Cryptic "01/02/2012" Video - Chris Jericho Returns- KEEP IT IN HERE! - NO SPAMMING!

I would like to see Jericho come back, but I don't think the time line fits for him when you throw in his Fozzy stuff. But then again I could be wrong
Okay, I figured it out and I want your honest opinions. I'm legit frwaking out because I honestly think this is possible.

It's going to be Shaq.
Im serious. There is a basketball floaitng around and rolling on the ground in both promos. He's coming to take his title of "Worlds Largest Athlete" from the Big Show. He hosted Raw once, now he will return. A "C;ash of Titants" so to speak that would be so massive it would bring on "destruction" and the "end of the World." Just a Thought but It's a great swerve I thoght of
Could it be shane o mac coming back to claim what is rightfully his, the WWE?
He is Vince's son, the boy. Or maybe he bought over TNA and gonna do another invasion. lol.
"punish the weak for their inadequacy" could that be HHH or JL?
I'm almost positive that it's Taker. The apocalyptic words ("coming like a thief in the night" is a Biblical reference to the Second Coming) that fits the master of the Last Ride, especially given that his current theme music ("Ain't No Grave") is a song about the Book of Revelation.

So it's completely in theme.

Also, these are a lot better way to use the internet than dozens of twitter references per show. (Though "boots to asses" seems to have caught on.)
Here are the reasons why i doubt its taker now....

If it was a Taker Promo, it would air during the show, not only on youtube.

Taker doesn't delve into this social media storm so why would he suddenly post videos on youtube and set up a twitter page for @wweitbegins2012

It seems like a way for WWE to make it seem like and "unofficial" return, if you remember, everybody only found out due to the "twitter trending" block at the bottom of the screen on RAW.

Takers returns are always have "official" promos and they are shown during the show (like the Kane promos that have been on lately)

I've also just checked out the "3rd promo video" and i have to say, if this is not a fake then it does signal Jericho. But i'm not getting my hopes up about anybody whatsoever, i am just going to wait and see who it is and just post my theories on here instead of getting excited and trying to convince everybody on here who it is because "at 35 seconds you can see hairs on their fingers and Y2J had hairy fingers" I am not looking into the videos too much, i'm looking at them as "cool somebody is returning, i wonder who it could be"
People just saw the 3rd promo video here:

If you stop at 1:11 you will find out who is coming back. :lmao:

Here are the reasons why i doubt its taker now....

If it was a Taker Promo, it would air during the show, not only on youtube.

Taker doesn't delve into this social media storm so why would he suddenly post videos on youtube and set up a twitter page for @wweitbegins2012

It seems like a way for WWE to make it seem like and "unofficial" return, if you remember, everybody only found out due to the "twitter trending" block at the bottom of the screen on RAW.

Takers returns are always have "official" promos and they are shown during the show (like the Kane promos that have been on lately)

I've also just checked out the "3rd promo video" and i have to say, if this is not a fake then it does signal Jericho. But i'm not getting my hopes up about anybody whatsoever, i am just going to wait and see who it is and just post my theories on here instead of getting excited and trying to convince everybody on here who it is because "at 35 seconds you can see hairs on their fingers and Y2J had hairy fingers" I am not looking into the videos too much, i'm looking at them as "cool somebody is returning, i wonder who it could be"

WWE, Vince especially, is obsessed with twitter. He is trying to use social media to get it across and get the videos trending. They are already airing a Kane promo on TV, why would they push Taker on TV too?

In Vince's mind, getting these videos trending on twitter opens up doors for other people to check it out...people that dont normally watch the program. Its a simple marketing ploy.

Please dont tell me either of you believe this video is truly real. This "3rd video" is obviously fake. First off, the video says "All 3 Official Promos" in the title, but it only shows the first one. The other video was made from an old Droid commercial with some Jericho stuff thrown in there. If it WAS real, it wouldn't be so obvious.
WWE, Vince especially, is obsessed with twitter. He is trying to use social media to get it across and get the videos trending. They are already airing a Kane promo on TV, why would they push Taker on TV too?

In Vince's mind, getting these videos trending on twitter opens up doors for other people to check it out...people that dont normally watch the program. Its a simple marketing ploy.

Please dont tell me either of you believe this video is truly real. This "3rd video" is obviously fake. First off, the video says "All 3 Official Promos" in the title, but it only shows the first one. The other video was made from an old Droid commercial with some Jericho stuff thrown in there. If it WAS real, it wouldn't be so obvious.

