The Ultimate Christmas Album


Póg mo thóin! :)
The idea for this came to me while I was working last night. Management has decided Christmas has started so of course the obligatory Christmas best of CD starts to be played. Being that we sell cd's as well as dvd's it has to be one of our own- Now thats what I call Christmas music- as far as I recall. Its the same as every other Christmas CD, and you will probably hear all be subjected to the same songs in some shape or form over the next few weeks.

Anyways- thats enough background information, you guys aren't interested in that kind of thing. The situation is this: A major record producer has just contacted you. He plans to produce a new Christmas compilation CD and he wants you to have complete creative control. Your only limit is that you can only pick 10 songs. They of course don't necessarily have to have anything to do with Christmas other than in your head.

Whats your ultimate Christmas top 10?

To get us started I will showcase my own choices.

1. Sigur Ros- Saeglopur


In my mind the most Christmassy of the Sigur Ros catalogue, which in fairness has a lot of songs which suit this peroid. The opening verse especially calls to mind images of darkened skies lit by only the pinpricks of light, of a heavy snow that has fallen all around mullfiling any chance of sound.

2. Jeff Buckly- Forget her


I am not sure why- but Jeff Buckly always reminds me of this season. Its excellent contemplative music- music to try and get you to really think about what you are doing than following about in the rush and bustle

3. Paul Brady- Arthur Mc Bride


One of my favourite Christmas songs of all time :) In fairness after that beginning I thought it was time for an actual Christmas related song. I was played this for the first time last Christmas by a close friend in his attic bedroom. If you havn't listened to it- take five minutes now and give it a go- its worth it :)

4. Frankie goes to Hollywood- Power of Love


In some sences this follows on from the previous song being that it is a recognisable Christmas song, and yet though it has nothing to do with the season at all. Its one of the few songs I like on said hated CD above- and in fairness to hated CD it actually reminded me how good this song is.

5. Wizzard- I wish it could be Christmas every day


Ok, Ok I sold out. After such a good alternative beginning I throw in this. I don't care though- I really like this song- reminds me of being a small child and bopping along. It also helps that the kids in the video are so shy and cute :)

6. Mike Oldfield- In Dulchi Jublio


Another recognisable Christmas song here, and also on the dreaded album. I am starting to fail aren't I? Anyways I have liked Mike Oldfield since hearing Tubular Bells a couple of years ago, and I like the old fashioned medieval sound that you get here, mixed in with the electric guitar.

7. The Frames- Fitzcoraldo


This song breaks a bit with the trend that I set with the last couple of songs, in that its not really about Christmas. I got this album last Christmas though and listened to it a huge amount- so everytime I hear it I think of Christmas. That and its a great song.

8. Robbie Williams- These Dreams


Back when I was younger I used to be a fan of Robbie Williams. Much much younger :) Anyway this song was one of my favourites at the time, and again I like the dark comtemplative nature of the song. Its a sit back and listen kind of song again.

9. Jona Lewie- Stop the Cavalry


Another famous Christmas song this- but its one of the few I could listen to again and again and not get sick of it. Its jolly and festive and yet quite dark :)

10. The Pogues and Kirsty Mc Call- Fairytale of New York


I know I will be sick of this song in about a week or two. But yeah I still like it now :)

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