Michael Cole Homophobic Slur

If I have to fucking hear your Liberal Shit one more fucking time, I will reach through my computer screen and choke the shit out of you until you die, you piece of fucking Communist SHIT!

WAAAHHH WAAAAHHH AMERICA IS EVIL! AMERICA DOESN'T LIKE GAYS! WAAAAHHHH!!!.....Oh, but those Muslims, they LOVE Gays! They even go as far as to cut their heads off just for being Gay! How compassionate is that! WOW! That's who we need to strive to be more like! Islam! Because America is EVIL! And they treat Gays worse than ANYONE!

You fucking liberal asshole. I so badly want to kill you and your entire fucking liberal family.

I'm sick and fucking tired of you fucking politically correct, liberal nazis trying to dictate to the rest of us what we can and can't SAY. I'll say whatever fucking words I damn well please. If I feel like calling someone a "******", I will do so. I don't give a shit who's "Feelings" i'm hurting.

And "GLADD" is just a fucking Nazi group. Acting as if the only kids who ever get bullied in school are Gay kids. What fucking horse shit is that??? Is GLADD not sensitive at all to Fat Kids who get bullied in school and then go home and kill themselves? What about kids who are too short? or too nerdy? So I guess in the little imaginary world that GLADD lives in, only Gay kids are teased and bullied? Only Gay kids kill themselves over being bullied???

Fuckers. I'll NEVER fucking give in to these nazi bastards, with their fucking double standards. And what the hell is this "GLADD Classes" shit? So if you call someone a "******", your immediately sent to "Gay Sensitivity Classes"??? How the fuck does anyone not GET IT?? This is pure fucking nazi shit. Treating us like fucking children, trying to dictate to us what we can and can't say and what we can and can't think.

How about these fuckers try to stand up for Christians?? They get bullied just as much as anyone today. But I don't see any "Christian Sensitivity Classes", DO YOU??

Fucking Liberal Cock Suckers. I'm gonna hunt down these fuckers at GLADD and beat the holy living shit out of them all, then we won't have to deal with this fucking shit.

1) I follow NO political party, AT ALL, I follow my own views. Nothing to do with the ''Liberal'' stuff your getting all up in arms about

2) Trying to prove a point, littered with nothing but profanity, and expected to be taken seriously, is laughable. Also, an internet threat...really. ''Jump through my screen''...Really. This is how you try and make a point.

3) I never, NOT ONCE, said you couldn't say what you want, Please, Quote me in ANY of my posts stating that you should be stopped from saying what you want. As far back as I read, Its about ACCOUNTABILITY.

4) The sensitivity training is NOT a bad idea for people who really need it, and Im NOT saying Cole does, it was one word, a hateful word yes, but a word. Its people like YOU that fly off the handle at any given moment, or at least do so behind a keyboard, as if THAT really matters.

If your going to address someone, Don't do so in a manner of a little teenage girl who thought Bieber REALLY got killed on CSI, And do so like an Adult.

People can say WHATEVER they want, I agree 100% with that, no one can be told what to say, or feel (Like gays wanting to marry), My point, which is NEVER acknowledged by the idiots that are against it, is that people can do/say anything, but be ready to face the consequences.
You're funny.

You call GLAAD Nazi's and then threaten to wipe out another posters family. Someone call Alanis Morrisette, we might have a new verse for "Ironic".

Exactly my point, Why even try and have a civil conversation with people like him. No point at all.

The thing is NOT about keeping peoples words in check, hell, Paris hilton said the word ****** before, and the NAACP bashed the hell out of here, and rightfully so...BUT...she could say it again, and thats up to her..

The thing is..A.C.C.O.U.N.T.A.B.I.L.T.Y, Do I need to swear and throw in some bad typos, and internet slang to get that across?

I don't want Cole fired, contrary to alot of the people who judge my posts think, I don't. He'll go through those trainings, prob WONT be fired, and we'll all move on. This whole thing has turned into people who want the childish ways of doing what they want and no punishment against the mature ones that know better, and would choose when and when NOT to say that kind of stuff, knowing the consequences, on this board.
You fucking liberal asshole. I so badly want to kill you and your entire fucking liberal family.
And, just like the Nazis, you state a desire to slaughter an entire group of people simply for having different beliefs and viewpoints.

