Batista WWE Return - What Kind Of Impact Would It Have?


Dark Match Winner
Obviously WWE is lacking in big names anymore.. How would you view a potential animal return to Raw/Smackdown? What storylines do you think he could play into well? I think he would look good on Smackdown in some kind of relationship with Orton which could possibly at first be friendly and then turn into a feud of some sort. Maybe he could return to help HHH out and gain control of Raw against the NWO 2.0 that may be coming in. Nash/Batista would be interesting.. Imagine chaos ensuing and HHH teasing to bringing someone in to take them out.. Batista music hits and Miz/Nash/Truth shit their pants..
Batista would come back for a last run probably as a heel and put over Punk or something. He's getting up there in years so he wouldn't be around all that long.
Batista coming back would be great for WWE. His coming back seems like only a matter of time, since his other interests don't seem to be working out successfully. Recently, he said he isn't interested in coming back, but I personally think he would return if the circumstances were right.

When and if he comes back, I'd love to see him fued with Cena again(providing he's heel by then)for the WWE title. I know if The Rock stays around, a Batista/Rock match would be a unique match. Also, if Miz finally makes it back to becoming WWE Champion, he'd be the perfect heel for Batista to return against. Either way, his returning would be huge and from a fan's perspective, it would be awesome.
A Batista return would spark alot of interest in me...I mean alot.

Some might disagree, but Batista was one of the better wrestlers in the last few years. His name actually meant something in the WWE. Like the OP stated, the WWE is lacking in big names as of late, and a Batista return would help that a bit. Batista left in the height of an amazing push - it seemed to me Batista was actually coming into his own right before he left with his heel turn. If you ask me, Batista is what the WWE needs right now; a heel with name value who is not afraid to fight. If he were to come back, wait until this whole CM Punk/conspiracy thing is over and introduce him as Cena's opponent for a PPV or some shit like that. Whatever they do, keep him away from Mark Henry's dominant role on Smackdown. Anyways, when he left, I was severely disappointed. I would kill to have Batista back on my television screen - I really couldn’t care less what role.
Batista is and was a good thing period. I never understood why he would leave when he was taking his career to another level. He was on top of his game before he left. It sparked up so much interest with him and John Cena going at it. And i got sparked up watching him and Randy Orton face off also.

I'm not sure if you could bring him back with this story line we got on Raw here but.. I would still love to see him face off against Cena, Orton, Punk now.. Sheamus, Wade Barrett etc.. although.. I think he would make sense being involve in this story line right now.

Before he left he was kinda advocating what CM Punk has been advocating in his own way(of course Punk is taking it to a whole other level) but... Remember what Batista's story was mostly about with Cena? He was tired of Cena being the man, and everything being about him. Sure it was coming off as a Jealousy thing but.. He was still kinda advocating change because he was sick of Cena and how the WWE is catered to Cena. Thats what he thought and had felt anyway.

Idk IMO he is good for the WWE period, Raw or Smackdown.. but i would love to see him involve in this story line and just back period. He has unfinished business....
It should be and would be incredibly easy to promote Batista, he's well over with the crowd so there would obviously be no need to build him to get over. The male demographic 18-35 (or by a general margin the Cena haters demographic) liked him. He could carry or help carry Smackdown and he could work either side, heel or face probably heel because a returning superstar of his caliber would get a huge face pop.

There's a lot you could probably do with Dave, he lost weight so I don't know WWE would approach that, they seem to want to stay away from the MMA gimmick (which to me is a mistake given it's popularity and they want to be uber popular). Over all I don't know WWE could hype the return to great levels, Batista can mix it up, put over their new guys if his ego isn't too big. If he would want to deal with the PG rating but who knows. He's talked down about the WWE many times so he may have worn out his welcome, just a tad.
Here's how I would bring Dave back. I know they would never book this (because of Ortons role), but I think it'd be perfect.

At Hell in a Cell, have Henry dominate Orton once again and just tear him apart, giving him a few weeks off to "heal". In that time, just have Henry run through the Smackdown roster, picking people apart until one night, Orton shows up on the tron, telling Henry he's got an old friend who wants a piece of him, at which point Batista makes his appearance.

Now I don't want this to be the usual feud where the face proves he's stronger right away and makes the monster start doubting himself. And Batista wouldn't be a full face either, just a man wanting to prove he's the strongest on Smackdown. This would lead to a series of showdowns where both Batista and Henry would take out and demolish everybody in their way to get to each other and prove who the bigger monster is.

(And of course, when i say demolish everybody in their way, I wouldn't include people like Barret or Sheamus in this feud. Henry and Batista should dominate, but they shouldn't bury the entire upper card to do it.)
I wouldnt mind a Batista return. I've never been a fan of his work, but his last feud featured his best work and was really solid. If he does come back, I hope he modifies his finisher. He has the ugliest sit out powerbomb I've ever seen and it always looks like he's about to break his ankles or something. He should just do a straight up powerbomb. A powerbomb coming from a guy that size doesnt have to be fancy or special to be an effective finisher. But I digress.

If he does come back, I'd like to see him work a program with an up and coming guy like Sheamus. That would be a perfect feud for him, as it would be believable for Sheamus to go over. I dont want to see Batista return as a major player, so he should use his past as a major player to help elevate an upper mid card guy like Sheamus.

