Backyard Wrestling

How Stupid Are Backyard Wrestlers?

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Dr. Thunder

Booyaka 619
About a year ago,a friend and I were on my trampoline doing some wrestling moves on each other. We were talking and he decided to let me do a dropkick to him. When i did the dropkick, I did it great, but he moved and I kicked him in the face. I looked at him and he was bleeding from his nose. It was horrible, but kinda funny.

So, has anybody else ever done any backyard wrestling?
Why would I try backyward wrestling? I'm not an idiot. I don't have special needs. I'm a well-adjusted young man. And I'd never degrade myself by taking part in something that is so monumentally stupid. I could go out and get hit by a light tube. Or I could get an education. I could break my arm because I don't know how to fall because I'm not smart enough to learn. But alas I elect to stay inside and watch TV instead.

Backyard wrestling is stupid. The people who do it are stupid. Actually normal wrestlers are stupid. Risking serious injury in a pretend sport. So backyard wrestlers are beyond stupid because they hurt themselves more, for no pay, just to entertain their friends. I entertain my friends with regular coversation, 'cus I'm smart like that.
I am a backyard wrestler and am offended by your comments i know how to fall. I am a better wrestler than alot of so called wrestlers out there.I am a former champion in my federation,and after this saturday I will be a champion again. We do not priimarily rely on weapons such as tacks and light tubes like ur average backyard promotion.We do not rip off finishers from WWE and TNA throughout an entire match like your average backyard promotion.We come up with innovative maneuvers we know how to take a bump,sell a submission.Or bleed properly if neccessary to add drama to the match.Not all backyard promotions are stereotypical.
I am a backyard wrestler and am offended by your comments i know how to fall. I am a better wrestler than alot of so called wrestlers out there..

I highly doubt that.Wrestlers spend year perfecting their craft.I mean how many years have you been doing backyard wrestling?Two?One?I honestly can't believe you just said that......

I am a former champion in my federation,and after this saturday I will be a champion again. .

Do you pride yourself on that?Wow.

We do not priimarily rely on weapons such as tacks and light tubes like ur average backyard promotion.We do not rip off finishers from WWE and TNA throughout an entire match like your average backyard promotion

Well thats refreshing.

We come up with innovative maneuvers we know how to take a bump,sell a submission.

Innovative?You mean stuff on youtube?And plus selling a submission ain't hard.Just shout and scream.

Or bleed properly if neccessary to add drama to the match.Not all backyard promotions are stereotypical
Thats what sickens me-The Blade Jobs.You have your whole life ahead of you-why endanger it by cutting your head wide open?

My Opinons on Backyard Wrestling:

Its basically people who are too poor or young to go to wrestling schools.They aren't cool.They aren't "extreme".They just want to popular with their friends.I hate backyard wrestling.Its just proves nothing.Sometimes it injures you badly.Sometimes it basically can shorten your life.

The worst part is companys like WWE warn you not to do this.But do they listen?Nope.The people who do this are people who will go no where in life.F.A.C.T
I am a backyard wrestler and am offended by your comments i know how to fall. I am a better wrestler than alot of so called wrestlers out there.I am a former champion in my federation,and after this saturday I will be a champion again. We do not priimarily rely on weapons such as tacks and light tubes like ur average backyard promotion.We do not rip off finishers from WWE and TNA throughout an entire match like your average backyard promotion.We come up with innovative maneuvers we know how to take a bump,sell a submission.Or bleed properly if neccessary to add drama to the match.Not all backyard promotions are stereotypical.

That's the funniest post I've read in a long time. I would give you green rep if it was intentional. I could go through it sentence by sentence but I've elected not to. Well done to you for holding a title in a promotion that you only care about. You care about it, so I don't have to. And for that I thank you.

