CM Punk is Allegedly "Homophobic"

Lol so all he said was "you homo" ?
wow people are seriously pathetic that's not even a slur.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I have seen Cm Punk say he hated racist,and homophobic people before.

Lol I had to make a account to just comment on how ridiculous this is.
I'm not saying that Punk was right in calling anyone a "Homo", whether it be sexual or merely sapien, but if the WWE is going to shake hands with GLAAD then they have opened the door for this kind of thing. If the WWE is working with this group then they have to be prepared either to watch their tongues when dealing with homosexual slurs (and yes, it is a slur, it would be the same thing as calling an African-American a ******) or simply deal with the bad publicity when it comes. The way I see it, GLAAD is only doing what they do. They saw (or rather heard) that statement and they jumped on it. It's the same thing that any special interest group that the WWE does business with would do. To allow one of their performers to use that kind of term is hypocritical in this kind of a relationship at very least.

Freedom of speech is one thing. Slapping an organization you work with in the face through one of your performers is something else altogether. Remember when Finley got fired for booking Miz to interrupt the national anthem in front of the National Guard? (I believe that was the case, might have gotten the song wrong.) Same situation. You don't spit in the face of people you do business with. That's one of the reasons why the WWE responded, apologized etc. for the whole thing to GLAAD.
To be honest most groups like GLADD are created by people who want equal rights by limiting our first amendment right of freedom of speech shit that's not how it works. By limiting people's first amendment right you are now just as bad as the person you are fighting against. Saying the word *** or ***** is only offensive if it is used in a negative way. I called non blacks ***** all the time and non gays ****/******s/homo's does that make me a racist or homophobic no it doesn't. These groups only make such a big deal out of stuff like this so they can seem like the have a battle to fight when the biggest obstacle in the progression of their cause is the group itself. I'm a black man who feels the same way about Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson they only come out when its going to have a big backlash and they can make money from it.
I'm all for gay rights and everything (hey, if it's not MY penis, then its not MY problem), but GLAAD is being too sensitive recently. Just because they have a partnership with WWE doesn't mean you can moderate the program like you're part of the creative team. I can kinda understand why they were pissed at the Michael Cole incident (1. Because it happened literally right after the partnership started and 2. F*ggot is a stronger and more offensive term than homo and 3. It was random as hell), but CM Punk was just ribbing the crowd a bit; it's his job as a heel. Besides, he was just poking fun at the dude for having a fauxhawk.
Come on, homo isn't even that much of a slur anyway. It's a shortened term for homosexual. If I had to choose between using a 2 syllable word and a 5 syllable word, I'd save myself the time and go with 2.
To make a long story short, GLAAD is being a bunch of politically correct tight-asses. If this was any other organization, this would probably be the part where'd I'd tell the to go suck a you-know-what.
What the fuck is going on in this thread. Did I just walk into the school of stupid?

What the fuck is wrong with you people? I cannot believe you are literally okay with an expression which marks an entire class of people as inferior and referred to in a negative way.

Oh, and GLAAD has absolutely ZERO ability to change Constitutional law. What the fuck is wrong with some of you morons? You are okay with CM Punk exercising his 1st Amendment rights of free speech to bash homosexuals, but criticize GLAAD for doing the same thing to stick up for homosexuals? How fucking backwards are some of you stupid fuckwits?

At this point, and I never thought I'd say this, Klown_Karnage is the only person in this thread who seems like he has half a brain in his head. The rest of you dumbfucks...I wonder how you manage to blink and breathe at the same time.
What the fuck is going on in this thread. Did I just walk into the school of stupid?

What the fuck is wrong with you people? I cannot believe you are literally okay with an expression which marks an entire class of people as inferior and referred to in a negative way.

Oh, and GLAAD has absolutely ZERO ability to change Constitutional law. What the fuck is wrong with some of you morons? You are okay with CM Punk exercising his 1st Amendment rights of free speech to bash homosexuals, but criticize GLAAD for doing the same thing to stick up for homosexuals? How fucking backwards are some of you stupid fuckwits?

At this point, and I never thought I'd say this, Klown_Karnage is the only person in this thread who seems like he has half a brain in his head. The rest of you dumbfucks...I wonder how you manage to blink and breathe at the same time.
Ok first of all, sticking up for what GLAAD does yet calling us "dumbfucks", do I smell a hypocrite?

Second of all its not like Punk randomly attacked some guy in the crowd. Just because its not in the video doesnt mean that the guy didnt do something to seriously provoke Punk (come on he didnt even look that angry while doing the shoot promo). The guy was all up in his face and security was standing around there for a reason. Punk sticks up for gay marrige on twitter and on his fan website. Hes clearly not homophobic and god only knows what those two did to piss him off.

