Best match of they year, so far.


I've narrowed it down to 6 matches. Do say your personal opinions as well.

1) Edge vs John Cena (Backlash)

This match saw some very nice spears by Edge. Probably my favorite parts of this match. Had it not been last man standing, I don't think it would have worked out properly. I love the back and forth action, and was suprised to see both wrestlers get up multiple times until Cena got thrown through the batman signal.

2) Kofi vs MVP (Raw 25th of May)



Clearly the most explosive match of the year. I was expecting a 3-4 star match when this first started, but it developed into a 5 star match with ease. I loved that akward Russian Leg Sweep Kofi showed off. These guys really pulled all the stops, and proved just why they are worthy to be in the WWE, let alone the Main Event Scene. I'm glad to see the belt off MVP so he can chase the WWE title. This is my personal pick for best match of the year!

3) HBK vs Taker (wrestlemania)

I haven't actually seen this match, and can't find it anywhere on youtube. After checking around with a bunch of people, it was clear to me, this match had to be in this thread, or else it wouldn't be what the thread title says it is.

4) Jericho vs Steamboat (backlash)

This could be due to nostalgia, but I'm the biggest steamboat fan in the world. (Maybe) I would pick Steamboat in his prime over anyone in the WWE today, outside of Cena. This saw a very nice match, with Jericho really letting Steamboat work some offense, which actually gave a rub on Jericho if you ask me. I was quite pissed when Jericho had the audacity to lay his hands on that 50 year old retired man. Thats only suitable if its Ric Flair! I was glad to see Steamboat, had steam in the boat though.

5) Swaggah vs Cena (The draft)



Very good match. John Cena couln't have put Swaggah over anymore than what he did here. This also showed us that Mcmahon is wrong in doupting Swaggah, he carried that match (because Cena let him of course) and carried it quite well. I am expecting HUGE things out of Jack Swagger in the future, nothing less. I expect withing the year, he'll be chasing the World Heavyweight title on SmackDown

EDIT: SOn of a bitch, I hit the worng button, give me a second to finish the thread. Sorry this is poorly written, I rushed it in hopes to beat the infraction.
It has def been Undertaker and Micheals at Wrestlemania 25.
It was an amazing match and imo should have headlined the show seeing how it was the 2 men that have contributed to making Wrestlemania was it is and it was also in Houston.
And i'm sure that it will be match of the year. I just don't think there will be any better matches for the rest of the year
the kofi kingston and mvp match was alirght, i mean ive seen better matches, believe me, alot better........... the ending wasn't that good, and practically the only good move in the whole thing was the russian leg sweep thing (but ive seen this done in japan, its on youtube).

Of course the winner has to be undertake and shawn micheals, i mean it was the best match at wrestlemania by far because all the others were a piece of shit, even the money in the bank. It was full of good wrestling, something the wwe needs to work on. So obviously the winner should be the undertaker and shawn michaels match from wrestlemania!:icon_biggrin:
Taker/Michaels hands down. I can't remember the last time I let out a "Whoa" while watching a wrestling match. I did it a few times during this gem. The false finishes were crazy good and it's one of the greatest matches ever. This is the match of the year, nothing will top it.
I'm going with the John Cena/Jack Swagger. John Cena did what he was supposed to do and make Swagger look good and it didn't hurt Swagger that he lost to John Cena. Cena gave him tons of respect before the match saying that he was one of the best. That match showed me that Swagger has a future in the WWE and it's only a matter of time before he is world champion material.
Match of Year definitely has to be Undertaker/Michaels at WM25. Just an epic battle that can easily be match of the decade if not pretty damn close. To run along the same line as Hervina, I can't remember the last time I marked out so much for one match. Especially not in the last 10 years, that is why I can consider it a MOtD candidate for me at least. I've posted about this before and I will say it again, this match brought out the little kid in me again. It made me believe that maybe there is hope after all for the WWE (I'm still trying to get this wool out of my eye). I'm sure there are the stooges on here that will blast it and try to come up with a handful of matches that they will think is better, but lets face it. Not one match can match the intensity and suspense this blockbuster created. Hands down.

