Big red politician


Dark Match Winner
Dont kill me if this belongs to a another section or there is a thread like this allready

Since Kane has been talking about going to politics after his wrestling career. I began wondering. Would you vote for a guy who has spent most of his life grabbing peoples throats, slamming them down, and setting them on fire?:devil:

On a side note the guy has no eye brows. its a bit odd
Given that he's in the one conservitive party I respect. Yeah I'd vote for a Libertarian.

I don't agree with all their political views. I'm rather socialist, but I understand why he's on that side of the fence. Hell, it's the only part of his side of the fence that doesn't have a greedy poisonous old reptile guarding it.
You do know that he's acting when he's in WWE and by the way it is abit weird that he doesn't have eyebrows. I would vote for him because I respect what he says on different shows.
If you watch some of the political based interviews he's given, there are few on Youtube, he comes across as an extremely intelligent and well informed man. I think that alone would be reason enough to vote for him. However, American politics are a bit beyond me so I couldn't comment on it too much, but he makes a great impression.
I don't think being involved in wrestling can rule out a career as a politician, just look at Jesse Ventura and Linda McMahon. It can go wider than wrestling, look at Arnold Schwarzenegger, he spent his earlier life playing a practically indestructible machine, and now he's governer of California.

I don't think we can rule him out of being involved in Politics because of his wrestling background, and I, like Carpathian Florist, have seen some of Kane's political commentaries, and, (if I was a US citizen :p) I wouldn't be adverse to voting for him.
Of course I would vote for a former wrestler if I agreed with their politics. Why wouldn't I? To not vote for someone because they were a wrestler would imply that wrestlers are bad people. But really, what Jacobs has done is really quite admirable. He made his debut in 1992 and has worked consistently since then. It shows he has dedication and a will to work. I'm sure if Jacobs did run for office, people wouldn't see the articulate, intelligent man that he is. Most would probably see the 'violence' of wrestling.

Personally I wouldn't vote for Glenn Jacobs because I'm not American, not 18, and I find his political view abhorrent. But say if a socialist William Regal ran to be a politician here in England, I would be the first in line to cast my vote.
You're damn right I would vote for the big man! I may not FULLY agree with his views, but who cares. I know he would actually work to get things done, and would be one of the few loyal ones around. I've always been a fan of Kane, and I've herd his internet shows before. The intelligence of this man is surprising. I still can't get over that he use to be a teacher. Now that would have been a class I wouldn't have fucked around in..
But say if a socialist William Regal ran to be a politician here in England, I would be the first in line to cast my vote.

Check out some of his old promos as "Lord" Stephen/William Regal :lmao:
It would be great to see him running as a socialist, I just wonder if he or his opposition would use them.

With American politics anything is possible.
There are a lot of actors who have gone into politics, apart from Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jesse Ventura there is Ronald Reagan who had the top strap.
That Glenn Jacobs has been able to play such a demanding role over such a long period of time is a tribute to his intelligence. I don't think I'd vote for him because I disagree with him :banghead: lol but apart from that then yeah he can run as Lindas VP in 2012 against Sarah Palin :rolleyes:

If you were the leader of a foreign government which actor would you prefer to face across the negotiating table?

To be honest, I don't think it really matters what Kane did before. Kane will go down as a legendary wrestler, while Glen Jacobs will live on as a politician. Totally separate things that shoudn't weigh against either.

Well, at least we'll know he be able to pull off speeches. The promos he's been doing on Smackdown have been incredible.
Absolutely I would. I agree with much of what he posts on his website and even when I may not, I can see where he is coming from. Not only would I vote for him given the chance, but i'd likely donate $ for his run. He's calm and well spoken, just the type of person libertarians need to start chipping away at the ridiculous two party stranglehold.
I tend to go for politics on the opposite end of the spectrum, but bravo to him if he gets into that realm. The first time I heard about his intellectual capacity was in an interview with Jericho when he mentioned a conversation they had about Huxley's Brave New World, which, coincidentally, was what I based my thesis on. Regardless of whatever openness you have, it's sometimes a bit of a shock to hear about a wrestler, particularly one who portrays such a character and looks the way he does, to not only have the intellectual capacity that Jacobs does, or a willingness to enter into such a field. That's not a knock on the man, by any means, but it's tempting to think someone like Jericho or Striker would be the one we'd be discussing, and probably not even question it. Do I think that portraying Kane should hinder him? Absolutely not. All the more power to him.
Id vote for Kane, he and I have very similar if not the same positions on most issues, so its certainly someone I could back. I dont live in the same state as he does however so my voting of him would never take place.

On another note, do I think he could actually win? Well thats something thats up in the air. If people were to get past his 3rd party affiliation and actually listen to his message, then yes. A lot of people are wary of the third party however, so its anyones guess.
I'd vote for him solely due to his intelligent capacity, I read his interviews on See no Evil and he describes the character he played on a whole different scale he mentioned that since he is human and not a monster he is all the more scary because he CHOOSES to do those things. He also appeared on FOX, and I think it'd be great for Kane to be part of the Libertarians. The only problem I find is that he won't be a huge player in American Politics and can't reach Democrats and Republicans. Because most Democrats are either *****es, new world idiots, and a few sensible people or smokin' hot girls you'd look to screw at a rally. Republicans on the other side are either fucking ******ed or money grubbers. So, the only sensible choice is Libertarian. Sadly, America and sensible just don't go together. :)
I would vote for him, maybe twice. Kane is highly intelligent and the fact that he's a 7-foot monster who plays a psychopath on TV, yet can discuss Keynesian versus Austrian economics in interviews, is just too funny.
We all know that Glenn Jacobs is a very Charismatic man just from his dialogue on Smackdown, or even just reading blogs from his alter ego Citizen X . I believe if he was put into a debate with any future political forerunner he would impress alot of people.

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