Cryptic Message From Karen Jarrett; What Could it Mean?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Karen Jarrett Gets ‘Cryptic’ With Her Tweets
Karen Jarrett posted the following on Twitter today…
“Trust no one…
Things are about to get VERY INTERESTING/ENTERTAINING to some of you!!!! #dropthegloves.”
What could it mean? in the picture if you click the link show's A very hot Karen Jarrett standing with a cut off shirt with the bottome of her breast hanging out, and boxing gloves on semi covering her breasts.
Now one in my estimation is that "and I pray that she does" she is going to do a spread for playboy magazine. My thought is this because she say's "thing's are going to get very entertaining to "some" of you. "then types "drop the gloves" which are covering her breasts.

The second choice is that the shirt she is wearing also say's "university of Angle" which obviously means her ex husband, and maybe there going to be a reuniting of the ANGLE'S angle, and Jarrett will pick up with Kurt Angle again.
Honestly I am hoping for the playboy spread, because she is undoubtedly one of the hottest knockouts or diva's ever.

So what do you guy's make of the cryptic tweet?
Please don't turn this into a BASH TNA thread.
I think it could mean a return for her to try and get her spot back from Brooke Hogan but it is probably some type of photoshoot for a men's magazine.

Underboobs are great!
First of all not a good picture of karen
secondly I doubt this has anything to do with TNA but if it does Team Karen vs Team Brooke for control of KO Division
Analysis: Karen Jarrett is a beautiful woman but strikes me as the kind of gal who you might walk in the door and smell a hint of gin on her breath the second she throws a shoe at you, smacking you straight in the face.

Mind you, you have no idea what you've done but it doesn't make a damn she's gonna jack you up for forgetting to pick up her prescription. But that shit happened six months ago but somehow she just now remembered it. She gets out the revolver, daring you to hit her, and see how many bullets she left in.

She starts to weep uncontrollably, screaming you did this to her, and drops the gun, and you think to herself, "it's not her fault, you can't leave her like this." So you go to console her, and tell her that everything is going to be ok. She says she has to go make sure the kids are asleep, but picks up the revolver. You decide you should go check on the kids together.

In other words, she's batshit nuts. And I wouldn't be shocked if this was just her being drunk on twitter
Just so people now I'm not bumping an old thread for no good reason; here's her next tweets

"Hey @TNADixie how's everything working for u on Dallas???"

"Hey Todd, no one can stand ur sister @TNADixie she continues to run the company in the ground!!! What r u gonna do???"
Everyone uses that "run it into the ground" line. That ground must be very fucking far.

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