Best Underrated Promo


Pre-Show Stalwart
So I was just watching the extras on The Rock's DVD "The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment" and watching just promo after promo by the great one. Now some of these are all time classics like his promo before Armageddon 2000 when he impersonated all of his opponents, or the absolutely hilarious "Thomas Jefferson Sucka" promo before Summerslam 2001, but there were some promos on there that I had completely forgotten about. They were just small things that The Rock did to build character, and to entertain the crowd. Well, watching these promos got me thinking. What are some of the best underrated promos of all time? I am talking about the promos that were hilarious or meaningful that nobody really talks about any more. I mean, everyone knows Austin and the Beer Truck, or the Hogan/Rock confrontation, but what are some of your favorite lesser known/remembered promos?

For me, I have to go back to the extras I just watched, and Rock's promo concerning the Royal Rumble when he grabbed the camera from the cameraman and said that everyone was saying that they were going to win the Royal Rumble. I had completely forgotten about this promo, but after watching it, I think it is one of Rock's funniest promos ever. So what are some of your favorites?
Belive it or not i was watching that same DVD and them very promo's and thought first these are awesome and had me laughing my head off and then 2nd why are these promo's so forgotten which causes them to be forgotten and underrated. And the underrated promo is that one of the DVD called "Billy's prayer to god" It was a PG promo (So no one can say a promo which is PG cant be funny/good) by PG i mean there wasnt much swearing i think he said ass once which is PG.

And i remember how good the Rock and i remember Rock saying something like this " And when Billy prayed to God the cloud's opened and God asked him who are you" And Rock did this squeeky Billy Gunn voice and said "My name is.." And then "God" said "IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS" LOL that bit was funny as hell and is mostly forgotten by people today.
Not nearly at the entertainment level of the Rock, but since I've seen numerous comments recently about Doink, I'll have to throw him into the mix for the first few months after his debut. Watch his promos as a heel and his psychology was GENIUS. I'd even go as far as to say they were up there with Jake. Too bad they turned him face so quickly.
STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!!! hands down is the best on the mic especially when he was fueding with vince i never stopped laughing and i laugh to this day thinkin about it
The Ultimate Warrior...jokes. The funniest one ever was The Rocks rock concert. I still laugh out loud when I watch that. I dont know if anyone else remembers it so I dont know if it belongs here or not.
I remember one promo CM Punk said awhile back when he was still in ECW and he was in a feud with Mike Knox over Kelly Kelly. Punk was telling Knox how Kelly likes his yard better than Knox's. I loved this pormo, it actually won Punk over for me. Its always bothered me that I couldn't find a video of it somewhere.
Belive it or not i was watching that same DVD and them very promo's and thought first these are awesome and had me laughing my head off and then 2nd why are these promo's so forgotten which causes them to be forgotten and underrated. And the underrated promo is that one of the DVD called "Billy's prayer to god" It was a PG promo (So no one can say a promo which is PG cant be funny/good) by PG i mean there wasnt much swearing i think he said ass once which is PG.

And i remember how good the Rock and i remember Rock saying something like this " And when Billy prayed to God the cloud's opened and God asked him who are you" And Rock did this squeeky Billy Gunn voice and said "My name is.." And then "God" said "IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS" LOL that bit was funny as hell and is mostly forgotten by people today.

You stole exactly what I was gonna say, I was watching those extars aswell and that promo was probably the funniest especially the "IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS" part.

But since you already siad it will say his "Donuts" promo from the dvd. The Rock is cutting a promo and gets interrupted by some cops who accuse him of stealing stone colds car (or something like that) the rock then tells them to go buy some doughnuts lube them up and stick them up their candy asses.
I remember during Stone Cold's "What" days, he cut a promo about what he was gonna do to win the Royal Rumble. He said he was gonna drink a bunch of beer to lower his center of gravity so it makes him harder to throw him over the top rope. When you hear that you're like, "Hmm, makes sense."
Stone Cold as leader of the Alliance was so so funny, some of the things he came out with were comedy gold.

It was great to see Austin playing a different role than the one we grew used to seeing him in. As well as being a beer drinking, ass kicking SOB, Austin was talented enough to play the comedy role to perfection too, and make you laugh with anything.

When he was on Vince's side he was also fantastic on the mic
another great one involving the rock was the promo from raw in 99 that mick foley did--rock this is your life--just classic and so very funny when rock said the rocks birthday is in march you dumb sob
Anyone remember Brian Pillmans debut in ECW? The promo he gave in the ring was nothing short of amazing, yet it a fairly forgotten moment in wrestling. The lights went off, and when they came back on Pillman was in the middle of the ring, and he then went from getting a huge pop from the ECW crowd to making them despise him in less than 5 minutes.

His promo where he starts wrestling on the ground with a giant pencil is another great one.

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