GLAAD and other groups with the same intention are stepping out of line. All i see in the news is more gay teenagers killing themselves because of bullying and nobody does a damn thing about it. Do you think I'm happy that the majority of my generation, yeah I said MY generation (I'm a PG era guy) is being wiped out because some aholes dont know when to stop harassing someone over his or her personal life? Punk didnt tell some random person on the street or a guy in the locker room that he doesnt have the right to be gay, he was pissed off and the phrase slipped from his mouth. But TMZ, as the nice people that they are, decided to put the news up and ruin his reputation. You know what else has been news on their site? Kobe calling the ref a *** after he made a bad call, Tracy Morgan, a COMEDIAN, getting heat because his latest skit involved jokes about homosexuals. Look, things like this happen, but you dont need to blow it out of proportion like TMZ and GLAAD do. And if Punk has a thing for calling deuchbags who attack him while he busts his ass in the ring for years to entertain them derogatory terms then god bless him I hope he keeps doing it for many years to come.
Do you know if the person he was talking to was gay?

When they force you to retract or apologize for something that was taken out of context they are limiting you freedom of speech. The have the power to boycott your company or cause you to lose advertiser because they threatening to boycott the sponsors until A. the person is fired or B. the person apologizes and your company works with them to make sure it never happens again which in turn limits your first amendment right.
Ok first of all, sticking up for what GLAAD does yet calling us "dumbfucks", do I smell a hypocrite?
It's probably the fact you haven't bathed in two weeks that you're smelling.

Do you even know what the word "hypocrite" means?

Second of all its not like Punk randomly attacked some guy in the crowd. Just because its not in the video doesnt mean that the guy didnt do something to seriously provoke Punk (come on he didnt even look that angry while doing the shoot promo). The guy was all up in his face and security was standing around there for a reason. Punk sticks up for gay marrige on twitter and on his fan website. Hes clearly not homophobic and god only knows what those two did to piss him off.
What the fuck does that matter? I'm not racist, but if I call a black man a ****** tomorrow night, does that make it okay?

GLAAD and other groups with the same intention are stepping out of line.

You're right, we should tell GLAAD to just close up shop, so we can continue to discriminate against, practice violence against, and otherwise ignore anyone who isn't EXACTLY like us. There was once a great man who thought that way. His last name escapes me, but I believe his first name was Adolf...

All i see in the news is more gay teenagers killing themselves because of bullying and nobody does a damn thing about it.
You cannot be this stupid.

GLAAD IS doing something about it. Calling someone a homo, with the intention of putting them down, is insinuating a homosexual is a lower class of people, an undesirable. If that kind of talk is allowed, the homosexuals will always be considered as inferior, and the bullying will never end.

Come back next week, and I'll teach you why slavery is wrong too.

Punk didnt tell some random person on the street or a guy in the locker room that he doesnt have the right to be gay
No, he just referred to the man in a negative fashion with a word which puts down the entire lifestyle of homosexual activity.

What's even better about this whole thing is that Punk has since apologized for, as he said, being a "total douche". CM Punk recognizes what he did was wrong, and yet, you seem to struggle to grasp that concept.

But TMZ, as the nice people that they are, decided to put the news up and ruin his reputation.
Ruin his reputation? I'm sorry, did Punk not really say the word? Did TMZ just make it up?

Could you be any more ignorant?

You know what else has been news on their site? Kobe calling the ref a *** after he made a bad call, Tracy Morgan, a COMEDIAN, getting heat because his latest skit involved jokes about homosexuals. Look, things like this happen, but you dont need to blow it out of proportion like TMZ and GLAAD do.

Words cannot express how hard I'm laughing at your ignorance and stupidity. Your inability to understand the big picture of life defies any expectation a reasonable person might have of you.

And if Punk has a thing for calling deuchbags who attack him while he busts his ass in the ring for years to entertain them then god bless him I hope he keeps doing it for many years to come.
I'm sure Adolf will be happy to allow you to join his movement. Whatever happened to that guy, anyways?
Do you know if the person he was talking to was gay?

When they force you to retract or apologize for something that was taken out of context they are limiting you freedom of speech.
You're either a child, or a moron. For your sake, I'll assume you're a child.

Freedom of Speech is a legal right granted (with limitations, I might add) by the Constitution. GLAAD is a special interest group with no legal weight. GLAAD cannot, and never has been able to, limit what people say. But they are just as protected under the First Amendment as anyone else, so they have just as much right to criticize what Punk says as Punk has to say it.

The have the power to boycott your company or cause you to lose advertiser because they threatening to boycott the sponsors until A. the person is fired or B. the person apologizes and your company works with them to make sure it never happens again which in turn limits your first amendment right.
No, it doesn't limit your First Amendment right. The WWE doesn't have to keep certain sponsors, they can go find other sponsors. They don't have to work with GLAAD, they choose to.

You're confusing business with legalities. They are not the same thing in this instance.
It's probably the fact you haven't bathed in two weeks that you're smelling.

Do you even know what the word "hypocrite" means?

What the fuck does that matter? I'm not racist, but if I call a black man a ****** tomorrow night, does that make it okay?


