Brock Lesnar


U mad bro?!
Seeing as Brock Lesnar is now having a 'MMA fighter' gimmick in WWE, I want to ask something. Do you think the WWE could possibly give a better gimmick to Lesnar? And who do you think Lesnar should face after his feud with Triple H?
I think being a legitimate former Heavyweight Champion in the world's largest combat organization is enough of a 'gimmick', don't you? It sells itself.

We'll probably see Orton/Lesnar at Survivor Series, maybe Punk/Lesnar if Orton's in the doghouse. Then Undertaker/Lesnar at Wrestlemania, assuming they're still dragging 'Taker out once a year at that point.
It's not totally a gimmick. He IS an MMA fighter. Former UFC Heavyweight Champion. To be fair, he's probably a better fighter than he ever was a "wrestler". So bringing him in with this "I'm the only legitimate force this company has ever seen" thing is actually, well...mostly true. They say art imitates life, and this is probably the most real-life gimmick a guy's been given... How many other WWE Superstars have gone on to be legitimate tough guys with Lesnar's kind of record, and then come back to what brought them to the dance? In fact, if he didn't have so few dates it'd probably be a great gimmick that could produce some fantastic feuds. If there's anybody in WWE's history that knows how to come in, raise hell in a short period of time, and's Brock Lesnar.

As for his next opponent post-Triple H, I'm honestly not sure he's going to have one until whoever his WrestleMania opponent is. So, the Rock, Steve Austin, or the Undertaker. So far as I know, he doesn't have to fight anybody else. His match with Triple H puts us at the tail end of the summer, and with his limited dates I'd be surprised if we see him at Survivor Series or the Royal Rumble. It's a shame, and I'm more annoyed with his return than I am happy about it.
Yep after Brock has finished fueding with HHH , whats next? Not much i'm afraid. He will come back and face Triple H and use some of his 1 year appearences for that.

Not sure how many dates he has left now, was it 2 a month when he signed his contract? He may take a few more appearences (for some extra money) who knows.

Can't see Brock fueding with anyone like Ziggler, Punk or Bryan i reckon they will use his dates to fued with either Rock, Taker or even Cena again at WM29. Road to WM will probably take up 6-8 of his dates. If this is the case another question is how do they write Brock off TV after his HHH fued?
"MMA Fighter" isn't a gimmick. He is a legit UFC fighter. Brock Lesnar doesn't need a gimmick.

Brock Lesnar should fued with Rock at Survivor Series and Steve Austin at Wrestlemania.
Well, when Brock came out and hit Cena with that F-5 the night after Wrestlemania, I was going crazy. I was such a giant Lesnar fan during his first run and imagined him coming back in his original attire.
Then seeing him at Extreme thanks. It's so different. Just odd. I wish he'd return to original form.
I don't think his attire really makes a big deal. They just need to portray the "Ass-Kicker" that was being promoted. Just a simple killing machine will work for Lesnar.

You can put in a singlet, shorts, or the tight leotard he had. Attire doesn't matter for that guy.

What I don't like, is how they are building Triple H vs. Lesnar. I think him and Cena would of had some great bouts. Didn't really liked how it just ended like that. Here, you had good a feud between Lesnar and Cena, then BAM! We are talking about Triple H vs. Lesnar.

Lesnar will job to Triple H, and make Lesnar 0-2 since he returned to WWE. Just really fly well. The guy Lesnar should face after this feud should be the big show. Yes, I know that sounds silly, but let me explain.

The Big Show can come out, and tell Brock he got a sweet deal, because you couldn't get the job done. He can talk about how Cena beat Lesnar, it took 6 men to help Cena Survive.

He can go on, on how he is over-rated, and how Lesnar doesn't really need to be here. Cause he is here. He can legitimize the company. Yea, it might make Lesnar go face, but those two can have a good feud. They had a good history when they worked. Plus, the WWE wants to get the Big Show over again. Why not use Lesnar?
I think he hould stay with his old Gimmick.

As far as his next feud is concerned, It could be something to do with all of the remainding Heyman guys; Lesnar, punk, ecw guys, austin and yes...The Undertaker(WCW).

They could feud with Cena for not wanting him at the top anymore; We could see an Austin and Cena face off, Cena vs Taker (a proper match), Lesnars Vegenance, ECW guys giving him a proper fight and Punk could turn face so we an see Punk teaming with Cena afterward so he could then feud with Brock. Maybe more people like Orton and Triple H can get involved to back up Cena and Punk...Who Knows?:worship:
Is there any need for a gimmick?

Everyone knows who he is, he can just be himself.

I'd love to see Lesnar v Punk. CM Punk is the best when it comes to getting under someone's skin and I feel that Lesnar is at his best when he is angry. It would fit nicely. It's unlikely though, as long as Lesnar is with WWE, they're going to put him up against the biggest names available. The Rock or Undertaker or even a rematch with Cena could very well happen after HHH.
He's only gonna be here a year (with very limited dates) and then he's gone. Why bother with a new gimmick? Brock doesn't need a personality change. He was a guy who dominated for two years in the WWE, went to UFC and dominated, and now has come back to WWE (at the request of others) to dominate again. That's enough of a 'gimmick' for me.

As for his next opponent, no clue. Other than Rock or Undertaker at Wrestlemania, Punk, Orton and Sheamus are the only other people I could see him fighting at any point.
I think right now the gimmick is good for him as it is not really a gimmick. The man is a former UFC champ. If his tv time wasn't so limited I think he could have had some good feuds using that as a point to drive into his opponents. I personally would like to see him feud with Punk, and if Orton comes back and keeps his position I think we will see him feud with Lesner to.
Lesnars gimmick is fine really and he has a look and size that reads "kill 4 fun". HHH vs Lesnar is just to draw "million of dollaz" for the big ppv and im praying Brock wins. Brock needs this win to come off as a monster heel and maybe a Brock vs Orton would be good too. I would use the littlre time he has to build him as a monster and ultimately put over Punk/Sheamus? they cud really use it.

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