Book Summerslam


Championship Contender
Fantasy booking 4 months out is usually something reserved for WrestleMania, but why not give the same love to SummerSlam? The event is taking on a lot of the same week-long features that were once exclusive to WrestleMania, and as this year's event is hailing from New York (Brooklyn, to be exact), I expect the WWE to pull out a number of stops to give it a special feel.

Here's my fantasy booking... which, likely will seem ridiculous and out of place by August. Feel free to book your own card, too.

John Cena vs. The Undertaker WWE Championship
They wanted to have this match at WrestleMania, but Cena's injury forced them to adjust. My guess is that the plan still calls for Cena and The Undertaker to wrestle at 'Mania, but why not start the backstory early? A win by Cena could lead to The Undertaker seeking revenge in a WrestleMania program. They could even go to the Shawn Michaels route, wherein the desire for a re-match eats at The Undertaker so much that he puts his career on the line in order for Cena to accept...

Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins vs. Balor, Gallows, Anderson
I think most believe that Balor is coming to the main roster soon, and that the Gallows/Anderson program is leading to a swerve wherein they turn on Styes, allowing for Balor to lead the new stable. A program can be made of that in May and June until the Balor Club (the assumed name, right?) sets their sights on Roman Reigns.

The logic behind this is that Rollins is going to be cheered upon his return, so they should just book for that. A mini-Shield reunion would accomplish this. Additionally, a Shield reunion might drown out some of the Reigns hatred for a bit, allowing him a bit of a fresh start. Thirdly, a second Rollins turn (or even an Ambrose turn) could plant the seeds for a triple threat match at WrestleMania between the three. And lastly, if the Shield is booked simply to plant seeds for a future match down the line, then it allows Balor Club to go over in a major program.

Cesaro vs Kevin Owens IC Championship
I can't imagine the WWE is going to put Cesaro into an IC Title program and not give him the belt. So this is basically just finding the best opponent for him And for my money, that's Kevin Owens. This might be the most physical match on the entire card.

Baron Corbin vs Kalisto US Championship
I just see Corbin having a big summer that eventually leads to him winning one of the midcard belts. As for Kalisto, the guy is being booked as the next Rey Mysterio, a luchador with international appeal who can sell masks to kids. If you're going to keep booking the guy to be an underdog, why not keep putting him against monsters like Corbin? Just makes sense to me

Enzo/Cass vs. The Vaudvillians vs. The New Day Tag Team Championship
These are the three teams, I believe, that are going to battle back and forth for the tag straps all summer long.

Charlotte vs Sasha Banks Women's Championship
Given that Banks wasn't pinned at WrestleMania, and that Ric Flair interfered with her during the match's conclusion, it makes the most logical sense for Banks to be challenging for the belt at Payback. I'll give the WWE the benefit of the doubt that the loss in logic is due a desire to put the strap on Banks at a bigger event. And SummerSlam is that bigger event.

Brock Lesnar vs Bray Wyatt
It's coming, right? The WWE has teased this match for a few months now, starting at The Rumble and continuing through Road Block. Most thought it would happen at WrestleMania, but my best bet is that it happens in August.

Randy Orton vs AJ Styles
Provided the WWE runs the angle where Gallows/Anderson turn on Styles, this one is easy. Orton could call out Styles and remind him of a time when he was turned on by the most dominant faction in pro wrestling due to his star shining a little too bright. Once has AJ on his side, Orton can attack Styles, screaming that he learned from his experiences, but that AJ clearly hasn't... This sets up a nice easy program for Styles following a summer where he'll likely put over Balor.

Sami Zayn vs Dolph Ziggler
This one is really just for the fans. Give these guys 10-15 minutes to open the show, and the place should be pretty hot. There doesn't even need to be a backstory, in my opinion.

Miz vs Ryback
Maryse is back and going to be starring on Total Divas. So there's no way Miz gets left off this card. He'll be on it, if for no other reason than to get footage of Maryse.

Kane, Big Show, vs League of Nations
This is a pre-show match designed to give the League of Nations something to do. I'm not terribly high on the group, but there really is too much talent between the three of them to be left out completely. Pitting them against Kane and Show allows for them to go over pretty easily.

Nataylia, Becky Lynch, Bayley vs Paige, Emma, Naomi
Too many amazing women on the card to leave them off. I see this as a pre-show match. And yes, I see Paige turning heel shortly as the list of faces currently overwhelms the list of heels in the women's division.
Roman Reigns (c) vs Seth Rollins vs John Cena vs AJ Styles

Brock Lesnar vs Bray Wyatt

Randy Orton vs Kevin Owens

Cesaro (c) vs Baron Corbin

Charlotte (c) vs Sasha Banks

New Day (c) vs Bullet Club

Ryback (c) vs Apollo Crews

Uso's, Lucha Dragons, Enzo & Cass vs The Dudleys, The Vaudevillains, Social Outcasts(Axle and Slater)


Sami Zayn vs The Miz

Paige vs Becky Lynch vs Natalya
I like fantasy booking, I realize that the actual card won't be anything like mine but here is mine anyways, in the fantasy booking I have split up the League of Nations as they were awful I would have Gallows and Anderson join with Styles but they still do their own thing, here is my card:

1) Natalya Vs Paige Vs Becky Lynch Naomi
Diva's Title Number One Contenders Fatal Four Way Match. This kicks of the pre-show with Paige winning OR Natalya and going on to face the winner of the Diva's Title match.