You're right, we should tell GLAAD to just close up shop, so we can continue to discriminate against, practice violence against, and otherwise ignore anyone who isn't EXACTLY like us. There was once a great man who thought that way. His last name escapes me, but I believe his first name was Adolf..

You cannot be this stupid.

GLAAD IS doing something about it. Calling someone a homo, with the intention of putting them down, is insinuating a homosexual is a lower class of people, an undesirable. If that kind of talk is allowed, the homosexuals will always be considered as inferior, and the bullying will never end.

Come back next week, and I'll teach you why slavery is wrong too.

No, he just referred to the man in a negative fashion with a word which puts down the entire lifestyle of homophobia.

What's even better about this whole thing is that Punk has since apologized for, as he said, being a "total douche". CM Punk recognizes what he did was wrong, and yet, you seem to struggle to grasp that concept.

Ruin his reputation? I'm sorry, did Punk not really say the word? Did TMZ just make it up?

Could you be any more ignorant?


Words cannot express how hard I'm laughing at your ignorance and stupidity. Your inability to understand the big picture of life defies any expectation a reasonable person might have of you.

I'm sure Adolf will be happy to allow you to join his movement. Whatever happened to that guy, anyways?
So now I'm Hitler because I dont see the problem with calling someone who is provoking you any word that can hurt them? And yes you're being hypocritical for supporting an organization that works to eliminate hurtful language yet you use a variety of insults towards people on my side of the argument. Oh, and the bath joke was funny, maybe next time we can focus on the task at hand instead of taking personal attacks against each other. And of course Punk said he feels like a deuche, hes pro homosexuality and he let a hurtful phrase slip from his lips but he was angry afterall. Its not like he said the words with the intent to put down the homosexual lifestyle, he said them in the heat of rage after, well after watching his promo on RAW you guessed it, another unapreciative fan feels the need to make him feel like shit before a match. I dont think that we should wipe out people who arent exactly like us, but I think if GLAAD and TMZ (which is ascociated with the openly gay Harvey Levin) are serious about stopping discrimination, then maybe they should focus on situations in schools and in the workplace in which people who do absolutely nothing to incite others are harassed to the point of depression and/or suicide. But hey, publicity sells, what better way to get views on your website than to point out that the guy who shook the foundation of an entire line of entertainment the previous week said a slur, which evidently turned out just to be an abbreviation. I'm sorry, but if I was gay I wouldnt give two damns if some ENTERTAINER who was attacked retaliated with the word "homo". But if you dont believe that I would be more than happy to ask some gay peers of mine if they would be insulted. And isnt Wrestlezone such a large community? If his words actually insulted anyone, they were probably from the wrestling community since they actually took the time to read the news. Where are they? Why havent they stormed this thread all up in arms and demand that Punk be punished for his ways? Its because his words werent actually insulting. When Cole called Josh a "f*ggot" plenty of us admitted that it was wrong, but it seems like those same people are sticking up for Punk now. Oh and another thing that you wont believe, if you were in his spot you would do the exact same thing. Maybe not with the word homo but maybe the word b*tch or something else that would raise eyebrows in a specific interest group.
What you do not understand is you have an opinion and I have one also just because you can spend 10 minutes trying to put a whole lot of nothing together doesn't make your point valid.

I have not disrespected you in anyway but I guess calling people dumb fucks makes your point valid and your the face of the thread now so I guess ur right I'm wrong and I should go cry since I can't spend 10 minutes putting a whole bunch of nothing together at the end of the day he said it and nothing either of us can say can make any difference so get over it and move on.
What you do not understand is you have an opinion and I have one also just because you can spend 10 minutes trying to put a whole lot of nothing together doesn't make your point valid.

I have not disrespected you in anyway but I guess calling people dumb fucks makes your point valid and your the face of the thread now so I guess ur right I'm wrong and I should go cry since I can't spend 10 minutes putting a whole bunch of nothing together at the end of the day he said it and nothing either of us can say can make any difference so get over it and move on.

Certain people gain a big reputation on a site and feel like their word is final. Just remember whos calling his opponents "dumbfucks" to get his point across and whos saying "hey, its no big deal if a guy who was getting picked on by two strangers let the word homo slip". I'm sure if you think about it you'll be able to determine whos more mature. Take you time... :rolleyes:
What the fuck is going on in this thread. Did I just walk into the school of stupid?

What the fuck is wrong with you people? I cannot believe you are literally okay with an expression which marks an entire class of people as inferior and referred to in a negative way.

Oh, and GLAAD has absolutely ZERO ability to change Constitutional law. What the fuck is wrong with some of you morons? You are okay with CM Punk exercising his 1st Amendment rights of free speech to bash homosexuals, but criticize GLAAD for doing the same thing to stick up for homosexuals? How fucking backwards are some of you stupid fuckwits?