Fuckers. I'll NEVER fucking give in to these nazi bastards, with their fucking double standards. And what the hell is this "GLADD Classes" shit? So if you call someone a "******", your immediately sent to "Gay Sensitivity Classes"??? How the fuck does anyone not GET IT?? This is pure fucking nazi shit. Treating us like fucking children, trying to dictate to us what we can and can't say and what we can and can't think.

How about these fuckers try to stand up for Christians?? They get bullied just as much as anyone today. But I don't see any "Christian Sensitivity Classes", DO YOU??
Now I'd agree that Michael Cole doesn't need to waste hours of time with a "Gay Sensitivity Class" for saying one word on Twitter. How many of us have said things like "Dude, stop acting so gay" or "Man that's so fuckin gay" even just jokingly with our buds? But we also need to understand that can be hurtful to someone. You wouldn't talk to your buddies like "Dude, stop acting so black" or "Man that's so fuckin Arab".

And I will agree that, in our society, it seems ok to bash Christians simply for believing in a "magic man" for their beliefs. Many unfortunately seem to preach tolerance for one group while bashing another for having religious beliefs. But that's how many people are: hypocrites.

Fucking Liberal Cock Suckers. I'm gonna hunt down these fuckers at GLADD and beat the holy living shit out of them all, then we won't have to deal with this fucking shit.
Seriously, we can all disagree and have differing viewpoints. We can all disagree and be civil and peaceful. I'm not trying to tell you what to say or how to act, but can we just be respectful about it? You can be angry with liberals or their views, but state your views a little more civil man. We're all people here too, and disagreements will come up. But we can all be peaceful about it and have meaningful discussions.
I believe people can say whatever they choose other than threat against another or to cause hysteria IE theres a bomb. I may disagree with what you have to say but will fight to the death to protect your right to say it.

Ha, you quoted Voltaire :) I agree.

This is the point I KEEP on saying. But some people just want to fan the drama flames online, and keep a conversation going. Cole said a word, he apologized, case closed.

but the bigotry on this site damn near makes me want to find elsewhere to chat wrestling etc. Its pretty insane.

I find it hard to take ANYONE serious that use's idiot language, like a over usage of profanity,since it just sounds immature, and liters FAR too much of the internet to take almost anyone serious
First and foremost, I hate the term Homophobic. It means you have a fear of a sexuality. A fear of same sex relationships. Call me nuts, but, If your afraid of something like that, then your dumber then a box of rocks. "Oh my goodness! Their some homos holding hands! I'm melting! AHH!!!" It's a stupid term, and it pisses me off. Plus, when someone calls themselves Homophobes, I get so pissed off. I bet that person who calls themselves a Homophobes just thinks he is a great catch for the gay community. I have a co-worker at my work calling himself a homophobe, and I ask him, "I didn't know your were that big of a catch. By the way here's your bar of soap. You've had BO for the last 3 weeks."

That being said, Michael Cole works for a publicly traded company. It's no longer a weekly raunchy Television show that pushed the envelope. It's now a giant company that is going after family viewing-ship. So that's why it's a big deal. This isn't a rated R movie, where someone just drops a random insult, and we chuckle and laugh. This is something that other people didn't want to read, but unfortunately it was.

Michael Cole should of known better, hell, he should be smart and stay off Twitter! I mean crying out loud, how many twitter incidents has the wrestling community had. TNA wanted to hang Mickie James because she said hello to the Rock. I freaking can't stand Twitter anymore. I'm glad I don't have Twitter account. It's a stupid thing. Look what it has done to the wrestling community.

Now, should Michael Cole be let go. No! That's not right, it was something not on company time. Should he apologize to the people he made upset. Yes, yes he should. Should he have a life time Twitter Ban?! Dear god yes! All WWE superstars, TNA wrestlers, ROH Talent, Hollywood celebs. Yes, stay the hell off Twitter! It's ruining the business!
I dislike Michael Cole but I'm all for freedom of speech. Whether it's prejudiced or not, I'm a full on supporter of the first amendment. Now if you're representing a company, this is borderline unacceptable since you make other people look bad but if you're just being yourself, it's all up to you.