Yeah its obvious that Vince is pushin Twitter a lot lately, but the use of social media takes away from the Undertakers "gimmick" if you will. I already said that if the video was real then it shows Jericho, i never said i believe it to be true. I just don't think that Vince or the writers would do something with a legendary character such as the undertaker that isn't a part of his gimmick. Y2J is a "media guy" if you will, he loves the media so this would be more suiting to him!

As for the point of why show the taker promo on Raw as well as the Kane one, will thats quite simple, because why would taker be coming to Raw? he's always been on smackdown, apart from last year when he feuded with HHH, what reason would he have to come to Raw this time around? If he was going after Henry or Barrett the video would be aired during Smackdown. theres a simple solution to airing both promos.

Taker doesnt really need promos to bring him back, the only time he'll have a promo is if he is building up to a match or if he doesnt really have a reason to be back (i.e last year, the promos for him, he didnt really have a reason to be back then suddenly HHH is the reason) look at times in the past when he has just returned out of the blue (i.e Orton after Survivor Series 2005), these returns are what taker is about! not some youtube video
Another suggestion

2 kids = Shane and Steph, returning to take what is theres.
Empty Playground = See ya kids, we are leaving the PG ratings.
The end as we know it.

Wishful thinking!!!!!!!!!!! :lmao:
It's JBL. He's taking back his gimmick from Alberto Del Rio. And his cars.'s gonna buy that, right?

I'll be surprised if it's Jericho. It does seem too dark, but then again, maybe he is reinventing himself further.

Smart money is on Taker, but I hope it isn't. And somehow it just doesn't feel...taker-like. Even his last set of promo's, as cool as they were, felt a little more taker-like than this one.

Maybe it's someone else who hasn't been around for a while. I can't think of who, but maybe we've all been swerved bigstyle.

Either way, I'm looking forward to finding out.
People are so quick to assume Y2J that I wonder if they need to return to kindergarten so that they can learn to count...

The second coming of Y2J was in 2008, when he returned during an Orton promo... how can you have two second comings?

Not to mention, since when has Jericho ever talked about powers, weak souls, and shit like that?

The video, obviously, indicates the second coming of Kharma. Nine months would be up around that time, and Kharma's been expected to return soon.

If not Kharma, then I would suggest that maybe Ryback is making his way to WWE television. It's not that far off...
The video, obviously, indicates the second coming of Kharma. Nine months would be up around that time, and Kharma's been expected to return soon.

I agree. hasn't anyone else noticed that the message always appears during the divas matches? And I did some research and noticed that Kharma left the wwe in may, already a few weeks pregnant, so january would be when she is expected to return.
The mysterious videos on Youtube, the 2012. It's SHAQ!

Seriously. There is a basketball rolling around in both videos.

He's coming back to claim what is his, the title of "Worlds LArgest Athlete."

I Also waned to add that in the first video it says a "Familiar Force Shall arrive to claim what is his" I stated that I think it is the title of "World Largest Athlete" But this is the other thing. It never says it's a WWe superstar coming back, it just says Familiar Force. I would argue that Shaq is the most recognizable athlete in the world.

"A Power shall come to punish the meek for their inequities' This is saying that the Big Show or whoever are NOT equal to him and are not worthy of the title.

Also, minor, BUT, the kid is using a sharpie and what are athletes famous for doing besides playing...Signing Autographs

The Ages on the videos. one was 43, Shaq is a 4 time NBA Champion and a 3 time MVP= 43

22 Haven't quite figured out. To be Honest, I'm so positive I cracked the videos that I wanted to start a thread based on this theory only. I wanted the credit for it too. lol. I even tweeted JR but i doubt I'll get a response.

