Christmas Holliday Becoming Offensive now


Occasional Pre-Show
There is a lot of talk about the Christmas Hollidays and I wanted to know all of your thoughts on it.

So, now we are not allowed to say Merry Christmas, we have to say Happy Hollidays.

We can’t say Christmas Tree anymore, we have to say Holliday tree.

Why is it that an immigrant to this country has more rights than a native indian or inuit?

Do we go to there country and change there customs because we may be offended?

If I decided that I want to live in China or India or any other place and I know what there custom is, should I not respect the way they celebrate there holiday?

Why do I have the right to go to another country and change there custom?

If people don’t like the way we celebrate our customs why do they stay in our country?

Why not just leave?

I will continue on saying Merry Christmas and Christmas Tree and continue on letting my nieces and nephew say them as well.

And if anyone does not like the customs that we have, then they are free to leave.

A funny story happened. My friend told me that some guy went up to her and said Happy Hollidays. She said Merry Christmas. He was like don't you mean Happy Hollidays? She was like nope, Merry Christmas and then walked away. LOL
There is a lot of talk about the Christmas Hollidays and I wanted to know all of your thoughts on it.

Ah, I love the Holidays.

So, now we are not allowed to say Merry Christmas, we have to say Happy Hollidays.

We can’t say Christmas Tree anymore, we have to say Holliday tree.

We live in a diverse area. We have too many different religions floating around to be saying Merry Christmas to everyone. That's like someone coming up to you and saying Happy Kwansa. You would think it's weird. If our country encouraged everyone to say Merry Christmas, we'd be violating our own US Constitution--Freedom of religion. Christmas is a religious holiday.

Why is it that an immigrant to this country has more rights than a native indian or inuit?

"All men are created equal," you ever heard that? If they're an American citizen, immigrant or not, they have every single right that you and I are given. No matter how much you like it. We're not better than anyone else.

Do we go to there country and change there customs because we may be offended?

Well, the point of coming to our Country is for freedom. Most of the immigrants coming into our country come from countries that don't have our freedom. Such as freedom of religion. So going into their country trying to change everything wouldn't make sense. Thtas why they leave and come here, so they can have religious freedom.

If I decided that I want to live in China or India or any other place and I know what there custom is, should I not respect the way they celebrate there holiday?

Like I said, our country has the privalige to choose its own religion. Their countries obviously do not.

Why do I have the right to go to another country and change there custom?

You don't, but the US's costum is not Christmas. Like I said, not everyone celebrates Christmas.

If people don’t like the way we celebrate our customs why do they stay in our country?

Why not just leave?

Repeating myself again. They come here for freedom of religion. What gives you the right to say Christmas is dominant over every other religion out there? Nothing. Our country is free. How would you like someone forcing you to say Happy Kwansa or something? It's not right. You can't force any of your religion or belief on someone else, so stop trying. Your better than anyone else in this country. Sorry bro.

I will continue on saying Merry Christmas and Christmas Tree and continue on letting my nieces and nephew say them as well.

And if anyone does not like the customs that we have, then they are free to leave.

And they are free to stay. Just don't get mad when someone goes around doing what you're doing forcing beliefs on people.

A funny story happened. My friend told me that some guy went up to her and said Happy Hollidays. She said Merry Christmas. He was like don't you mean Happy Hollidays? She was like nope, Merry Christmas and then walked away.

Seems rude.


I know you want to say Merry Christmas, I'm right there with you. But I respect people's beliefs no matter how dumb or ******ed their beliefs are. Long story short, respect other people's beliefs and they'll respect yours. Our country is free, get use to it.:)
The funny thing is that I don't see what is so offensive about it. I wouldn't be offended if someone came up to me and said "Happy Hanukkah" even though that isn't my custom because I know they are not doing it to be "offensive". I would just politely say "Thank You, you too" and walk away.

There's nothing to be offensive about.

So they get freedom and we don't?

Where's our freedom in being able to continue on with our custom?

I don't think this is freedom at all or else no one would be offended by other people's customs.

If anything our freedom is being taken away.

I respect people's beliefs as well but I don't think it's right to change a custom because people take things to seriously.

Your right not everyone celebrates Christmas and that is there religion and my religion is that we celebrate Christmas and say Merry Christmas and Christmas Tree.

So why are they allowed to follow there custom but we can’t?

There are some that will be offended by those that don't celebrate the hollidays, should we be allowed to change there custom and let them celebrate as well?