I take music as an example, I love many songs that show no morals and talk about human decapitation, cannibalism, necrophilia, murder, sexism and even racism. I don't embrace any of that, but when done in a way that entertains me, I'm down with it. Somebody mentioned Eminem earlier, I'm fully behind him with the shocking stuff he's said in his music specially since that has battled censorship. Now I don't necessarily always condone things that are said on record, interviews or a show but that doesn't mean I'm going cry about it and ask for punishment.

But back to what we were talking about, Eminem only represents himself so it's only him (and perhaps the music style, but only by close minded idiots) that will get a bad reputation for promoting negativity (something I love on music without feeling any guilt) therefore it's up to him to say what he wants. Michael Cole on the other hand represents a huge company like the WWE and things he say that come off as homophobic (or alternatively racist or whatever else) should be avoided at all costs since it puts a bunch of other people (the whole WWE) in a negative light and is uncalled for. If he really hates gays, he should keep it to himself though or publish it on an interview or book when he's no longer associated with any company.
Do watch out for disembodied hands attempting to strangle you and your family from your PC screen though. Just in case.

Now that is funny as hell.

... alright, I'll have a go.

fucking Liberal Shit fucking shit fucking Communist SHIT!

The above part shortened for amusement factor. Calling someone a liberal communist has got to be the funniest self-pwnage since Charlie Sheen.


Not its people, necessarily, but the track record isn't exactly - you know - in the favor of the star-spangled banner.

AMERICA DOESN'T LIKE GAYS! Oh, but those Muslims, they LOVE Gays! They even go as far as to cut their heads off just for being Gay! How compassionate is that! WOW! That's who we need to strive to be more like! Islam! Because America is EVIL! And they treat Gays worse than ANYONE!

Contrary to popular belief, Islam is not a country. Muslim is not a nationality. The reason why gay people flee for their lives from muslim states is because they do, indeed, kill them. Just like you want to do with communist liberals (or was that liberal communists?).

What that, however, has to do with any point at all brought up in this thread is beyond me. The United States should only compare its standard for how it treats its people to itself and try to have that standard as high as possible, not be righteous because "hey, at least we're not beheading them on national T.V."...

You fucking liberal asshole. I so badly want to kill you and your entire fucking liberal family.


Just like Jesus would.

I'm sick and fucking tired of you fucking politically correct, liberal nazis trying to dictate to the rest of us what we can and can't SAY. I'll say whatever fucking words I damn well please. If I feel like calling someone a "******", I will do so. I don't give a shit who's "Feelings" i'm hurting.

But obviously you do care if someone hurts your "feelings", right? Or you wouldn't toss up a shitstorm on a wrestling forum (no less) about a subject, right? Ah, but I forgot that you're special. You're you. And we are all actors in your private little universe.

And "GLADD" is just a fucking Nazi group. Acting as if the only kids who ever get bullied in school are Gay kids. What fucking horse shit is that??? Is GLADD not sensitive at all to Fat Kids who get bullied in school and then go home and kill themselves? What about kids who are too short? or too nerdy? So I guess in the little imaginary world that GLADD lives in, only Gay kids are teased and bullied? Only Gay kids kill themselves over being bullied???

GLAAD. And I do not believe I have seen them post any political manifesto that even has the slightest tangent with the Nationalsocialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, i.e. the Nazis? They are an interest group, who are interested in supporting and proactively working against undemocratic treatment of their specific minority. They, I'm sure, don't like the fact that fat kids are being bullied in school, but it is not on their agenda. You'll have to turn to the interest group protecting fat kids for that.

Fuckers. I'll NEVER fucking give in to these nazi bastards, with their fucking double standards. And what the hell is this "GLADD Classes" shit? So if you call someone a "******", your immediately sent to "Gay Sensitivity Classes"??? How the fuck does anyone not GET IT?? This is pure fucking nazi shit. Treating us like fucking children, trying to dictate to us what we can and can't say and what we can and can't think.

Anger-management classes.

... yes, really.

How about these fuckers try to stand up for Christians?? They get bullied just as much as anyone today. But I don't see any "Christian Sensitivity Classes", DO YOU??

... hang on. :wtf:

You're telling me that christians - that is to say, 76% of the American population - are being bullied every day for their Christian beliefs? In the United States of America? Where there are states actually condoning the teaching of creationism in schools? Linky for ya.