So, What do you think? Possible? Makes sense doesn't it?
I think the IWC forgets KISS
Keep It Simple Stupid. There is no need to over-analyse the vignettes
Its a familiar force so rules out Ryback
It refers to a male so it rules out Kharma
So only Jericho, Undertaker, Steph and Shane McMahon remain
If it was undertaker the vignettes wouldn't be over youtube. It would be promoted to everybody. The same applies with Jericho- why would you have a superstars return be hyped over the internet instead of on tv programming- and yes i know Vince is loving his social media but hying your superstar over social media only targets only a segregated segment of your audience. Isn't that cutting the hype too short?
So if its not a superstar what about Steph and Shane McMahon.
A young boy and girl have been shown in the promo possibly promising change and claiming what is his or in this case theirs. They are a familiar force to all fans.
Any returning superstar or wwe 'personalities' can come back and punish those for their inequities-I mean we do only have an INTERIM RAW General Manager and WWE superstars are very opinionated about how they are being treated (ie. CM Punk, Mark Henry). Right at the moment no McMahon storyline-wise has control of what is theirs and the programming delivered hence they use social media as a vehicle to promote themselves.
Furthermore Michael Cole during the Smackdown show quipped 'cant wait for jan 2nd' but I cannot give you an exact segment but I am pretty sure it was in reference to Teddy Longs dealings with an injured Mark Henry.
Make of that what you will
So I come here and see all the predictions on who it could possibly be. Some wild guesses I must admit, especially the whole Stephanie and Shane guess, Do you really think younger and not-so educated about the whole politics and what not of wrestling fans would read into all this and seek this outcome? Vince uses those fans more because they gain more money and therefore ratings. Younger population > Wiser population. I agree with one post, ' Keep it simple. ' Got my saying that its JBL to come back and take back possesion of his cars and gimmick, cheating bastard. I kid. But yeah predicting it?

Hmmmm, Short and simple would = Jericho or Undertaker. If its not any of those two then it certainly isn't anyone mentioned such as Ryback or Kharma. For me personally its either those two or nah its Jericho.

Every single word links to Jericho especially the last quotes ' It begins ' (You can find this in his titantron), Second (Second Coming of Jericho has already occured) And no the other promo is fake so I can't go by that. But when you think back to End of the World Y2K .... Y2J. It screams Jericho. The layout is done to entice you to believe its Taker the whole weird movement of the kid and the scary tone of image and also the whole strange camera shots outside, the swing moving on its own, ball moving on its own and the girl suddenly appearing. That is saying Taker. But the whole videos message in terms of words is Jericho.

Which leads me to this, The answer is Jericho.... and then Undertaker. Last year we had Taker's promo and HHH inteferred this year Jericho is back to claim the world as his own but Taker the dark force is willing to stop him. I know you all want to see Jericho vs. Punk so badly but this is the way I see it.
I still think that the message is to build up a Kharma return, although a JBL return could be cool. Only, this promo doesn't fit JBL. Jericho also doesn't fit because a Jericho return is Wrestlemania worthy, and WWE would not want to waste such a return when it will get over shadowed by the WWE.

And for the one throwing around that "KISS" acronym, WWE's not always had "simple" vignettes before. Just earlier this year, WWE had the entire IWC and their grandmother swearing up and down that Sting was going to be in a WM match against Taker... just goes to show how "Simple" WWE keeps their vignettes right?

Kharma, as has been stated, was impregnated BEFORE she left. In fact, pregnancies can take up to an entire month to be realized, and so really she'd only have to miss about a month max. Not to mention, someone's going to need to take the Diva's title off of the Divas of Destruction... why not have it be a returning Kharma?

Taker promos are too soon, because unless it's Mania time or someone's starting "challenge the spirits" then Taker won't be around. Notice his schedule has become more and more limited every year.

Kane is already returning soon, and Brodus Clay is waiting for his redebut already. So that leaves those two out.

Jericho, as stated, has had his second coming already... so unless you can have a second coming twice, this is impossible. Not to mention, Fozzy just confirmed another tour which again puts Jericho out of the running. Again, it's funny how people are quick to come to that conclusion, though I can sort of understand how it got there, since the link does come in through a Jericho-like fashion.

I'm going to continue to guess Kharma until more reasons come to say otherwise.
Just throwing this out there since I haven't seen it mentioned:


OK he is returning to take back the IC title that he thinks is his, from his brother.

We know that he wants it and I just read on here that WWE officials are open to it, whose to say its not already in the plans.

I don't think it is Goldie but just thought I'd throw a new option.
I still think that the message is to build up a Kharma return, although a JBL return could be cool. Only, this promo doesn't fit JBL. Jericho also doesn't fit because a Jericho return is Wrestlemania worthy, and WWE would not want to waste such a return when it will get over shadowed by the WWE.

And a Jericho return would make less than no sence with these vignettes.

And for the one throwing around that "KISS" acronym, WWE's not always had "simple" vignettes before. Just earlier this year, WWE had the entire IWC and their grandmother swearing up and down that Sting was going to be in a WM match against Taker... just goes to show how "Simple" WWE keeps their vignettes right?

And people swpre up and down that there were clues in the first SAVEUS.222 promo. There weren't. Wrestling fans see things that aren't really there. Sting, and thinking this promo is for anyone other than 'Taker falls into this category. If not outright lying to yourself.