At this point, and I never thought I'd say this, Klown_Karnage is the only person in this thread who seems like he has half a brain in his head. The rest of you dumbfucks...I wonder how you manage to blink and breathe at the same time.

Aren't you sort of classing people who don't care , or aren't politically correct , or aren't liberal all together , and then calling them inferior for it?



I'm not racist, but if I call a black man a ****** tomorrow night, does that make it okay?

No , but at least the black man would likely stand up for HIMSELF and probably whoop your ass instead of having an activist group slap you on the hand on his behalf

If you called a white man that though , he'd probably just be like this > :lmao:
So now I'm Hitler because I dont see the problem with calling someone who is provoking you any word that can hurt them?
HITLER! Yes! That's the name!

You're Hitler because you're okay with discrimination against a class of people based upon their genetics. You're Hitler because you have a problem with GLAAD working to end the violence against homosexuals. You're Hitler because you don't understand that fighting for the rights of others is important to prevent against the tyranny of the ignorant.

And yes you're being hypocritical for supporting an organization that works to eliminate hurtful language yet you use a variety of insults towards people on my side of the argument.
There is a HUGE difference between what GLAAD fights, and what I'm doing.

GLAAD fights against insults against people simply because of their genetic disposition. I'm calling you a dumbass because your actions/words have proven you so. There's a major difference.

Oh, and the bath joke was funny, maybe next time we can focus on the task at hand instead of taking personal attacks against each other.
We can try, but as long as you keep giving your consent to attacks against an entire group of human beings based upon things outside their control, I doubt I'll be able to leave the insults out of it.

And of course Punk said he feels like a deuche
...shouldn't that put this whole issue to rest then?

Its not like he said the words with the intent to put down the homosexual lifestyle
No, but that's what he did. That's why GLAAD was upset, and that's why Punk apologized.

I dont think that we should wipe out people who arent exactly like us, but I think if GLAAD and TMZ (which is ascociated with the openly gay Harvey Levin) are serious about stopping discrimination, then maybe they should focus on situations in schools and in the workplace in which people who do absolutely nothing to incite others are harassed to the point of depression and/or suicide.
Now see, here you are wanting me to not insult you, and you're saying incredibly stupid things like this.

Not only are GLAAD working with educating children, what better place to start than the role models of children? We know for a fact that, next to their parents, kids are most influenced by those they consider heroes. Pro wrestlers are heroes to millions of children around the world, and if a child's role model is propagating hate, then GLAAD is doing what they should be to get it to stop.

I'm sorry, but if I was gay I wouldnt give two damns if some ENTERTAINER who was attacked retaliated with the word "homo".
But you WOULD care if his hateful comments incited violence against you simply because you are gay. Again, you seem to be lacking the ability to see the big picture.

Where are they?
...uhh, right here? You know, the guy embarrassing you in this thread?

Why havent they stormed this thread all up in arms and demand that Punk be punished for his ways?
1) He's already apologized
2) Wrestling fans, historically, are children and idiots. Like most of the people in this thread. They'll defend their hero, regardless of what he did was right or not.

When Cole called Josh a "f*ggot" plenty of us admitted that it was wrong, but it seems like those same people are sticking up for Punk now.
And...I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact people don't like Cole for taking JR's job, and they love Punk since his ROH days, right? No, wrestling fans would never be THAT shallow. :rolleyes:

Oh and another thing that you wont believe, if you were in his spot you would do the exact same thing.
Maybe I would. Wouldn't make it any less wrong. :shrug:
What you do not understand is you have an opinion and I have one also just because you can spend 10 minutes trying to put a whole lot of nothing together doesn't make your point valid.

I have not disrespected you in anyway but I guess calling people dumb fucks makes your point valid and your the face of the thread now so I guess ur right I'm wrong and I should go cry since I can't spend 10 minutes putting a whole bunch of nothing together at the end of the day he said it and nothing either of us can say can make any difference so get over it and move on.
I call you dumb fucks because you're posting like one. It's really that simple.

Certain people gain a big reputation on a site and feel like their word is final. Just remember whos calling his opponents "dumbfucks" to get his point across and whos saying "hey, its no big deal if a guy who was getting picked on by two strangers let the word homo slip". I'm sure if you think about it you'll be able to determine whos more mature. Take you time...

And some people realize that spreading hate speech should not be tolerated, and certainly not in an entertainment medium which appeals to children. Other people act like mindless sheep, defending their hero no matter what they do or say. Like those people who still try to defend Chris Benoit's actions.

Now which sounds more mature...defending what someone says because he entertains you on TV, or defending a group who is working to stamp out discrimination against a group of individuals. No, seriously, you have to pick. Do you choose to side with the selfish people, or the people working to make a positive change in the world?
Aren't you sort of classing people who don't care , or aren't politically correct , or aren't liberal all together , and then calling them inferior for it?
No, I'm calling stupid people stupid. It's amazing how many of you have already made that mistake.

