CM Punk WINS The WWE Championship!!! Cena fired???

First time posting here so hey everybody. I'm a longtime fan who recently came back to watching the WWE at this years Royal Rumble. Still waiting to see Diesel again.

I was thinking on this CM Punk situation. Obviously it's a work. I think there is a swerve coming and forgive me if this has already been mentioned but what if Punk aligns himself with Vince and the Mr. McMahon character returns? I have heard that Cena needs some time off. This could be the catalyst for that. What do you think?
I had thought Punk was going to win the WWE Championship before tonight... but wasn't positive.

After tonight's Raw, I would bet cash that Punk wins the Championship.

After the stipulation that v McMahon gave, it makes too much sense not to happen... Perfect excuse to give Cena his time off.

Oh, and it's painfully obvious tonight was supposed to be Cena's "3:16 moment", but unfortunately he lacks on the mic... Luckily Vince was out there to carry his ass. (IMO Anytime Vince appears on Raw the show is automatically better)
I had thought Punk was going to win the WWE Championship before tonight... but wasn't positive.

After tonight's Raw, I would bet cash that Punk wins the Championship.

After the stipulation that v McMahon gave, it makes too much sense not to happen... Perfect excuse to give Cena his time off.

Oh, and it's painfully obvious tonight was supposed to be Cena's "3:16 moment", but unfortunately he lacks on the mic... Luckily Vince was out there to carry his ass. (IMO Anytime Vince appears on Raw the show is automatically better)

I have to agree with you. I'm not a Cena fan by any means but I think this is going to be the push that Punk has been looking for. Cena gets his time off and the whole "fired" things is easily fixed when Rock returns in the Spring to demand Cena returns.

Punk easily became my favorite WWE Superstar when I started watching again and I think he is getting ready to explode.
For the past week since this thing with Punk happened I've been around these boards and to my amazement people actually believe CM Punk is leaving with the WWE title. Reading the spoilers from last week I waited until now to post this.

The more things don't make sense the more things make sense.

Let's start off at the Worked Shoot. So Punk mentions NJPW and RoH that doesn't make any sense why would WWE allow different promotions to be mentioned on air when they have no financial gain or the name Hulk Hogan who gets paid each time WWE uses anything Hulk Hogan they'll just use the 7 second delay to blurt out those references the same 7 second delay they used on the tough enough finally when Austin said bullshit.

So the week goes on and rumors persist that he's leaving with the title that's when I started to remember wrestling past. Madusa, Mick Foley,Mike Awesome.( I'll get back to that) On Saturday nights on the Universal Network you'll find the Raw and Smackdown replays. So I started to wonder does Vince and Co. have the balls to show the segment in it's entirety. Show starts @ 7pm-9pm est. So I turn to it exactlly at 8:52pm whoa there's the spear from Truth match over we have 8 minutes left and yes they have the balls and they showed it in it's entirety.

That's when I knew this is all a big work that worked. Why would Vince allow this rant to be played again on tv when he could edit it out for the Saturday broadcast. Because there's no way Punk will leave with that title. Why would Vince embarrass his empire even further buy letting his belt go to another company and getting trashed.

Madusa- I don't believe Vince wants to see that ever again, dumping the womans title in the trash or

Mick Foley- Spitting on then throwing down the WCW tag titles while he was in ECW during a talent swap. No matter how innocent Mick says it was it didn't look good then there's

Mike Awesome- yes cease and desist orders are a welcomed headache for your promotion not to get embarrassed. Bischoff was going to give him a nice contract if he only could have thrown the ECW title in the trash live on Nitro but cease and desist.

That's when everything made sense. Vince would never have his belt on another promotion unless it benefited him how does CM Punk showing up somewhere else with the WWE title benefit WWE then last nights RAW confirmed it CM Punk is not leaving United Center/Allstate Arena with that title. RoH doesn't get back on tv until September, NJPW is all about tradition they would never allow CM Punk in with the title unless Vince ok'd it.

It's a work a good work because everyone is still talking about the promo a week later even getting mainstream press for everyone involved in the promo. And the PPV buys should be decent while some will be searching for a feed. It's a win win for all why would WWE fuck that up
Anyone read Punk's latest statements on gay marriage? Looks like he got a dig in there regarding a couple people. I wouldn't be surprised if it's Vinnie Mac. Although I don't see Vince as being super religious.