But if he wants to return, I have a feeling its only to further cement his legacy. I dont see him returning to do anything less than have another run with the belt and a big marquee match at Wrestlemania or something. He's a bit of an egomaniac and I dont see him coming back just to put over someone who isnt as big of a name as him.
Always liked Batista. He can definately can come and fill the void of Edges abscense. I'd like to see him come back and attack Orton for the punt years ago. He could take faces like Sheamus, Bryan to the next level. Or be a face which I'd like to see. Have him bring Rhodes or Christain to the next level.
Wow, genuinely surprised all the Batista love in here, as I recall when he was still about he was crapped on by the IWC on a near constant basis for being a 'roided-out botch-fest. Not that I dislike the guy at all, I never really thought all the criticism was entirely fair, but by the same token I haven't really missed ol' Dave since he's been gone.

If he's going to return it should be to elevate someone, I don't mind if he becomes a World Champion again, just so long as his title run ends with him putting someone new over. Someone hovering on the tipping point that needs that sort of nudge over the top.

For my money I'd love to see a David vs. Goliath program with The Animal and Booker's boy D Bry. Can you imagine what it would do for Daniel Bryan's career to have him make Batista tap out after a gruelling and brutal match, winning his first world title at WrestleMania? That would be pretty awesome, and everyone loves a plucky underdog. Hell, they could even reference the Beat the Clock Challenge where Bryan pushed Batista to the limit a year ago. There are possibilities there.

Actually, having typed all that, I'm suddenly a little more excited about the prospect of a hypothetical Batista return.
He could help. I have to bh, the only thing he had going for him, imo, was his look and the right people looking out for him behind the scenes. He wasn't remarkable in the ring or on the mike but he was in the main event picture and his fans did love him. I'm not among his fans but he was popular.

Batista seemed rather displeased with the PG kid friendly format the WWE were changing to so unless he's changed his mind, that might be a huge hurdle that stands in their way to get Batista back. I mean if Angle came back, I would be over the moon but Batista, not so much. Why go for Batista when they have a roided up freak like Mason Ryan who would cheaper and younger version of Batista ?

It'll gain some attention, I'm not sure he will turn the company's fortunes around. He's no Rock, Angle or Austin.
He could help. I have to bh, the only thing he had going for him, imo, was his look and the right people looking out for him behind the scenes. He wasn't remarkable in the ring or on the mike but he was in the main event picture and his fans did love him. I'm not among his fans but he was popular.

Batista seemed rather displeased with the PG kid friendly format the WWE were changing to so unless he's changed his mind, that might be a huge hurdle that stands in their way to get Batista back. I mean if Angle came back, I would be over the moon but Batista, not so much. Why go for Batista when they have a roided up freak like Mason Ryan who would cheaper and younger version of Batista ?

It'll gain some attention, I'm not sure he will turn the company's fortunes around. He's no Rock, Angle or Austin.

To get Mason on the level Batista was at would be hard as fuck and it's not even certain he'll even be over once they start to push him. However, someone like Batista isn't forgotten in today's WWE. If he were to comeback, he would still be relatively over. Batista's career was one of the better careers the WWE has seen in quite a while. He has headlined his fair share of Wrestlemanias, he's won World Titles, and while his name isn't as big as the Rock's or Steve Austin's, he's still a household name. Mason Ryan might have a good chance of breaking out but Batista is already over and would save alot of time. Mason Ryan needs putting over while Batista is already there and is probably worth the money they'll spend on him.
I've never understood why Batista is so over with the WWE Universe, he has like four or five moves,It's throw into the ropes ,kneel in or shoulder in then wiggle the ropes stamp his feet then power-bomb to finish.
However That's just my opinion.. as boring as or more boring than Rick Flair....same old moves time and time again.

However as he is so Over with the WWE Universe and as he is such a powerhouse, I think he would be perfect to put over some of the up and coming superstars like fake-tista, Mason v Batista cementing Ryan as a face and pushing Dave more into the heel world were I think he belongs.
I wouldnt mind a Batista return. I've never been a fan of his work, but his last feud featured his best work and was really solid. If he does come back, I hope he modifies his finisher. He has the ugliest sit out powerbomb I've ever seen and it always looks like he's about to break his ankles or something. He should just do a straight up powerbomb. A powerbomb coming from a guy that size doesnt have to be fancy or special to be an effective finisher. But I digress.

I agree his last fued was the best work of his career. Between his mic work improving, his unforgettable powerbomb on the steel steps, and his unique spotlight gimmick, he evolved his character very well. Needless to say, his character improving so much made Cena look bad by comparison. And his kinda advocating wanting the face of WWE to change to him was a great idea(as egotistical as it sounded, it worked for his character). Not to mention, it echoed what the fans were thinking. That alone would be my guess as to why the majority of fans want to see a Batista return.

I have to disagree though about Batista modifying his finisher. His Batista Bomb is a unique spin on the Sitout Powerbomb. He pulls it off well and has never botched it to my knowledge. I could see your point if he was too weak to pull it off or injured someone with it(at least the standing version, and not the one where he caught Cena). It's original to him and isn't a blatant ripoff of someone else's move. To change finishers now would be detrimental to his character IMO. Doing a standard powerbomb or sitout powerbomb wouldn't be original or creative. So, I think he should stick with his finisher. Just my view on the issue though.
I never liked Batista so I would not be care one bit if never came back but on the flip side I see how big he was in the company and him returning would be huge. He was a genuine main event WWE superstar and a come back would be interesting. I was just never into him or his character but that is me personally..for the WWE it would only be a good thing.

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