Chris Masters Crashes WWE Axxess

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop
-- Chris Masters, who was released last week by WWE, caused a commotion today in Los Angeles, California as he appeared outside the Nokia Plaza where SummerSlam Axxess is being held. The former WWE Superstar drew a large crowd as he signed autographs and took pictures with fans. He also had an associate in tow filming his appearance.

Chris Masters has obviously learnt from CM Punk. You want attention, crash events - although someone may want to tell him that Punk's at ComicCon was a work, but meh, this is still pretty funny to me.

Masters seems to be taking a pretty adventurous route with what hes said and done post-WWE. In interviews hes said Triple H and Vince told him they wanted to give him a major push after noticing his vast improvement. Hes hinted that he may make an "IMPACT", hence showing up on TNA television in the future. And now crashing WWE Axxess, attracting fans to come out from inside the building to meet him and have it all recorded?

If I didn't know any better hes almost trying to prove WWE wrong in a sense. If a large crowd forms around him, CM Punk gives him a huge compliment on live television and he's now seemingly from having someone follow and record his actions going to possibly venture into YouTube like say Ryder has; is it just me or is Masters trying to prove that he can "draw?"

Personally, I liked him since his WWE return. When they turned him face he improved instantly. How they don't push a guy who has the build Vince McMahon so fondly desires when said person actually has talent unlike many of the others with similar builds, who get pushed further is beyond me. But I think Masters could be a genuine case of WWE "dropping the ball."

As a wrestler his series of bouts with Curt Hawkins were actually great. He didn't do just power moves, he began mat wrestling and becoming very technical. Anytime he was handed a microphone on NXT he showed personality. And, come on, his pecs can dance! Okay, maybe not the best example of talent. But anybody that says they arent impressed with the improvement of Chris Masters after watching a few of his Superstars matches really need to sit down, remember what wrestling is.

Love that he crashed Axxess. Something within me hopes WWE are realizing that Masters is the biggest mistake in a release they could have made last week and that maybe admitting to a fault and quickly resigning him, capitalizing on the CM Punk compliment and Axxess appearence, would be a good move for business. Dude has size, hes showing determination with his actions and words since leaving WWE. And I don't want to see him join TNA to be frank, they'll make him a stooge to Immortal and probably have "Gingerberg" beat him in five seconds.

Discuss if you wish.
Masters is at a tough fork in the road. If he stays away too long, then he could very well become forgotten in the wrestling landscape...becoming too obscured to make an impact upon return. However, I think if he just jumps straight to TNA, he will have no momentum, and it will look like he was just desperate to find some work post-WWE.

His wrestling skills have improved significantly since he was in the upper midcard, and he just needs to work on re-establishing himself as a legitimate character with confidence going forward. TNA could be a great land for him if he was used correctly, but we all know the likelihood of that.
If I didn't know any better hes almost trying to prove WWE wrong in a sense.

Sure, but if he proves them wrong by gathering a crowd, you still have to wonder what he expects to accomplish with this stunt in the long run. Does he really think WWE management is going to say: "Hey, he attracted a crowd....let's hire him back!".....Or is it more likely that management will see him as blatantly disregarding their policies and crashing the function of an organization he no longer works for, thereby cancelling any chance he might have had to be re-hired?

Masters could say he had nothing left to lose since he was already fired, but as he himself proved, the company does occasionally take you back.

Not this time, Masterlock-breath.
Sure, but if he proves them wrong by gathering a crowd, you still have to wonder what he expects to accomplish with this stunt in the long run. Does he really think WWE management is going to say: "Hey, he attracted a crowd....let's hire him back!".....Or is it more likely that management will see him as blatantly disregarding their policies and crashing the function of an organization he no longer works for, thereby cancelling any chance he might have had to be re-hired?

Masters could say he had nothing left to lose since he was already fired, but as he himself proved, the company does occasionally take you back.

Not this time, Masterlock-breath.

You think that if Masters creates a following that WWE won't swallow their pride and take him back? You obviously haven't heard of the Ultimate Warrior. The dude had a crazy fan following and WWE invited him back time and time again despite holding the company hostage for more money, no-showing advertised events, and being a general backstage pain in the ass.

