Coming Soon- The WZ Movie Tournament: What is the Forums' Favorite Movie?

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Papa Shango

Frontman of the WZ Band!!
I have decided to create a tournament, to find out what the members of Westlezone Forums think is the best movie ever made. It will consist of 256 movies, that the forum considers to be culturally significant and iconic. Kind of like the American Film Institute, accept with movies that people have actually seen.

There will be four brackets of 64 films; The 1970's, the 1980's, the 1990's, and the 2000's. It pained me to not include the 1960's and earlier, but the way I saw it was that those types of films would have hardly stood a chance anyway, seeing as more than half the forum probably haven't even seen 64 films from the 30's-60's combined, let alone would vote for them. Plus, it makes sense to make the 70's as the cut-off point, as that decade is considered by many to be the start of a new era in filmaking.

Anyways, I will be accepting nominations from all forum members, with the only requirements for the film to make the list is that I have a) heard of it, and b) agree that the film is deserving of being placed on the list. However, if a large majority start demanding that a movie be put in the tournament, I may break down and do it. However, this does not mean that I will put Snakes on a Plane in the tournament just because every Sam Jackson fan on the forum asks me to. You gotta convince me. (And in advance: no, no matter what anyone says, I will not put Snakes on a Plane in the tournament. That movie sucked hard.

So, start nominating your favorite movies... now. Oh, and please tell me the year the movie came out, so I know what bracket to catalog it in.
Is there a way to put some movies from before the 70s in? There are some films from before that time that simply are too significant to not have in. I don't mean a bracket for each decade, but maybe something like 10 or so of them. While I definitely agree that a majority of them haven't been heard of by a lot of people here, I'd be suprised if films such as Gone With the Wind, Casablanca, Citizen Kane, etc haven't at least been mentioned once or twice. If not, I understand.
I thought about it, and if enough people have a problem with it, then I'd have no problem expanding the bracket. Only problem would be finding 64 movies from 60's, 50's, 40's, and 30's each. Trust me, I'd love to figure out a way to get movies like Casablanca, Citizen Kane, and Easy Rider into the tournament.
I was thinking that as well, and what I was thinking was, since 2000s aren't a complete decade yet, what about combining it with older films, or some other combinations thereof? Or what I was thinking was making one bracket for 30s-60s, as in about 16 per decade. That way more movies that are big names and more likely familiar would get in.
It probably wouldn't be a good idea to combine the new films with the old ones, just becase the new ones would slaughter all the old ones in the first few rounds. I thought about combining the 90's and the 2000's, but the 90's, for me, are just as relevant to film history as the 70's, and I wouldn't feel right just merging it for the heck of it.
That's what I was thinking about the 90s. I grew up on those films so they have a certain value to me that I'm sure a lot of people around here would share. Would there be a way to have 5 brackets, pre 70s, 70s, 80s, 90, 2000s? It allows some older movies to get in, and keeps everything else balanced.
The only problem is that there'd then be a Final Five.

Actually, I think I have an idea. Let me just figure out the math.
1. star wars

2. national treasure came out in 2003 i think

3. teminator 2 somtime in the 90s

thts all for now
I already have Star Wars and T2 on the bracket. But National Treasure is awful. It's a glorified Indiana Jones knock-off, with American history in lieu of supernatural artifacts. Nicholas Cage... action star?! I really just don't get it. Sure he did Con Air, and it was good. But that doesn't keep him from being Paul Giamatti with muscles.
Godfather Part 1 (1972)

Godfather Part 2 (1974)

Scarface (1983)
I'm saying no to this. For a while at least. There's a mod discussion on a movie tournament. I have no problem if you want to do it. But it won't be happening while the music tournament is in place, or for a few months after.
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