You really should rip of WWE & TNA moves. They're ripping off you when they use table and chairs. If you don't rip of their moves that took them months/years to learn you'll never achieve anything with your shitty little backyard fed, or life in general. Do you honestly think that any moves you've come up with are original? If pro wrestlers of today struggle to come up with anything original then somebody without training won't be able to either.

You think you know how to bump, maybe you've just got used to falling. Once you do something lots of times it doesn't hurt less, you just get used to it.

Your promotion is stereotypical. It's a backyard wrestling federation. It's made for dumbasses by dumbasses. Of which you are one. You might think this is flaming. But alas it is not. It's just pointing out how stupid you are.

I hearbye start the [Official] orton_is_god Is An Idiot For Trying To Be A Backyard Wrestler, He's Now Crippled But He Deserves It For Being Stupid So Give The Money To Abused Dogs Instead fund.
I respect anybody's opinions on backyard wrestling on how sucky it maybe to most people. Personally I have no propblem with backyard wrestling, I like watching it and still surprised to see that it's still around. I used to that a lot with some friends of mine on the front yards of our houses 10 years ago but not anymore.

I got nothing against Backyarders but I when they do a lot of hardcore/garbage wrestling it's sad but some cases funny.
My argument isn't even against how entertaining it is, although a good 99% of the time it makes a Kevin Nash match look like a well-orchestrated program. No, my argument is that people are hurting themselves more than trained professionals, not getting paid like the trained professionals and, unlike the trained professionals, nobody cares. They're the fan fiction writers of the wrestling world.
lollerskates at the Ortonisgod to be honest!

"ZOmg, lets blade ourselcez so we look uber for youtube, it doesnt matterthat only me and my friends will see it. Oh, and I wont make a bean out of doing so!"

Bladejobs only happen in wrestling when there is GOOD money at stake. Not some jumped up 15 year old kid trying to look cool.

I suggest you read Foleys autobiographies sometime. He recalls a story of a guy, like yourself who handed him a videotape and said im the one covered in blood. Foley replied by telling him he wouldnt even look at the tape till the kid finishes college and gets trained properly.

Any idiot can do a wrestling move. Only the trained can drastically reduce the chances of injury.

Tell you what Orton is god, go try and talk to Droz sometime. Or Dynamite Kid. Ask them what its like to be paralysed from doing a sport that supposedly is fake. Maybe then you wouldnt be such a bellend and probabaly make something of your life
i do not blade myself i only bleed when i just so happen to bleed.If it happens then it happens i've never really gotten hurt.Neither has anyone else in my promotion. We're incredibly careful.I've been doing it for 5 years.I do not intend on being a pro wrestler for real I have a job I have a life. It is an extracurricular activity to me.I do not try to look uber for youtube.I do not care you're probably right about only my friends watch but do I care about that no.If someone else watches who actually looks for backyard wrestling bc it entertains them more than a Kevin Nash match then good for them. I'm glad I've entertained someone. I do it for the sole purpose of my own entertainment,and by the way have you ever heard of Claude Morrow aka Ruckus. He was a backyard wrestler and he now is a pro wreslter for real this isn't my goal but it's just proof that it can happen.
Yeah I yarded for 4 years or so. My main fed that I wrestled for was in 2003 and 2004 for FVWA. I was known (since 2001) as Heretic. Here's a compilation video from my days in FVWA on Youtube...

I did a lot of stupid shit, but it was mainly because back then I just didn't care what happened to me and wanted to get a big pop. If I could go back, I would have focused a lot more on my character and gimmick. Maybe my back wouldn't hurt all the time these days 4 years later.

In the video you will find me wrestling in a ring, bumping on concrete, going through tables, tacks, barbed wire, awesome bombs, and one of my favorite spots; taking a spanish fly (flux capacitor) off a car to the ground (on accident, we overshot the table).
what tilz56 said is exactly what im tryin to get across is not every promotion is garbage wrestling with light tubes and glass tables thats just stupid.Im not extreme i dont wanna be extreme Im about as extreme as mike adamle I have fun doing what I do.That's what matters.It aint all about stupid kids blading each other and stuff backyard wrestling has evolved.