"Marriage is a totally out dated concept. Gay, straight, whatever. The fact that there’s a bunch of ***** out there that have an OPINION on somebody elses lifestyle and don’t want them to have the same basic human rights everybody else has makes me want to clobber some rebublicans. **** the religious moral majority, let whoever wants to marry whoever, get the **** married. I love the moral high horse hypocrisy bull****. I know super religious pricks do tons of steroids, but a homosexual life style to them is reprehensible. **** that.” - CM Punk
I have to agree with you. I'm not a Cena fan by any means but I think this is going to be the push that Punk has been looking for. Cena gets his time off and the whole "fired" things is easily fixed when Rock returns in the Spring to demand Cena returns.

Punk easily became my favorite WWE Superstar when I started watching again and I think he is getting ready to explode.
I don't think there's any chance whatsoever of them going through with the firing stip, even though it would only be temporary anyway. Think about it; SummerSlam is WWE's second biggest pay-per-view of the year, and John Cena is the number one guy in the company. If Punk wins and Cena gets "fired" (which would only happen if Punk actually leaves), what do you do for your main event? Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio for the 100th time? Randy Orton vs. Christian for the 1000th time? Are either of those matches really going to sell a pay-per-view considering how many times they've been done?

Punk staying is not out of the question, but logically if he were to stay, the firing thing would become null and void. Vince's words were that if Punk leaves with the title, Cena will get fired. If Punk doesn't leave at all, then obviously no firing is necessary.
I think Punk using "the slur of doom" is what did him in. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't sign so the WWE can appease the gay-rights people and then he ends up coming back once the smoke clears.
closet_fan said:
I think Punk using "the slur of doom" is what did him in. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't sign so the WWE can appease the gay-rights people and then he ends up coming back once the smoke clears.
Nah, there's no way that CM Punk saying that at a house show is going to be a serious determinant as to whether he re-signs or not. WWE doesn't care enough about that type of stuff to actually not let a guy come back. It's not like the Daniel Bryan thing where it was on television and sponsors threatened to pull out.

This has already pretty much blown over. I mean, the guy apologized on Twitter and admitted to being a jerk, supposedly without the prompting of WWE officials. Let's just leave it where it is now.
I have to say I fully agree with what Punk said on the gay marrage thing.

The guy is hyper intellegent and you know what we can debate till our eyes explode but there are probably only four people who know if he is staying or not and they arent talking out of Kayfabe that is Punk....Vince and maybe Steph and Trips
I for one thought it was the best promo I have seen since CM Punk's worked shoot promo on Raven after the beer bath he received from Raven & Dreamer at "Night of the Grudges" in June of 03'. That and basically everything from "Summer of Punk" in ROH was epic, but this promo was right up there with them, actually this might take the number one spot in my book. Tremendous, outstanding, captivating, riveting all words worthy to describe what well all saw on that June night. Hopefully July 17th 2011 won't be the last we see of him in the WWE, unless he returned to ROH, I wouldn't mind that so much.
I believe Punk will take time off after the ppv. I have two ideas about how the match will turn out. Cena loses to Punk. That could set up a fued with McMahon. The winner of the raw money in the bank match comes down and cashes in beating punk to become the new wwe champion. The other way I think they may go with is this. The finish will end with interference. Someone cost Punk the match. Punk comes back for revenge after his break. It could even be McMahon. I think a Punk - McMahon fued would be decent. What do you guys think of this?
I do NOT like the first idea. Everyone who's even commented on the story has ialready thought of that. Nothing against you, its just I mean it fits TOO much and is TOO much the easy way out. It will make this whole storyline inconsequential by SummerSlam. I'd prefer it if the MitB winner tried to cash in and Punk STILL won. The only way I'd like it is if Drew McIntyre cashed in, and he's not even in the MitB match. It would fuel his "chosen one" status with Vince if he was the one to save the WWE, and then they could run around messing stuff up, but he's still a little green and, as I said not in the match.

For the second idea, I think Punk is a full fledged heel now, and his story would indicate he wants to ruin WWE, which would be against the fans. So that second idea would lead to a McMahon face, which, at first I'm apalled at the idea, but it could be very interesting, since its something thats never really been done before (at least not for more than a month until a heel turn).
Granted Vince probably wouldn't wrestle so much but instead lead an anti-nexus army, perhaps led by Stone Cold to get that dreamed of Punk vs Austin Wrestlemania match? Assuming he takes time off the time frame would fit perfectly to not have it drag too long, but could still have a nice slow build up.

