Brett Favre...Retires AGAIN?!?!


I Am The One Who Knocks
Yes he has said it again, thank god its been a long time since he said he would retire. Nope...wait, it was last year. 17 Seasons with the Green Bay Packers, 1 with the New York Jets. A numerous time MVP, he has many records including most passing touchdowns. Now once again he retires. Crying like a blubbering fool. Yes he was a great player, and yes he has done alot more than anyone will. But at 39 years of age, he is now too old to do anything of note. It's time for him to retire and mean it. I hope he stays retired so I don't have to see his old ass on the gridiron anymore. Yes he was an amazing player in his time, but now he has nothing more to offer at all to any team, save for maybe the Lions...

What about you? Are you glad hes retired? Do you think he will stay retired? Hopefully he does, and all I can say is good riddance...The Fucking Roger Clemens of football.
I'm glad he retired again yes. He didn't have a bad season but it wasn't great. This is reminiscent of Emmitt Smith, minus the first retirement. He went to another team, did okay there, and is retiring. It's good that he didn't hang it up after the 4-12 season. He went out after turning a team around and that's about as good as he could have hoped for.

His legacy actually took a pretty big blow. I follow very little NFL football, but Brett Farve's legacy was massive. When he retired, I was like, well there goes one of the best the NFL had. But then he did my least favourite thing ever, he came back from retirement. Clemens did it, ruined his legacy, Hasek did it in the NHL, and so forth. You retire, you get that last high note, and it should be over. Don't come back and ruin it. (Wow, switch Fauve to Ric Flair and you get the similar point).
I dont understand why he would retire after just 1 season with another team (a season in which he did much better than most ppl expected he would do). I mean, I would have wanted him to permanently retire last season, but instead he comes back, and now retires after one more seemingly pointless season..why? If anything, I would have wanted him to come back again for the Jets to see what he could do, but now he's retirred again! I'm fed up with Favrey.
This dissapoints me, since I am a Jets fan (i live in NJ =) Chad and Eli were actually my favorite players, and then Chad just stopped throwing well. I shit in my pants when he started to do bad, because it was like an end of an era for me. Damn it, and I get Favre's jersey 30 minutes before he retires. "WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST RETIRE TOMORROW?!" is what i thought to myself.
I don't understand why so many people react negatively when a player comes out of retirement or "holds on too long".

It's up to him what he wants to do, what he feels like doing, if he gets that notion to want to play ball again and has the talent to still play at a level above most other quarterbacks in the league and a team is willing to sign him and pay him money.. then why the hell not?

It shouldn't hurt a players career if they decide to play too long or come out of retirement, let the man do what he feels is best for him and his family. I'm a football fanatic, and a player, I bleed football. And I know it would be hard as hell for me to hang up my pads, and even when I made that decision to do so i'd do it with reserve. If a team came calling, wanting me back and was willing to pay me, then i'd come back and play because I love the game.

Brett Favre loves the game of football, when you love something you cling to it and never want to let it go. I don't blame him for coming back, and if he comes back again I won't blame him for that. He's a hall of famer, and in my book his legacy can't be tarnished just because he decides to play ball a little longer.

And for the poster who said he cried like a baby during his Packers retirement, of course he did! Are men not allowed to show emotion? The Packers hold a very special place in his life, as do the owners and players he has played with, he gave his heart and soul to that franchise and loved those fans. Just because he came back with another team doesn't mean what he felt at that moment wasn't real, or was somewhat cheapened.

And i'm not even a Favre fan.
There's no denying that last season wasn't one of Favre's best, but I wouldn't call it a failure. He did vastly improve the Jets, and had them in the playoff hunt until the end. If he never had the "Will he, or won't he" drama, I'd have no complaints about it.

However, he did. And, as a result of all the drama surrounding it, people were expecting huge things, and he didn't deliver. His legacy would not have taken a hit if he just moved on to New York, and retired now, instead of retiring, only to come back 3 weeks before the season began.

I don't think he'll be returning, and I hope I'm right. The Jets will either go with Clemmens at Quarterback, or will move on to a veteran, or pick someone up in the draft. There's no other teams in desperate need of a Quarterback, so Favre's best option is to ride of into the sunset, and take hs first ballot Hall of Fame induction with him.
Thank God Farve finally retired. This man should not have ever come back last year. It was not even a matter of his skills or not. It was more a matter of principle and now Farve has learned that the right thing to do is leave the game while he still has some dignity. He still has many fans and many people still look up to him but his legacy will not truly be upheld unless he stays away from the game for at least a year and then and only then can his reputation recover after last years debacle.

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