2) Enzo & Cass Vs Dudley Boyz Vs Uso's Vs The Vaudevillains Vs Golden Truth Vs The Ascensions Vs Slater & Axel
Number One Contenders Tag Team Turmoil Match. Another #1 contenders match, I would give this one to Enzo and Cass, it would be a good match with lots of spots.

Main Card

1) Ryback Vs Apollo Crews
Singles Match. I would have this kick of the show with Ryback getting a much needed win here.

2) Cesaro (C) Vs Aj Styles
Intercontinental Title Match. Cesaro wins the title from the Miz at Payback and Styles is riding high in WWE with a lot of momentum, Cesaro hold onto the title here and puts on an instant classic, they would have a rematch at NOC with Styles finally winning the title and have Cesaro move onto bigger things hopefully.

3) Kevin Owens Vs Sami Zayn
No DQ Singles Match. I would save this match for Summerslam with Owens winning MITB screwing Zayn out of it in the process, finally these two square off in the ring with Owens getting the win with a power bomb through the table.

4) Charlotte (C) Vs Sasha Banks
Women's Title Match. These two finally square off one on one with Banks winning a tournament to get here, they put on a great performance with Banks winning the match and the title.

5) Sheamus Vs Rusev Vs Alberto Del Rio
Number One Contenders Intercontinental Title Triple Threat Match. This gives something for all three men to do with the winner getting a future shot at the IC title the next night on Raw, I would give this one to Rusev to give him so momentum again.

6) Kalisto (C) Vs Baron Corbin Vs Dolph Ziggler Vs Miz Vs Neville Vs Luke Harper
United States Title Six Pack Challenge Match. Kalisto holds onto the title till Summerslam, have this mean something big with 5 other guys wanting a shot at the title, give the win here to Corbin and build him up as a big thing.

7) The New Day (C) (with Xavier Woods) Vs Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson
World Tag Team Title Match. Give the win to Gallows and Anderson here with help from Styles & Balor, this would be a great back and fourth match with the heels finally winning the match and the straps.

8) Brock Lesnar Vs Bray Wyatt
Singles Match. Have these two FINALLY face off against each other and give Wyatt the much needed win.

9) The Undertaker Vs John Cena
Singles Match. These two should face off here and give the win to anyone here, I think it would be a good match.

10) Roman Reigns (C) Vs Seth Rollins Vs Dean Ambrose
Wwe World Heavyweight Title Triple Threat Match. Rollins comes back from his injury to a huge chorus of cheers, Ambrose wants a shot at the title and goes against Rollins to see who should get a shot with the match ending in a double count out. Reigns starts to show signs of being a cocky heel, finally the three men who were once brothers get it on with Reigns retaining the title pinning Ambrose in the process thanks to outside interference possibly from Kevin Owens and the Authority.

The aftermath of this would be Styles wins the IC title from Cesaro at the next ppv, Taker and Cena have a second match at HIAC and possibly a blow off match at Mania, Owens is billed as the next best thing for the Authority and possibly strikes up a partnership with a now heel Roman Reigns Bullet Club continue to dominate the tag team scenes.
WWE World Heavyweight Title:
AJ Styles vs. Roman Reigns (c) vs. Finn Balor
Winner: Roman Reigns

Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins
Winner: Seth Rollins

Divas Title:
Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte (c)
Winner: Sasha Banks

Falls Count Anywhere:
Kevin Owens vs. John Cena
Winner: Kevin Owens

Brock Lesnar vs. Cesaro
Winner: Cesaro

IC Title:
The Miz (c) vs. Sami Zayn
Winner: The Miz

TLC - Tag Team Titles:
Dudleyz vs. Enzo & Cass vs. Bullet Club vs. The New Day (c)
Winner: Bullet Club

US Title:
Baron Corbin vs. Neville (c)
Winner: Baron Corbin
Here's what I expect to see rather than what I necessarily want to see happen.

WWE Championship: Roman Reigns (c) vs. John Cena

*With maybe a cash-in by Owens, who I believe will win MITB.