I don't know. I think everyone should just follow there custom and do what they please.
Hamler's got it all right. America is supposed to be the land of the free. It'd be pretty hypocritcal of us to enforce people to say "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays." Americans are always saying how great of a country we are because we have more liberty than any other. Yet, we're not going to let someone follow their own beliefs and say and believe in what they want? As it so cleverly states in the First Amendment, people have the right to freedom of religion. Meaning, people are allowed to follow which ever religion they want. And if their religion asks them to celebrate Happy Kwanza (etc), then so be it.

We, as fellow Americans should respect their decision to celebrate that. Thus, the term "Happy Holidays" comes into play. Some people take offence to someone saying Merry Christmas because it's not a part of tradition, so the only thing we can do is respect them and say "Happy Holidays."

But here's something that has been failed to mention. The very principle reason that it's called "Happy Holidays" is because it's more than one holiday. It starts with Thanksgiving, leads to Christmas, Kwanza, Hunnakuh, and finally, New Years. So you see, "Happy Holidays" isn't just because Christmas isn't allowed to be siad, it's becauyse there are more holidays in this time of the year than just Christmas.

As for me, I understand that we should say "Happy Holidays" to respect other's religous cultures. However, to be offended by someone saying Merry Christmas is kind of well...stupid. Just as we respect what they believe in, they should also respect what we wish to follow. And if we want to say Merry Christmas, than we should be allowed. What goes one way, must come back the other way.

But I digress. There are very religious people that will take offence no matter the situation and there's nothing we can do about that. So best thing is to just respect their decision and avoid problems at all costs. And in the end, it doesn't hurt to say "Happy Holidays"; it kind of has a nice ring to it if you ask me.
I don't think anyone is forcing anyone to say "Merry Christmas" this is about "Freedom" in saying what ever you feel like saying.

I don't think it's hypocritical at all. If anything I think stopping us from following our custom is hypocritical when we are suppose to be all about "Freedom".

We say this is about "Freedom" but how much "Freedom" is it?

Isn't our "Freedom being taken away from us?

If it wasn't, we would still be allowed to continue on saying "Merry Christmas" and "Christmas tree".

If someone does not want to say "Merry Christmas" that is there decision and choice just like we should have a choice whether or not we want to say "Merry Christmas".

Why should we be denied that?

Because someone does not respect our custom? But we have to respect there's?

To me that is double standards.

Our religion is saying "Merry Christmas" and "Christmas Tree".

So again I have to ask where is our "Freedom Of Relgion"?
When's the last time someone said Happy kwanza to you? They don't. How is that taking away any freedom? What's so wrong with someone saying Happy Holidays? No ones taking your freedom away. No one is telling you to believe a certain way like your doing to to other people. Saying Happy Holidays is universal and any Christian or person who wishes to promote peace in the US, should feel perfectly comfortable wishing Happy Holidays to those not of the Christian faith. The idea of forcing your preferred religious customs on those not of similar belief is straight up selfish. It shows a lack of consideration for others. Saying Merry Christmas in a religious free Country isn't right. No one is taking our freedom away. Believe what you want, just be considerant of others by saying happy holidays.

The whole point, people don't force their beliefs on you, so don't do it to them.
I believe that the whole "Merry Christmas" controversy is an example of people taking political correctness to an absurd level. We're so worried about offending people that we've taken something that's relatively harmless and is actually intended with good will and made it unnecessarily dramatic.

If I see someone that I don't know and this someone says Merry Christmas, then I'm gonna say it right back. Sometimes, I'll say the same things in passing to other people. Now, I can't tell whether or not a person celebrates Christmas or believes in Christmas just by looking at them. Last I heard, that was called profiling. I went to college with a guy from Egypt and he's a devout Christian rather than a Muslim. Let's be honest, most people would have assumed that he was Muslim based upon his home country. It's not intended as being offensive, but it's profiling all the same.

I think if someone is legitimately offended by someone simply telling them "Merry Christmas" then they need to pull the stick out of their ass and get a fuckin' life. To me, it's a means of being polite and wishing someone well if nothing else. If I were an atheist and someone said "God bless you", I wouldn't take that as an offense. After all, it's just someone wishing you well and what's wrong with that?

If someone wants to say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas, it's no big deal. However, if someone just says Merry Christmas and someone has a problem with it, then I honestly believe that the problem lies with the person that's "offended". If we've gotten to the point where a simple phrase intended to wish happiness, good cheer and prosperity during a certain time of the year is enough to set people off then there's no hope left for anything.
The Hamler

How do you know they don’t? and even if they did, should they not be allowed to say it? (That's the debate)

There is nothing wrong with saying Happy Hollidays just like there is nothing wrong with Saying Merry Christmas either.

