Backlash: Ricky Steamboat vs. Chris Jericho

Joker ' Ferreira

Next Cristiano Ronaldo (w/ brains)

Just announced on RAW, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat will fight Chris Jericho at Backlash as "one last match" for Steamboat, well, Im pumped up for this one.

Well, after Wrestlemania, Legends vs. Jericho's match, I tought that Steamboat could wrestle one more match and would definitely be a good one, this one will be, definitely better than their match at Wrestlemania thanks to the poor performance from Snuka and Piper.

So what to expect from this one? I think there is a chance that Steamboat wins it just to further this feud a little more months, well, Jericho is at SmackDown! but he is not needed at main-event right now. Edge vs. Cena program is ending, but I guess they could find someone else to fight with the champion, perhaps even CM Punk, so one more match after a fluke win for Steamboat at Backlash would make sense.

Your toughts on this one?
this is the only match on the card that interests me really, you saw how steamboat could still go at it at 'mania and the next night on raw,
as for jericos next feud, as he is on smackdown and facing all these legends, he could challenge 'taker by saying "there is one more legend i have yet to face" or something like that. but personally, i would want that match at 'mania 26
I also am excited to see Steamboat wrestle again. Jericho has to get the clean win because he's the best heel in the company and coming to Smackdown he needs to be in their future title plans. I see him getting the strap soon because wwe has two face champions and that doesn't usually work as well as a heel. He is golden on the mic so no matter what we can expect big things on SD after this fued is over at Backlash
i think if jericho is in a programme with steamboat and jeff hardy expected to leave soon we will se oppurtunities for new main eventers on smackdown, we will have edge, undertaker, cm punk, john morrison, if we get a cm punk edge feud then smackdown will be the best show easily
Can I just ask one question?

Why did you hide the spoiler, then go on and talk about the match in the next sentence :)

Anyways. I would definately like to see Steamboat take it. That would be awesome.
Fuck yeah! As someone said above, this is really the only match I'll give a damn about. Steamboat has proven he's still got it, and Jericho always somewhat delivers in the ring. Hopefully this is given time, but I doubt it considering WWE will have to give Santina and Khali their oh so hilarious kissing promo :icon_rolleyes:

Jericho should and will go over to start his push over on SD!. I'm expecting a solid match and hopefully one of the best of the night to send Steamboat out on a high note.
i think if jericho is in a programme with steamboat and jeff hardy expected to leave soon we will se oppurtunities for new main eventers on smackdown, we will have edge, undertaker, cm punk, john morrison, if we get a cm punk edge feud then smackdown will be the best show easily

Why do people keep saying that Jeff is leaving? he aint going ANYWHERE!
As soon as the 'Mania handicap match happened I was begging for Jericho/Steamboat at Backlash so it's great that it's actually happening. I think either Steamboat will get a rollup similar to his 'Mania match with Savage to win or Jericho will win with his feet on the ropes. After being so dominate at 'Mania the Backlash win won't come easily if at all.

I don't see the feud going much further after this though. It probably only happened here because Steamboat did so well at 'Mania and because there wasn't an obvious feud to transition Jericho into with the draft.

I just hope they trust Steamboat enough to give them at least 10 minutes.
why do ppl say steamboat still has it?? are you kidding me? ok he's in decent shape for someone his age but he is not even close to the steamboat 10-20 years ago nor is he as good as some of the wrestlers out there now. There are a ton of younger wrestlers who would have a better match with jericho but are off the card.
This should be an ok match, just ok. Steamboat is good for his age but he is not the Steamboat from way back when. Jericho will deliver and make him look good but will ultimately end up with Jericho winning which would be the best option since Jericho's moving to SmackDown! and will need a win to start his stay on Friday nights.

Outside kayfabe, this is a dream match for Chris Jericho. Steamboat was his inspiration for him to start wrestling so to be able to wrestle your idol, your inspiration truely is something special. Jericho's going to make this a good match. Maybe this could even lead to a face turn from Jericho considering how he is wrestling his idol, maybe there could be a storyline where if Steamboat was to win this match Chris Jericho could go on about him being wrong and being able to wrestle his idol was a dream and could lead to Chris Jericho seeking some sort of redemption from the fans. Just putting that out there, even though it's highly unlikely.
your right it is about time for a face turn. but then again Y2J is the number one heel on Smackdown now above Edge in my opinion.
why do ppl say steamboat still has it?? are you kidding me? ok he's in decent shape for someone his age but he is not even close to the steamboat 10-20 years ago nor is he as good as some of the wrestlers out there now. There are a ton of younger wrestlers who would have a better match with jericho but are off the card.

Because he's 56, and doing way better than any of the other legends, so much better that he looks that amazing. Of course he's not close to the Steamboat back then, few people are. He career ended prematurely, and wwe is showing there appreciation for what hes done.

There are a ton of younger wrestlers who could have that spot? Probably a lot of the guys that performed at Mania, which was really bad, and the a 5 min Steamboat match was one of a few highlights? He's getting a last match, I'll be at backlash and am very excited to see him for the first and last time.
The only thing wrong with Steamboat was this theme music he's using. The WCW music he used wins hard. PLAY THAT MUSIC.

But seriously, this is the match that should have happened at WM and the three-way-dance should have taken place at Backlash. Leave it to the WWE to not think before they act.

And for those who say that Steamboat doesn't have it...he never LOST it. He just got older. Anyone who's a fan of the early 90's or late 80's wrestling knows what Steamboat brings to the table if he's in half decent shape, which he is. Jericho and Steamboat will have a great match.