I did a lot of stupid shit, but it was mainly because back then I just didn't care what happened to me and wanted to get a big pop. If I could go back, I would have focused a lot more on my character and gimmick. Maybe my back wouldn't hurt all the time these days 4 years later.

Hey Brad I just watched the vid and to be honest I just sat there and thought, "Wow, couldve been paralyzed by that, and that, and that couldve killed him. Tacks and Barbed Wire Wow thats silly. Powerbomb onto the hood of a car, stupid. Seriously dude I have one question, WHY? I know this was a comp video but is this what you did in most matches?
Seriously dude why?

The other thing that I dont understand is the selling in the backyard feds, it just seems to be showy, high impact moves and you all just get back up and keep 'fighting'.

If I have come off all condescending I apologize and I am actually intrigued as to the responses you have and the reasoning behind your actions.
Also with a backyard fed is there some order of how the show goes and is there like a booking team who decides the matchups?

About 5 years ago, me and a few friends built a wrestling ring behind my friend's house in the woods. We actually came up with story lines and championship titles. RWA,check us out

Just had a squiz at the website, and I liked the website itself, nicely laid out. Good links, havent had a chance to look at any vids yet. Just a couple of questions, which one are you? And what made you want to get into the backyard biz? Also about how many people attend the live events and purchase the dvd's and average views per vid on the net?
backyard wrestling is completly stupid sure people do it for fun occasionally but not shows and stuff i watched tht video and thought how freakin stupid r u people. i mean u destroy urselves for a very small amount of money and injure urselves beyond anything real wrestling can do why anyone would risk their life and their future for some crappy wrestling show tht what 300 people tops come to see unknown wrestlers kill themselves for a minimal amount of money.

to sum this all up everyone who kills themselves for the entertainment of 300 people is a complete dumbass who needs to seek mental help and who deserves anything that happens to them
Alright, i have absolutely nothing against backyard wrestlers. I think backyard wrestling is incredibly dangerous for pretty much no purpose. I understand it is fun, me and my friends have messed around a little, nothing too fancy just mimicking moves and what not. I am actually aspiring to become a pro wrestler soon here, and i decided I am not doing anything wrestling related until i am properly trained. However, as I said its basically endangering yourself for little to no point, I firmly believe if you feel its something you really want to then go ahead and do it. I think people like King Jake need to kind of chill out. You may think it is dumb but some people don't. There is no need to insult their intelligence. Because honestly some people may think that your "smart" alternative to backyard wrestling as sitting inside and watching tv is kind of a waste of time. You may enjoy it but not everyone likes to waste away on their couch watching tv shows. Basically I just think to each their own. If you want to backyard wrestle then more power too you, just be careful. But in my opinion if you want to wrestle go to a wrestling school and get trained, if you cannot afford it then save up for it, like Im doing. Then do research and find a good school, and maybe I will see you there. (if you go to OVW). lol. Thats my 2 cents.
Hey Brad I just watched the vid and to be honest I just sat there and thought, "Wow, couldve been paralyzed by that, and that, and that couldve killed him. Tacks and Barbed Wire Wow thats silly. Powerbomb onto the hood of a car, stupid. Seriously dude I have one question, WHY? I know this was a comp video but is this what you did in most matches?
Seriously dude why?
I got into wrestling because it was something to do with my friends. Met a whole bunch of other people who also enjoyed it, and ended up in a pretty big fed. I was never interested in being a pro wrestler, and never thought backyard wrestling would get me anywhere. It was just a hobby.

When it comes to taking big bumps and big spots, I never really thought, "Oh this could hurt me if it goes wrong..." I'd just think, "This is going to be awesome to watch on video and it's going to get a big pop." I mean I obviously still had common sense along the way, I wasn't going to have myself thrown off a roof onto concrete or anything. Tables are generally used in big spots because they break your fall.