Everyone should have the freedom in saying what ever they believe in.

I disagree with you that no one is taking our freedom away because if they weren’t saying “Merry Christmas” wouldn’t be a issue now would it?

Saying “merry Christmas” to someone is not offensive just like if someone were to say to me “Happy kwanza”.

We all don’t know what one another religion is and should not be taken in a offensive matter.

If I want to say “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Hollidays” it should be a choice.

If someone were to come up to me and say “Happy Hollidays”, I would probably say it back to them as well “Happy Hollidays”.

But they are in a way forcing there beliefs on us when we are being forced not to say “Merry Christmas” lol.

I have no issues with saying “Happy Hollidays” but it shouldn’t be forced in saying it. I should be able to say it because I want too, just like I should be able to have the choice in saying “Merry Christmas”. I don’t see the issue with any of this.
The issue here is coming from your use of 'not allowed'. Who's going to stop us say 'Merry Christmas' exactly? I certainly won't stop saying it. If I were wished a Happy Eid, Hannukah or any other religious festival it wouldn't offend me in the slightest, I'd think it was nice people wanted to share their religious festival even with those not in the religion. If someone did get offended by use of the word Christmas, that's their problem, makes me believe they're simply looking for trouble, and seems to show a lot of disrespect on THEIR part; for that reason I am not going to stop using the term Merry Christmas.
Alright, I'll enlighten you.

I don't think anyone is forcing anyone to say "Merry Christmas" this is about "Freedom" in saying what ever you feel like saying.

You'd be surprised. Internet forums as well as real life experiences have shown this hypocracy that I speak of.

Just the other day, I went to a store and saw a worker say Happy Holidays to a customer. To which the customer replied: "Excuse me? You mean Merry Christmas, don't you?" And the guy replied, "No sir, Happy Holidays", and well, you get the point; I don't want to bore you with details.

I don't think it's hypocritical at all. If anything I think stopping us from following our custom is hypocritical when we are suppose to be all about "Freedom".

No, no. Our freedom isn't being taken away from us [in terms of the holidays], it's more like we're having mutual respect for what others believe in. These people take offence to what we say; therefore, as to avoid problems, it's best if we just stick with saying "Happy Holidays."

We say this is about "Freedom" but how much "Freedom" is it?

Isn't our "Freedom being taken away from us?

Depends what you're talking about. if you want to go political, the freedom America has is getting limited day in and day out. But as in terms of the Holidays...just because it's respectful to say "Happy Holidays," it does not mean that we're not allowed to say, "Merry Christmas"--because we are. Here, let me do it right now: MERRY CHRISTMAS!

The only reason the Happy Holidays is used instead is to respect other's belief. But to the same time, the opposites must do the same to us.'

But I want you to think about this with me for a momment. We're supposed to say Happy Holidays now, correct? Do you ever even try to consider the fact that Jews feel the same way because they're not "allowed" to say Happy Hanukkah because they are respecting our tradition of saying Merry Christmas? Sure, Christianity reached the United States first. However, quoting the Constitution and the First Amendment: "Everyone has the liberty to freedom of religion." And that is the very reason why so many people from different countries journeyed to our world--as to have the freedom of religion. Therefore, when it comes to this time of year, in order to respect other's beliefs and practices, we ALL say "Happy Holidays" instead as to avoid religious conflicts (etc).

If it wasn't, we would still be allowed to continue on saying "Merry Christmas" and "Christmas tree".

Oh no one is stoping us from saying that; We can still say that. All we're doing is showing respect for other's beliefs. There is nothing wrong with calling a tree a Christmas tree.

If someone does not want to say "Merry Christmas" that is there decision and choice just like we should have a choice whether or not we want to say "Merry Christmas".

Yes, that is true. But again, all the term "Happy Holidays" is for is respect for other's beliefs.

Why should we be denied that?

We're not being denied. Neither are the others. We're all becoming one big happy family.

Because someone does not respect our custom? But we have to respect there's?

Like I said earlier in this post, just as we are respecting them, they are respecting us. Think aout it. How often do you hear someone say Happy Hanukkah? The answer? Not very often. Do you see? While although some may be religious nuts, they still know that they need to show respect for what we want to say.

To me that is double standards.

Exactly. But in a good way. As respect is mutual.

Also isn't our Freedom of Religion us?

Our religion is saying "Merry Christmas" and "Christmas Tree".

So again I have to ask where is our freedom?

Shit you sure know how to repeat yourself. Let me ask you something, and please don't take offense..."Are you one of those Christians?"