Can I just ask one question?

Why did you hide the spoiler, then go on and talk about the match in the next sentence :)

Anyways. I would definately like to see Steamboat take it. That would be awesome.
It was a moderator that edited my post, not my fault.

I didn't hide any spoilers, I only had an alert that it was a spoiler for RAW. And yeah, definitely it will be a good match, I think its funny that for this match, hasn't a new image to use with Steamboat and will still use the old one with black hair, lol.
I think this match has potential, I mean Ricky carried the match for the legends at 'Mania but it just has that thrown together at the last minute feel about and it was I suppose. I think a match on Raw would have been fine but not on a PPV, though I suppose they now need all the matches they can get for this card ...imo Jericho needs to get away from the whole legends thing because for me it's just not that interesting. Hopefully Backlash will be the end of it before he goes to SD and carves up something new...

Oh, isn't everyone excited that we now get to see Santina kiss Khali on Backlash rather than RAW?? Now that is an incentive to order Backlash!!!!
Meh. There's usually a WrestleMania match that doesn't happen again. Big Show/Mayweather, Bigelow/Taylor. Jericho vs. The Legends should be another.

From what I saw on Raw, Steamboat looked pretty good. But the guy is in his mid 50's, he's got grey hair, he's balding, I see no reason for Jericho to have a competitive
match with him.

It was fine as a nostalgia match at Mania. But now I don't see any reason for it.
The Jericho/Steamboat match will be the only thing people are talking about after Backlash because it will be that damn good. Steamboat will shine in this one. I agree with a previous post that he could win with the small package roll up or such. I don't think the loss for Jericho would hurt him going into Smackdown. Jericho can either brush it off and move on OR this could be a face turn coming.
Meh. There's usually a WrestleMania match that doesn't happen again. Big Show/Mayweather, Bigelow/Taylor. Jericho vs. The Legends should be another.
well its really not a rematch from wrestlemania is it? i mean that was 3 on 1 this is one on one so its not the it?
But the guy is in his mid 50's, he's got grey hair, he's balding,.
well lets see hogan is bald and vince is grey and hes in better shape then both of them
It was fine as a nostalgia match at Mania. But now I don't see any reason for it.

the reason is because everyone wants to see it!!
"why do ppl say steamboat still has it?? are you kidding me? ok he's in decent shape for someone his age but he is not even close to the steamboat 10-20 years ago nor is he as good as some of the wrestlers out there now. There are a ton of younger wrestlers who would have a better match with jericho but are off the card."

It's not like he's full time on the roster, eating up someone elses spot years past his prime.*cough cough Flair cough*

I didn't want to see this because I had my Ricky redemption in his loss a WM. Then he went to Raw and showed well. Once again I was good.

The one on one is a little overkill but with nothing for Y2J yet, this can blowoff the feud and buy time.

He already erased the memory I had of his last match, breaking his back against Austin. So this won't hurt.
well its really not a rematch from wrestlemania is it? i mean that was 3 on 1 this is one on one so its not the it?

It's a version of a WrestleMania match. Just the same as Edge vs. Cena is, Punk vs. Kane, Hardy vs. Hardy & even Triple H vs. Orton.

well lets see hogan is bald and vince is grey and hes in better shape then both of them

You're basing that off two matches. One with 9 other wrestler and one, from what I hear wasn't all that great.

I think you're mistaking Steamboat with being good for his age, not good in general.

the reason is because everyone wants to see it!!

Not everyone wants to see it. I don't, fail.
Hell fucking yes.

I am excited on one end, becuase I so enjoyed their interaction at WM, but im also scared, becuase I want that image of the Steamer to be the lasting impression. I dont want him to come out and show his age, and botch shit, or gas out. Also, if the WWE doesnt allow Jericho to begin dominating towards the end, and win decisevly, then they are totally foolish. Jericho can be the franchise of that show, and they need to book him as such. This needs to be brutal and ruthless to finish.
Forget about how good Steamboat looked, and forget how he can still work a decent match, he was up against Jericho with 2 other guys...AND Flair in his corner, still lost. Now, call me crazy, but, if a guy couldn't with with a 3 on 1 advantage, what chances does he logically have in a one-on-one match ? I'd say between slim and none. Some of you might think this is a great move to capitalize on Steamboat's renewed fan appeal, but I don't agree, I think this is yet another lazy booking move where creative have no idea on what to do with Jericho now.
Yeah.... I know Steamboat did a good job at mania for a guy that old, but still.... this match will be when I go grab a snack from the fridge. I'm not in the least bit interested in it... and as a Jericho fan, that's saying a lot.

I want Jericho to win though.
I knew this match would give the smarks huge erections and orgasms all over the world. Personally, I don't give a shit about this match. The WWE expects me to buy into one weeks worth a buildup and somehow be interested in the match. It just doesn't work that way. Jericho needs to win this match as he is going to be a major player on Smackdown, at least for the next 12 months. Ricky Steamboat does not need this win under any circumstance. He is way past his prime and he's not even a member of the WWE roster. Hopefully he puts over Jericho very well here.

It should be a decent 10 minute match but without a real purpose behind it, I just don't care. If Steamboat wins this, well then the WWE has fucked up big time. I can't help but think that this match is basically a pure filler. Along with CM Punk vs. Kane, this is another match that has very little build and just doesn't look interesting compared to the other matches. It will be good though, just not great. Hopefully Y2J picks up a win here. That's all I care about.

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