CH David


Kane drinks the Kool-Aid
YOU ROCK! :worship: Keep it up your awesome. This guy right here im a big fan. He made a whole thread about me =] Dont know why hes all over me know i would wish for him to hop off my lap cause i dont hit it from the back. But anyways thanks for all the hate, sorry to have offending anyone and i hope someday you will actually read what i say and you can see i only voice my opinion not the facts. Have a nice day =]
Kids tryin' to pull a Nita, guys. Acting all nicey-nice, and using what I can only assume are smileys.

That's Nita's thing, goddamnit! I will accept no substitutes, unless for some unforseeable reason, I can convince Liz Vicious or Sloane from Blessid Union of Souls to join the forums. So far, both have declined.
Kids tryin' to pull a Nita, guys. Acting all nicey-nice, and using what I can only assume are smileys.

That's Nita's thing, goddamnit! I will accept no substitutes, unless for some unforseeable reason, I can convince Liz Vicious or Sloane from Blessid Union of Souls to join the forums. So far, both have declined.

I assure you i am no child. I was in a bad spot i dont talk about my personal life i have been angry over the last few days about something personal. Its no trick or hoax i am sorry.
I assure you i am no child. I was in a bad spot i dont talk about my personal life i have been angry over the last few days about something personal. Its no trick or hoax i am sorry.

I can't watch Liz Vicious vids anymore because my ex had the exact same body type and it's just depressing.

Sorry for interrupting this lame ass flame fest with a bitch moment. Carry on.
Umm...thanks? I don't know. It's been a long day and I'm tired with the back of my head killing me. I'll read this in the morning and think of something witty.
Umm...thanks? I don't know. It's been a long day and I'm tired with the back of my head killing me. I'll read this in the morning and think of something witty.

There is nothing witty for it, just say im a idiot or a *** everyone else does thanks to you. Sorry for the message i left, shouldnt have sent it. Even JMT thinks i shouldnt be so angry. The caps were also uncalled for as well.
There is nothing witty for it, just say im a idiot or a *** everyone else does thanks to you. Sorry for the message i left, shouldnt have sent it. Even JMT thinks i shouldnt be so angry. The caps were also uncalled for as well.

I'm not for calling people ****. It is stupid in my opinion, but then again, who am I? Moron, maybe. But right now I'm not feeling any resentment or anything. Just a little light headed. Time to go pass out.
Does he? Dewey you hound dog.

Yup. She graduated with my kid brother. Went to church with 'er, too. Sweet girl. I'll see if I can't work on getting Little Lupe/Lupe Fuentes on here. We follow eachother on Twitter, ya know. Oh, maybe I'll get my girl Bif Naked all up on this site. She can teach us what a real sXe believer is.
I now officially love Dewey due to the information learned in this thread.

Which information? I've made no secrets about my knowing Liz. Is that massive name dropping I just did? Believe me when I say, Bif would school each and every one of the so-called "straight-edge" posters who come on here preaching to everyone else, about how they're better.

On a side note: Bif just DM'd me, to see if I got my copy of I,Bificus (autographed by her and her dog Nicklas) in the mail yet. Sadly, I have not.

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