No , but at least the black man would likely stand up for HIMSELF and probably whoop your ass instead of having an activist group slap you on the hand on his behalf

Yeah, your comment isn't stereotypical or anything, not to mention borderline racist. :rolleyes:

But you're right. The lack of an activist group has really held back the black population over the years. I know! Let's start one ourselves, you and me! We can call it the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or NAACP, for short......................nah, it would never work.

Hey everyone, first post here!

I wanted to comment on this situation. First of all, people need to stop making excuses for this type of speech. Point blank. Saying that LGBT groups aren't doing anything to prevent anti-gay violence is wrong, speaking out against this sort of speech does just that, it's called making it known that you won't allow yourself to be denigrated in this fashion.

This sort of speech is unacceptable to use. Whether you "intend" to offend gay people directly or not, you're using HOMOSEXUALITY/GAY IDENTITY as a put down. As a means to offend. To demasculinize or dehumanize. That is the problem here. Using gay as an insult is essentially saying gay=bad. Being gay isn't bad. Using homo in this way is the same thing. You're using homosexuality as a means to put someone down. That's not acceptable. There isn't an excuse for it.

What I don't understand is how Punk himself realizes this, the man who used the slurs, but people are defending him for something he knows is wrong? That tells me that really, it's not even about Punk and this situation, it's about people having a personal view/bias that they want to justify. Hard to defend someone who isn't opening himself up to be defended.

People calling it over-sensitivity really have their mentalities backwards. It's not over-sensitive to be understanding of the issue of using anti-gay SLURS. They're called SLURS for a reason! They're not meant to be happy words, it's meant to offend. You can't say you don't mean to offend someone when using gay slurs in a slurring manner. Honestly, the whole I can say what I want about gay people/homosexuality/gay terms, but no, I'm not homophobic card, is so tired. People are so quick to pull the I'm not a homophobe card, then defend homophobia. It's like you know homophobia is looked down upon, yet you really aren't OK with gay people and homosexuality.

And really, is it somehow bad to be sensitive to such a serious issue? No, it isn't. We all SHOULD be sensitive to serious issues such as hate speech. It's wrong and brings nothing positive. We all need to watch what we say in a civil society, and realize that people have different perspectives and different lives, and that some things you may not see as offensive, is very offensive to others for legitimate reasons.
Considering the fact that he apologized I don't even see the reason for this topic to still be up. He called himself a "douche," said he was sorry if he offended anybody, and took complete responsiblity for his action's. Why are we still talking about it?

Because a lot of people seem to think he was either coerced into apologizing, or believe that he shouldn't have apologized and is weak to do so. I agree with you, though. If someone admits they're at fault, then how can you defend that person?
This is a non story.
CM Punks is not homophopic for calling someone 'homo' during an in character promo.
GLAAD are stupid if they think he is.

I couldn't care less if someone was gay but TMZ and anyone else making a big deal about it is just being stupid.

He said sorry. Its over.

The fact is it was an Australian he called 'homo' and it happened here. Do you think this made news in the country? No of course not because its stupid

If he went out and called people homos or talked shit about them on say.. a news show or an interview, fair enough but this.. meh seriously.

It appears that the US is way too sensitive.
Because a lot of people seem to think he was either coerced into apologizing, or believe that he shouldn't have apologized and is weak to do so. I agree with you, though. If someone admits they're at fault, then how can you defend that person?

Exactly, he admited his fault's, said he was sorry, and that should be it. Is anybody said he shouldn't apologize becuase it's weak to do so, then well, that's just plain stupid.
HITLER! Yes! That's the name!

You're Hitler because you're okay with discrimination against a class of people based upon their genetics. You're Hitler because you have a problem with GLAAD working to end the violence against homosexuals. You're Hitler because you don't understand that fighting for the rights of others is important to prevent against the tyranny of the ignorant.

There is a HUGE difference between what GLAAD fights, and what I'm doing.

GLAAD fights against insults against people simply because of their genetic disposition. I'm calling you a dumbass because your actions/words have proven you so. There's a major difference.

We can try, but as long as you keep giving your consent to attacks against an entire group of human beings based upon things outside their control, I doubt I'll be able to leave the insults out of it.

...shouldn't that put this whole issue to rest then?

No, but that's what he did. That's why GLAAD was upset, and that's why Punk apologized.

Now see, here you are wanting me to not insult you, and you're saying incredibly stupid things like this.

Not only are GLAAD working with educating children, what better place to start than the role models of children? We know for a fact that, next to their parents, kids are most influenced by those they consider heroes. Pro wrestlers are heroes to millions of children around the world, and if a child's role model is propagating hate, then GLAAD is doing what they should be to get it to stop.

But you WOULD care if his hateful comments incited violence against you simply because you are gay. Again, you seem to be lacking the ability to see the big picture.

...uhh, right here? You know, the guy embarrassing you in this thread?

