Best Rainy Day Song


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh

While you're reading this thread, play that song...

Today was a rather shitty day in my area. It rained and poured for what seems like the 500th day in a row. While driving home, I had a chance to just sit and relax and listen to some tunes, and this song came on. (Not this xact version, but you know) It may not be the "perfect" rainy day song, but the tone of the song fit really well with the mood, and the vocals aren't loud and over done, so you can chill while listening to the song.

What do you think is the best rainy day song?
When you mentioned (more or less) what song seems to best fit a rainy day.. this song popped into my head.


This song may not be anywhere near the likes of a decent Rock song, but its definitely a song that lifts up the spirits on a Rainy day. I can't honestly say a whole lot on the subject though, as I don't look at rainy days as bad. If it rained for 500 straight days.. while I'd hope no flooding were around, as long as it was just rain and not violent thunderstorms, or anything of the such.. I'd take rainy days over sunny and hot days any day of the week.

Twice on Sunday.. which brings me to my next song, that I thought of..


This song truly makes you sink into a sorta slumber mood during a rainstorm. Now, all in all is it about rain? Eh, kinda but not really. Its more about taking all the advantages you can get out of a bad situation.

Most people see Rainy days as a bad thing.. this song points out at least one very great thing you can do on rainy days. :lmao: And I'm all for that.
Two songs come to mind whenever I think of a rainy day. For very odd reasons. Oddly enough there is currently one of the most INSANE rainstorms happening outside my window as I type this. It's raining/thundering/lightning so hard right now that outside looks nearly pitch black, and it's almost 2 O'Clock in the afternoon. Perfect topic for this weather eh?

First off, the greatest rainy day song of all time is undoubtedly "Riders on the Storm" by The Doors. No room for debate on that IMO, whenever you hear the opening of that song your mind immediately pictures a rainy day. It helps that the Doors are probably the greatest band, ever and that Riders is one of their top twenty songs. I'm sure you've all heard it countless times, but if not, here you go.


Another song that brings back fond memories of rainy days as a snotty youth is the Subhumans "Human Error". Something about the mixture of punk and reggae and airy guitars brings forth images of rain in my head. Helps that I have fond memories of listening to the song with a friend of mine, smoking pot underneath a bridge, hiding from the rain when we were 13. The nostalgia factor is always huge for me.


Very interesting (but good) topic NSL.
I refuse to let this thread die so quickly...People really need to start posting more in the NWS :(

Anyway, here's a song I heard today on my way to work, and it was raining, and I just new it needed to be posted her:


I'm not a Sublime fan, at all. This is the only song that I like, but I can listen to their really early stuff without gagging. It's just a nice relaxing song, and the music doesn't overpower the mood. I can picture myself dancing in a thunderstorm with this playing in the background...
Well, on a rainy day I want a song that is efficiently sad. Gloomy, if you will. Not necessarily emotastic suicide music, but I want a song that I can use as a catharsis. For that, I offer one great song:


Five for Fighting-Superman

The underlying beat feels great on a rainy day. I feel this the perfect song to play when I'm feeling down. Gets all that catharsis out in one go, if you will.
Here is another idea I had for the Music forum. I have thought of a collection of playlists that the WrestleZone Forum could create together. The first is a collection of songs to listen to during thunder and rain storms. Now remember to give reasons.

1. All Along The Watchtower- Jimi Hendrix

A great tune that gives the impression that you can just sit back and watch the storm. Songs isn't about a storm per se, but it is still enjoyable during a storm.

2. Thunder Rolls- Garth Brooks

Song about a hot torrid affair discovered during a night of poor weather and choices. The added thunder effects help the attitude of thensong.

3. Thunderstruck- Ac/Dc

Thunder is loud. Thunderstruck is just as loud. Together they make love as the power of the sound and the event of the storm react like dynamite and matches.

4. Lightning Crashes- Live

The rain dropping on the window, the flashes in the distance. All of these elements mix beautifully.

5. Hotel California- The Eagles

I can see this song making many of my playlists, because it goes so well with many themes. The stormy weather, the lonely hotel, the smells of the song and the weather.

So what other songs should be added to the mix?
Silly TM, this thread already exists. Merged.

Just to throw it out there again: Riders on the Storm is the greatest rainy-day song of all time, and nothing even comes close to it. Listening to it literally gives you the sensation of being caught in an all-encompassing rain storm of awesomeness.
Easily it's this:

That's a live version of the song. Unfortunately, youtube doesn't have a studio version available. It's still just as beautiful as the original, anyway.

Anyway, the title explains it all. When shit is just not going you're way, this is exactly how you feel. You're just begging for a fucking break, and no one, NO ONE, has ever put that feeling better in a song than this wonderful masterpiece by The Smiths.
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