I never really did any garbage wrestling (when I think of garbage wrestling, I think of people just hitting each other with weapons). All of my spots were always thought out ahead of time. My mindset was always, if something is going to hurt, you might as well go into it 100 percent and don't hold back, so it at least looks cool and the bump is solid (since even if you do it half ass, it's still going to hurt anyway.).

Barbed wire also doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it looks. I mean sure it digs into you, but if anything to me it just felt like getting pinched hard by someone. That whole segment in the video following the "if you wanna get tough, get tough mother fucker" lyric in the song, are all barbed wire bumps. (barbed wire boards, thumb tack barbed wire boards, and the barbed wire chair laid across two other chairs which I was power bombed through). Sometimes low quality video on the internet can be hard to see all the wire. But it's all there.

We were never paid or anything. Everyone that wrestled, wrestled for free.

And when it came down to a World Title match (bunch of those clips from title matches), feuds would have been built up to culminate in no DQ matches in some form or another.

The other thing that I dont understand is the selling in the backyard feds, it just seems to be showy, high impact moves and you all just get back up and keep 'fighting'.

Well there isn't as much selling as there should be. A lot of people in my fed were trained, and everyone who wasn't formally trained had knowledge handed down to them by the people who were trained, but it's still mostly kids just wrestling and doing whatever they want in their matches. So selling and psychology will often times take a backseat to big spots, and high impact moves that get easy pops out of the crowd. (and then obviously, you have to top the previous spot.)

Also with a backyard fed is there some order of how the show goes and is there like a booking team who decides the matchups?

In the FVWA, yes there was a booking committee that consisted normally of 2 or 3 people who came up with the storylines, the feuds, the finishes, etc... Everything that a normal booking committee would do. Sometimes you'd know weeks ahead of time the plan for your character and everything your storyline is building to, and other times you'd just show up the day of the show and be told what you were going to do that day.

You pretty much had complete control on what would happen during the match that lead up to the finish as long as it fit within the rules of the match you were wrestling.
I always thought this picture was bad ass that was taken during the spanish fly/flux capacitor spot.
I got into wrestling because it was something to do with my friends. Met a whole bunch of other people who also enjoyed it, and ended up in a pretty big fed. I was never interested in being a pro wrestler, and never thought backyard wrestling would get me anywhere. It was just a hobby.

When it comes to taking big bumps and big spots, I never really thought, "Oh this could hurt me if it goes wrong..." I'd just think, "This is going to be awesome to watch on video and it's going to get a big pop." I mean I obviously still had common sense along the way, I wasn't going to have myself thrown off a roof onto concrete or anything. Tables are generally used in big spots because they break your fall.

I can understand this to a degree, while I never did BYW there were a few things I did when I was younger that I sit back and think, Wow I could have fucked myself up royally. I suppose at the end of the day you just have to put alot of trust in the other person that they wont drop you or something during any spot. While watching the video though I saw alot of high angle back suplexes and other spots that placed someone on the top of their shoulders/neck. Did you get to choose who you worked with and honestly was there any injuries that occured during your time there?

I never really did any garbage wrestling (when I think of garbage wrestling, I think of people just hitting each other with weapons). All of my spots were always thought out ahead of time. My mindset was always, if something is going to hurt, you might as well go into it 100 percent and don't hold back, so it at least looks cool and the bump is solid (since even if you do it half ass, it's still going to hurt anyway.).

Thats the other thing that I just dont understand, is why do kids need to use weapons at all? Seriously it just doesnt make any sense to me at all, and I think there is a big difference from trying to tell a story and organised brutality. What is the thought process as to what weapons are used and what arent? Was there anything that was suggested and decided against simply because it went to far? Also were there any moves that were not allowed to be used?