Kharma, as has been stated, was impregnated BEFORE she left. In fact, pregnancies can take up to an entire month to be realized, and so really she'd only have to miss about a month max. Not to mention, someone's going to need to take the Diva's title off of the Divas of Destruction... why not have it be a returning Kharma?

Let me out it this way, if you think WWE are going to hype the return of someone who is not ready to compete when WWE start airing the promos, you're wrong. Kharma hasn't given birth yet, we don't know when her due date is, and WWE don't know for certain when she'll be ready to return (hypothetically she could require a Cesarian Section, which pushes her return time way back). WWE aren't stupid enough to hype Kharma's return yet. End of story.

Taker promos are too soon, because unless it's Mania time or someone's starting "challenge the spirits" then Taker won't be around. Notice his schedule has become more and more limited every year.

And if WWE and he wants to make this Wrestlemania his last then he'd need to start earlier than last year to A) ensure he's in tip top shape and B) build the storyline and hype the match.

Kane is already returning soon, and Brodus Clay is waiting for his redebut already. So that leaves those two out.

Jericho, as stated, has had his second coming already... so unless you can have a second coming twice, this is impossible. Not to mention, Fozzy just confirmed another tour which again puts Jericho out of the running. Again, it's funny how people are quick to come to that conclusion, though I can sort of understand how it got there, since the link does come in through a Jericho-like fashion.

Yea, anyone who suggested any of those guys ahould invest in a rubber cover for their keyboard. Prevents drool from damaging it.

I'm going to continue to guess Kharma until more reasons come to say otherwise.

Like the logical ones I posted above.
Ok, I've been a member for a while here but never found a reason to actually post. I generally like to read what other people think on things without giving my own opinion and then mocking from afar.
However, this whole “ItBegins” thing, and the theories which are flying around are compelling me to actually give my two cents worth regarding who people think this is going to be.
Goldust – No. I agree that he has stated he wants to feud with Cody, and I would genuinely like to see that, but Goldust appeared briefly on Smackdown with Dusty Rhodes. Since we’ve seen him on the screen, it’s unlikely that the return will be him.
Kharma – This just makes me laugh. How anyone can think it’s Kharma is absolutely beyond me. Firstly, she hasn’t had her child yet. Secondly, as stated earlier by Kotre Ibushimix, there’s no way a date would be penned in for her return when she is yet to have the child due to any complications which may occur after giving birth. Imagine having post-natal depression and then having to come back? She would likely injure someone in a way to vent! Thirdly, have you actually listened to the video? “A familiar face will return to take back what is HIS”. Last time I looked Kharma wasn’t a bloke. Well, not fully anyway.

Ryback/Sheffield – Possible, but the Ryback character doesn’t seem like something which would fit in with the way WWE is at the moment, and Sheffield isn’t too much a “familiar face”. I agree with what a lot of people have said previously. I would like to see him return, but it will be a let down if this build up is for him.

Kane – No. He has his own promo airing at present for a likely return wearing the mask. Hopefully if the mask is returning then so is “slow chemical”. I can live in hope :)

Vince – Again, possible, but it doesn’t seem as flamboyant as Vince would want for his return. As much as I think the content suits a story best fitting for him, I don’t see it being Vince.

Steph/Shane – Steph has been on our screens recently with the whole HHH/CM Punk thing, so having her there recently then hyping up a return doesn’t sit right with me. Shane has his own company and I would very much doubt that he would want to come back.

This brings us to the two most popular options floating around at present. Jericho, and The Undertaker.

Jericho is possible with the syntax in the videos, but again, as people have stated before, it seems too dark for him, so I doubt it’s him. Add to that the dates that Fozzy are touring, he can’t be in more than one place (unless you bring in a fake Jericho like we had a fake Undertaker, fake Kane, fake Razor Ramon...).

Undertaker is the most logical option, though I pray to God that it’s not him. Taker came back rather late last time around, and the feud with him and HHH seemed rushed, which would explain why they want to bring him back early, but this feels too early. Are we really going to watch him do promos every week until Mania? I can certainly live without it. The video is in the style of Taker, and the children do bear a striking resemblance to the creepy kids of the “are you scared” promo years ago. Similarly though, much like this is too dark for Jericho, something about it says it’s too light for Taker. I dunno, just my thoughts there!

