Most Underrated Promos Ever

Kris Benwa

Krissssssss Benwa...Benwa
In the wrestling world there are tons of memorable moments whether they be a match, after a match, or a promo. A promo is when a wrestler has a chance to talk on the mic and further a storyline or get things off their chest. Over the years there have been many promos which have been regarded as some of the greatest right after the wrestler puts the mic down those promos include; CM Punk's pipebomb, Austin 3:16, and Shawn Michaels' heel promo in Canada just to name a few. There are other promos that should have that status but for some reason don't, making those promos underrated. This thread is to see which promos spanning any companies or time period that are the most underrated. Who knows you may in this thread find a promo that you will listen to and really love making it one of your favorites.

My choice for the most underrated promo ever was a promo cut by the Big Red Monster Kane. This was in 2010 during his world heavyweight championship run and in this promo he is explaining why he attacked his "brother" The Undertaker. I picked this promo because it's delivered so perfectly and the effects really add to it with the lighting, the videos, and creepy music playing in the background. In my opinion this is the greatest in-character promo ever please watch and enjoy.



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