It Could Have Been Batista

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
This could fall under a myriad of things but the one I'm going to focus on is the popularity of Batista in relation to Cena. During their feud, Batista claimed that the torch was passed from Austin to Cena and not to him. Batista was popular in his own right during his tenure in the WWE but didn't seem as huge as Cena was and I have a guess as the reason why.

Cena and Batista switched brands during the 2005 WWE Draft. From the time of the draft until Batista was drafted to RAW in 2008, here were some of their feuds.

Cena: Jericho, Christian, Angle, Edge, Orton, HBK
Batista: JBL, Eddie Guerrero, Great Khali, Undertaker, Edge

Smackdown was in a down period in 2005 and I believe Batista suffered from that as the talent level on the blue brand was significantly less than the flagship show. Batista has the look that Vince loves just like Cena and I think Dave could have been just as charismatic as Cena is now. I believe both would be in the same position they are now sans Batista retiring but Batista could have been the face of the WWE.

So do you think Batista could have been the face of the WWE if he was never drafted to Smackdown in 2005 and how would it have affected Cena if this was to take place?
I think what hurt Batista, more than anything, was the injuries. You're right in that the B Show suffered from a lack of talent, but having said that, Batista was still way over in his own right. Not only that, but the WWE were actually making stars off of Batista's back. Hell, in one angle, Batista was set to make superstars out of Melina, Mark Henry, and MNM. Mind you, it wasn't exactly the most tasteful of angles, but these four were set to feud with Batista, and the heat was absolutely bonkers.

And then Batista got hurt. That's really the case of Batista's career; a man who would find wild success, and then get injured. It happened to him three separate times, all involving Edge, Mark Henry, and Randy Orton. Two out of three are generally safe workers, so it wasn't like the guy he was working with was the one that was causing him to get hurt.

Aside from that, Cena and Batista kinda feuded with the same guys. Feud with Trips? Check. Feud with Edge? Check. Feud with The Great Khali? Add a big old checkerooni to that. It isn't so much the guys they were fighting, as they eventually feuded with the same people. Hell, Batista even had a feud with Taker, something in which Cena never had the chance for. Yes, Batista may have been able to be the face of the company, but the show he was on didn't hold him back. It was just that Batista got too hurt too often, and it wounded the ways fans viewed him
I think what hurt Batista, more than anything, was the injuries. You're right in that the B Show suffered from a lack of talent, but having said that, Batista was still way over in his own right. Not only that, but the WWE were actually making stars off of Batista's back. Hell, in one angle, Batista was set to make superstars out of Melina, Mark Henry, and MNM. Mind you, it wasn't exactly the most tasteful of angles, but these four were set to feud with Batista, and the heat was absolutely bonkers.

And then Batista got hurt. That's really the case of Batista's career; a man who would find wild success, and then get injured. It happened to him three separate times, all involving Edge, Mark Henry, and Randy Orton. Two out of three are generally safe workers, so it wasn't like the guy he was working with was the one that was causing him to get hurt.

Aside from that, Cena and Batista kinda feuded with the same guys. Feud with Trips? Check. Feud with Edge? Check. Feud with The Great Khali? Add a big old checkerooni to that. It isn't so much the guys they were fighting, as they eventually feuded with the same people. Hell, Batista even had a feud with Taker, something in which Cena never had the chance for. Yes, Batista may have been able to be the face of the company, but the show he was on didn't hold him back. It was just that Batista got too hurt too often, and it wounded the ways fans viewed him

The one thing I'll say is this. I actually thought that the Batista/Edge feud was a whole lot better than the Cena/Edge feud. I know they wanted to keep Batista face because he was that popular but I've always felt that he could have been the top heel in the business for a while. Batista's a big dude and he just screamed heel from the beginning. His promos were great for what they were as he didn't need to say much. He would just go out there and destroy people. It is a shame that injuries play a factor into so many wrestlers and where they are today. Imagine how much bigger Edge would possibly be if he didn't get injured in 2003.
The one thing I'll say is this. I actually thought that the Batista/Edge feud was a whole lot better than the Cena/Edge feud. I know they wanted to keep Batista face because he was that popular but I've always felt that he could have been the top heel in the business for a while. Batista's a big dude and he just screamed heel from the beginning. His promos were great for what they were as he didn't need to say much. He would just go out there and destroy people. It is a shame that injuries play a factor into so many wrestlers and where they are today. Imagine how much bigger Edge would possibly be if he didn't get injured in 2003.

Edge... Eh, I'm not sure. Edge was a good to great wrestler in 2003, but didn't mean fuck all in the crowd, and getting a reaction. The only time he did get a pop was during his feud with Kurt Angle. If you can;t get a pop with Kurt Angle, may as well get out of the business. Besides that, the injury allowed him to have the affair with Lita, which would make him a heel for fucking ever. The injury was probably the best thing to ever happen to Edge.