Fucking Liberal Cock Suckers. I'm gonna hunt down these fuckers at GLADD and beat the holy living shit out of them all, then we won't have to deal with this fucking shit.


Alright there keyboard warrior, don't strain your pecs smashing your face into your desk. Actually, I think you should try to beat the shit out of them. When you get your ass handed to you by a 7' 300 lbs "******" (no pun intended), post a pic on Twitter.

Also, Michael Cole shouldn't be fired, but he should be reprimanded and apologize publically.

He has. Case closed.
Wow. The bible band aid, Knew that would get brought up again. Society so SOFT? What do you want, people to be able to stone children when they talk back (In the bible as well) so don't try that, please, you'll look foolish.

YOU are NOT in the public eye, so what you say to your cronies is irrelevant, because you don't inspire ANYONE, or are a role model to ANYONE. So of course you don't have the consequences of this, and if your using words like that, I assume your a teen, hence, don't really count much, since maturity may not have fully developed in you to have to WORK in the real world, and now you CAN'T say whatever you want, Freedom of speech comes with MANY chains attached. Bone up, or grow up

Are people even READING these, or just posting quick spurts of nonsensical crap about free speech, with NO detail or even facts showing why bigoted prejudice words are okay. Of course not, because MOST aren't gay here, so its okay to poke fun at the gays, since they dont matter right?

My wife and I, are not gay in any way shape or form, but we stand for CIVIL RIGHTS, something most of you, obviously dont

Really Im not in the spotlight? Well guess what Forum tough guy, WWE programming is on PRIMETIME SLOTS so certain things can be said and done. If you dont want your kids subjected to certain things, DON'T LET THEM WATCH the programming OR follow ADULTS on twitter.

Am I homophobic? No. Am I soft like YOU and the rest of the soft members of society? NO. Obviously Cole was joking around and trying to get more heat for himself. It wasn't even serious. But the over sensitive nature of people shines through as usual. Your response only clarifies my point.
So is eating pork and shellfish. I'm sure you regularly scold your local supermarket for carrying products forbidden in the bible too, right? Or is it just homosexuals you have a problem with?

Michael Cole is a public figure with a large public profile and should know better than to call someone else ****** in a public forum where hundreds of thousands of people could see it. He has the right to be a homophobe (he may or may not be) if he want's, but to say that in public is just dumb and asking for trouble.

A lot of the responses on this thread are quite depressing. No one is forcing anyone to "like" gays, blacks, muslims - whatever. What society expects of you, however, is to not be a fucking douche about it. How hard is it to just take "***" out of your lexicon? You wouldn't call anyone a ******, would you? So why is *** OK when it is still screamed in utter hatred at gay people all over the world?

Michael Cole is a highly paid man in the public eye and represents the WWE in his public utterances - he isn't some dumbass 15 year old and WWE expect better from him than bringing embarrassment like this on the company.

Freedom of Speech is a lot more than a license to call someone a ****** just because you haven't the brains to come up with something wittier.

Actually I was born and raised in Philly in a prodominately black neighborhood and I have called friends "*****" as they call me "cracka" my main point of my original post was not my dislike of gays because I honestly do NOT care but my problem is some people use different words in different texts. Example: I have a habit of saying everything is "shit" ..."man that girl is ugly as shit" "man pizza is good as shit" ..or.."that girl is hot as hell" or "that girl is ugly as hell" ...Over sensitivity is my point. For all we know, Cole and Matthews may have a thing back stage where they call each other ******s and what not.

Should Cole be more selective with his words he using on a public forum? Probably. But should he be fired for the word ******? that he used on his OWN FREE TIME? No.
Am I homophobic? No.

Alright, then. Quick homophobia-test below.

Does the following picture disturb or unsettle you?


Yes or no?

What about this one?


Yes or no?

If you answer yes on either, then you are, actually, homophobic. A phobia is defined as an irrational fear of something. Homophobia is the irrational fear of homosexuals and related activities.

(Oh and if you answered "no" to the first and "yes" to the second, you're sexist, to boot.)
Really Im not in the spotlight? Well guess what Forum tough guy, WWE programming is on PRIMETIME SLOTS so certain things can be said and done. If you dont want your kids subjected to certain things, DON'T LET THEM WATCH the programming OR follow ADULTS on twitter.

