Ba-Bomb is a fucking moron. Prove it here.

Serious Mozzarella

Special Victims Unit
So this little gem came out of the Newswire today:

Firstly, When was the last time homosexuals were "actively hunted down, tortured and killed" for any reason? Not any time in recent history that's for sure.

So I figured I'd gather a list of hate crimes against homosexuals. Starting with something that's on the news right now.

CNN said:
Atlanta (CNN) -- Police have identified three men seen on a video brutally beating a young man and shouting anti-gay slurs in Atlanta.
No names have been released. Nor has anyone been charged yet in the February 4 beating of Brandon White, 20, outside a convenience store in a working class neighborhood in southwest Atlanta.

Feel free to add to the list, or add other things that proves this guy's idiocy.
I was actually kind of appreciating his post initially. Not because I thought he was right - I don't, not by a long shot - but because I appreciate that sort of unapologetic defence of religion; not diluting something which you hold as sacred to appease others. However, then he hit us with this:

It's been getting worse and worse since the turn of the last century with Darwinism, Atheism, and later Secularism. I'd also like to ask what blowback Christianity has earned here in the short existence of the Unites States? Okay, homosexuals have a legit gripe, but they are also in direct contradiction of something laid out very clearly in the Bible as an abomination. With the advancement of science and research into the homosexual lifestyle and trends within the homosexual community there are far more reasons beyond strictly religious beliefs to oppose is as well. The health risks alone, susceptibility to mental illness and pre existing mental illness in many, the heightened risk of rape from other homosexuals, increased risk and susceptibility to drug and alcohol addiction, suicide rates, etc.... all point to an inevitable fact that there is not just something but a lot wrong with it and you can't just try to blame that shit on "the oppression of society". Society doesn't make them BE gay, make them do the things they do, and is not responsible for their actions.

Sly's reaction mirrors my own:

I'm literally dumbfounded that any person in this day and age can actually believe what you're saying. Seriously, I'm doing everything I can to tell you have incredibly fucking stupid and insulting your comment is.

It's not grammatically correct but I think that just emphasises how dumbfounded he was, and by extension how dumbfounded I was.
Every single one of his post in that thread are the exact reasons I began doubting god.

If god did exist and he read those same post, I'm sure he would be questioning himself too.
So you don't believe in God because a right wing Christian has a warped view on what the Bible says?
"Love God and you neighbor as yourself" - 'The 10 Commandments' summed up in 7 words. Young Mr Bomb should remember this before trying to remove specks from peoples eyes, the plank in his own is apparently blinding him from the obvious.
I was actually kind of appreciating his post initially. Not because I thought he was right - I don't, not by a long shot - but because I appreciate that sort of unapologetic defence of religion; not diluting something which you hold as sacred to appease others. However, then he hit us with this:

Sly's reaction mirrors my own:

It's not grammatically correct but I think that just emphasises how dumbfounded he was, and by extension how dumbfounded I was.
It was grammatically correct, just with the wrong words. I left out "everything I can not to tell" and I replaced "how" with "have". I tend to do that after a day at work. Although your explanation sounds much better.
So you don't believe in God because a right wing Christian has a warped view on what the Bible says?

No, I started doubting the idea of a god when I was 12 and after 8 years of buying and reading 17 books on and around the subject from different viewpoints, using what I know about science, looking into the rationale and ideas logically, and reasoning I came to that conclusion.
He's a fucking idiot. How anyone could believe everything he says is beyond me and he really needs to get his facts straight. Just because you're a homosexual, it doesn't mean you have a higher risk of getting diseases, nor are we more likely to have drug or alcohol addictions and all of the other things he listed are wrong. It still amazes me how people can be so stupid and ignorant in this day and age.
Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage;3710136 said:
The fact that you're now a witch of some sort, surely opens you up to a lot more ignorance, no?
I like the term Wiccan myself. And yes I have been on the receiving end of some pretty ignorant comments
Did you go to one of these? Did anyone else go to a "Jesus Camp" growing up? I saw the movie years ago and was pretty disturbed but I convinced myself that it was just a combination of a one-off place mixed with media sensationalism.

I would sincerely like to here about people's experiences.

Thankfully no, I was in two Christian based clubs when I was younger (the Boy's Brigade and a Saturday night club in the cellar of our church) but these were mainly enjoyable things with a christian bit threw in at the end. My spell with the BB had summer trips each year, but (again) the christian aspects were very much a smaller part of the experience... or I wouldn't have been there!

I can respect Christians who actually live their lives according to the Bible but I have no time for those who cannot see that hiding their biases under "The Bible says..." because they are conveniently ignoring how they are meant to be living their lives by the doctrine of their own faith.
I have no time for those who cannot see that hiding their biases under "The Bible says..." because they are conveniently ignoring how they are meant to be living their lives by the doctrine of their own faith.

As a Christian myself, I have no time nor tolerance for these types myself, whatsoever.

But at the same time, I don't care if people use generalizations and lump me in with the people you described. Because I know who I am, and I'm secure in what I believe that if people base their opinion of me based on the ignorance of others, so what?

People like him are the reason I'm glad I'm not a Christian anymore

People shouldn't make you glad or not to be or not be who you are, it should be pride and belief in the conclusions you've come to about life. Anytime I hear statements like this, it annoys me.

I'm sure there are people of your practices who misrepresent it and make it look bad in the eyes of the public. But if you own what you belief and live by the beliefs practiced of your faith, it shouldn't matter, right?
Oddly, as a Christian myself, I have no time for these types myself, whatsoever.

Every Church has it's share of them, if you are fortunate they are the exception rather than the rule. Unfortunately, with my wee Country's history, the rule is all too often the case in congregations.
As a Christian myself, I have no time nor tolerance for these types myself, whatsoever.

But at the same time, I don't care if people use generalizations and lump me in with the people you described. Because I know who I am, and I'm secure in what I believe that if people base their opinion of me based on the ignorance of others, so what?
anyone who lumps you in with him is an idiot.

After our few conversations I've noticed you're one of the most open minded people here
People shouldn't make you glad or not to be or not be who you are, it should be pride and belief in the conclusions you've come to about life. Anytime I hear statements like this, it annoys me.
That came out wrong I am proud and I honestly believe I made the right choice and that is the main reason. People like him however make me want to put my fist through the wall and they are a part of why I was never happy as a Christian. I hate when people judge people based on stupid shit .

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