Chris Jericho's Comments on TNA

Jericho has good points, but instead of acting like a smart-ass why doesn't he actually praise TNA on a daily basis instead of giving them criticism, even if it is constructive. If he so cares about competition and the business, I think it would be helpful for TNA to have a name like Chris Jericho endorse them, instead of pointing out a move they made, which is subjective, and calling them a "bush league".
How does it help someone if you tell them you're doing a good job when you think they're doing what they do poorly? I can think of no better way to hurt someone then that. I want TNA to succeed, and for exactly the same reasons (competition is good), but at the same time, I'm not willing to pretend I like something which I think is awful for the sake of TNA's success.
Zeven_Zion said:
Saying a few nice words about the company every now and then won't kill him.

"Hey guys! Check this AJ Styles kid on TNA, he's awesome!"

"Hey guys! I'm really liking [insert storyline here]. Check it out on TNA every Thursday!"
It wouldn't kill him, but he doesn't believe it and he isn't getting paid for it. Why should he shill for TNA for free? Just because he's a supporter of wrestling doesn't mean he owes the world free rubs. Why isn't he out there vocally supporting ROH? He's been seen often enough at their shows. Same reason.
Zeven_Zion said:
All of this leads me to believe that this whole "we want TNA to grow bigger because we need competition" is just a nicer way to make your arguments not seem like chastising.
That's your martyr complex acting up again. You're operating under the mistaken premise that if someone supports a concept, they have to ignore any other impulses they have in support of that concept. To you, anything less is a veiled attack. For that matter, how is chastising TNA wrong? I was chastised several times by my parents growing up, but it was because they wanted to guide me to be a better person, not because they had a secret plan to demean and diminish me.
Zeven_Zion said:
And how does mentioning another company or bashing another company make you seem second rate? I never, ever understood that. If WWE took a shot at TNA, would that make them seem second rate?
Let me explain it! TNA is very obviously the 2nd place company. By attacking the WWE- and the WWE ignoring it- they are allowing their competition to set the terms of the battle. TNA allows the WWE to say "they are not worth our time".

If the WWE were to respond- and more then the occasional swat, which they aren't even doing, they wouldn't appear 2nd rate, since they are the majority company, but they would certainly appear concerned about TNA- giving the fans the idea that there was something on TNA that the WWE didn't want them watching.

TNA is trying to pick a battle that the WWE has no interest in. When you're the little guy trying to pick on the big guy, and the big guy doesn't give a fuck, you always look a little second-rate.
At no point did Jericho call TNA "bush league" in the op, as a careful reading will show that he was talking about certain tactics he thinks they are using as being "bush league"

He was not saying these words described the company, just specific things about what the company has done, or behavior they allow.

For the most part, these words are critical, but not the sort of TNA bashing I usually see from WWE fans around these fora.

I dissagree about that one promo being a copy of wwe's work in the undertaker promo, if that was even the topic he was talking about when he mentioned copying,

That promo is very much like a majority of sting's promos since the late 1990's.

If anything, the undertaker video was intended to create the illusion that sting was on his way, being a copy of not TNA, but sting's video clip style for the last fourteen years or so.

Other than this one issue, I agree with Jericho. The people at TNA need to project an image that they feel they work at the best promotion in the world. That they do not was the central point of what Jericho was saying. This is not a sentiment I have seen many of TNA's critics expressing on these boards.

But Jericho is right. Even if TNA were/is the best, you would hardly be able to tell from most of the guys who get a chance to talk.
I'm going to first say that Sting has been doing these type videos for years so that type video isn't new to Stings character! nither is the numbering!

Secondly The Tna Wrestlers that mentions their time in the WWE have something that pissed them off while in the WWE! That's obvious. So why isnt it ok for them to express that?

This isn't something new! When Shane Douglass had a problem with Ric Flair and WCW, Paul Heyman allowed him voice his displeasure numerous times did that hurt them hell no!

When Stunning Steve Austin got fired from WCW and he was pissed off, Paul Heyman allowed his new character Stone Cold Steve Austin to speak on it aswell! And that led to some of greatest promos in Pro Wrestling history!