1) He's already apologized
2) Wrestling fans, historically, are children and idiots. Like most of the people in this thread. They'll defend their hero, regardless of what he did was right or not.

And...I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact people don't like Cole for taking JR's job, and they love Punk since his ROH days, right? No, wrestling fans would never be THAT shallow. :rolleyes:

Maybe I would. Wouldn't make it any less wrong. :shrug:

I call you dumb fucks because you're posting like one. It's really that simple.

And some people realize that spreading hate speech should not be tolerated, and certainly not in an entertainment medium which appeals to children. Other people act like mindless sheep, defending their hero no matter what they do or say. Like those people who still try to defend Chris Benoit's actions.

Now which sounds more mature...defending what someone says because he entertains you on TV, or defending a group who is working to stamp out discrimination against a group of individuals. No, seriously, you have to pick. Do you choose to side with the selfish people, or the people working to make a positive change in the world?
No, I'm calling stupid people stupid. It's amazing how many of you have already made that mistake.


Yeah, your comment isn't stereotypical or anything, not to mention borderline racist. :rolleyes:

You keep insinuating that I'm Hitler because I supposedly have a problem with GLAAD working to end homosexuality. I dont, like I've already said, I'm more concerned with them doing the right thing than doing the thing that will get the largest reaction. And lets drop the Hitler nickname, because I'm pretty sure during 10th grade I learned that Hitler's rage against Jews was propaganda to gain support from the Germans. He also attacked gays and gypsys, other groups that werent all that popular in Europe. Hitler wasnt questioning the intentions of an organization, he was wiping out a race to gain political support. And either way you wanna put it, you're being a hypocrite, and I'm sure if GLAAD saw you calling others deuchbags in order to support their work they wouldnt be too happy. I think their reaction would be more like "wow, those are the kind of people that support us?". If you cant refrain from making personal insults because I'm clearly saying something that strikes a chord in you then maybe you should be treated like a child, and be disciplined until you know how to speak to others in a respectful manner. Honestly I dont know how a site as strict as Wrestlezone (they gave me 2 warnings and an infraction which I concider to be BS but whatever I'm glad I can come to a site where MOST people arent insane) allows you to slander people the way you do. Ohh and lets not even start on the whole role model thing. CM Punk didnt get to where he is by being politically correct, he got there by being an amazing wrestler, and if the kiddies cant understand that sumtimes the nice guy doesnt always end up on top then GLAAD should take some time out of its bussy schedule to tell them that. What kind of kids are we rasing? They see famous people get in trouble for voicing their opinions but bullies who get away with what they do in real life because there isnt a camera rolling every time a bad word comes out of their mouth. You know how confused the future generations will be if this continues? And in your reply to the phrase "where are they"? you let me know that: You're delusional if you think you're embarassing me on this thread, because this had been a one sided aregument thus far. And you let me know that you are homosexual, because I was after all asking for the homosexual members of the Wrestlezone community to speak up if they actually feel embarassed or put down by Punk's choice of words. If indeed you are gay (please correct me if that wasnt what you meant) then I have to say that I understand why a situation like this might upset you but if you're this upset because some guy used the word "homo" then I see a rough life in you're future. You cant be this upset about things. The Punk incident is the blandest homosexual incident I've seen in a long time. Where I come from, gays are beat to a pulp if they're seen walking on the street (NYC, we've had a lot of incident like this in this year). I'm not saying if you're gay you're going to get jumped but I'm pretty sure the gays who live in rough neighborhoods in this city would much rather have someone call them a "homo" then beat them to a pulp. They would also understand that while the phrase might hurt, its not the worst thing they're heard and the person who said it has every right to say whatever they please WITHOUT JUDGEMENT since they have FREEDOM OF SPEECH. I doubt this is a case of wrestling fans just being bias. We are the IWC after all, we have a bigger sense of whats real and whats not than the casual TV fan. We admit to loving or hating a guy's character but having opposite feelings towards his actual personality all the time. If Daniel Bryan, the internet darling, started calling guys f*ggots for no reason I'm sure his own fans would call him on it, because thats the respect they have for him. We bleed WWE, and the company that we love is bashed on the media so much that there are instances where we do say anything to defend our company, but when theres something thats wrong in this business, wether it be kayfabe or not, we're the loudest critics.
I'm sick of this happening in sports. NBA and now wrestling.

Don't you people understand? Calling someone a homo isn't being "homophobic" or "hateful."

Calling someone a homo is just a strong insult. It's the biggest way to call a man a bitch because face it, if your a gay guy, you're a pretty big fuckin bitch.

And yes, faux hawks are very fuckin homo.

Let's end this sensitive bullshit. If you can take a dick you can take some occasional hate for it. Day in and day out people get harassed for how they look, dress, or act. We don't see people starting GLAAD like funds and groups to fight that.

Fuck all this. Cm Punk is and will continue to be the shit. Yeah he admitted to be "at fault and wrong" for doing that but so would all of you if you fucked up at work.