I would have to go Cena/Swagger as a distant second. If not for the Taker/HBK epic this match could easily take the top spot thus far. I earned a lot of respect for both Cena and Sthwagger in this match up. Cena especially for showing how to give a rub (cough HHH cough!) and put the future over the present.
Plenty of time for the other guys to shine, but right now, it's Taker and HBK's time to shine one more time.

Their WM 25 match is easily one the greatest performances EVER in WWF / WWE history. Sure, there were dozens of near finishes when you thought it was over... and yes, it was kind of corny how despite being hit with a Tombstone or a Last Ride, HBK kept kicking out... or after being hit with Sweet Chin Music, Taker got a shoulder up... but isn't that what wrestling is all about ??

We know it's fake (sorry, but Santa Claus isn't real either ??!!) so we may as well be provided with that "Wrestlemania Moment" every once in a while and it's been a few years since there truly was a moment.

Not only was their match at WM 25 one of, if not the greatest show (notice I don't use the word match) ever performed by two superstars, but the build up and anticipation finally delivered.

No other performance has even come close to the Taker / HBK Wrestlemania 25 encounter.
well i agree with everyone that Taker/Michaels at WM25 is the best match hands down so far....

you mentioned 5 matches....and didn't mention the 2nd best match of the year...
7 replies or so.....and no one mentioned the 2nd best match of the year....

I know you people know it because it has been discussed on the boards when it happened....

2nd best match of the Year:
Cena/Jericho on RAW
-I beleive it was either the RAW of the draft or the RAW before/after the draft...they did all the fueds over the past year for one last match...
Cena/Jericho was the main event and the best match they have had over the last year or so.....the only bad thing about the match is it was ruined at the end with Edge interferring for the sake of building up the next pay-per-view...

I've got to go with HBK vs Undertaker at WM25. And I'm not going to sit here and talk about the fact that they are both "great workers", or "locker room leaders", or that they "put each other over and made the other look strong", blah, blah, blah... My reason is because it was the first match in a long time that made me feel like a kid again. Allow me to explain...

I miss sitting on the edge of my seat, marking out at every near-fall, and watching the crowd roar after every move in a wrestling match. Finally, WM25 gave those feelings back to me again. I'm presenting my opinion as nothing but a fan of wrestling. I was so fucking entertained during that match that I can't even begin to explain it. As a matter of fact, it may be one of the best matches that I have ever witnessed on TV. Why?? Because not only do I remember the moments that made the match exciting, but I can honestly remember the unique emotional feelings that I had during the match, the people I was watching it with, and even the clothes I had on while I was watching it. And I don't think I'll ever forget those things. In my opinion, that match was a masterpiece. It triggered ACTUAL EMOTION in my body. The last time I felt that way after watching a matchup was (no joke) Wrestlemania III: Steamboat vs. Savage. It was so nice to feel that way again.

So, not only do I think it was match of the year, but I honestly believe that is one of the greatest matches of all time. Shit on me for saying this if you'd like, but I'd put HBK vs. Taker in my personal top 10 all-time matches... period.
You know, before I even read Milky's options, I was thinking it just might be Cena v. Swagger. I'm glad to see that included in that list. I did love the HBK v. Taker match from WM25, but I have to say that I was more intrigued by Cena v. Swagger. It was such a great match from start to finish and was absolutely of PPV quality. Cena and Swagger worked very well together and Cena did a fantastic job of allowing Swagger to be on his level. Swagger proved that he has what it takes to hang with RAW's big guns.
Another thing that made that match so good was the fact that no one really expected anything from it. Think about it- when I saw that HBK v. Taker was slated for WM25, I automatically assumed it would be a great match. My expectations were high and they were met. However, the night of the draft, I saw Swagger v. Cena and thought "this should be interesting". I had no expectations so I was blown out of the water by the performance of both men.
Taker/HBK is the obvious (and correct) answer. I watched that match 3 times last Sunday, and it is absolutely FLAWLESS. The match is the most perfect example of sports-entertainment I can think of. And when people ask me why I'm a fan of the sport, I will ALWAYS point them to watch this match. It is EVERYTHING that is wonderful about wrestling.

The 2nd best match is also easy. It was John Morrison against Evan Bourne on ECW. The date escapes me, but it was an absolutely phenomenal match. Had it been on PPV, and more people had seen it, it would be an absolute runaway in these types of threads. Those two guys busted their asses, and the match was both old-school and new-school at the same time.
Now, yes Undertaker vs HBK at WM was the best because of the stage and the build up, and good wrestling, great wrestling in fact.