Whether you are or not, dude, you're starting to make me think of you as a jack-ass. You're saying our freedom is getting limited. It's not. If anything, we're just showing respect. What the fuck can't you understand about that? We show respect, they show respect. PERIOD.

You want to say Merry Christmas? Go right ahead. No one is stopping you. The only thing here is that you should always treat others with respect if you want to get treated with respect as well. Maybe you don't take offence to people saying Happy Kwanza. Okay, but do you take offence to somone saying there is no god? Yea, I would think so. What if I were to tell you there is no god; there is no hell; there is no heaven; when you die... -->What if I were to tell you that? I'm sure it wouldn't come off as pretty. Well, there you have it. Maybe, the jews take offence to someone saying Merry Christmas as much as you take offence to the god thing I mentioned.

In the end, the best thing is to show respect to others as you want to be shown. RESPECT. Something that all humans should carry for one another. RESPECT. A comcept I feel you don't understand...
So, now we are not allowed to say Merry Christmas, we have to say Happy Hollidays.

You don't have to say anything.

We can’t say Christmas Tree anymore, we have to say Holliday tree.

No you don't. I've never heard this before.

Why is it that an immigrant to this country has more rights than a native indian or inuit?

They don't.

Do we go to there country and change there customs because we may be offended?

If I decided that I want to live in China or India or any other place and I know what there custom is, should I not respect the way they celebrate there holiday?

Why do I have the right to go to another country and change there custom?

They don't, and you don't either.

If people don’t like the way we celebrate our customs why do they stay in our country?

Why not just leave?

I will continue on saying Merry Christmas and Christmas Tree and continue on letting my nieces and nephew say them as well.

And if anyone does not like the customs that we have, then they are free to leave.

No one is telling you that you're not allowed to say these things.

A funny story happened. My friend told me that some guy went up to her and said Happy Hollidays. She said Merry Christmas. He was like don't you mean Happy Hollidays? She was like nope, Merry Christmas and then walked away. LOL


You see, you can sit there and be "oppressed" all you want, but the fact of the matter is that there is no law forbidding you from saying "Merry Christmas," or celebrating holidays as a Christian would. If people get offended, then that's their own prerogative, but don't sit here and pretend your rights are being taken away.

If anything, you acting like you're being oppressed is more offensive than anything you've mentioned, in light of people, you know, actually having their rights taken away. The gay people, the black people before the 60s, etc.

That being said -- people don't walk up to you saying "Happy Kwanzaa" or "Happy Ramadan". Why would you walk up to someone and say "Merry Christmas"? It's just a matter of respect.

No one is taking your rights away. You have a right to say "Merry Christmas" as much as someone else has the right to call you a douche bag for assuming they're Christians simply because you believe The United States is a Christian country.
I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about but I will pretend I do as It's not a problem in Australia, but I'm sure that it's not illegal to say it. It would really only to be morally wrong if you said that to somebody that wasn't Christian. I can see how people that don't support/believe in chrisstmas would be offended by you saying merry christmas to them. especially if it's a kid you're saying it to...

And if anyone does not like the customs that we have, then they are free to leave.
Excuse me? People study different religions everywhere in the world. they have a right to be there.
The fact that people disagree about saying "Happy Holidays" and "Merry Christmas" is an example of the very freedom you're saying we're being denied. Instead of drones monotonously saying "Merry Christmas" to whomever they choose, you have peoplem who make the choice to say whatever holiday expression that so coincides with their practices and beliefs. Nobody is forcing you to say "Happy Holidays", last time I checked. If you want to, you can continue to say Merry Christmas to whomever you choose, just as i do. The fact that you want to preclude people or single them out because that phrase isn't for them shows ignorance in that you feel your freedom is being taken away, so you want to take their's away as well. Just because you dont agree with someone NOT saying Merry Christmas as you would like, doesnt mean they should pack their bags and be on the next flight back to "insert country here." Its a matter of respect, and just allow people to say what they want. This is much ado about nothing, honestly.
Let me put this to you all straight since you all are acting as if I’m denying people the right to say “Happy Hollidays”. Some of you are choosing to read what you want to read and not read what is actually being said once again.

I DON’T CARE who says “Happy Hollidays” just like I DON’T CARE who say “Merry Christmas”.

The fact that some of you are arguing with me because I and others prefer to say “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Hollidays” whether any of you want to admit it or not is taking away our “Freedom Of Religion”.

Why would I take offensve to people saying there is “No God”? That is not even what we are talking about.