On to the topic. Batisita was always meant to be a heel, and was at his best as a lackey in evolution. Unfortunately, he was going against Triple H, so there's n oway he was going to avoid turning face. Everyone wanted to see Trips get his ass kicked, and because Trips fucking buried Randy, Batista was really the only hope. You're right, and it makes me wonder what would have happened if Trips didn't bury Randy. Makes me kind of think Batista could have been a fantastic heel for the rest of his career. sadly, it just wouldn't work that way
Edge... Eh, I'm not sure. Edge was a good to great wrestler in 2003, but didn't mean fuck all in the crowd, and getting a reaction. The only time he did get a pop was during his feud with Kurt Angle. If you can;t get a pop with Kurt Angle, may as well get out of the business. Besides that, the injury allowed him to have the affair with Lita, which would make him a heel for fucking ever. The injury was probably the best thing to ever happen to Edge.

On to the topic. Batisita was always meant to be a heel, and was at his best as a lackey in evolution. Unfortunately, he was going against Triple H, so there's n oway he was going to avoid turning face. Everyone wanted to see Trips get his ass kicked, and because Trips fucking buried Randy, Batista was really the only hope. You're right, and it makes me wonder what would have happened if Trips didn't bury Randy. Makes me kind of think Batista could have been a fantastic heel for the rest of his career. sadly, it just wouldn't work that way

I honestly think HHH gets a bad rap for burying Randy. Brock had just left and they were looking to replace him as the youngest heavyweight champion and Orton so happened to be there. I don't think Randy was ready just yet but that's another story.

It goes to show how far a superstar can go when given enough backing. Batista did much of nothing besides win the tag team titles in 2004 and all of a sudden he was the hottest superstar in the planet. The Batista/HHH was perfect for him as he got to display his dominance over HHH three straight times and it is crazy that they never restarted the feud after that because you know HHH was due.
I think what hurt Batista, more than anything, was the injuries. You're right in that the B Show suffered from a lack of talent, but having said that, Batista was still way over in his own right. Not only that, but the WWE were actually making stars off of Batista's back. Hell, in one angle, Batista was set to make superstars out of Melina, Mark Henry, and MNM. Mind you, it wasn't exactly the most tasteful of angles, but these four were set to feud with Batista, and the heat was absolutely bonkers.

And then Batista got hurt. That's really the case of Batista's career; a man who would find wild success, and then get injured. It happened to him three separate times, all involving Edge, Mark Henry, and Randy Orton. Two out of three are generally safe workers, so it wasn't like the guy he was working with was the one that was causing him to get hurt.

Aside from that, Cena and Batista kinda feuded with the same guys. Feud with Trips? Check. Feud with Edge? Check. Feud with The Great Khali? Add a big old checkerooni to that. It isn't so much the guys they were fighting, as they eventually feuded with the same people. Hell, Batista even had a feud with Taker, something in which Cena never had the chance for. Yes, Batista may have been able to be the face of the company, but the show he was on didn't hold him back. It was just that Batista got too hurt too often, and it wounded the ways fans viewed him

Who out of those 2 are the safe workers? i hope that your not implying Edge is. He's one of the most injury prone wrestlers in recent history.
Who out of those 2 are the safe workers? i hope that your not implying Edge is. He's one of the most injury prone wrestlers in recent history.

For himself, sure, but around others, he's perfectly safe. When is the last time you ever heard of Edge hurting somebody? Or of Edge causing someone to miss months because of injury?

