Best Angle Of The Year

What Is The Best Angle Of 2012?

  • Aces and 8's

  • CM Punk Wants Respect

  • Jericho Calls CM Punk's Daddy A Drunk

  • Joseph Park And The Hunt For Abyss

  • Daniel Bryan Is Insane, Goes To War With The Crowd

  • Daniel bryan and Kane Go To Anger Management

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As much as I've loved the "Punk demanding respect" angle, I have to give my vote to "Anger Management" because it was an angle we all thought to somehow tie in with Charlie Sheen and it was going to be an abysmal use of both Bryan and Kane but then it ended up going in the complete opposite direction by being comedy gold and bringing us not only some of the most funny and entertaining television of the year but it lead to the formation of Team Hell No and the tag revival that followed, it's a winner no doubt!
I like CM Punk wants respect but it has been done to death. Punk`s daddy is a drunk started well but would say it went on to be the best angle of the year. Aces and 8`s is intriguing but that`s just that.
So year,Anger management. I was shocked at how good it was...resurrected Kane for me. Been the reason to tune in for quite some Raws and Smack downs.
Anger Management without a doubt. Some seriously funny and highly entertaining segments. I thought it was a nice change from the constant angry and destruction driven Kane that we always see, and It raised Daniel's stock tremendously.
I don't see my choice up there, but I do see the end result of that choice and that's Anger Management which is certainly one of the highlights of this year so I suppose I'll go with that.
While I enjoyed Punk's quest for respect a lot, I was just flat out entertained by Kane & Daniel Bryan going to anger management classes. It was an angle, much like Team Hell No altogether, that could've been an absolute disaster. This angle, more than anything else, showed just how much personality these two can deliver.

It was a very pleasant surprise how good this angle turned out and I think it really helped to establish Bryan in the long term as someone with the overall ability to be a player in WWE.
Anger Management without a doubt.That angle was supposed to be the worst angle of the year.But Kane and Bryan's incredible comedy and acting turned it into pure gold.
I know the Anger Management angle will win but I'm going to give Joseph Park/Abyss some love. Park managed to reinvent himself and become highly entertaining, something we haven't seen for years from him. He's been playing the character really well and it's making this storyline very, very good.
Anger Management would have been the best name for their Tag Team, but either way this angle is GOLD from it's inception to rebuilding the Tag Team Division. Daniel Bryan stock in the WWE is skyrocketing and his versitility is on a par with Kane which is why they work in sync.
CM Punk wants respect has been the most compelling and must see angle this year IMO. Especially with the additions of Heyman, Ryback, and The Shield. I see Anger Management is winning by a landslide, but is that really what you were tuning in to see? I don't think so. If it's not CM Punk wants respect it's got to be Punk v Jericho. Just my two cents.
Bryan & Kane, but I feel that the AJ/Punk/Bryan storyline should be on here, unless there is a separate category in which case I apologize.

But Bryan & Kane took crap and turned it into gold.
It's actually the one maaaaaaaaaaaan baaaaaaaaaaand v the legends but as you haven't listed it I voted for anger management.
The bottom one, with the two above in a second and third, with Park being second. Great story, but Kane and Bryan was probably greater.
Bryan and Kane going to anger management. From the debut segment it was gold, Kane telling his life story, Bryan having a similar appearance to that of a goat, their tag team, Dr. Shelby, the character Scorpio Sky played whose name escapes me right now. Everything about it was and has been brilliant.

Joseph Park is second with CM Punk's demands for respect slightly edging out Bryan's war with the crowd for third.
I have to say, I agree with Lee's one man band angle. Gotta love Slater.

As for the angles, I am going with Daniel Bryan vs. the crowd. That, I believe, was the best. Not only did it get the crowd involved, which is always good for raising that entertainment factor, but it led to the Yes! and No! chants becoming a WWE mainstay for a long time to come, much like the "What?" chants.

Anger Management was great, exceptional really, but I think that the Yes! No! thing will be more of a constant, even when the team has split.

Joseph Park was a great angle, was actually pretty fresh, and Park made it that much more enjoyable with the way he portrayed that character perfectly. Not the "hunt for Abyss" stuff (which I understand had to happen to introduce his character) but the stuff afterwards with the basic getting bullied and kidnapped thing. I guess it was kind of a part of all that but I feel it stood out by itself and was a separate entity.

Aces and 8's started out fine, but has quickly become convoluted and feels to drawn out, much like Immortal. Ugh. Plus you know they're going to let down with the ending. They seem to always do when it comes to these bigger, "NWO-type" things.

I do have to also agree that the whole "respect" angle has been done to death. I don't know, I think it could have worked with somebody who had a different personality and put more emotion into their performances (Punk just comes across nonchalant and cocky, which is great for some angles - SES being one - but this one needs to be done by somebody that can flip out and go ballistic; someone that can really seem at the end of their rope. Just don't get the right "vibe" from Punk in that angle, if that makes sense.

I did like the personal feel of the Jericho/Punk alcohol/drug angle. I thought both guys gave a hell of a performance in that one. To go along with what I said above, this one actually had Punk giving me that "vibe" of importance/emotion. I just think Bryan and his catchphrases surpassed that in importance. It even transcended the wrestling world and ended up in other mediums. What's not to love about that kind of exposure?
Joseph Park for me. I didn't think Abyss could pull it off that beautifully. Kane was always decent at comedy so that Anger Management bit wasn't surprising to me. Kayfab.
Joseph Park was amazing and while his matches weren't technically good by any means, they were entertained and i always was rooting for him.

Still though, Anger Management was much better.
Jericho & Punk's feud for me. Even after finding out wrestling is fake those many years ago, this feud had me emotionally attatched.

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