Barbed wire also doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it looks. I mean sure it digs into you, but if anything to me it just felt like getting pinched hard by someone. That whole segment in the video following the "if you wanna get tough, get tough mother fucker" lyric in the song, are all barbed wire bumps. (barbed wire boards, thumb tack barbed wire boards, and the barbed wire chair laid across two other chairs which I was power bombed through). Sometimes low quality video on the internet can be hard to see all the wire. But it's all there.
Not going to touch this one with a 50 foot pole :)

Well there isn't as much selling as there should be. A lot of people in my fed were trained, and everyone who wasn't formally trained had knowledge handed down to them by the people who were trained, but it's still mostly kids just wrestling and doing whatever they want in their matches. So selling and psychology will often times take a backseat to big spots, and high impact moves that get easy pops out of the crowd. (and then obviously, you have to top the previous spot.)

What sort of training was involved? and who decided what things needed to be taught? Obviously falling correctly would be needed but do you think that the training was modified for specific individuals, I mean there is no point trying to teach a 5'5 150 pound guy how to powerbomb is there?

In the FVWA, yes there was a booking committee that consisted normally of 2 or 3 people who came up with the storylines, the feuds, the finishes, etc... Everything that a normal booking committee would do. Sometimes you'd know weeks ahead of time the plan for your character and everything your storyline is building to, and other times you'd just show up the day of the show and be told what you were going to do that day.

You pretty much had complete control on what would happen during the match that lead up to the finish as long as it fit within the rules of the match you were wrestling.

This is probably the thing that I am the most intrigued about, the booking side of things. Were you involved in booking at all? and could you possibly tell us one storyline your character was involved in and what was a good storyline that featured someone else during your time with your fed? Again I applaud your honesty in all this and just hope I am not being too nosy. Thanks again and I do like the photo very nice action shot.
Im got a warning for calling a backyard wreslter a bellend.

I meant every word though. I think i fucked up my back royally doing shit like this, I get twinges in my back and seem to sit hunched over. So yea, dojnt be a bellend like I was!

This was before the internet came "big"(we didnt even record anything, was just lads pissing about) and this was before it went crazy with light tubes, barbed wire and all that crap(simple moves, not serious holy shit moments). So even if you stick to the less risky shit, you still have a chance to be injured and I try to tell everyone who I meet who wants to wrestle to go get trained. Nothing like being 22 and having a bad back!

If you want to wrestle, buy a gamesconsole and do it that way. Or get trained
I firmly believe if you feel its something you really want to then go ahead and do it. I think people like King Jake need to kind of chill out. You may think it is dumb but some people don't. There is no need to insult their intelligence.

I just felt the need to emphasize this point, not to add anything to it. I, personally, wouldn't take part in backyard wrestling as I am not interested in injuries that will keep me out of work for long periods of time. But I skydive, and I'm sure there are more than a few people who think jumping out of perfectly good airplanes for fun is stupid. I just don't care to hear those people's opinions.
Did you get to choose who you worked with and honestly was there any injuries that occured during your time there?

You could give suggestions to creative if you had any good ideas obviously, but ultimately it was more you were told who you were working with. I never had any problems working with anybody or anybody refusing to work with me.

I was told by some people that I worked with that "before they wrestled me, they were nervous, because people told them I was really stiff." but after they wrestled me, they never had a problem with wrestling against me again. While a lot of the spots I was involved in were dangerous, I was never sloppy or careless with somebody. For the bigger things, you'd obviously go over them with the person before the match, and anyone could refuse a spot if they didn't want to do it. Things like me getting power bombed onto a barbed wire chair, laid over 2 other chairs; that was my idea that I thought of about a week before the match and planned out how it would go down.

There was a certain level trust with most of the people. We weren't all friends, but nobody wanted to see anybody else get hurt or anything.

As far as injuries go, there weren't any serious ones (broken bones, or anything) that I can think of that resulted from anything in matches. A stiff lariat knocked a guy out cold once. Otherwise not much other than expected bruises and cuts really.

