Bryan's Title Future

If He Recovers, Should He Be Champion Again At Some Point?

  • YES!!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!

  • NO!!!!! NO!!!!! NO!!!!!

  • SHRUG!!!!! SHRUG!!!!! SHRUG!!!!! - Depends Upon His Recovery

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Daniel Bryan's journey to finally becoming WWE World Heavyweight Champion was the central theme of WrestleMania XXX. After being "screwed" out of the title in various ways since SummerSlam, Bryan finally delivered the feel good moment in what will be a classic WrestleMania moment. However, it's been a rollercoaster of a year for Bryan with a couple of major highs and major lows.

Becomes WWE World Heavyweight Champion at WrestleMania XXX
Gets married to Brie Bella

His father passes away 10 days after his wedding
Under goes a cervical foraminotomy to decompress the nerve root that eventually forces the WWE to vacate the championship

According to various reports, Bryan's overall status is up in the air. His recovery is going slower than expected and some reports have stated that, as of a week or so ago, he was actually losing strength in one of his arms rather than gaining. Bryan has wrestled a very physical style over the course of his 15 year career, leading some to theorize that he may need to alter it to some degree.

If he's able to return at 100% healthy, alterations to his style or not, do you want Bryan to regain the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at some point?
I'd love to see him recapture it and go on a successful run as champion. I however do not want to see his wife in his corner or any program with Kane. I just hope if and when he comes back he isn't pushed through a long drawn out obstacle to regain the championship.
I can go one way or the other -- for me, Bryan reached the top of the mountain. It's not important that he stays there. He SHOULD be a perennial underdog who sometimes makes it all the way to the top, but he's not going to be a dominant champion just doesn't suit his character, IMO. So if he makes it to Summer Slam, for instance, I could see him going over Lesnar, or I could see Lesnar destroying him. Either way could work, but the long term outlook for Bryan is that he should probably spend more of his time chasing the World Title (and respect), than he should spend holding the World Title.
Of course he should be champion again if he regains his strength & returns at 100%, he shouldn't return at all until he is fully at 100% anyway. The guy was mega-over at WM, and continued to be over afterwards. The only thing was he was thrown into a pretty lame feud with Kane/Brie/Steph that nobody really wanted to see (although their ER match was entertaining, that's where it should have ended). I'd be willing to bet that he'll be just as over as he was pre-WM upon his return, considering he is now stripped of the title he worked so hard to get due to a series of unfortunate events.

In reality, this time off may have been for the better. Let him fully rest so he can come back better than ever. When he comes back, his pop will be tremendous, and a good portion of the fans will want him back in the title picture immediately. There could be a few ways to do this, though. If he comes back between now and SS, have the Authority keep him from getting near it until after SS, in which case Lesnar could be champ by defeating whomever wins at MitB (my bet is Cesaro). Then have Lesnar & Bryan feud, leading to Bryan winning after a brutal match at Survivor Series or Night of Champions. Maybe even not until the Rumble, depending on when he gets back. Then he can go on to feud with Cena, leading to a title match at WM 31.

If he isn't able to come back until at the Rumble, there is no time for that Lesnar feud. Still have him beat Cesaro at SS like before, but now have Cena run into the title mix. At the Rumble (or before), Cena can win the title from Lesnar, then Bryan can make a surprise return at the Rumble, win it, thus setting up the Cena/Bryan WM 31 title match in a different fashion.

If they end up having an actual MitB match aside from the ladder match, then things could play out differently. But there has been no word on WWE T.V. (that I've heard) of them doing that yet, so I'm going to pretend they're not. Either way, if Bryan can make a 100% return, then he should 100% make his way back into the title picture. Whether that's immediately, or slowly as he pushes through obstacles again, depends on how/when he returns.
In the words of SCSA Oh Hell Yah!! Depends on his recovery of course.. I love Daniel Bryan,his rise to the top will be forever etched in the memories of his fans and family.. He also wrestles a very physical style,which probably led to his needing surgery. Its just a damn shame that this title run was interrupted due to his injury..

This has been one helluva of a year,for him.. Wins the title,marries his wife,Lows Father Passes and he vacates the title due to injury.. Of course at some point he should regain the title and go on to have his long overdue reign as champion..

But If his injury is going slower than expected,losing strength in his right arm is not a good sign.. Im wondering if his neck is worse than we all think it is. I hope thats not the case
Absolutely. Daniel Bryan overcame so much from Summerslam 2013 up unttil Wrestlemania 30. He's become very popular with the fans and could main event for the rest of his career. Bryan's win at Wrestlemania 30 was the moment of a lifetime and this title reign should have been a lengthy one, had it not been for his injury. Once he is at 100% he should still be given a chance to have a lengthy title run that he deserves. One that's even longer than CM Punk's was. He could feud with Cena again, Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns, maybe revisit the feuds with Sheamus or Orton too. There's plenty to work with. There is literally no reason to not put him back into the world title tier once he is back to a full 100% recovery.

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