Masters is no Warrior in terms of drawing power or in terms of being a jackass to the brass of the company, but who is to say that Masters won't ever be back in a WWE ring?
Sure, but if he proves them wrong by gathering a crowd, you still have to wonder what he expects to accomplish with this stunt in the long run. Does he really think WWE management is going to say: "Hey, he attracted a crowd....let's hire him back!".....Or is it more likely that management will see him as blatantly disregarding their policies and crashing the function of an organization he no longer works for, thereby cancelling any chance he might have had to be re-hired?

Masters could say he had nothing left to lose since he was already fired, but as he himself proved, the company does occasionally take you back.

Not this time, Masterlock-breath.

Honestly, you need to take more things into consideration when you think about it.

CM Punk is supposed to have gained the ear of Vince McMahon now, after the large publicity WWE got after the "shoot" and all that. He said Chris Masters name and Masters trended on Twitter. Chris said on Chris Cash's wrestling show that he left on okay terms but that he wants to prove people wrong because he wants to be given something back for the effort he put in. And he did put in a significant amount of effort.

Could it be construde as a double ended sword? Possibly. But as you said, he has nothing left to lose in a sense. TNA will probably pick him up, out of anyone WWE release I see him the most probable. If he goes to TNA all he has to do is work his ass off and he'll either climb to the top their or simply work until WWE give him a call.

If he's getting attention around his name, getting endoresements on live television from someone whose developed a cult following of fans like CM Punk and the important people notice he has greatly improved than you never know. This could all work out for him in the long-haul.
First of all, it is not beyond the scope of possibility that the release of Chris Masters could be a work. I seriously doubt it, but I guess it is possible. His work was improving, and allegedly a push was being implied. This could be a way to garner some attention, which could be used to fuel such a push. I don't really believe this to be the case but it is possible.

It is more likely that Masters is trying one last gasp to get one last WWE run. Sure there are cases where guys are released and get hired back. It happened, in fact, with Masters himself. But generally not multiple times. Let's face it, Chris Masters is no Ultimate Warrior. The chance of him getting rehired after being released by WWE a second time is likely pretty remote. With the passage of time, such rehiring by WWE gets less and less likely.

If he goes to TNA, I think he realizes that his career in the big leagues is over. Even more so if he goes to ROH or any of the other indies. Once he enters into obscurity, he's probably staying there. This is probably his last shot at the pinnacle of professional wrestling. Why not take a shot? Maybe the people at WWE may notice and choose to bring him back, claiming it to be part of the overall plan, whether it's true or not. If not, he's doomed to Orlando anyway. If I was in his shoes, I'd do whatever I takes to avoid this fate.
Looks like Punk-a-Mania is running wild amongst the wrestlers as well. It's not just the IWC.

Unlike in Punk's case, this only makes Masters look like an attention ****e. I don't know what compliment Punk payed him but he may have done it to fuel his own character rather than show genuine support towards Masters.

Yes, Masters improved when he turned babyface. He put on some good matches on Superstars but he is largely a boring superstar. He can be a good midcarder if he is built up properly but so can Ezekiel Jackson. His dancing pecs have more charisma than he has and after a push like the one Masters got early in his career fails, it is always very hard to bounce back.

I am not pained by Masters release. He improved in the ring but there are better workers than him. He is at the bottom end when it comes to mic work and there are people who have a better look than him, which is supposed to be his USP.

Punk did a good job making the WWE look like a bunch of cowardly tyrants who play with the lives of wrestlers but it isn't going to bring Masters back. Niether that nor stunts like these on Masters' part.
And my question to everyone else...Why is he no Warrior...Being a wrestling fan for a very long time since I was 4 and am now 29....Personally I hated the Warrior, I never liked him, I never understand why everyone else did, his character, his in ring ability has always been terrible...He is simply a poor excuse for a wrestler...Like it has been said many times Masters improved his in ring ability and his character a lot, because he wanted to, for the fans, for the company and for himself...Masters IMO is better than the Warrior ever was, and if it isn't a work to bring Masters back in the very near future, then it is a damn shame that a business man like Vince exist....Everyone can see that Masters has busted his balls for that company...
If he's getting attention around his name, getting endoresements on live television from someone whose developed a cult following of fans like CM Punk and the important people notice he has greatly improved than you never know. This could all work out for him in the long-haul.

It could, yes. The unknown element in all this is how the WWE brass feels about what Masters did. For people still employed by the company, there always seems to be talk of performers being "punished" for perceived misdeeds by taking them down several notches in their standing with the company.