We are talking about a simple phrase to wish people well. There’s nothing offensive about “Merry Christmas” etc.. That is what a lot of you don’t seem to comprehend.

I’m not going to go into a whole subject whether or not there is a GOD or not because tha this a whole other subject and I could care less what people think, I know what I believe and that is what I’m going to believe.

Also those that say our freedom is not being taken away, I have still not yet been told ho how it is not when we are being DENIED ( which means taken away) the freedom to say Merry Christmas or not.

Also those that never heard of this watch the news lol

Also Christmas is not just a "Holliday" It's a National Holliday.
Let me put this to you all straight since you all are acting as if I’m denying people the right to say “Happy Hollidays”. Some of you are choosing to read what you want to read and not read what is actually being said once again.I DON’T CARE who says “Happy Hollidays” just like I DON’T CARE who say “Merry Christmas”.

You said the folllowing:

If people don’t like the way we celebrate our customs why do they stay in our country?
Why not just leave?

I believe that the custom you were referring to was saying "Merry Christmas", no? That's the idea behind the thread, right? So now you're contradicting your earlier statements.

The fact that some of you are arguing with me because I and others prefer to say “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Hollidays” whether any of you want to admit it or not is taking away our “Freedom Of Religion”.

No its not. Because someone is debating your point of view is in no way infringing on your "freedom of religion." The last time I checked, there's been no government mandate coming done stating what "expression" one must use around the holidays. When that happens, then you have legitimacy to your argument.

Why would I take offensve to people saying there is “No God”? That is not even what we are talking about.

Nobody said you were. I certainly didn't. You're way off topic here.

We are talking about a simple phrase to wish people well. There’s nothing offensive about “Merry Christmas” etc.. That is what a lot of you don’t seem to comprehend.

There isnt anything offensive about saying Merry me. To some, it is. THAT'S their personal choice. Just as much as you want to so badly say "Merry Christmas", and have the right to do so, others feel strongly against it. And it's their RIGHT.

I’m not going to go into a whole subject whether or not there is a GOD or not because tha this a whole other subject and I could care less what people think, I know what I believe and that is what I’m going to believe.

Good for you. Again, way off topic here.

Also those that say our freedom is not being taken away, I have still not yet been told ho how it is not when we are being DENIED ( which means taken away) the freedom to say Merry Christmas or not.

Im very aware of what "denied" means. I stated before that Ive yet to hear an injunction from my government stating that we are banned from saying "Merry Christmas". Until I do, Ill continue to argue that the freedom, whether it be of speech OR religion, is not being denied. Just because someone else doesnt like it or disagrees with you(gasp!) doesnt mean theyre enfringing on your rights.

Also Christmas is not just a "Holliday" It's a National Holliday.

So are Easter, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and Memorial Day. And each person, good sir, is free to celebrate as they choose. They shouldn't have to "pack their bags and leave" because they choose to do something that differs with traditional American culture.
No actually I’m not contradicting myself.

Let’s say that I go to another country, as many of you pointed out that it’s wrong for me to go to another country and try and change there custom but yet it’s ok for people to come to this country and change our custom that is being contradicting and having double standards.

Saying if someone does not like our “Custom” they can leave is not being contradicting it’s truth especially if those very same people are trying to change our “Custom”. No one is forcing anyone to say “Merry Christmas” just like we shouldn’t be forced to say “Happy Holliday”. People should have the FREEDOM (Key word here) to say what ever they want to say and people shouldn’t be offended about it because it’s not being said in a offensive matter.

Yes actually it is LSN80, you definetly have a issue with people saying “Merry Christmas” So why should you deny us that right to say it because you don’t like?

Get over it.

No it’s not debating because if you guys would actually read what is being said, I’ve said it numerous of times that I don’t care what people say as long as they have the choice to do so.

That’s right they are free to choose what they say. So I choose to continue on saying “Merry Christmas” regardless of how people feel about it. Don’t like it?

Not my problem, like I said they can leave. I will continue on saying what ever is said to me.

If I get told “Happy Hollidays” I will be gladly to say “Happy Holliday’s back”

If I get told “Merry Christmas’ I will be gladly to say “Merry Christmas” but when I approach someone it will be “Merry Christmas” and just like you said it’s my right and if you and othrs don’t like that, that isn’t my problem
No actually I’m not contradicting myself.

Im not going to copy and re-post it. I did once already. But you saying that you have "no problem" with someone saying "happy holidays" in one comment, then saying those same people should "pack up and leave if they don't like it" is a direct contradiction. I don't think I could be more clear.

