Because it needs to be said


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I don't understand the fascination many people on a professional wrestling forum have developed with puppy dogs, sunshine, candy, happiness, and denying the cold hard reality that is 9+ minute long rapes. What is it with these people? Would they prefer to cup their ears and pretend there are only gumdrop buttons and gingerbread in the world? Well that's not the case. And even if it were, gingerbread men probably aren't so repressed that they can't acknowledge the existence of 9+ minute rapes.

Someone explain to me why sunlight and puppy dogs are a sane thing to enjoy.
Not as long as the rainbow. That thing fucking never ends and it's just obscene.
Well, I don't think mentally numbing or blunting yourself or - in case of a lot of people - a society is going to make your or public life more enjoyable.
I'd like to watch a 10 minute rape scene. It desanitizes me for when Prison is a possibility. I hear in Prison, rape is averaged around 5 minutes. I'd only be half as devastatingly soul crushed.
I once stabbed a homeless man just to watch him die. Also, I wanted to read the paper he was using for warmth and he was in the way.
It's not that the rape lasts 5 minutes, it's that prisoners are raped every 5 minutes. Ever heard the cliche "You wouldn't know your ass from a hole in the ground?" Where do you think that started?
I think sunlight is proven to have a positive psychological effect on someone as well as give you one of them vitamin thingys.

BUT PUPPY DOGS!! Drown em. Drown em all.

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