But what really irks me is that Jericho was there with them during that time why is so bush league now and it wasn't bush league then?

And this notion of TNA copying WWE? Are you guys serious with this bull shit! The WWE was built on stealing from other companies! And that's the facts!

The whole Attitude Era was stolen from ECW! DX was a rip off of the NWO! Not to mention all talent that the WCW missed on that the WWE made into stars! Steve Austin and Triple H! Mid card guys in the WCW that were fired without getting a true chance! Isn't that what Mr. Anderson, The Pope, Tara, Matt Morgan, And Matt Hardy feel today?

What's the diffrence? When WCW was kicking the WWE's ass all those weeks in a row, When they(WWE) were the underdog and they sent DX too wage war on WCW in army fatigues!

What's the diffrence?
Jericho has good points, but instead of acting like a smart-ass why doesn't he actually praise TNA on a daily basis instead of giving them criticism, even if it is constructive. If he so cares about competition and the business, I think it would be helpful for TNA to have a name like Chris Jericho endorse them, instead of pointing out a move they made, which is subjective, and calling them a "bush league".

Saying a few nice words about the company every now and then won't kill him.

"Hey guys! Check this AJ Styles kid on TNA, he's awesome!"

"Hey guys! I'm really liking [insert storyline here]. Check it out on TNA every Thursday!"

All of this leads me to believe that this whole "we want TNA to grow bigger because we need competition" is just a nicer way to make your arguments not seem like chastising.

And how does mentioning another company or bashing another company make you seem second rate? I never, ever understood that. If WWE took a shot at TNA, would that make them seem second rate?

I don't think Jericho was directly calling TNA a "bush league". I think he was referring to the tactics that TNA was using in an attempt to bolster ratings as "bush league", which they were.

The agonizing part of this whole thing is that TNA doesn't need to resort to that sort of horseshit and that is what Jericho was alluding to. They HAVE incredible talent and there is the POTENTIAL for greatness.
I don't think Jericho was directly calling TNA a "bush league". I think he was referring to the tactics that TNA was using in an attempt to bolster ratings as "bush league", which they were.

The agonizing part of this whole thing is that TNA doesn't need to resort to that sort of horseshit and that is what Jericho was alluding to. They HAVE incredible talent and there is the POTENTIAL for greatness.

The potential for greatness is with every company. ROH has amazing talent, WWE has some talent, TNA has amazing talent. I'm sick and tired of this whole "TNA has so much potential, but since they're not taking advantage of it, I hate it". WWE has so much potential too, they're not tapping it, yet people watch it because WWE has reached a point where Cena could take a shit in the ring and eat it, and fans would still watch next week.

And you're right, they COULD go without stuff like that. WCW COULD have gotten without signing all those big names, having a different product, pulling off stuff that broke every goddamn rule in the unwritten pro wrestling rules book, but they did.

It pisses the IWC off - good, that was the point of it. It was a 30 second "fuck you" to all the people who question Sting's passion for TNA and this business. This was a spit on the neck of not only the IWC, but the scum-sheets who reported this crap. It was a GOOD lesson for everyone to learn. DON'T PANDER TO THE DIRT-SHEETS!

The same people who hated the video probably hated and shat on TNA for the last nine years, or the last two years, creating a shitty image for the company on the Internet, turning off potential viewers. You don't have to KNOW TNA. You go on the Internet all you hear is TNA sucks, TNA sucks. Well, I watched it, it didn't suck, and I love it. I'm sure there are fans out there who could love TNA and enjoy it like I do, but are afraid to do so because of the ridicule, the fact that it "sucks" which would make THEM look like idiots for liking something that "sucks".

The video was 30 seconds long, and if the IWC gets 27.000 views out of THAT when the thread about The Rock's return was about 40.000, TNA did a great fucking job because not even 1% of the people who didn't like the video will simply stop watching TNA from now on because of it. Mission accomplished.
The video was 30 seconds long, and if the IWC gets 27.000 views out of THAT when the thread about The Rock's return was about 40.000, TNA did a great fucking job because not even 1% of the people who didn't like the video will simply stop watching TNA from now on because of it. Mission accomplished.