Let’s say that I go to another country, as many of you pointed out that it’s wrong for me to go to another country and try and change there custom but yet it’s ok for people to come to this country and change our custom that is being contradicting and having double standards.
Nobody is trying to change the custom. The majority of people(myself included) use Merry Christmas in their dealings with people. I generally tend to respond to people the way they talk to me. If someone wishes me "Happy Holidays", I say the same thing back. Its not a big deal, nor do I feel as if someone is trying to force their custom on me. I never said anything about you going to another country and changing someones custom. Honestly, where are you coming up with this?

Saying if someone does not like our “Custom” they can leave is not being contradicting it’s truth especially if those very same people are trying to change our “Custom”. No one is forcing anyone to say “Merry Christmas” just like we shouldn’t be forced to say “Happy Holliday”. People should have the FREEDOM (Key word here) to say what ever they want to say and people shouldn’t be offended about it because it’s not being said in a offensive matter.

How are they trying to change the American custom? Because they dare to have one different from the one you and use? Oh the horror! Each person has the freedom to say what they like in regards to the holidays. Nobody has stated, especially me, that anyone should be "forced" to say Happy Holidays. you sound like a ignorant jackass in arguing otherwise, because Ive never said that.

Yes actually it is LSN80, you definetly have a issue with people saying “Merry Christmas” So why should you deny us that right to say it because you don’t like?

Now you really are making yourself sound silly. I never said anything to the like of "denying' anyone the right to say Merry Christmas, nor am I against it. in fact, its what I TELL people! You really are an ignorant, unreasonable jackass!

No it’s not debating because if you guys would actually read what is being said, I’ve said it numerous of times that I don’t care what people say as long as they have the choice to do so.

You also said that people who dont like our customs should "pack up and leave." Direct quote. How is that not "reading what you said?"

That’s right they are free to choose what they say. So I choose to continue on saying “Merry Christmas” regardless of how people feel about it. Don’t like it?

I have no problem with people saying Merry Christmas, as Ive said from the beginning. And as I said before, I use those words with people ALL THE TIME. The level of ignorance you're spewing out right now is mindboggling.

Not my problem, like I said they can leave. I will continue on saying what ever is said to me.
If I get told “Happy Hollidays” I will be gladly to say “Happy Holliday’s back”
If I get told “Merry Christmas’ I will be gladly to say “Merry Christmas” but when I approach someone it will be “Merry Christmas” and just like you said it’s my right and if you and othrs don’t like that, that isn’t my problem.

You started a thread bitching about how people were being denied their constitutional rights of Freedom of Religion and trampling all over our culture because some people are insistent upon saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". You had the gall and ignorance to suggest those people should leave the country if they dont "fall in line" basically and do exactly what the majority of us do. And now, because some of us challenged you on it, you turned into an ignorant jackass.

Just because I say "Merry Christmas" and you say "Merry Christmas" doesn't mean my wife has to. She frequently says "Merry X-Mas" to people, which is a phrase I never use. But you know what? Thats her freaking right, just as it is mine to wish others a "Merry Christmas." So Im done with you. Merry Christmas, enjoy your red rep! :lol:
There is a lot of talk about the Christmas Hollidays and I wanted to know all of your thoughts on it.

So, now we are not allowed to say Merry Christmas, we have to say Happy Hollidays.

We can’t say Christmas Tree anymore, we have to say Holliday tree.

Why is it that an immigrant to this country has more rights than a native indian or inuit?

Do we go to there country and change there customs because we may be offended?

If I decided that I want to live in China or India or any other place and I know what there custom is, should I not respect the way they celebrate there holiday?

Why do I have the right to go to another country and change there custom?

If people don’t like the way we celebrate our customs why do they stay in our country?

Why not just leave?

I will continue on saying Merry Christmas and Christmas Tree and continue on letting my nieces and nephew say them as well.

And if anyone does not like the customs that we have, then they are free to leave.

A funny story happened. My friend told me that some guy went up to her and said Happy Hollidays. She said Merry Christmas. He was like don't you mean Happy Hollidays? She was like nope, Merry Christmas and then walked away. LOL

This was your original thread. You can say it any way you wish, but its sounds like you are the one who is offended by people saying Happy Holidays or using other words for Christmas. Honestly does it really matter? Even if people don't want to say Merry Christmas who cares? Whether you live in Canada or the United States, I doubt anyone has "made" you say one phrase instead of the other.

What are you talking about other cultures coming to your country and changing your culture or your freedom of religion? Do you automatically think because other people of different backgrounds that live in your society want to do away with your culture and your religion? You are turning this whole thread into a war on religion and Christmas.

