Bruno: Take your rightful place amongst Immortals!


The Doctor Of Veganomics!!! released some info on next years HOF plans, and they include "The Living Legend" Bruno Sammartino. I for one hope that he and Vince can get on the same page and put closure to Bruno's allustrious career. Nothing would be better than to have Bruno in the HOF after the career he's had. Bruno Sammartino means so much to professional wrestling and to this day holds the record for the longest WWWF/WWF/E championship reign in history...twice! Bruno sold out more shows in MSG than any other wrestler/superstar in the history of the buisness, facing and turning back challengers such as: Stan Hansen, Haystacks Calhoun, Killer Kowalski, Gorilla Monsoon, and many more. He also had legendary battles with Superstar Billy Graham, Ivan Koloff and made the other "Living Legend" Larry Zybysko a star through their epic rivalry. Bruno will always hold a special place in the hearts of New York wrestling fans. As annoying and entertaining as it is, there is always an old timer who butts in to my wrestling conversation wherever I am and whomever I am talking to, to remind me, "Those guys weren't real wrestlers! Bruno was a real wrestler! He was the greatest wrestler I've ever seen!" No matter who I was talking about at the time, (Angle, Austin, Hogan, Rock), to these old timers, Bruno would kick their ass!:worship:

I'm drifting off here...sorry, Bruno holds a special place in my heart too. He was one of my fathers favorites!:worship:
Anyway, Bruno should have been the FIRST....FIRST man inducted into the Hall. Andre was the first because he died and Vince had an idea to preserve his memory through a HOF induction, sorry, nothing against Andre but that's reality. Does it sound like I'm marking out for Da' Brune? Well I am. As much as the HOF is a work and full of politics and goofballs who are undeserving, I think Vince inducting Bruno will bring some credibility, prestige and integrity back to the HOF. Enough time has been wasted, Bruno and Vince have to come together as men, squash their problems and do whats right for the fans....

IWC, this is a thread! Positive or negative what are your thoughts?
I do think Bruno should be in the Hall. It would be nice to see Bruno and Vince to bury the hatchet. It would also be great too, he will get inducted in NYC/NJ, where he made wrestling history. Bruno should been along side with Andre to be in the first class of the Hall of Fame. I think Vince should get Bob Backlund in also. For me as a Macho fan, he needs to talk to Lanny and get Macho in! Bruno, Backlund, and Macho should be in!
They aren't going to bury the hatchet. Bruno hates Vince and hates the WWE. He thinks Vince has done horrible unforgivable sins.
I would love to see Bruno in, and I agree that he should have been the first one in. I don't think it's going to happen though. Everytime I hear Bruno talk he finds some way to say something negative about Vince and the WWE. He may even be justified in doing so, but I just can't see him and Vince burying the hatchet to get him in.
I've got some bad news. The Observer got a message from one of Bruno's reps saying Bruno's declined the induction again. :(
The Observer got a message from one of Bruno's reps saying Bruno's declined the induction again.

Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees. The old jerk thinks he's making a statement by standing up for his principles? It's a short-sighted view; I wonder if Bruno's sport of professional wrestling would even be around if not for Vince McMahon and the enormous changes he's made to the business. If not for McMahon, would Bruno's profession have even survived, much less reached the international level it's attained?

Sure, wrestling would still be in existence, playing in Bingo halls and junior high school gyms, but would there even be big-time wrestling? I wonder.

Additionally, if Bruno is holding onto his stubborn-ass attitude to show his disapproval, I ask this: what about us? What about the fans? What about those many folks who remember his career and the careers of his counterparts? If he doesn't want to go into the Hall for himself, can't he do it for the many people who want to honor him as a link to pro wrestling's past?

It isn't just about Bruno. I get the feeling he'll eventually go into the Hall the same way Randy Savage will......posthumously.

Too bad.....for all of us.

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