Best never to wear WWF(E) gold

Reddevil, it's not that Luger was drunk, it was that Luger was drunk, and telling everyone in the bar the night before WM 10 that he was going to win the belt. He wasn't doing it in character, he was telling them as a legit person and ruining the storyline for the biggest pay per view of the year.

There are certain things you can't do, and revealing the ending to the main event of the biggest match of the year is on eof them. We all know VKM loves non athletic body builer wrestlers, and Luger fit that bill perfectly. Luger fucked up and Hart benefited from it.

And yes Papa Shango has won gold as the Godfather/Goodfather.
You have my backing on those two. I would include rick rude into that list too. These three men were great heels in the day, and, at a time where wrestling ability came second to your size (deja vu anyone?) i thought these guys had some great runs in the mid card. Just a shame vince didnt give one of these the main event PUSH they each deserved. I really believe ted dibiase to be one of the best heel wrestlers of the early 90's. He could cut a good promo, and the guy could go in the ring too. god damm honky tonk man for his stupid ass contract that denied ted from winning the wwf title tournament at wrestlemania 4.

Honky Tonk Man's contract didn't have anything to do with it. Honky didn't want to do the J-O-B to Randy Savage. So instead of going that route they changed the outcome of the Wrestlemania 4 Title tournament to Macho winning. History would have been made has DiBiase would have become the first heel to win the main event match at Wrestlemania.
Im pretty sure Jerry Lynn never had a title run in the WWE....I know he was only a big star in ECW, but the guy is an amazing in ring performer and could have had a great IC title reign with some memorable PPV matches during his short stint in the WWE.

Raven- im pretty sure he only held hardcore gold, which barely counts as a legit title in my book....Raven was huge in both ecw and wcw, but never got over that well in the WWE...but his character and promos were easily enough to give him a title run.

Bam Bam bigelow- I know he was mentioned a lot.....He was one of the best big guy wrestlers in the history of the wwe...He was the main event in the 93 kotr and wrestle mania 11 but never got a run with any title

Crush...I know he was the 3rd member of demolition but i think in the record books it has axe and smash as the the tag champs...Crush had many different gimmicks, and was always a big name but never held WWE gold.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts- Such a huge draw with the fans and had amazing promos as a heel and face...Im surprised looking back on his WWE career that he never held a title at some point
Im pretty sure Jerry Lynn never had a title run in the WWE....I know he was only a big star in ECW, but the guy is an amazing in ring performer and could have had a great IC title reign with some memorable PPV matches during his short stint in the WWE.

Raven- im pretty sure he only held hardcore gold, which barely counts as a legit title in my book....Raven was huge in both ecw and wcw, but never got over that well in the WWE...but his character and promos were easily enough to give him a title run.

It amazes me that some of you don't know your history!! it's either that or you don't understand the question :(
JL held the Light-Heavyweight title & yes Raven held the Hardcore title so in my eyes that still counts as WWE gold.
As for those guys who never held ANY title in the WWF/E

1. Jake Roberts (Some guys don't need a title to get over & Jake was 1 of those guys, such a shame he's wasted all that talent)

2. Dusty Rhodes (The former 3 time NWA world champion was made into a joke by Vince and because Dusty had no other place to go to make a living in the U.S. he was forced to wear those poka dots Aghhhhh!)

3. Harly Race (A true ring legend and another example of a former NWA world champion basically wasted by the WWF/E)

4. Superfly Jimmy Snuka (Another great who did not need a title to get over a great peformer on the stick & in the ring)

5. Stan Hansen (A true legend in Japan but never quite made it in the U.S.)

6. Dory Funk, Jr. (Dory won the NWA World Heavyweight Championship from Gene Kiniski on February 11, 1969 in Tampa, Florida and remained NWA World Champion for the next four and a half years which is the second-longest uninterrupted reign of any NWA World Champion but again never made it in the WWF/E. Can you see a pattern developing here with Vince & NWA champs!)