BUT, if were talking strictly on a wrestling basis, two guys giving it their all for 15 minutes and being creative, intriguing and not knowing who is gonna win...
im going with...

JOHN MORRISON VS EVAN BOURNE on ECW. If you havent seen this match, you are seriously missing out because it was pure genius on both guys parts.
theres one part where Bourne goes for a kick but morrison ducks and a hits a capoeira (?) kick, it happens so fast u dont even know what happened but when u see it again ur like, wow, these guys rule.

And this week, maybe not the best but, TYSON KIDD vs CHRISTIAN was frigging awesome too.
The 2nd best match is also easy. It was John Morrison against Evan Bourne on ECW. The date escapes me, but it was an absolutely phenomenal match. Had it been on PPV, and more people had seen it, it would be an absolute runaway in these types of threads. Those two guys busted their asses, and the match was both old-school and new-school at the same time.

JOHN MORRISON VS EVAN BOURNE on ECW. If you havent seen this match, you are seriously missing out because it was pure genius on both guys parts.

So funny how you both mention this match... I agree that it's defitely in the top 5 of the year thus far. Check out this thread I posted about it a while ago...
Hands down the match of the year wether you like it or not is HBK/TAKER that was a clinic of how professional wrestling should be conducted. It had everything a nice build up, Great Wrestling, a few holy shit moments, false finishes....The works. Eventhough we all knew who would win the match it didn't seem to matter in the eyes of the IWC or your average wrestling fan....Hands down Match of the year...Anything else is a distant second!
Ofcourse it has to be Taker vs HBK. I'm surprised that there hasn't been more on TNA because a close second has to be

Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelly at Genesis for the X-division title. This match was completely off the chain and showed how ultra talented and innovative these guys are in the ring, i've watched the match again many times and have since become a devoted MCMG fan. Brilliant chain wrestling, innovative high flying and ground moves and near falls that truly left you breathless. A thrill ride from start to finish and a match that was sorely needed to get people to believe that the X-division title meant something again. Probably one of my favourite TNA matches ever.

glad to see Cena vs Swagger get the credit it deserved too. Cena put Swagger over without losing in a great match that has really convinced people that Swagger is a future star.
undertaker/hbk at wm25:just the fact that the undertaker is going 1 on 1 with hbk is enough to make it a very good match...unfortunately, i didn't watch the match...just by reading the play-by-play results, i could imagine the outcome of that should have been the ME

WHC elimination match:i don't really remember the entire match but there were some spots that stick out like edge being the first to leave, the superplex by the undertaker on the bigshow and then the swanton bomb by hardy...i don't remember how kozlov got eliminated but he was pretty good on that match

christian/swagger for the ecw title at backlash:i have never been a fan of christian and i never believed in swagger but after that match, i began to like both of them...if i'm not mistaken, i think it was the first match and it was one hell of a match...back and forth action...i liked the finisher though, both cheated but christian came out on top...that match made me want to watch ecw again...can't wait for extreme rules

swagger/cena during the draft: cena might not be the best wrestler out there when it comes to moves and skills and i don't think swagger has the pace to work with someone in the ME area such as cena(i'm not a cena fan, btw) but what i like about cena is that he can wake the crow up, play with the crowd and sell...he made swagger look so damn credible that somewhere in the middle of the match, i wasn't even expecting cena to do his 5 moves of doom.