Thats the other thing that I just dont understand, is why do kids need to use weapons at all? Seriously it just doesnt make any sense to me at all, and I think there is a big difference from trying to tell a story and organised brutality. What is the thought process as to what weapons are used and what arent? Was there anything that was suggested and decided against simply because it went to far? Also were there any moves that were not allowed to be used?

The first two years of FVWA, there was an actual hardcore division besides everything you saw in my video (I was never in the hardcore division; I was always in the world title picture pretty much). The third year of FVWA which only lasted about a half a year, actually saw an end to the hardcore division as it was seen by some as going to far. Like this video clip, and this video clip. Those clips are from the actual hardcore division from the final show of the 2004 year in a death match battle royal pretty much. (Instead of the ring, they were surrounded in barbed wire, all weapons legal.)

No weapons were outlawed (until the 3rd year of fvwa), no moves were ever outlawed. If someone wanted to try a new move, and someone was willing to take it, the move was generally put into use.

(The story is a local indy fed actually got the police to shut us down. That fed proceeded to take pretty much anyone that was willing to go pro and work their shows.)

What sort of training was involved? and who decided what things needed to be taught? Obviously falling correctly would be needed but do you think that the training was modified for specific individuals, I mean there is no point trying to teach a 5'5 150 pound guy how to powerbomb is there?

All the basics were taught (bumping, locking up, running the ropes, suplexes, body slams, etc...). If you had a question for someone you could ask it and most likely have them show you how to do something. A 5'5 150 pound guy wouldn't maybe be shown how to powerbomb a guy, but it was definitely good for a person that size to know how to take a powerbomb.

There's a very general rule of thumb when taking bumps that will keep you alright as long as you follow it.

A) If you're landing on your back, keep your chin tucked.

B) If you're landing on your stomach or your face, don't keep your chin tucked.

This is probably the thing that I am the most intrigued about, the booking side of things. Were you involved in booking at all? and could you possibly tell us one storyline your character was involved in and what was a good storyline that featured someone else during your time with your fed?

I was friends with the bookers so I'd talk to them from time to time about the directions of my character, or plans they have for other people, but I was never involved in deciding what happened.

There was actually a lot of drama that I was completely oblivious to until actually recently that involved some people refusing to job to other people which kind of completely blew my mind. I mean, I always just saw it as backyard wrestling, and nothing more. Granted I was booked to win most of my matches, and had various title reigns; if I was booked to lose, and never had a title reign, I wouldn't have cared.

My favorite thing to do was play heel. I absolutely hated playing a face. There was an ongoing storyline that actually involved some real life elements from my time in the fed. During the first year of FVWA I was aligned with 2 other people in a stable known as the "Holy Trinity". We were your typical heel stable pretty much, but we were also an elite stable. The world title most often was around one of our waists and the mid-valley title (the feds IC title pretty much) was probably around one of our waists too.

Well one of those people in that heel group was one of my best friends. Long story short, he ended up dating one of my ex-girlfriends, and I got really pissed off about it. We had a falling out in real life. I quit wrestling for a couple months.

Once I was over everything that happened I returned. I had a surprise return (no one besides a few people knew I was coming back and wrestling, so when my music hit it was a legit surprise for everyone there), and I came in as a face.

I had a feud with my former best friend and when we had our matches, we'd shit talk each other and mention things that happened in real life, so a lot of the crowd who was aware of the whole girl situation, didn't know if we legit hated each other or if it was a work.

About a month later, I faced my friend at our biggest show of the year Wrestleriot (our wrestlemania so to speak) and I beat him for the world title (this was actually the first match that I took a barbed wire bump). Being world champ was actually probably my least favorite time in the fed because I was a face and I hated it.

A few months later I lost the belt at the last show of the year, Halloween Scream, in a 3 way, 30 minute Iron Man Match. (the match you see in the video with the spanish fly/flux capacitor spot.)