7. "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff (A great peformer in the ring, ok his stick skills were not fantastic but he was much better than the crap you have today! Did I mention he kicked Vader's ass in a fight backstage even though he has a severely impaired arm that had started to atrophy due to nerve damage caused by injuries in the ring that left him all but one armed)

8. Vader (Probably the best big man that's ever been in wrestling, the former WCW & US. Champion was never really given his shot at stardom in the WWF/E besides from a fued with HBK in the summer of 96)

9. "Rugged" Ronnie Garvin (Another former NWA champion who was given mid card staus in the WWF/E. Ok Garvin was not the best Champion the NWA ever had but he was over with the fans and would have made a great IC champ in the WWF/E)

10. Jinsei Shinzaki aka. "The White Angel" Hakushi (For those who cant remeber him he had a fued with Bret Hart for a while in the early to mid 90's & was a great Japanese heel)

And There is my top 10 guys who never won any straps in the WWF/E
The point of the thread is being overlooked by a lot of people. The thread is not titled "Best WWF wrestler to never win the world title" it simply says gold. That means a belt of any kind. Sorry.

We live in an age of wrestling where title wins aren't hard to come by or cherished as much and title reigns are almost non-existent. Except for Cena::cough:: tool ::cough:: You have some of the guys that are classics and legends and unforgettable in our lists that never held gold, yet dorks like Santino Morella are champs now a days. You'd have to think if the characters of old existed today it would be an insane contention for titles.

Jake the Snake Roberts
Bad News Brown
Bam Bam Bigelow

To never hold the world title:
Rick Rude
Owen Hart
Curt Hennig
What about "The Hot Rod" Rowdy Roddy Piper. Yes I know that he won the IC title at Royal Rumble '92 and the tag belts at Cyber Sunday (though it shouldn't really count since it lasted a week or 2), but he never held the world titles in either WCW OR WWF/E. Piper was one of the top heels in the 80's and became one of the top faces. He feuded with some of the biggest names from Hogan to Flair but yet never got the gold. Even today when he comes out to the ring he gets huge ovations.
Reddevil, it's not that Luger was drunk, it was that Luger was drunk, and telling everyone in the bar the night before WM 10 that he was going to win the belt. He wasn't doing it in character, he was telling them as a legit person and ruining the storyline for the biggest pay per view of the year.

There are certain things you can't do, and revealing the ending to the main event of the biggest match of the year is on eof them. We all know VKM loves non athletic body builer wrestlers, and Luger fit that bill perfectly. Luger fucked up and Hart benefited from it.

And yes Papa Shango has won gold as the Godfather/Goodfather.

Bret Hart was supposed to win the title from Yokozuna at WM 10 period....he was to put his brother Owen over in the opening match, which he did and win the belt from honestly think Bret was going to job twice at the biggest PPV of the year, at the peak of his career?....Bret has even said it in interviews repeatedly....after the 1994 Rumble, Vince realized it was not going to work with Luger....that's why they did the photo-finish at the rumble, because Vince was at a crossroads as to who to put the title on at WM10....there are these things called crowd reaction and merchandise sales with which the company uses to gage a wrestler's drawing ability and Bret was far ahead of Luger at that point, the crowd reaction at the Rumble sealed Luger's fate....if Luger was telling strangers and tourists in a bar the night before, during the height of kayfabe, the finish of a PPV, i think he would have been fired period....if Vince can fire Warrior believe me, he'd not waste a second in firing Luger's ass for a boneheaded stunt like the one you are describing....
Everything i've read or head about Wm 10 had Luger going over in the main event. Who knows if Bret was going to lose to Owen or not, that could have been re-booked at the last second.

We all know Vince has a raging hard on for big dumb animals, Luger fits the bill. Luger was originally brougt in to be a apart of Vinces Bodybuilding federation, not as a wrestler. When that thing went belly up, Luger was given the job by McMahon. I think he had more pull with Vince then Warrior, because like I said, Vince loves giant roided up blondes *cough, Triple H, Hulk Hogan.

I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just saying from everywhere I've read, it was Luger going all the way, and it fits the bill with McMahon's way of thinking.
Everything i've read or head about Wm 10 had Luger going over in the main event. Who knows if Bret was going to lose to Owen or not, that could have been re-booked at the last second.

We all know Vince has a raging hard on for big dumb animals, Luger fits the bill. Luger was originally brougt in to be a apart of Vinces Bodybuilding federation, not as a wrestler. When that thing went belly up, Luger was given the job by McMahon. I think he had more pull with Vince then Warrior, because like I said, Vince loves giant roided up blondes *cough, Triple H, Hulk Hogan.

I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just saying from everywhere I've read, it was Luger going all the way, and it fits the bill with McMahon's way of thinking.

Er, actualy, Luger was one of the NWA/WCW's top wrestlers who he signed - however Luger was injured at the time so he could not wrestle - therefore to make the most of his new asset - Vince put Lex as a presenter of the WBF...
Jake "The Snake" Roberts is all that I could think of myself.

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