I believe you original idea was to say that you are sick of political correctness during the holidays. There is no problem with that. I'm not religious, but I don't if someone says Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays to me. You are turning this whole thread into "If you don't like the way I say Christmas then leave the country!". There are more serious problems out there today then the way someone says Merry Christmas to you.

I would be happy if any human being said anything nice to me at all, and you should to. If someone is offended by that then don't say anything at all. No one has to say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays just because its Christmas time.
Let me put this to you all straight since you all are acting as if I’m denying people the right to say “Happy Hollidays”. Some of you are choosing to read what you want to read and not read what is actually being said once again.

I DON’T CARE who says “Happy Hollidays” just like I DON’T CARE who say “Merry Christmas”.

Yes you do. Otherwise you wouldn't have made this thread. You wouldn't have been spouting about your freedoms being taken away because someone chose to say "Happy Holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas." It's not a problem with others' reading, it's a problem with how you're wording your arguments.

You definitely said the country's transition into "Happy Holidays" is violating your right to free speech. That is what I am arguing.

The fact that some of you are arguing with me because I and others prefer to say “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Hollidays” whether any of you want to admit it or not is taking away our “Freedom Of Religion”.

What the hell? Me arguing with you about it isn't doing anything to your freedom of religion. I'm not arresting you. I'm not keeping you in my own Mozzarella Jail because you are a Christian. Nothing is being done to your freedom of religion. You're free to say "Merry Christmas," all you want. Your freedoms end where others' begin. You don't have a right to stop anyone from arguing your point.

We are talking about a simple phrase to wish people well. There’s nothing offensive about “Merry Christmas” etc.. That is what a lot of you don’t seem to comprehend.

When you say "Merry Christmas" to someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas, it's offensive to them. That's what YOU don't seem to comprehend.

You can choose to care about whether or not you offend anybody with that statement, but that's your own prerogative. However, nobody is taking away your right to say Merry Christmas, but you're inviting people to basically call you a douche bag for saying so.

It's kind of mind-boggling how you're not getting it after it being spelled out for you.

Also those that say our freedom is not being taken away, I have still not yet been told ho how it is not when we are being DENIED ( which means taken away) the freedom to say Merry Christmas or not.

Also those that never heard of this watch the news lol

Also Christmas is not just a "Holliday" It's a National Holliday.

When you end up going to jail for saying "Merry Christmas," you go ahead and let me know. Then I'll admit that maybe your freedom of religion has been taken away. Until then, you're delusional.


No actually I’m not contradicting myself.

Let’s say that I go to another country, as many of you pointed out that it’s wrong for me to go to another country and try and change there custom but yet it’s ok for people to come to this country and change our custom that is being contradicting and having double standards.

No one is forcing you to change the way you speak. You can keep saying "Merry Christmas" all you want. In reality, you want to force people to be happy with it. YOU'RE trying to take away THEIR freedom.

Saying if someone does not like our “Custom” they can leave is not being contradicting it’s truth especially if those very same people are trying to change our “Custom”. No one is forcing anyone to say “Merry Christmas” just like we shouldn’t be forced to say “Happy Holliday”. People should have the FREEDOM (Key word here) to say what ever they want to say and people shouldn’t be offended about it because it’s not being said in a offensive matter.

No one is forcing you to say "Happy Holidays." Jesus, you're stupid.
Actually, most schools here in America have implemented these new "holiday" rules. As well as anything else the government has control over.

While no one is forcing you to say happy holidays, they are making it so you can't say merry christmas. You can have a holiday party at school, but you can't have a christmas party.

So while they're not shooting you on site for saying Merry Christmas, they are restricting the Christmas holiday.

we live in an Over sensitized, political correctness to the max society, and it continues to get worse in every passing year.
Actually, most schools here in America have implemented these new "holiday" rules. As well as anything else the government has control over.

While no one is forcing you to say happy holidays, they are making it so you can't say merry christmas. You can have a holiday party at school, but you can't have a christmas party.

So while they're not shooting you on site for saying Merry Christmas, they are restricting the Christmas holiday.

we live in an Over sensitized, political correctness to the max society, and it continues to get worse in every passing year.

Can you at least see why it's different than, "That guy got offended when I said 'Merry Christmas.' My rights are being violated."?

Sure, the argument can be made that "Merry Christmas" is being taken out of the government regulated public. That's because the government related public is a religiously neutral entity. Kids in schools come from a vast number of different cultures and religions, and no matter how much people like to pretend otherwise, The United States is not a Christian nation.
There is a lot of talk about the Christmas Hollidays and I wanted to know all of your thoughts on it.

