Could the nWo faction been kept alive in '02?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Back in the WWE era in the beginng of 2002. Where the infamous wrestling stable the NWO (New World Order to do new booty's) made there "name wise" debut in the WWF/E at the then No Way Out PPV in february of that year. With the founding members of the faction from back in '96 WCW Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan back in the WWF/E & back in BLACK! They made big statements for the next twenty-four hours from the (N)o (W)ay (O)ut pay per view to the next nights RAW. In where the nWo trio took out both Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Rock.

But the nWo faction wouldn't be around much longer after there WWE debut. Of course Hulk Hogan went back to being a babyface, Kevin Nash got injured, and Scott Hall got fired.

Since Vince McMahon was the one to "bring in" the nWo into the WWF/E during his feud with "storyline" co-owner of the WWF/E Ric Flair. To get his company back in full control of one hundred percent by letting loose the "posion" in the WWF/E. Vince McMahon added old & new members in the group. In the forms of Syxx/X-Pac & the Giant/Big Show (old). And HBK Shawn Michaels & Booker T (new). But right before (or during?) Eric Bischoff was brought in to be the general manager of RAW. Vince McMahon came down to the RAW ring with the nWo music & entrance video and annonced the end of the nWo faction in the newley named WW"E".

But right before that annoncement by the chairman, Shawn Michaels PUBLICLY teased that Triple H was coming into the nWo stable to help take over...for themselves. But that never happened! And shortly after the death of the nWo, the WWE brought back De Generation-X in the form of HBK & HHH (the first verison) for only one night.

Since 'the Kliq" in TNA are using the NWO's "Wolfpack" name in TNA as there faction, since that isn't trademarked by the WWE. Can & should the WWE bring back the NWO like they did DX in anykind of fashion???

Because it's 4 life!
Its too late for that. Everyone that was part of the nWo when it was over with the fans is now in TNA. Sure, HBK and HHH are still in the WWE, but theyre more recognized for being a part of D-X and thats all over now. HBK is taking a lot of time off and HHH is focused on putting over his workout partners. The Kliq will never die no matter who is working where and what angles theyre working. This was proven when they all broke kayfabe and had that hug in the middle of the ring even though they were supposed to be hating each other according to the script. The official nWo will remain officially dead.

There cant be an nWo without any combination of Nash, Hall, and Hogan. Hunter and Shawn could start it up in the WWE without Nash, etc but why would they when D-X is more over with the fans and makes way more money in merchandise? Theyre more likely to go back to the D-X thing than to resurrect a stable that didnt even start in the WWE. Even if Nash and crew werent with TNA, they're old. There's no way they could work the nWo angle anymore and have it be believable. And if hell froze over and they did come back to WWE, do you think McMahon would let a bunch of old guys run roughshod over the young guys he's trying to build up to replace all these dinosaurs? Its a nice dream to think about the nWo returning, but in reality, even if it were possible, it just wouldnt be as good as the dream.
No one on the WWE roster can pull off an nWo angle. It works for DX because Triple H and Shawn Michaels ARE DX. It works for The Wolfpac because Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Waltman ARE The Wolfpac. You can't have the nWo without Hogan, Hall and Nash.
Hi people, I really don't have anything to add, but I just wanted to say, that i recently, watched the two episodes that are mentioned in this thread. I think, Shawn Michaels still gave the promo about giving triple H, a chance to join, because maybe he wasn't sure, that Vince would stop the Nwo storyline, just because Kevin Nash, just got injured again. (right before, he gave that promo) But, I was kinda disturbed, shocked by one thing though, they were helping Kevin nash to the back, and Shawn michaels barely looked at kevin, didn't try to help him AT ALL, and their supposed to be such great friends aren't they?... So i'm guessing, shawn was very upset..
In short, no. The nWo is alive and well in 2010, and it sucks. It would have sucked in 2002 as well. It didn't draw then and Vince pulled that plug quickly. It's not going to draw now, but TNA isn't as wise as Vince is.

Side note, for the first time in years, I actually thought Kevin Nash had a chance of being relevant. He could have been an excellent advancement talent, and he can still talk. I don't know if it was his idea, or the office, but what a terrible f'n waste.

