Cena wouldn't be a 10 time WWE Champion.
One could only wish. LOL

But, I think the point you're missing is, that while the crowd reaction is important, it is not important to us. It is important to WWE. The crowd reactions tell the WWE who is over. It should not concern us as we should be able to make our own opinions. Unfortunately the IWC is full of bandwagon jumpers. I'm not just saying this because many of you have the same favorite superstars. I say this because whenever someone explains why they like that superstar or try to defend said superstar from someone like Ryan86 who doesn't like them, 90% of the time they will say because they are over with the crowd as one of their reasons. Personally, I could care less who the crowd reacts too. I'm a fan of ADR and have been for some time now. I don't care if the crowd is dead silent or not. I like him because I like the character. He reminds me of "Breaking Bad" with the cartell. I mean the character owns a huge ranch with hundreds of workers and drives a new, expensive car each week. He also almost always has his personal announcer with him to help him out with the dirty work. That's what I like about him and the crowd reaction doesn't matter to me. I'd like him to get more of a reaction to get a bigger push, but I still like the character the same regardless of how many people react. With Ryder, I don't care how over he is and how many people pop for him. I just don't like the character. I'm not a fan of trends and fads. I'm not a fan of Jersey Shore. I don't like his music or his look or anything. And I think his internet show is stupid. That's just my opinion. I think he is well enough in the ring to like if he had a character that was more appealing to me. Am I saying change him? No. He is a cash cow and his character works for his fans. I'm just saying that I won't like him. I've never chosen my favorites by whether they were heel or face, nor obviously by how over they are. It's always been about their character and ability. So I agree that WE the fans, should not listen to the crowd response. Adults can make their own decisions.
I understand that these guys work hard and have improved but does that mean they deserve to be Champions? Champions are supposed to be the best. Let's say you have a race between a fat person and an athletic track runner. When they race the fat person will work harder but the track runner is faster and in better shape so they will win. Let's now say that the fat person loses 30lbs but is still overweight. They worked hard to improve and their speed and endurance have increased but the track runner will win because he is still better. I'm sure many people will applaud and support the fat guy and he will be admired for his efforts. That should be good enough for him for now. You don't have to be first placed to be recognized as good. Would you be helping the fat guy by making the track runner lose on purpose? Does that first place ribbon mean anything now? No. Some people will be happy for him but to others will see it as a sham. The better approach, if the fat guy wants to be first, is to keep working on it until he is good enough to win it legitimately. Then the fat guy is no longer fat, we have two track runners now, the ribbon will mean something, and people won't see him as a joke. These guys have plenty of time in their careers to do just that. And if they don't because they will become irrelevant in a few years at least the WWE's championships will remain credible for the other superstars to compete for.

Well, do Daniel Bryan and Zack Ryder deserve to be champions?

Let's consider Ryder first. Over the last few months, he has been vocal about a title match against Dolph Ziggler, going so far as to make an Internet petition to force John Laurinaitis(sp?) to give him the chance. Combined with his white-hot popularity spread by the grace of YouTube, Zack Ryder's title hunt was almost as helpful in enhancing the image of the US title as an important midcard championship as well as a stepping stone to the main event as Ziggler's entire reign itself (a few people will say that since Ziggler had so few title matches throughout his reign, his significance as champion is duly diminished, but I beg to disagree, and point to the fact that there are isn't much life in the Raw mid-card right now outside of Ziggler and Ryder unless you want to include Santino). Hence, Zack Ryder becoming champion.

Bryan's is more tenuous - not least because he's been a victim of months of see-saw booking - so I'll just say here that the WWE is hedging on account of the reaction at Bryan's cash-in attempt when Big Show knocked Mark Henry cold a few weeks back. It's a win-win situation - if Bryan doesn't draw a reaction consistently, well, there's the Big Show or Randy Orton to come kick his ass back to the mid-card; if he draws and solidifies his place in the main event, well and good - maybe Vince can contemplate a Randy Orton heel turn, even!

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