morrison/umaga last week on SD!:before morrison was still with miz and before umaga spoke, i think there was an invisible forcefield around them that i couldn't see their potential...this match made my many moves come to mind like when umaga set morrison for a flapjack and then caught him and hit the samoan drop, they cut to commercials and when SD returned, they aired the replay and grisham and jr couldn't believe that move...also when morrison countered that spinning urinagi move(i think that is what it's called) into a ddt
The Undertaker & Shawn Michaels' match @ WM 25, w/o a shadow of a doubt is the best match of the year so far & it will remain so!! heck, it's the best regular one on one match of this decade!! their match was everything i thought it would be, w/ several near falls & all!! i literally was on the edge of my seat & that generally does not happen when i watch WWE's matches, w/ the exception of when The Undertaker's streak is on the line @ Wrestlemanias!! one thing that made their match so damn good is the fact that The Undertaker's streak was on the line, so all of those near falls made it that much more exciting!! kudos to The Undertaker & Shawn Michaels for stealing the show w/ their match of the decade !!
I was present for the Raw in Cleveland and saw Cena vs. Michaels. This was the "Orton IED show" and when Michaels still had JBL with him and it caused him to lose the match. It was a great back and forth and the crowd was split. I was on HBK's side but regardless it was great live. HBK vs. Taker is another one I would say as well as the Cena vs. Swagger match was surprising. I was sure the "big boys club" would have made it a squash match but it was really good.
deffinetly Taker vs. HBK. Every moment of the match had me out of my seat, which doesn't happen often. Even my brother, who now mocks the wwe for it's predictabilty and stupidity (Attitude Era fan) was completely awed by the match. He said it was probably better than the Hart vs. Hart match which he has always passionatly claimed was the best match he had ever seen. I think the rumors going around that Taker was set to take a loss at an upcoming wrestlemania made it even better, because you really couldn't tell who was gonna win. When HBK kicked out of the Tombstone, Taker's reaction almost seemed genuine, as if to say 'that was supposed to be it! Where are we supposed to take it from there? This isn't what was rehearsed!" Just an awesome match that never seemed like it was gonna end, and I don't think anybody really wanted it to end either.

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels-WM25
Match of the Night-Yes
Match of the Year-Yes
Match of the Decade-Yes
Match of the Century-Quite Possibly
Undertaker vs HBK is overrated. Im sick of everyone saying its the best match of all time, century, decade even. ITS NOT. It was great... 9/10. They both looked awesome, great finish, close calls, two legends.
But there are soooo many better matches. Of the year, probably the best even tho i liked morrison vs bourne better. of the decade... NO.
But not everyones, not even Shawn's.
Shawn's match with Angle was better.
Shawn's match with Angle and Benoit was Better.
Maybe even WM 19 vs Jericho might be better.

It deserves praise, but god u people are going overboard. I dont even wanna argue against it cause it was so good, but i feel i have no other choice at this point lol.
Undertaker vs HBK is overrated. Im sick of everyone saying its the best match of all time, century, decade even. ITS NOT. It was great... 9/10. They both looked awesome, great finish, close calls, two legends.
But there are soooo many better matches. Of the year, probably the best even tho i liked morrison vs bourne better. of the decade... NO.
But not everyones, not even Shawn's.
Shawn's match with Angle was better.
Shawn's match with Angle and Benoit was Better.
Maybe even WM 19 vs Jericho might be better.

It deserves praise, but god u people are going overboard. I dont even wanna argue against it cause it was so good, but i feel i have no other choice at this point lol.

Since I put the HBK/Taker match in my personal top matches, I take a little offense to your statement. Just remember something; what you're "sick of" is completely irrelevant when you're posting on a public wrestling forum where people are free to display their opinions about anything, anyone, and at any time. I learned that a long time ago.

I agree that the other matches you referenced were good, as well. In my opinion, HBK puts on tremendous matches in big-time situations. There aren't many people out there that would deny this.... even the HBK-haters. But this forum is about the best match of the year, so far. So, let's stick to the subject and vote on THAT.

Thank you and have a nice day.
ok... but wen other people go off topic by mentioning how it is the best of the decade, i feel inclined to respond there as well. in fact i already posted on this topic strictly in regards to the match of the year until someone else mentioned the potential it had for greatest match of the century.
anyway, u shouldnt take offense to someone not agreeing with u anyway, even tho i do agree.
Me stating that im 'sick of' something is no worse than u stating 'ur offended' by a response if u see what i mean. they are both NO NOs in the IWC.

anyway, that all being said, im sorry for goin off topic toots.
It's obviously Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker. That match was simply perfect. But for the sake of things I'll say another match, just for kicks. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Christian vs Jack Swagger at Backlash was the best match of the year (besides Taker/HBK) I dont know why I liked the match so much, but I loved it. Both of the guys went out and put on a helluva show for the fans. No, it wasnt a spotty little gimmick match. But it was a great match that told a story. It made both Jack Swagger and Christian look great and it really got the fans pumped up.

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