Am I homophobic? No. Am I soft like YOU and the rest of the soft members of society? NO. Obviously Cole was joking around and trying to get more heat for himself. It wasn't even serious. But the over sensitive nature of people shines through as usual. Your response only clarifies my point.

Your point is, You want to be able to say ANYTHING, no matter how prejudice or bigot laced, yet...you want NO repercussions. How very grade school of you.

And you say ''Soft''...because you don't let the prejudices of the word bother you, You just keep on going on with your life, not giving a crap about those around you. Guess what thats called...Lonely.

And your points about don't let them watch it....Spoken like someone who probrably DOESN'T have kids, or know the first thing about them.

You specifically tell a kid NOT to watch something, they FIND ways. And they watch it anyway. What GOOD parents do, is educate their kids on the rights and wrongs. Ex: I played Mortal Kombat in 92, Im 28 now, do the match, and I KNEW the difference between game and reality, my parents taught me that early, and I am NOT a murderer. Same goes for the negative music I grew up on, and Im NOT a street gangster...Try again with that over simplistic point of view of parental control. Just turning off a tv is lazy, TALKING to your kid is parenting.

And Pst....in case you didn't know. Twitter is NOT television. Just so ya know.
Actually I was born and raised in Philly in a prodominately black neighborhood and I have called friends "*****" as they call me "cracka" my main point of my original post was not my dislike of gays because I honestly do NOT care but my problem is some people use different words in different texts. Example: I have a habit of saying everything is "shit" ..."man that girl is ugly as shit" "man pizza is good as shit" ..or.."that girl is hot as hell" or "that girl is ugly as hell" ...Over sensitivity is my point. For all we know, Cole and Matthews may have a thing back stage where they call each other ******s and what not.

Should Cole be more selective with his words he using on a public forum? Probably. But should he be fired for the word ******? that he used on his OWN FREE TIME? No.

I agree - for Cole to get sacked over this would be way over the top. He said something stupid in public, he apologized and that should be the end of that. It might see the end of his push for the time being, but them's the breaks.

Either way, that Cole didn't think something like this would bring mainstream press embarrassment to the WWE (and WWE want's nothing but positive mainstream press leading up to WM) marks him out as being wholly unsuitable for the push they were looking to give him going forward.

Anyway, this is getting tiresome. How about them suplexs, huh?
I thought Michael Cole was pretty messed up. I know that he hates gay people, but does he really need to show that to the world?

I mean, I know how Cole feels. He hates gay people. I hate gay people too... sort of. How would you feel if a gay guy keeps staring at you? Wouldn't it feel strange? Michael Cole has a good reason to hate gay people, but does he really need to show it to the world?

If I were WWE, I would fire Cole to save ourselves from embarrassment.

Before you bash me or Cole, just think. What would you think or do if you were in Cole's place? If you had a horrible hatred for gay people like Cole does. Try to look at other people's point of view instead of bashing him.
I thought Michael Cole was pretty messed up. I know that he hates gay people, but does he really need to show that to the world?

I mean, I know how Cole feels. He hates gay people. I hate gay people too... sort of. How would you feel if a gay guy keeps staring at you? Wouldn't it feel strange? Michael Cole has a good reason to hate gay people, but does he really need to show it to the world?

If I were WWE, I would fire Cole to save ourselves from embarrassment.

Before you bash me or Cole, just think. What would you think or do if you were in Cole's place? If you had a horrible hatred for gay people like Cole does. Try to look at other people's point of view instead of bashing him.

Cole doesn't hate gay people. All he did was tweet ****** to Josh Matthews. How does that equate to hating gay people? The timing just seems very weird to me. It's almost if, in Vince's screwed up head, he told Cole to do this. He knew this would get the buzz going strong and after Wrestlemania, he could "fire" Cole for a month or so like he did with Daniel Bryan and then just re-hire him. The tweet just seems out of the blue. A one-word tweet for no real reason at all. It just seems like something Vince would do to get the media buzzing about WrestleMania and Cole as well as having the heat on Cole grow exponentially.
The world we live in today are f**s!

This word means nothing unless your a whiny little sensitive b****, I hate those kind of people.

Michael Cole almost getting fired because he was joking around with Josh Mattews is a travesty!

