Bubba/D-Von split?

Goliath Uterus

Getting Noticed By Management
In the past couple a weeks here, Bubba has been feuding with 1/2 of Ink Inc. who's name is escaping me right now (who cares he sucks anyway). Lately D-Von has been opposed to the feud and especially the way Bubba is going about furthering the feud, it has been hinted that they will split up. Does anyone else think this is stupid? I think that they have enough singles guys, enough guys that they NEED to push but they wanna go ahead with this stupid little feud, they should stay as a tag team. Am i wrong that they are hinting at a split? Do you guys think they should split? Think they should stay together? Give me your thoughts y'all.
In the past couple a weeks here, Bubba has been feuding with 1/2 of Ink Inc. who's name is escaping me right now (who cares he sucks anyway). Lately D-Von has been opposed to the feud and especially the way Bubba is going about furthering the feud, it has been hinted that they will split up. Does anyone else think this is stupid? I think that they have enough singles guys, enough guys that they NEED to push but they wanna go ahead with this stupid little feud, they should stay as a tag team. Am i wrong that they are hinting at a split? Do you guys think they should split? Think they should stay together? Give me your thoughts y'all.

I never believe in splitting tag teams that have been together for so long. Road Warriors, Midnight Express, Rock N' Roll Express and other major tag teams don't benefit from splitting up. The reason most of those guys are together anyway is due to them not being able to get over on their own. Brother D-Von ring a bell? Exactly. Wasn't over at all...and Bubba Ray wasn't even in the picture.

I won't go as far as saying it's 'stupid', but it's not the right thing to do. Leave the Dudleyz alone.
I think they should stay together they are the best tag team ever IMO and they are the great for tna. i also would hate to see them split because they are not good singles guys IMO and u cant have one guy with out the other it would be weird.
I never believe in splitting tag teams that have been together for so long. The reason most of those guys are together anyway is due to them not being able to get over on their own. Brother D-Von ring a bell? Exactly. Wasn't over at all.

Exactley, these two guys are an established Tag Team that have been around for years, they can't get over on their own and after this fiasco with I that scrawny mowhawk guy (dammit whats his name) they wouldnt know what to do with either guys as a singles wrestler. They need to keep the Dudleyz together and move on.
First off, his name is Jesse Neal.

On the subject of them splitting up, I agree with what everyone has said in that it's a bad idea. I can't think of any senario where either one of them would be interesting as singles competitors. They're a unit that works well (very well) together. The whole Dudley/3D gimmick has always been them as these ass whoopin brothers. To split them would require each to have some kind of individual persona, which I feel they both are exremely lacking.
The Dudleys are the greatest team currently. They should stay together
their singles runs were horrible. I've seen reports that Devon whats to go back to the WWE even if it's only as a agent.

Them splitting could be away to write him out in a storyline. They need to freshen up their team .
Not a good idea at all. Like The Lariat said, when WWE tried this, it was just horrid. Please, let's not even think that this is going to happen. Just, No!
The only time a tag-team should be split up is when plans are in effect to push either or both as singles wrestlers where one or both are capable of fulfilling said potential.

That said, I agree with the general sentiments that splitting even the over-exposed Team 3D is not a good idea if only because neither Devon nor Ray would benefit in the long-run from it.
The only time a tag-team should be split up is when plans are in effect to push either or both as singles wrestlers where one or both are capable of fulfilling said potential.

That said, I agree with the general sentiments that splitting even the over-exposed Team 3D is not a good idea if only because neither Devon nor Ray would benefit in the long-run from it.

A good example of the out come is what happened when WWE split them up, a year later they left and went independent until joining TNA.
Seriously when they split the first time in WWE you had Bubba Ray and Reverend D-von I mean I could see a slight split, a feud with Neal, a match or two with Bubba and D-von but they honestly would have to get back together otherwise they're essentially useless singlely.

normally I would go into more detail, but honestly why bother its about as bad of an idea as Scott Hall wearing the tights he had from WCW.
I don't think they'll split...they were clearly meant to be together...They tried singles competition and it never worked...I don't think they will split however..
An absolutely terrible idea. I can't imagine any good that would come from splitting them up. Neither can get over as singles competitors and the last time I saw D-Von try a singles match I had to change the channel. They are suited for tag wrestling, leave them that way.
If they split them up, it'll probably be the worst idea ever. It won't work and it's not realistic. Neither of them can have singles matches.
If they split them up, it'll probably be the worst idea ever. It won't work and it's not realistic. Neither of them can have singles matches.

If Im not mistaken Bubba had a little run as a singles competitor and it was going somewhere until he dropped HHH due to some freak problem with his arm. And if I remember correctly, it got over while it lasted. I personally think Bubba showed he had the ability, hes just a better draw in a tag with D-Von. Doesnt mean he cant work or couldnt draw as a single.

As for splitting them up? Not for me. If they're gonna be on TV at all it should be together.
Well, considering that they've gone from heel to face about a dozen times the past year, splitting them up would just be the topper on the cake with this regime.
i dont think they will 'split up' but definatly settle there differences at a PPV. i mean, it might not be pretty to look at, but who wouldnt want to c it happen just once, then go back to tag-team.