For instance, several of us wondered whether Sheamus was the victim of something like this. One minute, he's world champion and competing at the top of the card; next minute he's getting no mic time, while jobbing to Evan Bourne. What happened? Did someone in charge get mad at him? No, I don't know that his de-push resulted from displeasure in his personal conduct, but if not, then what was it?

The same thing might (or might not) apply to the handling of John Morrison and Drew McIntyre, both ostensibly because of incidents with their women, for pete's sake. Yes, I know Morrison's riding high now and his absence was due to injury, but there's been so much talk on this forum of him encountering problems because of Melina. Is it true? Do they knock you down on a professional level because of your personal behavior?

The point is, if this happens with people currently on the roster, how will the brass regard the actions of someone who doesn't work there anymore? Will Vince & Crew forgive and forget? Sure, the point about Ultimate Warrior is well taken, but could Chris Masters ever gain the clout of Warrior?

Personally, I'm sorry Masters was let go. I liked his work and was one of those folks who thought he was in line for a push......and Dragon Saga and Steamboat Ricky could be right; the brass might overlook Master's actions and bring him back someday. If they're willing to give air time to Zack Ryder after his independent self-promotion, they might consider Masters in the same light, although the point about Masters no longer being an employee might weigh against him.

But if they don't have him back and point to his actions of this past weekend as the reason, then Chris did himself no favors by injecting himself into the proceedings. Sometimes it's better to work hard and present yourself in the best light.....and work at getting re-hired. It worked for Masters once before.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall at WWE management meetings.
First of all, it is not beyond the scope of possibility that the release of Chris Masters could be a work.

This is what I can't competely eliminate from possibilities. The release COULD have been bogus, and that Masters crashing WWE Axxess is part of the same "viral" build strategy that saw CM Punk crash the WWE booth at Comicon. This could be nothing but a brilliant work. In fact, while I agree it's not very likely, it's possible that ALL of the releases last week were part of a work, where the "fired" wrestlers band behind Punk to form a new faction. Unlikely, yes. Impossible? No.
This is what I can't competely eliminate from possibilities. The release COULD have been bogus, and that Masters crashing WWE Axxess is part of the same "viral" build strategy that saw CM Punk crash the WWE booth at Comicon. This could be nothing but a brilliant work. In fact, while I agree it's not very likely, it's possible that ALL of the releases last week were part of a work, where the "fired" wrestlers band behind Punk to form a new faction. Unlikely, yes. Impossible? No.

Stranger things have happened. There is certainly other guys on the roster that I would have expected to see get cut before Chris Masters.

I liked Chris Masters, he had the potential, but he got given a go nowhere gimmick and in the end probably got released because WWE relealised it was a go nowhere gimmick.

It's what pisses me off about them really, they give guys with potential go nowhere gimmicks and then when they don't go anywhere they let them go, it makes me think that WWE doesn't want anyone to get over.

WWE have either wasted a potential draw... or they've taken the first big step required to bring him back at a later date, repacked, with a gimmick that might actually give him a chance of getting out of Superstars.
This is what I can't competely eliminate from possibilities. The release COULD have been bogus, and that Masters crashing WWE Axxess is part of the same "viral" build strategy that saw CM Punk crash the WWE booth at Comicon. This could be nothing but a brilliant work. In fact, while I agree it's not very likely, it's possible that ALL of the releases last week were part of a work, where the "fired" wrestlers band behind Punk to form a new faction. Unlikely, yes. Impossible? No.

I can see this being the case... sort of. I definitely think some of the releases were legit. Everybody has heard the stories of how big of drama-hurricane Melina was backstage. Koslov was an oversized Santino just less funny. But Masters I thought was a work since Punk name dropped him.

I hope that they bring him back and have Punk "mentor" him. No faction. Punk has been in too many stables lately. Just Punk and Masters, kinda like Rhodes and Dibiase. Eventually (as we know will happen with Rhodes and Dibiase) they will turn on each other and feud. I'm guessin since Masters works as a better face it'll be when punk goes from this tweenerish heel to super villain again and Masters goes super face.
You know I wouldnt even be surprised if this was all a work. I know its a far shot but just the fact that Punk mentioned his name on RAW strikes me as weird. WWE isnt proud of releasing people. They didnt even let Melina into the arena after she was released. It could be either way, but either way its cool that he crashed Axxes.
With Punk mentioning their Kozlov and Masters names on Raw, and Kozlov being brought up again during this past Friday's Smackdown broadcast. Their releases could in fact be a complete work on the WWE's part to try and swerve fans to see if theres enough interest in the two to bring them back.