All i'm saying is... who cares.

A lot of people care, and what you're basically saying is, homophobia is fine because being gay is not really OK. If you choose to be gay, you should "expect" and "get over" criticism or anti-gay slurs, since it's wrong to be gay anyway. That's the gist of your post.

Calling gay men "big fuckin' bitches" is actually homophobic, and saying that they bring on homophobia because they choose to be gay, is homophobic. So yes, I think we all do understand what you're trying to say. And calling people sensitive because homophobia is called out as homophobia, is ridiculous and simply the making of someone trying to deflect and make excuses for their homophobia.
One doesn't have to be gay to think it's not OK to use gay or homo or anything gay related as put downs and slurs. In my eyes, people who don't see homosexuality as a negative wouldn't use anti-gay slurs in a way intended to offend.

As for people having the right to say as they please, that's true. That has never meant people can say whatever they want and not take responsibility for it. We all have responsibility for everything we do. Every action has a positive and negative reaction. That's life. You can't call people anti-gay slurs and get away with it in a civil society, that isn't how our society is. When these athletes or actors are called out on using this type of speech, it's a positive thing. Because it sends the clear message it isn't acceptable to use this language, and the results are swift.

People making excuses for this speech but then saying they aren't anti-gay are comical to me. This issue is really not even a debate in my eyes. You either think it's OK to use anti-gay slurs or you don't, and if you don't, that should be the end of it, and if you do, you're probably not a gay accepting person.
I have some honest and serious questions for any of you who are so passionately defending GLAAD/Gay rights/Gays in general

1.Are you yourself actually gay , or at least bi?

2.What religion would you consider yourself if any?

I ask because on #1 I've always wondered if these are honestly straight people just standing up with alot of conviction on gays behalfs

On #2 I wonder because I've always thought it would be really weird for an athiest to be totally set on being righteous , when they feel there are no punishments/rewards to be had? Righteous for no reason? Would be intruiging. Likewise I'd find it also odd that a person who is religious would have such strong convictions in support of something their religion considers 'wrong' as most religions do frown upon homosexuality.
BTW, Razor, I was born in NY, I have a computer friend who lives in NYC and he's gay, and no, gay people are not beaten to a pulp merely for existing in NYC, especially in Manhattan and Brooklyn. NYC has an extremely high gay population and gay people more or less run the social scene in NYC, based on what I've seen from the gay marriage fight and everything else. And the anti-gay hate crimes that do happen seem to be almost all committed by either gangs, or poor/homeless/street trash inner-city youths, so it's a pretty localized issue. Don't overreact to make a point. Homophobia is homophobia, it's all bad.
and slurs. In my eyes, people who don't see homosexuality as a negative wouldn't use anti-gay slurs in a way intended to offend.

People making excuses for this speech but then saying they aren't anti-gay are comical to me. This issue is really not even a debate in my eyes. You either think it's OK to use anti-gay slurs or you don't, and if you don't, that should be the end of it, and if you do, you're probably not a gay accepting person.

This is a clear example of what i'm talking about.

Straight people just don't fuckin care or give a fuck about these bitch ass sensitivities so we say what we want. It's not about acceptance. It's not about freedom of speech. It's just that nobody cares dude.

If i had 3 best friends that were gay, and my straight friend started dressing gay or rocking pink shirts or fuckin fuzzy slippers, I'd still say "what's up with that gay shit you're wearing recently."
You keep insinuating that I'm Hitler because I supposedly have a problem with GLAAD working to end homosexuality. I dont,
You just have a problem with them confronting homophobic comments? Is that it?

like I've already said, I'm more concerned with them doing the right thing than doing the thing that will get the largest reaction.
This IS the right thing. How do you not get that?

And lets drop the Hitler nickname, because I'm pretty sure during 10th grade I learned that Hitler's rage against Jews was propaganda to gain support from the Germans. He also attacked gays and gypsys, other groups that werent all that popular in Europe. Hitler wasnt questioning the intentions of an organization, he was wiping out a race to gain political support.
And he was wiping out those who did not look, think, feel or act like him. You're here claiming it's okay for Punk to say what he did, and that GLAAD shouldn't be up in arms about it, thus you are saying it's okay to insult gay people and nobody should care. Just like nobody cared when Hitler was eradicating groups of people from the world, until it was almost too late.

Surely you can make the connection.

And either way you wanna put it, you're being a hypocrite
Again, do you even know what the word means?

and I'm sure if GLAAD saw you calling others deuchbags in order to support their work they wouldnt be too happy.
They likely wouldn't give a rat's ass, because you're not being called a dumbfuck because of what you were born with, but rather because of the actions and words you've chosen in this debate.

I think their reaction would be more like "wow, those are the kind of people that support us?".
Yes, the intelligent and enlightened ones.

The would be much more appalled to see the disturbing trend of homophobic comments made by people who think it's okay for someone to make vulgar comments just because he's famous.

