Damien Sandow - What's the big deal?

It appears the Miz/Sandow story has finally reached it's conclusion, thank goodness. So can we stop pretending like Damien Sandow is some big superstar in the making?! I feel like I'm the ONLY person who doesn't like this guy. But to be fair I've never seen an ounce of potential in him. I don't know if it was the pompous "intellectual" promo's or classical music, the gear or his doofus face (perhaps all of the above) but from the get go the IWC has heralded Sandow as this great, underutilized, talent. But my real bottom line question is WHY?

From the beginning, to this very day, he seems uncomfortable in an interview setting. Not stage fright, but he's never been natural. It's always been so forced whether he was the intellect or the stunt-double. And my god he may be the most BORING performer in the ring. I've seen him live and it's not any better than TV. I challenge anyone to find me an EXCITING Sandow match. He works so basic, so bland.. with very little emotion. There's been moments like the mini-feud with Cody Rhodes, the MITB cash-in on John Cena, and these past few weeks with The Miz. But honestly, the other men are to thank for that, not Damien. The desire to see Cody get payback, the shock of the cash-in/possibility of Cena losing and the disdain for The Miz. Damien brings NOTHING to the table.

The identity crisis/costume period was trash TV and the "stunt double" never should have went as far as it did. At least not HOW it did. If Miz didn't have him wrestling the majority if not ALL of his matches for him, then what was the point? Stunt double my ass, he was a damn pantomime! The very fans who boo THE NEW DAY (3 GREAT athletes) and tell ROMAN REIGNS that "You can't wrestle!".. are the same fans who lose their ever loving minds when Mizdow takes floor bumps from a ghost! Uh.. what? And for all the people who can't believe Miz vs Mizdow had to play out on RAW and didn't get a solid WrestleMania spot, I ask you, who should have been bumped from the show? The workhorse ladder match? Orton vs Rollins? The Undertaker? The Rock and Ronda Rousey? For Damien Sandow AND The Miz?! The answer is none. There's been far worse storyline conclusions than a full month on every RAW and SmackDown leading to a gimmick-match that semi-mains a PPV go home RAW.

Sorry if I've just been bashing on Sandow, but this has been my perception of him for years now. I really would like to know what people see in the guy. What's the appeal to YOU?

He's a talented wrestler. He reminds me a lot of HHH before he became "The Game". WWE just hadn't found that legit gimmick to get him taken seriously.
I think he has good comedic timing, an interesting moveset and a distinct look. He also cuts an excellent promo, especially as a heel. But in every case, it's all subjective. When I got back into wrestling, I thought Bryan was boring as hell...Then an angle (Wrestlemania 30) ignited my interest in him. I did get tired of the Mizdow angle though, so hopefully WWE has plans for Sandow.

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