Seth Rollins vs. Triple H

Bray Wyatt vs. Brock Lesnar

Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens

WWE Tag Team Championship: New Day (c) vs. Gallows & Anderson vs. Enzo & Cass vs. Dudley Boys

AJ Styles vs. Finn Balor

Women's Championship: Charlotte (c) vs. Sasha Banks

Intercontinental Championship: Cesaro (c) vs. Baron Corbin vs. Dean Ambrose

United States Championship: Ryback (c) vs. Apollo Crews

8-Man Tag: Sami Zayn, Neville & Lucha Dragons vs. Chris Jericho, The Miz, Sheamus & Alberto Del Rio

Pre-Show matches:

#1 Contender Match Six Pack Challenge: The Usos vs. The Colons vs. Vaudevillains vs. Golden Truth vs. Kane & Big Show vs. Harper & Rowan

Bayley vs. Becky Lynch
(WWE World Heavyweight Championship) Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar /w/ Paul Heyman- The story here is simple Roman is the dominate heel champion. He beats AJ Styles at Payback with help from the #GB4Life and Finn Balor. He then moves on to face Styles and Balor in a Triple Threat at Extreme Rules and retains the title with the two mainly focused on each other. The next night he cuts a heel promo on how there is no competition for him and how nobody can beat him. Out comes the returning Seth Rollins with a WWE Championship belt saying that the last time he checked Roman never beat him and how he may be "The Guy" but he ain't never be "The Man" because to be "The Man" you have to beat "The Man" and right now I am still "The Man" and right now I am still your WWE Champion. Seth then challenges Reigns to a match for the belt at Money In The Bank with the winner becoming the Undisputed WWE Champion. Roman Reigns turns it down for weeks and before Seth does something to get in Roman's head and Roman snaps and accepts the challenge. Roman beats Seth at Money In The Bank by cheating. The next night, Seth challenges Roman to a rematch and Roman accepts. Ambrose (who won a #1 contenders match at MITB) comes down and says he has his #1 Contenders Clause that he is cashing in leading to Seth vs. Roman vs. Dean at Battleground. Triple H screws Seth after Seth tells him earlier in the night that he doesn't need nor want the help of The Authority in a backstage segment. Roman then Spears and pins Dean cleans. The next night, Roman talks about beating 4 of the most talented wrestlers in the world and how he beat all of the "IWC" favorites and that now there is nobody that can stop him. Cue Lesnar setting up Roman vs. Brock for SummerSlam for the title with Reigns actually winning clean.

Aftermath: Roman continue to dominate up until he faces Cena at WrestleMania.

Triple H vs. Seth Rollins- Triple H is pissed that Rollins no longer needs The Authority and screws him out of the WWE Championship to set this up. Rollins wins the match.

Aftermath: Triple H storyline retires after that to focus on his corporate duties until he meets Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania 33. Rollins moves on to feud with The #GB4Life .

Baron Corbin vs. John Cena- Baron Corbin attacks Cena on his return as he tries to take out the biggest dog in the yard. Corbin beats Cena at Money In The Back,and Battleground in a match very similar to Cena's match with Lesnar in a one-sided match. Corbin talks about how Cena is getting older and he is a injury prone now. He say's Superman has met his Kryptonite or some cheesy shit like that. At SummerSlam, a confident John Cena puts up a fight this time only to lose to "The Lone Wolf of NXT." Cena challenges Corbin to a third and final match and loses to Corbin again.

Aftermath: Cena is takes a break after the Night Of Champions match to shoot Season 2 of American Grit before returning at the Royal Rumble in the Rumble match. Meanwhile, Corbin would stay dominate and remain undefeated and would win his next feud with Randy Orton as well in another one-sided feud. Eventually Corbin would be challenged to a match with The Undertaker at WrestleMania 33 and would win in Taker's last match and would dominate and stay undefeated all the way up until a Lesnar match where he would beat Lesnar clean.

(WWE Women's Championship) Charlotte /w/ Paul Heyman vs. Sasha Banks- Charlotte dumps Flair for Heyman. In reality, Flair is likely fired by WWE and erased from history. Banks wins the championship clean here and get's a big celebration. If WWE is bold this goes on last.

Aftermath: Banks goes on to be "THE Girl" of the WWE and Charlotte dumps Heyman and blames him for her loss. At WrestleMania, Banks goes on to face Bayley who debuted at Royal Rumble winning the first ever Women's Royal Rumble Match.
WWE Title - Triple Threat
Roman Reigns (c) vs John Cena vs Randy Orton vs Dean Ambrose
Id like to see the four big baby faces squaring off at Summerslam with a probable heel turn for Reigns.

Number 1 Contenders Match
Brock Lesnar vs Kevin Owens

Fans have wanted this for a while now. I think we will get it in 2016 and no place better than as a Summerslam Co Main Event.

Seth Rollins vs Triple H
Rollins will return as a face and nobody better than Triple H to get him over as one.

The Bullet Club vs The Wyatt Family
Two factions feuding is always fun. Can be 3 on 3 or 4 on 4.

Intercontinental Title
Finn Balor (c) vs Sami Zayn
Good way to establish Balor is giving him the IC Title. This could be a 5 star match.

US Title
Rusev (c) vs Cesaro
These two could have a great feud. Have Rusev win the belt at Extreme Rules and dominate all the way to Summerslam.

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