Look, Edge's style takes a toll on his own body, but at the least, he is not reckless with others. If he was, trust me, he would not be in the main event right now. But I'm sure you already knew that.
Except that Dave Batista doesn't like being a face. He honestly prefers his heel character, and that's generally the role they play. I'll admit, he could have been bigger, but Dave had some pretty great months. I mean, the talent you listed on Smackdown wasn't that bad compared to the talent on Raw. You have to remember that in 2005 Christian wasn't a huge name (still isn't unfortunately), Jericho was in a slower period after his huge push, and guys like JBL, Undertaker, Edge and Eddie Guerrero were at the heights of their popularity. I honestly believe that Dave was given every chance that Cena was given. I mean, come on the guy was a huge part of what some consider to be the greatest faction of all time, Evolution. He broke from the group and faced Triple H for the World title after winning the Royal Rumble. And Cena has faced every single person Batista has faced, and generally drawn a bigger reaction. Cena and Batista both feuded with Great Kahli, and only Cena was able to make it worth watching...sort of. Yeah, Cena was given the face of the company title from the guys in back, and Batista wasn't. But I'm sure that was done after a good amount of analyzation between Batista, Cena, and Orton. I don't think that it could have been Dave. You have to put all wrestling ability aside, because neither one is exactly the greatest in-ring competitor. Cena has the better charisma, and more importantly plays the better face, which is vital to being the FACE of the company.
I don't believe it could have been Batista he was way over at the time he won the rumble but Cena just has the it factor. His mic skills and charisma allow him to be the face of the company and his strength lets him pull all those superman stunts. Batista is a big dude but he seems kinda weak for his size, they tried to make him into a Brock Lesnar/Goldberg type face but to do that you have be able to put your finisher on anybody. I can't recall him Batista Bombing anybody bigger than Taker or Kane, hell CM Punk can pick them up so.... the point im getting at is Batista is not as strong as he looks. Cena appeals to the kids because kids like power moves and high flyers.
Just a thought and the title of this thread gave me the idea. What if it was Batista...who put undertaker in a vegitative state?! I mean seriously, the WWE and Batista could be making it seem like he's persuing a MMA Career when really its a huge work and Batista ends up being the one who did it... He fueds with Kane and eventually destroys Kane at a PPV and then BAM! lights go out and Undertaker returns setting up Batista vs Undertaker. They've fueded in the past but it'll be different this time because Batista is a full heel. Just an idea...
Or at Money in the bank PPV this Sunday Kane could be at the top of the ladder ready to grab the briefcase when the lights go out and we all hear the bells. Lights back on and undertaker is on the ladder and chokeslams kane off the ladder then the lights go out and undertaker is gone allowing one of the others to go up and grab the case. The next week on SD Kane comes out and says he doesn't understand why his brother did that until Undertaker comes on the screen and accuses Kane and then a video shows of Kane attacking the Undertaker. Undertaker says at SS, Kane will Rest in Peace because the match will be a casket match. Again, just an idea...
For himself, sure, but around others, he's perfectly safe. When is the last time you ever heard of Edge hurting somebody? Or of Edge causing someone to miss months because of injury?

Look, Edge's style takes a toll on his own body, but at the least, he is not reckless with others. If he was, trust me, he would not be in the main event right now. But I'm sure you already knew that.

Yep. The idea that Edge is somehow not safe because he himself is injury prone is, in all seriousness, one of the most insanely idiotic thing I have ever seen in my life, and we are all dumber for having read it. There's no way to sugar coat it. That just makes no sense whatsoever. Edge is one of the safest workers the WWE has.

On topic, injuries are a factor among many. But the biggest reason is he's just not the face of a company. He doesn't have the charisma/personality, he doesn't have the "it" factor like somebody else said, not to mention he's too old. It takes a certain type to connect with the crowd the way Hogan, Austin, Rock, and Cena do. Batista isn't one of those types. But the injuries still slowed him significantly...he could've been a very, very good #2 to Cena - he was insanely big when he turned on Evolution and had his long world title reign. He never fully got that back after he was hurt. But Cena just has that magic to him, it was always a matter of time before he was the biggest star in the company.
I think what all you guys fail to realize is that when Cena was drafted to RAW, it was a wrap then and there.....something clicked and magic happened....Cena became the FACE of the company.....Batista was drafted to Smackdown so Cena was pretty much the face of the company by default.....had Batista stayed on RAW at the time while Cena stayed on Smackdown, then we would have a different story today.....I mean cmon nobody really watched smackdown like RAW......they decided to market Cena like the next coming...they didnt do that with Batista.....I personally favor Batista as a heel anyday over Cena period....
I think Cena and Batista would be in the same position as they are today. Batista has decent mic skills and horrible in-ring skills. Yes, Cena is a "5-move guy" but his PPV matches are very good (in my opinion). If anybody saw Cena's SummerSlam match last year must be mental if they think that that match wasn't entertaining!

The only reason why Batista ever got to the main even was:

A. Originally the lackey in Evolution, he attacked HHH and was able to get elevated from Trips

B. He is 'roided up, and we all know that VKM loves wrestlers who are beefy
Batista could never have been John Cena. Batista is just a slow overly muscular guy with limited ring and mic skills. He was popular because he was big, but that wore off. I don't think it has as much to do with each show so much as it has to do with each wrestler's personality. John Cena has charisma, Batista does not. At least not at anywhere close to the level Cena has. That is a much bigger factor in who became "the man" in the WWE.
I believe it was more to do with age.

Back in 2005 Cena was 28 and Batista was 34, that's six years between them, six years can make a lot of difference. The top face has to be around a for a while (Hogan, Austin etc) to draw in audiences and money if the their not you have to build a new face rather quickly (they had to build Cena rather quickly after Brock Lesnar left) and that's a pain in the neck, whereas if the top face is still around they can gradually build up a new face. While they perhaps might have wanted to push Batista over Cena, his age was a disadvantage.

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