First of all Chris Jericho's comments were NOT directed towards the Sting promo video - they were directed towards TNA in general, and they were probably made before the Sting promo even aired.

Secondly, there may be 27,000 views on the thread, but the entire thread consists of WWE marks saying TNA sucks....TNA marks saying WWE sucks...and wrestling fans who think they both suck.

If the thread actually talked about STING, then TNA did their job. But that's not the case. I haven't seen one post talking about how excited anyone is to see Sting back in TNA. I haven't seen anyone mention who they would like to see Sting fight in TNA now that he's back.

The entire thread consists of TNA fans saying "Haha, this is great, this promo was a big FU to Vince McMahon". And WWE fans saying "TNA sucks, they copied the WWE...again". No one has said "This video was great, I can't wait for Sting to come back!!"

That is why there will be no long term effects from bringing Sting back. No one REALLY cares about him. Sting is just a pawn in this ridiculous TNA vs. WWE chess game. People are excited about THE PROMO. They are talking about it because THE PROMO was controversial. STING is irrelevant. He's an after thought.
First of all Chris Jericho's comments were NOT directed towards the Sting promo video - they were directed towards TNA in general, and they were probably made before the Sting promo even aired.

Secondly, there may be 27,000 views on the thread, but the entire thread consists of WWE marks saying TNA sucks....TNA marks saying WWE sucks...and wrestling fans who think they both suck.

If the thread actually talked about STING, then TNA did their job. But that's not the case. I haven't seen one post talking about how excited anyone is to see Sting back in TNA. I haven't seen anyone mention who they would like to see Sting fight in TNA now that he's back.

The entire thread consists of TNA fans saying "Haha, this is great, this promo was a big FU to Vince McMahon". And WWE fans saying "TNA sucks, they
copied the WWE...again". No one has said "This video was great, I can't wait for Sting to come back!!"

That is why there will be no long term effects from bringing Sting back. No one REALLY cares about him. Sting is just a pawn in this ridiculous TNA vs. WWE chess game. People are excited about THE PROMO. They are talking about it because THE PROMO was controversial. STING is irrelevant. He's an after

Ouch. True that
I think he is right. Whether you love TNA, hate TNA, or just follow it because it is wrestling, you must admit, they focus way too much on WWE. They mention them all the time and sometimes they try to poke fun at WWE on an occasion. I just think instead of trying to bring them up to seem more legit, they should focus on being different, and that will make them legit right there. I am not claiming to know what it is best for TNA. But you would think certain things were pretty obvious. TNA will never get ahead by copying WWE. They need things to feel different then it feels while watching WWE. Otherwise, it will just feel like a rip off.
I've been saying the same thing for years. TNA need to be their own product and be the best at what they do and not worry about anything else. WWE never do, as far as they are concerned someone like Misawa never existed.

The problem is though by constantly bringing in ex-WWE guys and TNA being headed up by Hulk, Flair and Bischoff, there is no escape from it. Dixie should have just concentrated on the great taent they have and push them to the moon.

That's what they did with Samoa Joe and when Kurt arrived they had him beat him, soldifying that not only was a TNA talent better than a WWE guy but better than the so called best in the world. They could have done the same with AJ, Daniels, Beer MOney etc. but they didn't. They have chosen their path and they wont get better until they strt promoting their own wrestlers and company as being the best in their own minds and not comparing or even mentioning any other brand (unless ofcourse it's a partner like NJPW)
I've been saying the same thing for years. TNA need to be their own product and be the best at what they do and not worry about anything else. WWE never do, as far as they are concerned someone like Misawa never existed.

The problem is though by constantly bringing in ex-WWE guys and TNA being headed up by Hulk, Flair and Bischoff, there is no escape from it. Dixie should have just concentrated on the great taent they have and push them to the moon.