I think win or lose he's taking time off, and I hope he does win. It would be nice to see the idea's creative could come up with if suddenly there was no championship to aim for for a little while.
i like both ideas. i can see riley winning mitb and cashing in on punk. this would be a way to get punk gone and give cena time off to heal so he is ready for mania (though he obviously wont be gone that long) this would also set up a way to get the title back on miz without him actually beating anyone really high profile. then setting up a punk-riley feud in the future which i think would be good. But there is another option. if you guys remember there was talk over wwe wanting to own the cm punk name but punk wouldnt do it because thats his creation, so maybe punk wins the title and does in fact leave wwe under that name only to come back the next night on raw under a new name. its possible since he wanted to be a champion, wanted movie roles, and wanted to be given a chance to be at the top, this gives him the perfect opportunity to do all 3, cuz if you remember WZ announced that punk was offered a movie role in the new contract negotiations. i think its hard to pass up being wwe champ, starring in a movie, and being at the top since it is what he wants and im sure he would change his name for that. i said change it, not sell it.
I am wondering if anyone from the original Nexus will show up and have some kind of impact be it Michael Tarver, Skip Sheffield or even Otunga, maybe interfering and costing punk the match because they dont think punk stood for what the original Nexus stood for which was dominance and, for the most part, equality. Thus, making Punk leave with questions unanswered, setting up a return program in a few months or the next night.
I think the storyline is bigger than nexus. It has to envole punk and mcmahon. I am excited to see what happens.

its possible wade barret could win his mitb and cash on punk, taking back nexus and getting back at punk for stealing nexus from him in the first place causing the feud that everyone thought was going to happen back then in the first place. Remember the "much bigger picture" storyline nexus was preaching in the beginning? them being ran by a "much higher power"?. just sayin its possible.
It may have been said already but this is how I would like hints to go down at MITB.
I'm using my phone for this post but this scenario doesn't need to be to detailed.
Punk BEATS Cena, Vince fires Cena (giving him so much needed and well deserved time off) and then
Vince introduces us to the RAW MITB winner who he claims will save the WWE title.
Now before you all say that this is what everyone is saying, this is where the curveball comes in and Punk retains in the impromptu match and
Vince then fires another superstar and Punk goes to leave.
The Game's music hits and out comes HHH and he cuts a promo detailing his position behind the scenes in the company and being the heir to the WWE.
He let's everyone know that he has managed to do what Vince couldn't and that's resign Punk.
HHH and Punk team up to takeover the company from Vince and there is your top babyface team to cover for Cena being out.
It will also transition into the next era if done correctly.
I think Punk will win at MITB and leave for a while 2r3months?? Cena will be fired giving him a much needed break to heel. Punk wont come back with a new name that would be pointless and I dont like the idea o Punk v McMahon feud as its to much like SCSA but i do like the idea of a Punl v SCSA feud. I'd say only a handful of ppl really know wats going to happen this sunday I for 1 cant wait, we all know Vince has to be getting worried about some of the upper-card players not resigning so he has to give in to some demands but thats for another Thread
To me if the E is gonna let Punk win, well, they can't pull the plug on it 2 minutes later. I say if they let him win they keep the belt on him and make it seem like he really left with the belt. I'm not saying go and defend the belt in other promotions. But, do vignettes with Punk with the strap everywhere, but, in an WWE arena. Maybe even have segments paid for by Punk rubbing it in Vince and Cenas faces. Now, what could they use to entice Punk into a rematch with Cena? I don't know maybe something like control of the E. Since Punk's character right now is basically being upset with how the E is ran I think it makes perfect sense.