One thing which I thought fleetingly was perhaps the return of DX? HHH has been off the screen since he was assaulted and we know that Road Dogg has recently signed a contract, albeit not a wrestling contract, but he’s now back with the company nonetheless. Billy Gunn has been getting a number of interviews recently for his thoughts on this and that, Chyna has had recent publicity as well, though not something which I particularly enjoyed watching :blink:

The kid wears X’s on his jacket buttons, therefore it must be DX!!! I very much doubt that this is the case, but still, everyone else has their own crackpot theories so I'm allowed mine!

Anyway, it’s probably Taker, though I really hope it’s someone different :)
I don't know much about his future plans but any outside chance it could be Brock Lesnar?? He is featured in the WWE'12 game and has been linked a bit to them as well lately. Just a thought...

He is definitely a familiar force within the WWE and he could play the kind of character for "it will be the end of the world as we know it". Wouldn't it be great to see him back!
We are witnessing the return of Shane McMahon....While I'm NOT going to break down the videos per say, I am going to set forth why I believe we will see Shane again soon

- Shane OFFICIALLY walked out of the WWE HQ on January 2 2010 for the last time as an employee of the WWE. The Return date advertised is 1-2-2012, two years to the day of his departure, he returns.

- In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Shane McMahon commented on his decision to leave WWE.
“It was the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make,” McMahon said. “I didn’t want to wake up when I was 70 and say, ‘I should have done that.’” Telling his father he wanted to leave was “brutal” and now, almost two years later, there remains some residual tension. “It’s still hard,” he said.
The article noted how Shane was at one point one of Vince’s “successors”, but the problem was that Vince wasn’t “going anywhere”. Vince is getting close to retirement, he is starting to show his age. He is NOW close to retirement. I understand that Steph & Trips are there now BUT a father able to hand his billion dollar corporation over to his very capable son is a dream most fathers have......OR to WORK with their sons

- This will NOT be a return to take over as CEO though..Let me explain: Early June of this year Shane as CEO of You on Demand formed a partnership with Warner Bros. to get the entertainment giant's content into China via pay-per-view and video-on-demand cable platforms. You on Demand has access to homes in China through a 20-year pact with China Home Cinema, the pay-television arm of that country's CCTV-6 network. Cable operators can deliver the content into homes. You on Demand has said it expects to have as many as 3 million subscribers this summer. With the launch of the new WWE Network Vince has a built in ability via family to work a deal with You on Demand & broadcast HIS network to one of the most populous countries on earth. China is a Communist controlled country, they do not have 500 channels of endless crap like we do. The ability to be one of the "Government Approved" channels in that country is with out a doubt a major financial gain for Vince & WWE. Every PPV would filter through WWE Network to You on Demand. YOD & WWE would the be able to solidify a 20+ year partnership of income stream. In this day & age the ability for CEO's to guarantee income streams for 20 years is unheard of. At the end of the article in the LA Times it says Asked if he'd be striking any deals with his father for WWE content on You on Demand, McMahon cracked, "I don't know, I'm a tough negotiator."

- Shanes son is also 7 years old now. He is about in the age range where WWE is relevant to him. I'm aware that he has met Cena etc. before BUT the ability for Shane to go ON TV & interact with the "boys in the locker room" to show his son, Daddy USE to do this, must be an alluring & tangible idea for Shane.

- 1-2-2012 its time once again for us all to hear:
I'm going with Y2J. The wording in these promos just screams Jericho to me. Also him coming back in a month gives us a nice amount of buildup time for the eventual Punk/Jericho match

Only other possibility I can think of is Shane and Stephanie. In the second video, when the girl appeared I immediately thought of Steph. Shane & Stephanie coming back to claim what is theirs (WWE)
Just throwing this out there since I haven't seen it mentioned:


OK he is returning to take back the IC title that he thinks is his, from his brother.

We know that he wants it and I just read on here that WWE officials are open to it, whose to say its not already in the plans.

I don't think it is Goldie but just thought I'd throw a new option.

Ha ha it wouldn't be the "2nd coming" of Goldust, he would be on his 8th or 9th coming.

This video would fit Brock Lesnar perfectly but their is no way he would be planning his WWE return at this time, he has the biggest fight of his MMA career in late December against Allister Overeem and if he wins then he is next in line for a title shot.

i still say it's Kharma, mainly for lack of a better option, the cryptic message keeps showing up in the twitter box during the diva matches. So unless Lita or Chyna are making a comeback, I gotta go with Kharma. Does anyone know for sure that she hasn't had the baby yet? She could have had it a few weeks ago.

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