People can't just STFU and stop being so sensitive. The whole world has to be on eggshells with what the say. I hate it so much. I wrote an article about this a few years back entitled "Freedom of Speech is dead"

People shouldn't go around saying anything that pleases them, but a joke is a joke. If it has nothing to do with you. Mind your goddamn business
The world we live in today are f**s!

This word means nothing unless your a whiny little sensitive b****, I hate those kind of people.

Michael Cole almost getting fired because he was joking around with Josh Mattews is a travesty!

People can't just STFU and stop being so sensitive. The whole world has to be on eggshells with what the say. I hate it so much. I wrote an article about this a few years back entitled "Freedom of Speech is dead"

People shouldn't go around saying anything that pleases them, but a joke is a joke. If it has nothing to do with you. Mind your goddamn business

Well, Ive learned with this REALLY LONG debate, that posts like this are better left IGNORED. So...

Anyway, besides the internet tough guys saying ''Sensitive'', Thats all BS, and you know it. Its everyones buisness when he put it on a public forum like Twitter.

If he wanted to joke, send a text to his personal phone. Period. Once you put in on the computer for EVERYONE to read, its public buisness, Like alot of the idiotic posts Ive seen ALL day today on this subject
So I've got mixed emotions on this.

On the one hand I agree that everyone is being oversensitive. He obviously doesn't hate gay people.


1) WWE has a responsibility as a company towards their bottom line. Bad press right before the biggest show of the year would make all those parents think twice about ordering mania.

2) While I use the word "******" a lot with my friends, in public the word takes on a different context. I'm neither offended by the word nor care when others use it. Hell, its a fun word to say.

But to those of you who wonder what gay people think when you use the word "******" I'd kindly direct you the following Louis CK clip:


Its both hilarious and relevant.

3) Using the bible to prove anything is the sign of an intellectual coward.

So you like passages do you?

"But if ... evidences of virginity are not found for the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones..." (Deuteronomy 22:20,21)

"Slaves, obey your human masters with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ." (Ephesians 6:5)

"Slaves, obey your human masters in everything; don't work only while being watched, in order to please men, but work wholeheartedly, fearing the Lord." (Colossians 3:22)

"Slaves are to be submissive to their masters in everything, and to be well-pleasing, not talking back ." (Titus 2:9)

Finally: Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, (1 Corinthians 11:14)


The bible teaches slavery, sexism, racism, condones rape and asks you not to think for yourself. If you're a happy Christian, cool. To each his own. But don't try to pass off your book as evidence please.

Jesus Christ...2000 years later and you can't tell people to be nicer to each other without being threatened to be put on a cross.

And for those Christian who are for some reason offended by my even handed satire of your religion...heres an idea. Forgive me! It's what your lord would want.

I am not gay nor do I like gays but I am an American and I believe in freedom. And you can't be a proud American while saying others can't have equal rights without being a hypocrite, an intellectual coward and...quite honestly...a fucking ******.
To those holding onto the ''Freedom of speech'' excuse.


It is LIMITED to HATE SPEECH. I assume, most have NOT read the actualy document, but the points are quite clear. AND I QUOTE:
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Bone up people, It was initially a governmental law, NOT for every idiot with a mouth.

DJ_Legacy: Can't talk to their colleuges? Go to your job, and call the closest black person ******, Then text us in the unemployment line, OR the hospital after he knocks you out. That is NOT speaking with a peer, its hate words. Im appalled at how so many people don't THINK anymore. And using a internet accronym? Not the best way to be taken seriously as an adult. ''Lol Uz gotz pwned, roflcopter''


As recently as March 2 the Supreme Court of this very country protected the rights of the Westboro Baptist church. In a 8-1 vote they allowed the pute hate speech in public of those inbreds to go on legally now.
Michael used the slur one time on his twitter page, to a friend.
Nothing more needs to be done with this at all, and GLAAD needs move on and find a better target.
The point is LEGAL or not, there shouldnt be consequences such as this for speaking to a friend at all. These interest groups want to control your every day life and censor what you can and cannot say.

It doesnt matter if he isnt being arrested, the problem is that GLAAD is making the WWE feel as it has to take action against an employee for talking to someone he knows via the internet, over something that GLAAD has NO personal investment in.