That's what they did with Samoa Joe and when Kurt arrived they had him beat him, soldifying that not only was a TNA talent better than a WWE guy but better than the so called best in the world. They could have done the same with AJ, Daniels, Beer MOney etc. but they didn't. They have chosen their path and they wont get better until they strt promoting their own wrestlers and company as being the best in their own minds and not comparing or even mentioning any other brand (unless ofcourse it's a partner like NJPW)

OH' Ok now I get it! The WWE sets the standard on How everybody should think?! Which is it? Should TNA be TNA or Should TNA just let the WWE set the standard on how they should think?

I find it funny people say don't copy the WWE but in the same sentence say follow what they are doing! Just because the WWE chooses to be unrealistic doesn't mean TNA should follow suit!

The WWE lives in a glass bubble and act as if they're the only thing in town but we all know that's not the case and they do aswell, Like Dolph Ziggler tweeting about going to Dixie land! So in reality they acknowledge other companies but on T.V. these companies don't exist!

Fantasy land stuff to the brain washed millions of WWE viewers if you ask me!
First of all I haven't actually read this article, because who the hell cares about what Chris Jericho has to say? He's one of the least entertaining guys I've seen in wrestling and the main reason Smackdown permanently lost a viewer a couple of years ago. No one in TNA cares about Chris Jericho so why should their fans listen to what he wants to spout
Chris Jericho is spot on with his comments about TNA.

WWE is this massive global company who tours non stop while TNA is filming majority of their shows in the Impact Zone and whenever TNA does something that WWE does or says anything about WWE, they unknowingly start the comparisons between the two and production wise and everything else, they just show that WWE is the number one by themselves without having to do anything by their comparisons.

There's just so many times when TNA has felt the need to try and give WWE a massive "Fuck You!". The imposter Vince McMahon walking backstage, Bubba Ray holding up a sign saying "Vince Fears TNA", the VKM (<.<) giving a Sweet Chin Music and a Pedigree to another team (can't remember), having numerous wrestlers say how they were held down in WWE so they came to TNA, the Sting return promo similar to Undertaker's etc.

If WWE ever have any mention of TNA, it's the absolute slightest things like Matt Hardy calling Braden Walker a 'Wild Cat" or Kavals little speech about bringing the total nonstop action to NXT. They don't have Dixie Carter impersonators walking around or other stupid shit trying to mock TNA all the time.

He's also right that TNA can do so much better. They have some serious talent in TNA aswell, Machine Guns, AJ, Joe, Kaz, Beer Money, Anderson, Hardys and some others and they really could do it. Vince McMahon put it very well in the Monday Night War DVD, he said during the MNW, he said his philosophy was help yourself, not hurt the other guy and that there are only so many hours in a day, meaning the little time in the day he had he would use to worry about WWF/E.

TNA should really use that approach too. Instead of trying to cut promos on the big bad Vince McMahon, they should focus on what the fans are saying and trying to improve themselves as much as possible.

And who cares what Chris Jericho has to say? He's definately one of the most entertaining guys WWE has ever seen in recent times. Great mic man, good in the ring for the most part and showed that he was more than just the catchphrase spewing, Y2J and could cut some seriously heavy promos while still being entertaining and slightly over the top.

There are people in TNA who care about Chris Jericho because I garantee if Jericho asked Dixie if she'd be interested, I'm pretty sure she'd say yes. They offered Jericho something in 05 when he left the first time but he turned them down because he's a WWE man.
Funny how things have changed or is it just that TNA isn't WWE so they get more flack for doing something than WWE gets.

WWE does skits on live TV making fun of Billionaire Ted, Hogan and others I don't remember all the names because I didn't watch them just heard about them.

They had Gilberg mocking Goldberg.

They had DX which some will say is a copy of NWO showing up outside of a WCW event and calling out the NWO. By the way when TNA did the same thing they got crucified for it.

WWE mentioned WCW all the time and did everyone say Get over it WWE/F it makes you look bush league?