So, now we are not allowed to say Merry Christmas, we have to say Happy Hollidays.

You can still say Merry Christmas, I say it all teh fucking time, no law agaisnt it so there is nothing stopping you from saying it

We can’t say Christmas Tree anymore, we have to say Holliday tree.

It's a Christmas tree, everybody I know still calls it a Christmas tree, again no law saying you can't call it a Christmas tree

Why is it that an immigrant to this country has more rights than a native indian or inuit?

They don't have more rights, they have the same rights as everybody else

Do we go to there country and change there customs because we may be offended?

Actually isn't that what we did when we first came to America?:shrug:

If I decided that I want to live in China or India or any other place and I know what there custom is, should I not respect the way they celebrate there holiday?

What the fuck is your point?, yeah you respect their custom and they respect yours, but not everybody in America celebrates the Christmas holiday, there are a shit load of people who beleive in other regligions and customs, adn don't appreciate the fact that Christmas is shoved down their throats, that said, you can still celebrate your beliefs any fucking way you wish as long as it's not illegal, I don't see why you are making such an issue of this

Why do I have the right to go to another country and change there custom?

Nobody is coming here and "Changing your customs", nobody is telling you can't celebrate fucking christmas!!!!

If people don’t like the way we celebrate our customs why do they stay in our country?

Alright so exactly how many times do you really need to repeat yourself in this fucking post?

Why not just leave?

You seem to be the one with the biggest problem why don't you fucking leave, nobody is doing anything wrong, just cause somebody doesn't celebrate Christmas doesn't mean they should be booted out of the damn country

I will continue on saying Merry Christmas and Christmas Tree and continue on letting my nieces and nephew say them as well.

Ok, good for you, nobody is telling you can't but whatever...

No actually it’s not contradiction. I don’t think you know what Contradiction means. I’m talking about people that are trying to change our custom, not those that prefer to say “Happy Holidays” over “Merry Christmas” these are 2 different things.

Yes they are trying to change our custom by preventing us by saying “Merry Christmas”. Our custom has always been to say “Merry Christmas” or “Christmas Tree” now we have to say “Happy Holliday’s” or “Holliday Tree” whether you like it or not that is changing our custom and trying to prevent us from saying what we would normally say..

Like I’ts not a big deal to me either, just like it isn’t a big deal if someone were to come up to me and say “Merry Christmas”.

No we don’t have the freedom to say what we want that is what you are not understanding or comprehending. If we had the freedom to say what ever we want, then there would be no issues with “Christmas Tree” or “Merry Christmas”.

I’m a ignorant unreasonable jackass? Lmao

Yet you don’t seem to understand what this thread is all about.

The fact is that if saying “Happy Hollidays” shouldn’t be offensive then neither should someone that says “Merry Christmas” because it’s not being said in a offensive matter. What don’t you comprehend about that?

Also insulting me because you can’t defend yourself no more does not make your opinion more right then mine.
Actually, most schools here in America have implemented these new "holiday" rules. As well as anything else the government has control over.

While no one is forcing you to say happy holidays, they are making it so you can't say merry christmas. You can have a holiday party at school, but you can't have a christmas party.

So while they're not shooting you on site for saying Merry Christmas, they are restricting the Christmas holiday.

we live in an Over sensitized, political correctness to the max society, and it continues to get worse in every passing year.

Thank you someone with common sense that actually understands what is happening around here when we are being told we can't say "Merry Christmas".

The last few posts who do not understand what is being done here, I won't even respond to it because the thing that i bolded says it all.

If they weren't trying to prevent us from saying what we want to say then there would be no issues regarding saying "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Hollidays".
Can you at least see why it's different than, "That guy got offended when I said 'Merry Christmas.' My rights are being violated."?

Of course I can see the difference, I was pretty much clarifying the difference.

Sure, the argument can be made that "Merry Christmas" is being taken out of the government regulated public. That's because the government related public is a religiously neutral entity.

The Government is supposed to be religiously neutral, but they're anything but. Bush was one of the worst offenders when it came to the separation of church and state, and while Obama is a bit better, he's still pretty bad.

Which is why it's so hypocritical of them to make such rules when they break them themselves.

Kids in schools come from a vast number of different cultures and religions, and no matter how much people like to pretend otherwise, The United States is not a Christian nation.

So why do we allow Muslims time to pray in public school, but we can't say Merry Christmas in the same public school, hypocritical much?

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