The next year wrestling resumed in the spring, and after a month or so, I ran in during a holy trinity match, and everyone thought I was going to attack my friend, but instead I hit his opponent with my finisher onto a steel chair (the move from the video which is like a sitout dominator) making a final heel turn back to the group. The "band was back together" so to speak.

I mean I could go more into detail in all of that, but I'm pretty burnt out on typing right now. haha.

At first I found backyard wrestling to be hilarious. People would risk their health to get hits on YouTube, or look "cool" for their friends. But soon, I found it to be sad. As much as you think you do, you have no idea what you're doing. Every time you step into that "ring" you risk your life, and your friend's life. Is it cool to be paralyzed? Is it cool to be in a coma? Is it cool to be dead? No!

It makes no sense. You guys have no training yet you do things that some pro wrestlers are scared of doing after years of training. It's just plain stupid.
Wow, people seriously hating on backyarders are sad. While I wouldn't do it (backyard wrestle)myself I find it completely moronic to bash those that do. Who gives a shit if they want to do it, and why can't they pose a question looking to speak with fellow backyarders without being called idiots by people that don't? That's like someone going into a D&D thread calling them geeks. "Wherz ur poket protektorz."
what tilz56 said is exactly what im tryin to get across is not every promotion is garbage wrestling with light tubes and glass tables thats just stupid.Im not extreme i dont wanna be extreme Im about as extreme as mike adamle I have fun doing what I do.That's what matters.It aint all about stupid kids blading each other and stuff backyard wrestling has evolved.

Exactly. I have my little Backyard Wrestling Crew. We did for a long time and we did it just for fun. Don't see why anybody should hate on it, but I guess blame the ones that give Backyard Wrestling a bad name. Then again look at M-Dogg 20 he was a backyard wrestler and look how successful he's become because of it. So why HATE?
Wow, people seriously hating on backyarders are sad. While I wouldn't do it (backyard wrestle)myself I find it completely moronic to bash those that do. Who gives a shit if they want to do it, and why can't they pose a question looking to speak with fellow backyarders without being called idiots by people that don't? That's like someone going into a D&D thread calling them geeks. "Wherz ur poket protektorz."

Why? Why's it sad? What's a D&D even? It's a dumb thing to do. If somebody decided to eat five hundred hamburgers I'd say it's dumb. Same thing here. It's like Jackass but no-one gives a shit. Which means you're hurting yourself for the immediate entertainment of a ridiculously small amount of people, meaning your reap no practical benefits but punish yourself in doing so. Hence it's dumb and shouldn't be endorsed. Even if you've learnt to do it properly, which I sincerely doubt, it's still a stupid idea. You shouldn't be acting high and mighty because you're one of the rare few that knows how to avoid a concussion.

It's like tight-rope walking with nobody watching. And being untrained.
I hate bakyard promotions that rely on taking shitty bumps into tacks and lighttubes and stuff.But there are backyard feds out there that have talent and actually put wrestling moves and athelticism on display.While theyre not exactly professionals,they can do some really amazing stuff considering they are just fans in a plaground. With that said,I think it would be a much better idea for those yarders to go get some training and work the indys while they still can wrestle,just so they can get some recognition and get paid for their hobby.
oh dear god. I just looked up some FVWA vids on yootoob after that "Heretic" link and...

You guys are awesome. I really wish I was like you. Never before in my life have I seen so many WWE & TNA moves ripped off and botched so well as in your promotion. And you all seem to be terribly fat or ridiculously scrawny yet you can pull off such 5 star vids as the ones I've seen (that in itself speaks volumes for the kids of today). You even manage to get midgets in on the act too. So touching.

If I ever become a millionaire, I'm gonna buy you guys out, just so I can employ you to jump off the roof of my mansion into some stinging nettles, just for my sick, twisted, millionaire pleasures.

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