As to people complaining that TNA is always bringing in guys WWE didn't want such as Pope and Anderson. Here's a reminder for them that it doesn't make them bush league. WCW didn't want Mean Mark callous who went on to be The Undertaker, HHH, Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Big Show, RVD and others. Even Kevin Nash was in WCW as Vinnie Vegas and not kept before he became Diesel in the WWE/F. Just because they aren't used in one promotion doesn't mean they can't find their niche in a different promotion. Granted at this time TNA isn't building much but hopefully that will change.

In a way I agree with you and others as I wouldn't mention other promotions but to call it bush league when basically they're just doing what many others did before them isn't right.
Funny how things have changed or is it just that TNA isn't WWE so they get more flack for doing something than WWE gets.

WWE does skits on live TV making fun of Billionaire Ted, Hogan and others I don't remember all the names because I didn't watch them just heard about them.

They had Gilberg mocking Goldberg.

They had DX which some will say is a copy of NWO showing up outside of a WCW event and calling out the NWO. By the way when TNA did the same thing they got crucified for it.

WWE mentioned WCW all the time and did everyone say Get over it WWE/F it makes you look bush league?

As to people complaining that TNA is always bringing in guys WWE didn't want such as Pope and Anderson. Here's a reminder for them that it doesn't make them bush league. WCW didn't want Mean Mark callous who went on to be The Undertaker, HHH, Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Big Show, RVD and others. Even Kevin Nash was in WCW as Vinnie Vegas and not kept before he became Diesel in the WWE/F. Just because they aren't used in one promotion doesn't mean they can't find their niche in a different promotion. Granted at this time TNA isn't building much but hopefully that will change.

In a way I agree with you and others as I wouldn't mention other promotions but to call it bush league when basically they're just doing what many others did before them isn't right.
Just because someone else does something doesn't make it the right thing to do.

Those Billionaire Ted skits and Gillberg, they were amongst the lowlights of the Monday Night Wars. Did people say "that makes you look bush league, WWF?" YES! Anyone over the age of 14 thought those stunts were simple and juvenile.

Chris Jericho is saying that TNA looks bush league because TNA acts bush league, which is pretty much on the money. If I haven't eaten recently, I'll try to watch Impact, and you see exactly what he's talking about. How many guys in TNA look like they're living their dream, being a professional wrestler for the greatest company in the world? Maybe AJ. Maybe.

So long as people respond to comments about TNA with "but the WWE did....", they are always going to look like a 2nd place promotion. It can't be about the WWE, but TNA and their fans choose to make it about the WWE.
Hmmm, who cares what Jericho has to say? What does it matter what Jericho think?

It must matter to many of the performers in TNA and WWE, as he's performed with most of them over the years including Hogan and Flair. It may matter to Bischoff and Russo, who he's also worked under or with.

I'm certain it matters to Vince, who's allowed him to take time and pursue his interests, with the prospect of returning when the time is right. It certainly matters to much of the IWC most of us respect all his work, accompishments and love for the business.

And in this case he's right. You don't have to agree with everything he said but the man has actual experience in the ring and with all parties involved than any person posting in this thread. He isn't cutting TNA down, he's giving criticism.

The fact that you don't agree doesn't make your point any more or less valid, but his being a part of the business longer than some of the posters have been breathing should mean something, agree with it or not.

But in the end he made a lot of good points. Like the rest of us it doesn't mean things will change but he voiced his opinion. Simple as that.
Hmmm, who cares what Jericho has to say? What does it matter what Jericho think?

It must matter to many of the performers in TNA and WWE, as he's performed with most of them over the years including Hogan and Flair. It may matter to Bischoff and Russo, who he's also worked under or with.

I'm certain it matters to Vince, who's allowed him to take time and pursue his interests, with the prospect of returning when the time is right. It certainly matters to much of the IWC most of us respect all his work, accompishments and love for the business.

And in this case he's right. You don't have to agree with everything he said but the man has actual experience in the ring and with all parties involved than any person posting in this thread. He isn't cutting TNA down, he's giving criticism.

The fact that you don't agree doesn't make your point any more or less valid, but his being a part of the business longer than some of the posters have been breathing should mean something, agree with it or not.

But in the end he made a lot of good points. Like the rest of us it doesn't mean things will change but he voiced his opinion. Simple as that.

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