Masters wasn't the greatest in the ring, but he improved since his first WWE run, he had some brutal matches with Tyler Reks on Superstars/Smackdown a few months back. I don't see why a piece of trash like Jackson/Big Zeke can get pushed and Masters couldn't. He would have been great in the IC/US title division on either show.

Maybe he'll gain enough attention outside of the WWE to be brought back to the WWE and be utilized
And my question to everyone else...Why is he no Warrior...

Is this for real? Comparing a low card wrestler who headlined Superstars to a WWE champion who headlined Mania? Warrior was one of the biggest money makers in the history of wrestling and is a name that is still talked about amongst professional wrestlers and wrestling fans alike. Chris Masters may have potential, however, he is no where close to the Warrior. Lets get real, wheather you care for Warrior or not you cant post such nonsense comparing a legend to a jobber.
ehh i find this pretty funny but at the same time pretty stupid doing this isnt gonna make wwe bring him back and as far as going to impact wrestling...i just cant see him being a sucess there either his best days were as a heel when nobody could break the masterlock and he was juiced up on the riods hes just boring now imo but its pretty funny how he drew a big crowd probably biggger then some wwe stars got

This is the video shot at WWE Axxess yesterday. And it shows exactly what people seem to miss in this guy. Not only did he improve so much in the ring but as a speaker and a personality too he began to shine on NXT. Masters is genuinely one determined son of a bitch to prove people wrong, and although he could have seen fans staring at him in awe, knowing that if he seeked their opinions they were hardly going to give negative ones you have to realize that those are still members of the WWE "Universe" and they even think its messed up.

One dude put it right. The Great Khali has a job and Chris Masters who is ten-fold what Khali is, not only as a wrestler, talker, personality but even as a big man. Khali's size is seemingly always his disadvantage, while with Masters its the opposite.

Also, look at the size of the crowds around him. Masters drew at Axxess - big mistake by WWE. I highly doubt its a work, but if it isn't, WWE may want to think again about allowing that ninety day no-compete clause to expire.

Khali is there for India, because he's ridiculously over there. Pretty much nothing else. If Master could draw like that internationally, he'd have a job and a world championship run under his belt.

And as for the crowds, he is a recently released Superstar name dropped by CM Punk on television. He's got that nice fresh controversy smell on him. Not saying he's not popular in his own right, because I watched NXT and Superstars and saw his pops, but there is a certain degree of artificial boosting involved.

Still, I would like Masters to come back in the WWE and work on Smackdown (which I really think could be better for him than Raw). Here's to hoping the WWE swallows their pride and signs him back.
There is always that small chance that his release could be a work, but I highly highly doubt it. Masters was not a big enough star to draw a buzz from being released. I think this is just all a case of a small story being blown out of proportion. Former WWE guys show up at shows all the time. I went to Raw in Knoxville, TN a couple of months ago and Rob Conway was outside promoting a local show and drew a fairly big crowd, Ricky Morton was also there as a paying fan and drew a HUGE crowd of fans getting autographs and taking pictures. I remember when I was a kid too the same thing happened with some Smokey Mountain talent at a show I went to. Tracy Smothers and "Primetime" Brian Lee had probably a hundred fans around them. Point is this happens all the time, wrestling fans are crazy lol.
With Punk mentioning their Kozlov and Masters names on Raw, and Kozlov being brought up again during this past Friday's Smackdown broadcast. Their releases could in fact be a complete work on the WWE's part to try and swerve fans to see if theres enough interest in the two to bring them back.

Or maybe they've just realised that they don't have to be afraid of mentioning ex-talent on air. Because it doesn't change the company's viewership in any significant way. Seriously, WWE mentions Kozlov on air a couple of times and people think it's a big deal? The opinion has often been held that WWE cut their losses and then make them unpersons. Well, maybe WWE is actually mature enough to know that they're too strong to be dented by a minority of butthurt fans/ex-employees.

That said, I'm pleased Masters is being positive. He's taking a Ryder-esque approach and forcing people to pay attention. He's saying, 'Look, I'm still here, I'm still valuable' instead of just bashing the WWE for everything they didn't do for him.

He never strikes me as angry. Just confused about his release, and he clearly believes in himself and is using this opportunity to show his charisma.

Good on you, Masters.

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