They gotta have something other than chasing the tag titles.

and now that the thing with the band is fizzling out, we might as well have a D-Von vs. Bubba match.
They did this in 2002 and it was a failure. The Dudley Boyz were born to be a tag team and splitting them up won't be a success. I think D-Von would be better at singles competition than Bubba but it'll be hard for them to stay over individually rather than a tag team.
Splitting the Dudleyz up would be a foolish move in my view. If that's what's going to happen, then maybe Bubba and D-Von out to just retire and get it over with. They've been a tag team for so long that I don't think anyone is going to buy them as anything else. In fact, they've been a team almost the entire length of their careers and the only things that either has accomplished that's worth a damn has been as a team.

As singles wrestlers, Bubba and D-Von are crap. The WWE split them up and any usefullness either guy had to offer was quickly stamped out. When it comes to tag team unity, the Dudleyz are in a league with The Road Warriors and The Rock n' Roll Express. They really only work well when they're together. One without the other is like a man missing his right arm.
Splitting the Dudleyz up would be a foolish move in my view. If that's what's going to happen, then maybe Bubba and D-Von out to just retire and get it over with. They've been a tag team for so long that I don't think anyone is going to buy them as anything else. In fact, they've been a team almost the entire length of their careers and the only things that either has accomplished that's worth a damn has been as a team.

As singles wrestlers, Bubba and D-Von are crap. The WWE split them up and any usefullness either guy had to offer was quickly stamped out. When it comes to tag team unity, the Dudleyz are in a league with The Road Warriors and The Rock n' Roll Express. They really only work well when they're together. One without the other is like a man missing his right arm.

Bingo, except your analogy is a little off. A man missing his right arm isn't necessarily a bad thing. What if he was born left-handed? I doubt he'd miss it that much.

I'd say it's more along the lines of a man born right-handed who loses his right arm and subsequently tries (and fails) to *********e with his left. The success rate would be staggeringly low, I'd imagine, and the entire process would likely fail from the get-go. ;)
Bingo, except your analogy is a little off. A man missing his right arm isn't necessarily a bad thing. What if he was born left-handed? I doubt he'd miss it that much.

I'd say it's more along the lines of a man born right-handed who loses his right arm and subsequently tries (and fails) to *********e with his left. The success rate would be staggeringly low, I'd imagine, and the entire process would likely fail from the get-go. ;)


Seriously, seriously bad idea:banghead: Jeff Hardy refers to TNA as being the alternative in promos for next years Maximum iMPACT tour of the UK. One area they can kick WWe butt is Tag... MCMG, Beer Money, Gen Me, Ink Inc, reformed LAX, reformed British Invasion, possible reformed World's Greatest Tag Team, even the frickin Band and the crown jewel- Team 3D (and on the subject why have WWe or TNA not signed up the Briscoes yet:shrug:). Ric Flair: "To be the man, you have to beat the man"... when it comes to Tag Wrestling in the noughties Team 3D is the man. Heel or face, the crowd pops for these two. Not even taking into account the failure of splitting them first time round, where in the hell would they slot into the already over crowded singles scene? If you do find slots, how do you characterise them? Overcome both them probs, what sort of matches can you put two overweight wrestlers in without the rest periods of tagging?
I think people are looking the worst possible option here. I seriously doubt they will split them up. I think this will be a way for Team 3D to go back to heels with Devon at Slammiversary attacking Neal and siding Ray. Yeah they have flip flopped but I think 3D is better as a heel team than face.
I think people are looking the worst possible option here. I seriously doubt they will split them up. I think this will be a way for Team 3D to go back to heels with Devon at Slammiversary attacking Neal and siding Ray. Yeah they have flip flopped but I think 3D is better as a heel team than face.

I agree with schizo here, this feels like an attempt to put Ink Inc over as faces and the tag division is slightly face heavy at the moment. Also, if speculation is right and the Team Angle reforms they'll need a top line heel team to face and who better than 3D?
I'll try the best equating this the best way I can.

Take an (American) football team and split up the offense and the defense. Tell them they have to work both parts of the game themselves and send them out there and watch them fail.

These guys are built for tag wrestling. They can't get over without each other and would fail to do anything of note at this point in their careers anyhow. Splitting them would probably kill their careers unless they were stuck back together real fast like. Right now they're just having a little fight and nothing too serious and will be cool after this whole feud is over.
Been done before and it only semi worked for one of them.
Bubba Ray is nothing without D'Von.

and D'Von is barely anything by himself as it is. Least when he's on his own he had some mic skills, but it didn't last long. They split and almost immedately D'Von was mentoring the future Batista. Meanwhile Bubba was doing what? i can't even remember. Thats how impactfull he was

Teams can split as has been said when it's time for the guys or girls to go on there own and being together isn't benefiting either of them or one is just holding the other back.

ie the Rockers split, Shawn was way ahead of Marty and being together would've done nothing for Shawn and was only holding him back from breaking through to singles fame.

Same could be said for the Hart Foundation, it served no purpose for them to stay together any longer, Bret was clearly in a league of his own and ready to go for singles gold without needing backup heat/cheers by being part of a team.

in the case of the Dudley's one again, it's irrelevant, they aren't IT anymore, they haven't been IT for a long time and singly they are hopeless, but they are still an actual "tag team" so breaking them up isn't gonna achieve anything other than taking an actual team out of the Tag ranks.
They both suck as singles competitors, it was tried and it FAILED majorly. The whole enjoyment of the Dudleyz is how well they work together, and their double-team moves like the 3D and the WASSSSUP headbutt. Could you really imagine seeing either Bubba or D'Von in singles competion and know that there is no chance of a 3D??? It would be crap

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