Best Insurrextion (UK) match ever!!

Which was the best?

  • 2000

  • 2001

  • 2002

  • 2003

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F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Okay, so this is the second of the2 UK editions of my series here in the Old School Wrestling Section.

From 2000 to 2003, WWE held 4 UK ppv's, in the middle of the year. Yes, it was called Insurrextion. For me, it will be remembered for its again cool theme and also some matches that took place in my home country England!!

So what I want to know is, from the 4 ppv's, which has to be your favourite match to take place at Insurrextion??

My choise would have to be from 2000, the main event of course. Triple H vs Shane vs The Rock for the wwe champion. This match IMO was rather entertaining all through out, I laughed a couple of time, but has to be favourite match to have taken place at Insurrextion.

Im afraid I don't have any honourable mentions, 2002 and 2003 where both Raw exclusive, and didn't really produce anything good IMO, the only one that stood out for me had to be the first.

So there you go, Please share your ideas with everyone.
2001 had major potential, the announced card before the event was epic,

Austin/Undertaker - World title,
Kane/HHH - IC Title,
Crash/Malenko/Spike - LHW title (Crash lost the belt 6 days prior to the event)
Angle/Jericho (Happen 6 month later at Rebellion 2001)
Benoit/Regal (queens cup match)

There was a few more matches that looked pretty gnarly on the card, but I remember them being the main matches, that I was hyped for, then as the broadcast started you had Regal and Vince talking about foot n mouth illness that was pretty big at the time, and Linda came in and changed the whole frigging card, apart from Austin/Undertaker that was the only match that stayed apart from HHH getting added, still a fun show to watch, but VERY dissapointing considering what the original card was.

My favorite was 2003, it wasn't a cluster of random matches like most UK only PPV cards, it was balanced with two randoms and 5 on going feuds, Booker T/Christian was pretty epic, and Nash/HHH was a pretty good street fight, probably one of the best matches they had.
I liked watching the UK only shows as I liked the fact that WWE gave the UK a PPV, even if nothing of major consequence actually happened there. Insurrextion 2000 was a very good show and it featured what I think was probably the best match in the Insurrextion series: Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho. This was right when Eddie Guerrero was at the beginning of his "Mamacita" gimmick with Chyna. Yes, the ending was cheap, but for the 10-15 minutes Jericho and Guerrero had on the show, they had a great technical wrestling match.

Other matches of mention:
Triple H vs. The Rock vs. Shane McMahon- Very entertaining match that ran congruently with the series of matches after Backlash.
Kevin Nash vs. Triple H- I know people HATED their matches, but I personally liked this Street Fight between the two of them. It was probably the best overall match on that particular show.

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