If you cant refrain from making personal insults because I'm clearly saying something that strikes a chord in you
No, not at all. I'm making personal insults because you really are stupid. You haven't figured that out yet, despite me telling you many times?

Honestly I dont know how a site as strict as Wrestlezone (they gave me 2 warnings and an infraction which I concider to be BS but whatever I'm glad I can come to a site where MOST people arent insane) allows you to slander people the way you do.
Because I know the rules, and I know how they were created and interpreted? Because in the midst of calling you a moron, I continue to make many great points which is the reason I get to call you a dumbass?

I assure you, no one on this forum knows the rules better than me. That's not me boasting, it's just a fact.

CM Punk didnt get to where he is by being politically correct, he got there by being an amazing wrestler, and if the kiddies cant understand that sumtimes the nice guy doesnt always end up on top then GLAAD should take some time out of its bussy schedule to tell them that.

So GLAAD should take time out of it's busy schedule to tell children it's okay to put down an entire class of people as inferior, as long as it helps you get ahead in life?

How can you say stupid things like that and NOT expect me to call you a moron?

What kind of kids are we rasing?
Socially conscious ones? :shrug:

They see famous people get in trouble for voicing their opinions
They're not in trouble for voicing their opinions, but rather for how they are voicing said opinion, and what the message of that opinion is. And anytime someone is preaching hatred, they SHOULD be taken to task for it.

You know how confused the future generations will be if this continues?
You're right, how awful it will be to have a community which lives in harmony, respects the rights of others, treats each individual human being like a person, and doesn't discriminate against a person because of the genetics they were born with.

You're right, Hitler, what an awful world that would be to live in.

And in your reply to the phrase "where are they"? you let me know that: You're delusional if you think you're embarassing me on this thread, because this had been a one sided aregument thus far.
It's certainly been one-sided with respect to who is bringing the stupidity. You've taken all of that one.

And you let me know that you are homosexual, because I was after all asking for the homosexual members of the Wrestlezone community to speak up if they actually feel embarassed or put down by Punk's choice of words. If indeed you are gay (please correct me if that wasnt what you meant) then I have to say that I understand why a situation like this might upset you but if you're this upset because some guy used the word "homo" then I see a rough life in you're future.

I'm not gay, but it's a sign of how narrow-minded you are to think that anyone who supports gay rights and supports treating all people with respect must be homosexual.

You cant be this upset about things.
I'm not upset with Punk, because he did what you seem unable to do...admit it was a terrible fuck-up, called himself a total douchebag, admitted it was wrong, and apologized for it.

You're defending a guy who has already said he was in the wrong. What does that say about you, Hitler?

I'm pretty sure the gays who live in rough neighborhoods in this city would much rather have someone call them a "homo" then beat them to a pulp.
Uhh...duh? I'd rather be called a slur against white people than stabbed in the testicles with a knife. What's your point? Do you even know? Is your point that it's okay for Punk to use homophobic slurs, just because gays sometimes get beaten up?

Are you really so stupid as to not see why your example of NYC makes it all the more important to teach children why it's not right to practice hate against homosexuals?

They would also understand that while the phrase might hurt, its not the worst thing they're heard and the person who said it has every right to say whatever they please WITHOUT JUDGEMENT since they have FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
I'm sorry, I must have missed that part of the First Amendment during my government class. Can you please point to where the 1st Amendment says anybody has the right to say anything without the fear of judgment?

Your government teacher failed you. The free speech clause of the First Amendment does not grant the right to anyone to say anything. There have ALWAYS been legal limitations on free speech, such as the ever popular example of not being allowed to shout "fire" in a crowded theater. Perhaps you need to go back to whatever grade it was that taught government and ask your teacher about the Constitution.

I have some honest and serious questions for any of you who are so passionately defending GLAAD/Gay rights/Gays in general

1.Are you yourself actually gay , or at least bi?
I have ZERO idea why it matters, but no. I am not bi, I am not gay, in fact I just got married last weekend to a beautiful woman.

2.What religion would you consider yourself if any?
Catholic. Why?

I ask because on #1 I've always wondered if these are honestly straight people just standing up with alot of conviction on gays behalfs
There are. It's called "being a decent person". It's a shame there aren't more out there.

On #2 I wonder because I've always thought it would be really weird for an athiest to be totally set on being righteous , when they feel there are no punishments/rewards to be had? Righteous for no reason? Would be intruiging.
What's that say about you when you find decency to be intriguing?

Likewise I'd find it also odd that a person who is religious would have such strong convictions in support of something their religion considers 'wrong' as most religions do frown upon homosexuality.
Most religions frown upon anything which doesn't put money in its coffers, or threatens its existence.
This is a clear example of what i'm talking about.

Straight people just don't fuckin care or give a fuck about these bitch ass sensitivities so we say what we want.
No, straight ignorant and stupid people don't. Straight people with a conscious and a sense of right and wrong do care.

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