Side note #2, OP, 2nd post I've read by you in 10 minutes, sounds like you're having a hard time letting go of the past. Want attitude? Try the UFC.
In short, no. The nWo is alive and well in 2010, and it sucks. It would have sucked in 2002 as well. It didn't draw then and Vince pulled that plug quickly. It's not going to draw now, but TNA isn't as wise as Vince is.

Side note, for the first time in years, I actually thought Kevin Nash had a chance of being relevant. He could have been an excellent advancement talent, and he can still talk. I don't know if it was his idea, or the office, but what a terrible f'n waste.

Side note #2, OP, 2nd post I've read by you in 10 minutes, sounds like you're having a hard time letting go of the past. Want attitude? Try the UFC.
Man we talk'in wrestling here dawg. If I wanted to talk UFC I'll go to the MMA section on here bruh!

Second of all, I'm sure that every WWE fan agrees with me? That we perfer the WWE for what it was instead of this rated PG B.S. The children are own future, that's the part of growing up. But it's not the whole thing to give the wrestling world to the kids and have nothing left over for the adults who pay hard earned money on WWE ticktets, PPV's, merchandise, ECT.

"Mommy Daddy buy me a John Cena T-Shirt & some DX glow sticks"! That's what the WWE universe has become man. And you/people like it this way? Cause if you/ya'll do, then I don't know what to say?
When I saw the original founders of the nWo come back to the E in 2002. I was ecstatic. That was just about every fans dream at the time, to see the nWo on WWE/F tv. At least we got to see that, even if it was for a brief period of time. I would have liked to see the nWo on wwe tv for at least a year.

The nWo crumbled quickly because fans cheered Hogan through the roof, Nash was getting injured just by sneezing, and Scott Hall is a natural born drunk. Then getting lame ass 6 Pac, which fans were booing him heavily the year before, and getting Big Show to join 7 feet 4" of boredom, didnt help either. I have a gut feeling that perhaps Vince didnt want the nWo to last too long anyway. The nWo may have been original wwf guys, but it was born in WCW, just like he tried to squash the WCW competitors in the Invasion angle the year before. So he didnt want some WCW creation going over his own. Even if he owned them.

From what I understand Scott Hall got drunk and rowdy on some plane carrying wwe guys. And got fired by Jim Ross. Is this correct? Some please explain. Thanks.
they got scott steiner to join wwe a few months after that.. he was a big part of the nwo in wcw and they could have put him in there with hall, nash, and hogan. mr prefect had returned to wwe around that time, too. they could have added him in the nwo since he was actually there in wcw instead of guys like hbk and booker t. they also had bischoff come in soon after.. he would have been an obvious choice for a manager.
vince has pretty much leveled anything wcw or ecw created. whether it was talent, angles, stables, or anything that was what made those 2 organizations last so long against wwf, vince has pulled the plug. including the nwo :( i dont think its ever going to properly come back unless they attempt to start a "new generation" by having the older guys bring in up and coming talent... then i will throw up :(
I don't think an nWo reunion on wwe would be very good anymore. It's one thing to have a single wrestler come back (like bret hart) then have to explain to a whole new audience about who he is, but the nWo is getting a bit extreme.

Besides it was fairly obvious that back in 2002, as soon as HNH left it was not much of a stable, it was just a random group of good wrestlers who were just banded together for the sake of it, they never really did much.

It would have been nice, however, if, had hall and nash not gone, to see a proper stable stay together for a bit, and have a more suitable conclusion than what we were given. I think it is safe to say that hogan was always gonna leave at wm x8, so over it was ridiculous!
If Vince doesn't think we'd remember Edge and Christian as a tag team, then why is he going to do an NWO angle that doesn't have a single member of the NWO in it?

And dear god i didn't want that angle to start in WWE, never mind do it again. The Straight Edge Society could easily do a 'take over' angle where Punk forces people to join up, or guys simply agree to, but no, they'd rather have him have a match where he delivers excellent promos for 5 minutes and then job in just under 2.

No more re-hashing of old shit dammit!

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