Bam Bam Bigelow

Meat Boy

Dark Match Winner
This thread is dedicated to one of my favorite wreslers of all time Bam Bam Bigelow. I think that he is the best big guy in the history of wrestling. No one could move like him. He would do moonsaults off the top rope. People have been talking about monster heels I don't think there isn't any one more better than Bam Bam. He was so quick and he really did look like he could kick your ass in the ring. I was born right when Bam Bam left in the eighties, I saw him for the first time when he came back in the 90s and I thought he was the coolest he had flames tattoted on the top of his head tights covered in flames and he just a mean looking dude. I never saw anyone like him before that was the first time where I liked a heel. I was so shocked when he cut Tatankas hair.
I just wished they did more with him instead of useing him to his full potential they made him fued with Doink and face 4 Doinks at the Survivor Series After the L.T. fued they didn't really do anything with him after that I thought after main eventing Wrestlemania they do more with him. Even in the eighties they could have made him a monster heel who beat Hogan for the title. Bam Bam Bigelow is a wrestler who should been used to do great things.
It's a shame what happened to Bam Bam I wish he was still alive today

Bam Bam your one of the best and a Hall of Famer in my book
He paved the way for athletic big men. He was one of if not the first big man to have that athleticism. He had a great heel look with that flaming head tat. He could have been used better but he was used sorta like the Big Show is now. They put him in these gimmick matches at Mania and Bam Bam got the same. The match with LT makes me cringe. Pretty underrated imo
As Yazloz said, Bam Bam was one of the, if not the, most athletic big man. A big man was usually slow and kept to a standard moveset that left a lot to be desired. Bigelow could move fast and had innovative moves in his arsenal. Guys like Vader, Yokozuna, Rikishi, and Umaga all benefited from what Bam Bam did in his career.

It looked as though he was on his way towards a major push when he and diesel were going against Money Inc, but there was no way Diesel was going to drop the strap to him. I do not think Vince will ever allow a face with Bam Bam's physique to hold the strap, which is very disappointing.

His matches with Bret Hart in WWF, and his feud with Tazz in ECW were great. He knew how to work with anybody, and never seemed to have a problem making people look good, no matter how untalented(cough*LT*cough). If Koko is in the HOF, then Bam should definitely be inducted.
Bam Bam was the best big guy everi in the business. Unfortunately with Yokozuna being posthumously inducted this year, Bam Bam wont be, but is certainly overqualified to be Hall of Fame material.
Bret Hart has gone on record stating that Bam Bam is the best big man he ever wrestled and said he was safe as houses in the ring. Good enough dfor me.
Bam Bam is one of the BEST EVER..... period. Bret Hart, who is largely regarded as one of the best pure wrestlers to grace the ring even says that Bammer is one of the best ever. To hear something like that from a Hall of Famer like the Hitman goes very far in my opinion. Bam will one day be in the HOF and he should have been already. I have to say that Bam worked with Doink because they were really good friends outside the ring. And the ORIGINAL Doink is from my hometown and still lived here until a few years ago. Doink was the cornerstone for a local wrestling company that would put on shows at the local high school. Bam Bam came here in about 2002. Might have been the most painful hug I ever had. NICEST wrestler I ever met. Hands down. Guy was stronger then he looks, and he don't look weak.

Sorry, got off topic. Bam Bam is another guy that could elevate those he was in the ring with. Look at #56 Lawrence Taylor at WrestleMania XI, he elevated LT to at least look competent in the ring.... which was not an easy task.

Long live Scott "Bam Bam" Bigelow. One of the greatest ever. And easily, by a mile, no, by LIGHTYEARS my favorite wrestler that I have ever gotten to meet. Rest In Peace big man. :worship:
He was one of the greats,He had moves and style all of his own.

I just didn't like his moonsault it looked more like a lop-sided cartwheel!!

But he is worthy of a WWE HOF nod.
Great look, decent on the mic and great in the ring. He wasn't the most technical but he moved great, sold well, used good ring psychology and was overall very entertaining. He is sorely underrated and throughout his career he was never booked to his potential until he went to ECW. If I was dealing the cards, he would be inducted within the next 3 years.
I've often thought that Bigelow should have gotten Yoko's push in 93.

Bigelow had both a better look and was far more talented than Yoko. He came back to the WWF in late 92/ early 93, so he was a fresh face. He was just far more entertaining. Imagine if his match with Bret Hart had headlined Wrestlemania 9 instead of the King of the Ring. It was a thousand times better than the match Bret and Yoko put on.

You could have subsituted Bam Bam for Yoko in all the big matches of 93. He could have beat Hogan for the belt at K of R. He could have beat Lex at Summer Slam and captained a team at Survivor Series. Imagine how great his match with Taker would have been at the Royal Rumble.

Bam Bam Bigelow should have gotten Yoko's run.
Look at #56 Lawrence Taylor at WrestleMania XI, he elevated LT to at least look competent in the ring.... which was not an easy task.

You've got that right. I saw a bad-quality tape of this just the other day.....and it was true, the wrestler in the match was the one who made the football player look credible in the ring. Without Bam Bam leading the way, LT would have looked ridiculous. Taylor didn't even wrestle; he simply hit spots that were set up for him by Bam Bam, who did the actual wrestling. I'll never forget Bam Bam leaving the ring after the match, with Ted DiBiase yelling at him "You a football player!" Bam Bam couldn't have enjoyed being the "sacrifice" in this match, but he played it like a champ and made it a real event.

Still, I wonder what Scott Bigelow's career might have been like if he had tried to get his body to look like a professional athlete's. The guy had the ability to be a top-notch wrestler; he definitely knew his trade and had amazing endurance and flexibility for a man that huge. Was he so fat because he never cared enough to make the sacrifices necessary to get himself in shape? Or did he look that way because he wanted to?

Either way, the man was a phenomenon in his own way.
I remember when he was coming to the WWF, they had the vignettes featuring all of the various managers they had at the time, having the "Battle for Bam Bam", and I remember him being one of the six wrestlers in the very first WWF video game for the NES, Wrestlemania. That was the second game I ever owned, and as Bam Bam, I could just maul my brother, it was fun.

I remember Bigelow as being the fastest, most agile big guy I had ever seen. For someone his size, his speed was remarkable. I don't know if I would call him the best big man ever, but he would be up there.

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