This is what makes all of this new age "feeling" protection BS. If you are sensitive to a word or how people talk then ignore the person and move on if you dont like them, there is no reason to turn it into a big blown up issue making people need to worry for their jobs over choice of words spoken.

BS...end of story
People actually give a shit about this?
I'm sure the majority of the people complaining are just trying to cover up their own hatred for the thing they are trying to defend.


American's seem to be really bored if they have to get into so much debate over one person using a single word on Twitter. I mean have they looked at basically anywhere, anything on the internet? I believe some people need to find better things to do with their lives.
People are very uptight now a days about things. People use that word all the time when joking around with people. Just because it bothers certain people doesnt mean that when its said , all hell should break lose.

The whole " Freedom of speech " is going out the window lately. You cant say anything without repercussion. Even so, i find it hard to believe that cole didnt know what would happen by saying that to him. I wouldnt be shocked if vince told cole to go ahead and say it just to get more heat on him. I doubt cole is that stupid.

Many WWE wrestlers in the past have said much much worse and nothing has happened to them.
i would argue that cole's comment is WORSE than Jeff Hardy's Victory Road debacle... while Hardy screwed TNA and hurt their ppv it was something that was isolated to the wrestling world. Michael Cole on the other hand has gone and done something so stupid that it is all over the entertainment world and just embarrasses WWE to the world not just the wrestling world. I mean even TMZ caught wind of this and it just makes the wwe look foolish when they've literally just came out and said they've been working with GLAAD to make sure these things stop and then one of their "top heels" uses this word. The agreement with Glaad was huge and meant a lot of positive press for them which is very important since one of their biggest markets is kids and adolescents and within a week michael cole goes and shoots it to shit. Michael Cole better hope that Vince is so preoccupied with Mania that it'll give it enough time to blow over. He also better hope Linda's political aspirations are done because that could be another reason to let him go.
Hello everyone. I've been reading the responses on here and I think a lot of you "Free Speech" people are missing a huge point. He is a famous figure. He is a famous figure who promoted his twitter through WWE. He said the F Word to another member of WWE.

Imagine if they weren't friends... Josh Matthews could very easily have sued Michael Cole for defamation of character. To avoid things like that most companies have Zero Tolerance Policies for any time of harassment. And yes Twitter-gate can be deemed as harassment. Simply because he did in fact tag him in the post and it popped up on his feed and when you search for Josh Matthew's feeds.

If he really was joking around (which in my opinion is a really sad thing to joke about) then they have these things called direct messages which are private. If this was his personal twitter, where he was allowed to say whatever he wants, then he could have made it private, to where only people he accepts can see his posts. The big deal is that he promoted it on WWE's time. Therefore, WWE can tell him to stop speaking in such a way because of the contract he signed. They have gotten onto previous announcers for their very Conservative views because they were offending others. And I don't mean conservative as in anti-gay, I mean across the board they are conservative.

He is a brand and his twitter is part of that brand. If he wanted to joke around he had many other options. WWE is well within their right to fire him. They can also force him to take classes to avoid suspension and/or termination. We have seen many wrestlers lose their jobs because they refused to go to rehab. Same concept here. They have it stated in their contracts that this is how they are to represent their company.

Michael Cole has in a sense broken his contract. And WWE is well within their rights to do whatever they want. That could even mean telling GLAAD to go screw themselves. They are not doing this for GLAAD. They are doing this to save viewship, because viewship equals money. And this company is all about the money.
If Michael Cole gets fired Glaad is every much of a bully they claim to hate. The man has a family. It doesn't matter how much pamphlets they give him it's clearly part of his vocabulary! It's not a good word at all and he was wrong for saying it in public, but if he loses his home or hits hard times and I were his kids, I'd hate Glaad and it'd only give me more resentment towards them.
-ill be honest, michael cole has gone waaay to far, he started going out of control when he made the comment about lawlers recently deceased mother. he crossed the line and since then he has been out of control, aparently, to a wwe insider, cole has been acting the same backstage as he has been on commentary and in the ring. really hope that lawler lays cole out.
-as for anyone defending cole, open your eyes. cole is way out of line, he has gone crazy with the power he has gotten (reading the gms emails). the comment on twitter was uncalled for. i hope cole gets reprecussions for what he siad on twitter and how he has been acting, you know, like, being fired and having JR and lawler on commentary.

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