Could Cyber Sunday work more than once a year?

Bone For Tuna

Registered Loser
So when I was replying to the thread about themed PPVs possibly coming to an end, I had an idea. Could WWE make Cyber Sunday work more than one day out of the year? They already ****e the shit out of social media (a lot more than they did when the PPV was a regular) and they use those Raw active polls or whatever they are called, but why not give the fans a little more power and interaction with the product. If WWE are thinking of getting rid of themed PPVs, could they replace them and lesser B PPVs with Cyber Sunday like cards that might encourage the viewer to engage with the product a little more. I'm thinking like In Your House and Taboo Tuesday combined. Maybe people would be a little more eager to watch if they actually had some say in what was going on? Would it work two or three times a year?
With me it's all about the choices. If you would have matches with 2 or 3 legitimate choices them maybe. But more often than not we're treated to options that are stacked to favor something obvious. Wasn't there a choice of like a wrestling match, debate, or arm wrestling match one time?
I don't see why you would have something like that more than once a year. If they did it multiple times it would decrease in value, it wouldn't seem special. I think letting the fans get involved is a good idea, but they rarely listen to the fans. We see time and time again where they have these polls and the outcome is changed. I have no idea why they would even do that either. That's the fans telling them what they want and them doing the complete opposite. lol How does that make any sense? So i would only want a Cyber Sunday PPV if the fans ACTUALLY got to vote.
Honestly, I don't even think it worked once a year when they had it. The voting was almost a waste of time as they usually set it so we all knew what the match would be. More than once a year would not work imo, but if they were to bring it back annually then they need to give us better choices. Let the voting actually count, and give us some suspense as to who the winner of the vote might be.
Cyber Sunday already does work more than once per year. They have those fan polls each week on Raw and those have effectively replaced the Cyber Sunday PPV brand. They could bring this style back as a PPV where fans get to vote on stipulations/opponents/etc but I would not want to see more than one show per year under that format. I do miss the Cyber Sunday events a bit, although I really wish some of the options would have been better. More often than not they would give you two out of three options that no one in their right mind would vote for, making the process somewhat pointless.

We get enough fan polls on Raw as it is and the only reason I would be open to the PPV brand returning is because we would need something to replace junk like No Way Out for next year's lineup. I say give it a shot but not for more than one show per year since we have the weekly polls on Raw that are more than enough without even bringing back Cyber Sunday style shows in the first place. Replacing all of the lesser shows and gimmick PPV events with fan interactive shows would be even worse. I guarantee you I would be far less likely to buy them if there are more than one per year. I'm sure others would agree. One of these shows in a PPV format is fine, anything more is too much and some of us prefer to know what to expect before speding money on a PPV.
The one that they had was original i will give them that! But our voting didnt count for shit as the results were rigged anyway! Plus this being the PG era i dont think Cyber sunday or Taboo Tuesday however you remember it would work.

If they did decide to bring it back give the fans better choices! We dont wanna see hugs,debate,arm wrestling the fans wanna see action. Actually another point make our votes count make it like the electoral college vote state by state updates! Im sure the E could come up with something like that!
It would be cool to have a Raw episode that the votes really counted (But the votes started the Monday before and ended that Friday) so the WWE could actually script a show based on our votes. Plus is the show sucked we the fans would be to blame.

It would never happen, but I always like the Cyber Sunday theme, even if the results were rigged before the polls were even up haha!
The "voting" on RAW Active is pointless, the "vote" is fixed anyway IMO, it's just a way to get people to discuss WWE on their Twitter accounts.

And anyway rather than Cyber Sunday, I want Taboo Tuesday back.. Meh, it's more or less the same thing just on a Tuesday instead of Sunday.
I wouldn't mind seeing a Cyber Sunday PPV brought back, one way it could be done would be the fans vote on the undercard matches with the main event matches untouched, so a card may look like this if it was to happen in December 2012.

CM Punk verses Ryback
John Cena verses Dolph Ziggler
Sheamus verses Big Show

And those matches would be set in stone (that's including gimmicks and stips so the wrestlers can work out how to put on the best match in that environment). They would be the matches that would attract the fans to watch the show.

Then have the WWE Universe vote on these scenarios:

Tag Title match - Team Hell No verses Prime Time Players or Mysterio and Cara or Primo and Epico

Someone like Alberto Del Rio verses Santino or Ryder or Miz

Who gets a Diva's title shot

Someone like Orton verses Cesaro or Barrett or some heel legend
Cyber Sunday/Taboo Tuesday didn't even work once a year!

The concept just didn't work. The only time I think people were surprised, or it wasn't obvious what the outcome would be, was when The Miz won an ECW title shot in 2007. I still maintain that it was my voting endlessly for 20 hours that got him that title shot. So yeah, basically you owe me for The Miz being a world champion and for me messing with WWE votes enough for them to cancel that PPV. You're welcome.
I don't see why it could work more than once a year provided that the Gimmick PPVs were being replaced and that the PPV had actual choices that weren't rigged either. Just take all the gimmicks from the gimmick PPVs:hardcore, ladder, table, chair, TLC, cage, hiac and make a few of those stipulations in the matches upon which people can vote on. That way the gimmicks are still there but the ppv isn't themed to one gimmick. Each match can have a diff set of 2-3 stips to choose from. For example the above card could look like this:

CM Punk verses Ryback - tables match or hardcore match
John Cena verses Dolph Ziggler-ladder match or cage match
Sheamus verses Big Show - tlc match or hiac

then for the extra drawing power mid card matches like tag team division could have something like

hell no vs ptp vs sin cara/mysterio- elimination table, hell in a cell, ladder
this would give the opportunity for the first ever tag hell in a cell.

then lower matches could be something like
orton vs del rio with special referee - rosa mendez, ricardo, mick foley, brad maddox

cesaro vs barrett vs kofi vs truth- elimination fatal fourway, two title on a pole match( inwhich the belts are on diff side of the ring and either can be grabbed, leaving the option for the a current champ to capture both, and adding a new strategic dynamic as someone like cesaro wouldnt be so much concerned with winning as guarding his corner), arm wrestling tournament(lol)

Then the divas can have:
heel dica vs face diva - regular match or bra and panties(lol obviously the vote would be like 90% to 10%)

Anyways the point is instead of having extreme rules, hiac, tlc etc we could just have 2-3 of these to still cover those bases and really put their social media to use. It wouldn't reall take the value away from it because rather than the predicatable scheduled gimmick, we can still have our gimmicks but as surprises. They would just need to use legit choices and legit voting and not some bs like hardcore match or pie eating contest.

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