Daniel Bryan and the Seattle Seahawks


So given that the Extreme Rules PPV is supposed to be in Seattle, which is the home of current SuperBowl Champions, and the home of Daniel Bryan the hottest star in the WWE today, I think that the WWE should really try to capitalize on this.

First of all, this would be a great opportunity for WWE to debut a new T-shirt for Bryan. If they could partner with the Seahawks and do like a SuperBowl Champions/WWE World Champion T-shirt with YES! on it, using the Seattle colours, I think it would be a huge seller, especially at the Extreme Rules event.

Secondly, I think it would be awesome if they could get some of the Seahawks involved in the event. WWE frequently uses to celebrities to try and get crossover appeal and mainstream media attention, and this would be the perfect time to do something like that. Say that Bryan is the WWE Champ heading into the PPV and he's going against a heel who has like a crew of heels supporting him. Imagine if the WWE were able to get the Legion of Boom from the Seahawks to be in Bryan's corner. They could do a Lumberjack Match at the PPV for the Belt with the Legion of Boom and the group of heels at ringside. Obviously, the players would get physically involved and you would have Bryan go over. If the PPV were to end with Bryan on their shoulders with the belts, leading a huge YES! chant it would be amazing and would be headline news the next day.

Do you guys like the idea of cross-promoting Daniel Bryan and the Seattle Seahawks? Do you think it would be cool to get some Seattle players involved at the PPV? And what are your thoughts in general about celebrities or pro athletes being involved in wrestling?
I like the idea and adding that kind of shirt would be very cool. I wish Bryan could win the title at wm 30, but maybe this would be better.

I could care less whether the Seahawks are there or not, though a promo by Richard Sherman would entertaining:lol:

I don't mind celebrities once in awhile, but for the most part I don't like seeing them wrestling and beating actual wrestlers. Shaq vs Big Show would have been quite the spectacle however. WWE better not put any titles on wrestlers that aren't athletic at all and are not believeable like David Arquette. It is often forgotten though that he did work a match in wwe. It was a handicap match with someone vs Orton I think...
I like the idea and adding that kind of shirt would be very cool. I wish Bryan could win the title at wm 30, but maybe this would be better.

Well in my ideal world I'd have Bryan as the WWE Champion going into Extreme Rules (i.e. he wins it at Mania), so then you could promote the WWE World Champion with the SuperBowl Champions in his corner.
Given the publicity that Richard Sherman's "promo" got and how many people compared it to WWE (in the mainstream media), I think it would be a great opportunity for WWE to get Richard Sherman involved in the show. They could even have him come down to the ring with Daniel Bryan or something. I think WWE will definitely try to capitalize on the Seahawks' super bowl win given that it's in Seattle and the popularity of their hometown hero, Daniel Bryan.

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