Honestly, however, I think Cena beats Punk and he's gone for at least awhile.
Punk will win, title gets vacated, someone who Vince would really despise as champion wins some tournament (maybe Triple H) for the title, Cena comes back into the picture a while later, Vince begs Cena to stop the champ from terrorizing him, Cena says he will do if if he gets offered a WWE contract again and a title shot. Cena wins, the end. Maybe thats not what would happen, seeing as how creative has been on a slump lately, but its a classic wrestling storyline.
To follow up on my previous post. Punk doesn't have to team with HHH. As HHH and Vince can feud over the running of the company. Guys like Sin Cara can be made known to be a HHH signing and Vince can try and do his best to cause them grief. In this instance by debuting Averno as his answer to Cara. A babyface HHH vs a heel Vince will draw in Cena's absence and can lead to his reinstatement. There are countless directions this could go in and I'll be ordering the ppv to see exactly where all this Punk stuff is leading. Figures crossed it begins to show signs of the realism continuing, as this has been the most compelling storyline in sometime.
I see Punk winning. Then all of a sudden the Raw MITB winner runs down thanks to McMahon. Then in a huge shock Punk wins again!!!! As the crowd is going even more insane bc it truly looks like Punk is leaving with the WWE title, the Smackdown MITB winner comes in and defeats Punk. Shocking the crowd and McMahon as well. If it played out like this, whoever wins the Smackdown MITB match and then defeats Punk could be pushed to the stars. Saving the WWE title & not embarrassing McMahon. He could become McMahon's favorite. A corporate champion so to speak. With Cena gone, the new guy, with McMahon's help runs wild on raw doing what they want. They totally disregard the GM and any of his rules. After months of getting disrespected & tired of it, the GM 'rehires' Cena to be the hero. After Cena is all healed up, he returns, saving raw, regaining the title and his match with Rock still happens for the title at WM. But in the end, who really knows. Whatever happens, I feel like WWE wil get it right and have 1 hell of a ppv. [!!]
punk will win, he will start a feud with either hhh or undertaker
hhh would come back as top babyface and be the saviour of wwe
undertaker will come back and say punk u left cause wwe wouldnt make u a star, u wanna be a star then beat me at wrestlemania, if u beat me at summerslam u get a shot but if u dont your done in wwe history
I find it funny if anyone would say that they would "like" to see a Money in the Bank winner. I haven't been on here in awhile but I still feel I would want them to run with the work. Having a MITB winner cash in is just too predictable and too easy. IF he stays with them have that as part of the story line but have them LOSE. THAT is more interesting then the easy way.

They have sort of ruined it for me by having Cena being "fired" if he doesn't get the job done. It sort of deflated the momentum they had built. If it's a way to have Cena get off tv because he's been working injured then it's not bad. Otherwise if it isn't, then they've easily made this sort of predictable or shall I say less interesting.

I would personally like to see Punk still win it, MITB winner lose and play the work like we're not seeing that title ever again. I would love if they work it even harder to show Punk going to someone to get a new title made and get rid of the aweful Cena belt. This storyline has been the most interesting even as sour as I feel about the Cena stipulation.

Regardless of what we want to see, there's only one constant, we just don't know what will occur. We just don't. We still don't know if Punk is indeed extended. We still don't know if Cena is in fact hurt. It's highly unpredictable even with my displeasure of how the Cena stipulation has been added it is still a very interesting, unpredictable storyline and when was the last time we could all ever truly say that?

Let's see how it unfolds even more this Monday.
Honestly the whole Cena getting "Fired" storyline absolutely turned me from someone who was going to order his first PPV in many years, to someone who will find other means to watch it. With the trend of the WWE I fear this is a highly predictable outcome with either Cena winning or someone cashing in and winning against Punk right after the match. I would LOVE to see the PPV end with Punk on top wondering what the WWE is going to do, but with the stipulation, not to mention Punk being in hot water over calling a fan a derogatory slur, all signs point to this being predictable
Ok, we know Punk and Cena are in a street fight on Raw this Monday. Say Punk wins by really beating down Cena, probably with the help of Nexus. Cena is so beaten that he can't compete at MITB. Since he doesn't lose at MITB, Vince can't fire him. So, Vince decides to have the Raw MITB match winner immediately take on Punk. Del Rio wins and he's pumped saying it's his destiny to win the title. But he just got a workout in the MITB ladder match, so he loses. Vince is wondering what to do and then Drew Mac cones out, saying he is Vince's chosen one and will prove himself. 1) He could win, but since he's been buried, probably won't happen. Or 2) Drew loses, then the anonymous GM says they have a contender and have HHH come down. He ends up winning the title and Stephanie is revealed to be the GM. Sets up a feud with HHH vs. Punk.

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